Front cover image for Labor Economics From A Free Market Perspective : Employing The Unemployable

Labor Economics From A Free Market Perspective : Employing The Unemployable

Block Walter, Walter Block (Contributor)
Labor is the most important of the three traditional factors of production (land, labor and capital), accounting for some 75% of the GDP. It is therefore important to focus on issues of labor economics. In this book the approach taken will be that of the free market philosophy of libertarianism, the perspective that allows the maximum of freedom, consistent with the responsibility of all to respect the equal rights of all others. The position of this book on unions is unique outside of the libertarian movement, and this is indicative of its analysis of several other issues, such as minimum wages. For scholars on the left, it is almost true that unions can do no wrong (for Marxists, they do not do enough, but that is another story). Their role is to raise wages for the workingman, and this task is almost unstintingly applauded. Conservatives, on the other hand, oppose unions root and branch (except for their support of foreign wars, which is also another story). To this end they support a welter of regulations, designed to reduce their power: limitations of check offs, forced secret ballots, etc. For libertarians, the analysis depends, intimately, on whether or not these are voluntary organizations. If they are, there is no more justification for imposing secret ballots on them than to do so for the chess or garden club. If they are not, they should not be weakened by restrictions, but, rather, banned, and their leaders
eBook, English, 2008
World Scientific, 2008
1 online resource (xxiii, 393 pages) : illustrations
9789814277334, 9789812705686, 9814277339, 9812705686
Available in another form:
I. Wage determination. 1. Promotion, turnover and preemptive wage offers / Walter Block and Robert A. Lawson. 2. Globalization and the concept of subsistence wages / Walter Block, Jerry Dauterive, and John Levendis. 3. Labor market disputes: a comment on Albert Rees' "Fairness in Wage Distribution" / Walter Block. 4. The discounted marginal value product-marginal value product controversy: a note / Walter Block
II. Unions. Is it possible to reconcile unions with the libertarian legal code? / Walter Block. 6. Labor relations, unions and collective bargaining: a political economic analysis / Walter Block. 7. Labor union policies: gains or pains? / Jason Evans and Walter Block. 8. The yellow dog contract: bring it back! / Walter Block. 9. An economic and ethical analysis of unions / Walter Block. 10. Comment on Richard B. Freeman's "Labor Markets and Institutions in Economic Development" / Walter Block
III. The minimum wage. 11. A primer on jobs and the jobless / Walter Block. 12. The minimum wage: does it really help workers? / Paul McCormick and Walter Block. 13. Delusions of rising wages / Walter Block. 14. The minimum wage once again / Walter Block. 15. Heritage stumbles on minimum wage / Walter Block. 16. The living wage: what's wrong? / Walter Block and William Barnett II. 17. Critique of the minimum wage petition / Walter Block
IV. Immigration. 18. A libertarian case for free immigration / Walter Block. 19. Is there a right to immigration?: a libertarian perspective / Walter Block and Gene Callahan. 20. On immigration: reply to Hoppe / Anthony Gregory and Walter Block
V. Redistributive justice. 21. On reparations to blacks for slavery / Walter Block. 22. The economics and ethics of land reform: a critique of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace's "Toward a Better Distribution of Land: The Challenge of Agrarian Reform" / Walter Block and Guillermo Yeatts
VI. Fringe benefits. 23. Comments on Thomason and Burton, Bruce and Atkins, Anderson and Meyer, and Green and Riddell: worker's compensation and unemployment insurance in the US and Canada / Walter Block. 24. Comment on Hum and Simpson: guaranteed annual unemployment / Gary M. Anderson and Walter Block
VII. Other topics in labor economics. 25. The division of labor under homogeneity: a critique of Mises and Rothbard / Walter Block, Per Henrik Hansen and Peter G. Klein. 26. Academic tenure: an economic critique / Robert W. McGee and Walter E. Block. 27. Comment on Canice Prendergast's "A Theory of 'Yes men' " / Walter Block. 28. Cyberslacking, business ethics and managerial economics / Walter Block. 29. Paternalism in agricultural labor contracts in the US South: implications for the growth of the welfare state / Walter Block