Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2001: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixth Congress, Second SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 2000 |
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327. lappuse
... materials to meet its Congressional mandate to " educate and inform covered employees , including , if appropriate , employees of GAO and the Library . The materials will include the Guide to the Congressional Accountability Act ...
... materials to meet its Congressional mandate to " educate and inform covered employees , including , if appropriate , employees of GAO and the Library . The materials will include the Guide to the Congressional Accountability Act ...
336. lappuse
... Materials C. Program Type Changes 1. Legislation 2. Workload A. B. Personnel Compensation Personnel Benefits C. Travel D. Rent , Communication , and Utilities E. Printing and Reproduction F. Other Services G. Supplies and Materials 3 ...
... Materials C. Program Type Changes 1. Legislation 2. Workload A. B. Personnel Compensation Personnel Benefits C. Travel D. Rent , Communication , and Utilities E. Printing and Reproduction F. Other Services G. Supplies and Materials 3 ...
455. lappuse
... MATERIALS ABATEMENT 112,000 C 1996 105,000 137,176 200,000 200,000 2526 OEEO / CONCILIATION PROGRAMS SUPPORT 1996 140,000 60,528 88,000 88,000 2527 NFC PAYROLL SYSTEMS 320,000 C 1996 300,000 294,412 275,000 300,000 2528 ...
... MATERIALS ABATEMENT 112,000 C 1996 105,000 137,176 200,000 200,000 2526 OEEO / CONCILIATION PROGRAMS SUPPORT 1996 140,000 60,528 88,000 88,000 2527 NFC PAYROLL SYSTEMS 320,000 C 1996 300,000 294,412 275,000 300,000 2528 ...
466. lappuse
... materials used to control hazardous materials are purchased from this fund . CB.25 Contractual Services for Safety Personnel Fund are utilized for hiring. The works in critical condition and a majority of those in immediate need of ...
... materials used to control hazardous materials are purchased from this fund . CB.25 Contractual Services for Safety Personnel Fund are utilized for hiring. The works in critical condition and a majority of those in immediate need of ...
474. lappuse
... routine annual maintenance , including power washing , to the exterior stonework and other masonry to avoid costly repairs and building damage . Hazardous Materials Abatement Asbestos containing materials in the Capitol Building 474.
... routine annual maintenance , including power washing , to the exterior stonework and other masonry to avoid costly repairs and building damage . Hazardous Materials Abatement Asbestos containing materials in the Capitol Building 474.
Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
12 Personnel Benefits 2001 Budget Estimate Amount FTE ANALYSIS OF CHANGE annual Appropriation Architect Beginning in Fiscal BUDGET BASE Budget Projects Beginning budget request Capital Budget Projects Capitol Buildings Salaries Capitol Complex Capitol Police Capitol Police Board Capitol Power Plant CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION Congressional Congressional Budget Office Congressional Cemetery COST OF LIVING Cyclical Maintenance Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars FTE Dollars FTE 000 employees facility fiscal year 1999 Fiscal Year 2001 FTE Amount FTE Dollars 000 FY 00 COST HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House Office Buildings HVAC Improvement installation Insurance Claims/Indeminities Joint Committee staff Library of Congress Library's LIVING ADJUSTMENT Maint MANDATORY PAY Operating Budget PAY AND RELATED PRICE LEVEL CHANGES Printing and Reproduction PROGRAM TYPE CHANGES renovation REPAIRS replacement requested in fiscal Safety Salaries and Expenses Security Senate Office Buildings Supplies and Materials Total U.S. CAPITOL POLICE United States Capitol Upgrade Wayfinding
Populāri fragmenti
258. lappuse - Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Oversight of the House Committee on Ways and Means, 102d Cong., 2d Sees.
339. lappuse - Specifically, members of the Senate Finance Committee, the House Ways and Means Committee, the House...