| Max John Christian Meiklejohn - 1898 - 292 lapas
...boards out of sawdust; and one enterprising rascal, confident in the gullibility of the times, started a company 'for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is.' Even for this last mad project £2000 was subscribed in cash, and then the company-promoter disappeared,... | |
| Boris Sidis - 1898 - 428 lapas
...into a malleable fine metal." Such were the nature of the projects. Some bold speculator started " A company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is." In his prospectus the speculator stated that the required capital was half a million, in five thousand... | |
| John Ashton - 1898 - 308 lapas
...penalty of £500 for any broker buying or selling any shares in them. Among these companies was one " for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is." Another was " for a wheel for perpetual motion, one million"; and another " for the transmutation of... | |
| Henry Duff Traill, James Saumarez Mann - 1899 - 650 lapas
...or mere cheats," were floated ; " a company for a wheel for perpetual motion, £1 ,000,000 " ; " a company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is" (this ingenious promoter got 1,000 subscriptions by midday, and decamped with them that afternoon *)... | |
| W. Duncan McKim - 1900 - 308 lapas
...No. 17 in this list will serve as a fair sample of the credulity of the period. It was entitled, ' A company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is / ' The projector of this cleared £2000 in five hours, and decamped." 1 Appendix 9.As illustration... | |
| 1900 - 776 lapas
...that all women are not prone to invest in women's bank schemes, in Keeley motors, or in enterprises for " carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is." One of my friends recently visited the office of a company which proposed to produce power without... | |
| Claude de La Roche Francis - 1902 - 612 lapas
...companies were started, the one for "a promising design to be hereinafter promulgated," and the other for " carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is." Such a state of affairs could naturally not long endure, and in 1720 the crash came. So tremendous... | |
| Howard Irving Smith - 1903 - 560 lapas
...etc. There were instances of shares reaching a premium of 2,000 per cent. One projector announced a "Company for carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is; every subscriber who deposits £2 per share to be entitled to £100 per annum." This individual in... | |
| Edward Jenks - 1903 - 480 lapas
...transmutation of quicksilver into a malleable fine metal, for erecting salt-pans in Holy Island, for carrying an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is. The state of the public mind is best shown by the fact that the oromoter of the last ingenious scheme... | |
| Moses Hull - 1904 - 460 lapas
...coarse sugars without fire or the loss of substance. Sixth. For extracting sulphur from lead. Seventh. For carrying on an undertaking of great advantage, but nobody to know what it is. How much this last resembles a dark seance! In that magnificent enterprise, "Nobody to know what it... | |
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