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" ... to citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become such... "
Report on Forestry - 14. lappuse
autors: United States. Forest Service - 1880
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1860 - 782 lapas
...said even numbered sections mentioned in the preceding section, and sold since the reservation thereof at the minimum price of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, shall be entitled to receive from the Commissioner of the General Land Office a certificate of the...
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Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting Report Upon the ...

United States. Department of the Treasury, John Ross Browne - 1867 - 326 lapas mineral lands, which have been excluded from survey and sale, there have been homesteads made by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, which homesteads have been made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon which...
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House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., 7. sējums

United States. Congress. House - 1867 - 780 lapas mineral lands, which have been excluded from survey and sale, there have been homesteads made by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, which homesteads have been made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon which...
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The Mines of Colorado

Ovando James Hollister - 1867 - 482 lapas mineral lands, which have been excluded from survey and sale, there have been homesteads made by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, which homesteads have been made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon which...
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Reports Upon the Mineral Resources of the United States

John Ross Browne, James Wickes Taylor - 1867 - 374 lapas mineral lands, which bave been excluded from survey and sale, there have been homesteads made by citizens of the United States, or persons who -have declared their intention to become citizens, which homesteads have been made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon which...
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Manual of United States Surveying: System of Rectangular Surveying Employed ...

J. H. Hawes - 1868 - 252 lapas mineral lands, which have been excluded from survey and sale, there have been homesteads made by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, which homesteads have been made, improved, and used for agricultural purposes, and upon which...
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Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and ...

John Ross Browne, United States. Department of the Treasury - 1868 - 756 lapas
...injury of settlers, liable in damages. Section 10. Homesteads may, prior to the passage of this act, by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, but on which lands no valuable mines of gold, silver, cinnabar, or copper have been discovered,...
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Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and ...

United States. Dept. of the Treasury, John Ross Browne - 1868 - 764 lapas
...injury of settlers, liublo in damages. Section 10. Homesteads innv, prior to the passage of this act. bv citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their Intention to become citizens, but on which lands no valuable mines of gold, silver, cinnabar, or copper havo been discovered,...
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Resources of the Pacific Slope: A Statistical and Descriptive Summary of the ...

John Ross Browne - 1869 - 878 lapas
...injury of settlers, liable in damages. Section 10. Homesteads may, prior to the passage of this act, by citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become citizens, but on which lands no valuable mines of gold, silver, cinnabar, or copper have been discovered,...
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Wisconsin Session Laws

Wisconsin - 1869 - 320 lapas
...and sixty acres or fractional quarter section, according to the government survey of public lands, at the minimum price of two dollars and fifty cents per acre, whenever the railroad company or companies shall have con- • Btructed twenty miles of railroad, so...
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