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" All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just;... "
The Law of Interstate Commerce and Its Federal Regulation - 213. lappuse
autors: Frederick Newton Judson - 1912 - 805 lapas
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Transportation Policy: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1956 - 1964 lapas
...or to be rendered by any common carrier by motor vehicle engaged in interstate or foreign commerce in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid or in connection therewith shall be not less than just and reasonable minimum charges nor more than just and reasonable maximum...
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United States Supreme Court Reports, 42. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1926 - 1212 lapas
...subject of this brief: "Sec. 1. ... All charges made for any services rendered or to be rendered in tbe transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid,...delivering, storage, or handling of such property, «ball be reasonable and just; and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited...
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Transportation Policy: Digest, Analysis, and Index of Testimony of the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1957 - 244 lapas
...Paragraph (5) of section 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, is amended to read as follows : "(5) All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, shall be not less than just and reasonable minimum charges nor...
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Laws Relating to Interstate and Foreign Commerce

United States - 1957 - 750 lapas
...participating therein which shall not unduly prefer or prejudice any of such participating carriers. "(5) All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property or in the transmission of intelligence by wire or wireless as aforesaid, or in connection...
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The Interstate Commcerce Act: Together with Text of Supplmentary Acts and ...

United States - 1958 - 668 lapas
...Stat. 544. 41 Stat. 475. Free passes and free transportation prohibited. 62 Stst. 602. 54 Stat. 900. charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable...
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Laws Relating to Shipping and Merchant Marine

United States - 1960 - 924 lapas
...other matters relating to or connected with such transportation in interstate or foreign commerce. All charges made for any service rendered or to as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service or any part...
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Amending Parts 2 and 4 of Interstate Commerce Act Reparations

United States. Congress. House. Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1961 - 116 lapas
...interstate or foreign commerce in the transportation of * * * property shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such...* * * is prohibited and declared to be unlawful." Under the present interpretation of the statute, a tariff rate filed by a motor carrier or freight...
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Mississippi Reports ... Being Cases Argued and Decided in the ..., 114. sējums

Mississippi. Supreme Court - 1917 - 1036 lapas
...and for the transmission of messages by telegraph, telephone or cable shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful provided that messages by telephone, telegraph or cable subject to the provisions of the act may be...
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Interstate Commerce Commission Reports: Reports and Decisions of the ...

United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1968 - 974 lapas
...or to be rendered by any common carrier by motor vehicle engaged in interstate or foreign commerce in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid or in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service or any part...
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Federal Laws, Regulations, and Material Relating to the Federal Highway ...

United States. Federal Highway Administration - 1970 - 500 lapas
...or to be rendered by any common carrier by motor vehicle engaged in interstate or foreign commerce in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid or in connection therewith shall be just and reasonable, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service or any part...
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