... nothing in this Act contained shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing at common law or by statute, but the provisions of this Act are in addition to such remedies; provided, that no pending litigation shall in any way be affected... Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission - 75. lappuseautors: United States. Interstate Commerce Commission - 1888Pilnskats - Par šo grāmatu
 | 1890 - 890 lapas
...construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes, or to provent the principal officers of any railroad company or companies from exchanging passes or ticket* with other railroad companies for their officers and employes ; and nothing in this act contained... | |
 | Charles Fisk Beach (Jr.) - 1890 - 818 lapas
...be construed to prevent rail" roads from giving free carriage to their own officers " and employees, or to prevent the principal officers " of any railroad company or companies from exB&ACU ox RAILWAYS ISO " changing passes or tickets with other railroad COL " panics for their... | |
 | California. Legislature - 1891 - 491 lapas
...shall be construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employes, or to prevent the principal officers of any railroad...with other railroad companies for their officers and employes; and nothing in this Act contained shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies now existing... | |
 | Railroad Commission of the State of Florida - 1891 - 286 lapas
...shall be construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers and employees, or to prevent the principal officers of any railroad...or tickets with other railroad companies for their 0?Jcers and employees; and nothing in this act contained shall in any way abridge or alter the remedies... | |
 | Nebraska, Joseph Elliott Cobbey - 1891 - 1382 lapas
...shall be construed to prevent railroads from giving free carriage to their own officers or employees, or to prevent the principal officers of any railroad...exchanging passes or tickets with other railroad companies to their officers and employees or others, and nothing in this act contained shall I'D any way abridge... | |
 | Iowa State Commerce Commission - 1892 - 960 lapas
...commissioners to take some action iu relation thereto. The act jnst referred to provides that "Nothing in this act contained shall in any way abridge or...common law or by statute, but the provisions of this ast are in addition to such remedies," and the repealing clause reads as follows: " All laws now in... | |
 | North Carolina. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1892 - 684 lapas
...carriage to their own officers and employees or to prevent the principal officers of any interchange of railroad company or companies from exchanging passes...tickets with other railroad companies for their officers Remedies at com- and employees; and nothing in this act contained shall rnon law or by r abridged.01... | |
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