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Grāmatas Grāmatas
" Territory, or district thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars; one.half to the use of the informer. "
A National Incorporation Law - 50. lappuse
autors: Horace La Fayette Wilgus - 1904 - 134 lapas
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United States Congressional Serial Set

1908 - 452 lapas
...States and a place in any other State, Territory, or district thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars; one-half to the use of the informer. (See ss. 4278-4280.) SEC. 234. SEC. 234. SEC. 5355. Every person...
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Exporters' Encyclopaedia, 7. sējums

1911 - 882 lapas
...articles above referred to for shipment by a vessel carrying passengers shall be punished by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand HAZARDOUS CABCJO. — (Continued.) dollars. In view of the above, shippers must always obtain a "special...
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