| United States - 1997 - 776 lapas
...from disclosing that records have been obtained or that a request for records has been made, except that, if the records have been sought by a Government...Emergency Economic Powers Act (title II, Public Law 95-223), or section 5 of the United Nations Participation Act (22 USC 287c), and the court finds that... | |
 | Ricardo Alarcón - 1997 - 106 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ] | |
 | Ricardo Alarcón - 1997 - 104 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ] | |
 | United States - 1997 - 1412 lapas
...imposed against Cuba pursuant to section 620(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 USC 2370(a)), section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act (50 USC App. 5(b)), the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 (22 USC 6001 and following), or any other provision of law; and (B) the... | |
 | United States - 1998 - 1904 lapas
...imposed against Cuba pursuant to section 620(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 USC 2370(a)), section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act (50 USC App. 5(b)), the Cuban Democracy Act of 1992 (22 USC 6001 and following), or any other provision of law; and (B) the... | |
 | United States - 2000 - 1764 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ] | |
 | United States - 2001 - 860 lapas
...from disclosing that records have been obtained or that a request for records has been made, except that, if the records have been sought by a Government...the United States under section 5(b) of the Trading wit It the Enemy Act (50 USC App. 5(b)), the International EmergencyEconomic Powers Act (title ft,... | |
 | Eugene Wollan - 2002 - 566 lapas
[ Atvainojiet, šīs lappuses saturs ir ierobežots. ] | |
 | Sean D. Murphy - 2003 - 546 lapas
...16 BERKELEY J. INT'L L. 71 (1998). 11 In describing the blocking statutes, the amendment refers to "section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 USC, app. §5(b) (1994), section 620(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 22 USC §2370(a) (1994), sections 202... | |
 | David Cortright, George A. Lopez - 2002 - 282 lapas
...200I ). 25. OFAC derives its authority from the US president's rather wide-ranging powers available under section 5(b) of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 USC App. I-44(TWEA). and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 USC 1701-1706 (lEEPA) when it engages... | |
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