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" Congress to — (1) equip itself with new and effective means for securing competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects of such applications; and (2) utilize this information, whenever appropriate,... "
Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1995: Hearings Before a ... - 132. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch - 1994 - 393 lapas
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Vietnam Veterans' Readjustment: Hearings Before the Committee on Veterans ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Veterans' Affairs - 1980 - 1508 lapas
...impacts of the applications of technology." It also charged OTA to provide Congress vith "competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, and political effects of such applications." OTA's formation was stimulated by the need to assess the effects of technologies such as supersonic...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Veterans' Affairs - 1980 - 2114 lapas
...impacts of the applications of technology." It also charged OTA to provide Congress vlth "competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, and political effects of such applications." OTA's formation was stimulated by the need to assess the effects of technologies •uch as supersonic...
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Congressional Serial Set

1981 - 870 lapas
...necessary for the Congress to— (1) equip itself with new and effective means for securing competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological,, and political effects of such applications; and (2) utilize this information, whenever appropriate, as one factor in the legislative assessement...
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Oversight Hearing on the Office of Technology Assessment: Hearing Before the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Rules and Administration - 1982 - 86 lapas
...Assessment to provide the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives with what was described as "unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects" of technology. OTA was to provide an early appraisal of the probable impacts, positive and negative, of...
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Legislative branch appropriations for 1984: hearings before a subcommittee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations - 1983 - 1098 lapas relevant today as when it was written. It calls for OTA to be the "means for securing competent unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects of such (technology) applications." (2) Methods and Process. — Considerable effort is required in order to...
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Legislative branch appropriations for 1985: hearings before a ..., 1. daļa

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations - 1984 - 828 lapas
...created OTA calls upon Congress to "(1) equip Itself with new and effective means for securing competent, unbiased Information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects of such (technological) applications; and (2) utilize this Information, whenever appropriate, as one factor...
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Support Agencies: Hearing Before the Joint Committee on the Organization of ...

United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress - 1993 - 1608 lapas
...premise that Congress needed to "equip itself with new and effective means for securing competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects" of the applications of technology This information was to include "early indications" of the impacts of...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1995: Hearings Before a ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch - 1994 - 428 lapas
...and other mechanisms needed in stations; accessible rest rooms; reservation systems' and assisti ve devices for persons with sensory and cognitive disabilities....Congress (through its Board). OTA has developed a process with a nation-wide network of thousands of expert advisors. The ability of OTA to fine-tune a high...
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Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1995: Appendix

United States. Office of Management and Budget - 1994 - 1094 lapas
...created by Public Law 92—484 to equip Congress with new and effective means for securing competent, hi =* `[u w ̸ W W%r Y d u ɀ technological applications; and to serve as an aid in the legislative assessment of matters pending...
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Legislative Branch Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1996

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch - 1995 - 708 lapas
...Senator GRASSLEY. Thank you very much. As you have been told so often, OTA is, according to the statutes, an aid in the identification of existing and probable...technological application to secure unbiased information. Of congressional agencies that I am acquainted with, OTA has filled this very well, and yet is the...
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