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" That any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits of this act. shall, within twelve months after the location of any section of twenty miles of its road, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after... "
Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying Documents]. - 283. lappuse
autors: United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1879
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United States Congressional Serial Set

1910 - 772 lapas
...purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. SEC. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of 10 miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands within twelve...
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The Pacific Reporter, 104. sējums

1910 - 1180 lapas
...purposes under authority of the respective states or territories. "Sec. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of Its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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Pamphlets on Forest Policy, 2. sējums

1910 - 566 lapas
...first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. SEC. 4. That any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months Filing of map. after the location of any section of twenty Surveyed and un- llliles °f lts road, if...
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Statutes of the United States of America, 1. daļa

United States - 1910 - 886 lapas
...of the center line of same. SEC. 2. That any citizen of the United States, company, or corporation ty of a receipt ten miles of the pipe line, if the same be upon surveyed land, and if the same, be upon unsurveyed...
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The Pacific Reporter, 104. sējums

1910 - 1304 lapas
...the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve mouths after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the land office for...
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Water Rights in the Western States: The Law of Prior ..., 2. sējums

Samuel Charles Wiel - 1911 - 1112 lapas
...the respective States or Territories. "Sec. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to securf the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands within twelve...
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American and British Claims Arbitration

1913 - 1000 lapas
...purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. SEC. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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Laws Applicable to the United States Department of Agriculture

United States - 1913 - 456 lapas
...approval thereof; damages for injuries to possessions of settlers. SEC. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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The Life of Preston B. Plumb, 1837-1891: United States Senator from Kansas ...

William Elsey Connelley - 1913 - 506 lapas
...purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. Sec. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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Construction of Railroads in Alaska: Hearings Before the Committee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Territories - 1913 - 732 lapas
...on which said ,preliminary survey and plat shall pass subject to such right of way. SEC. 5. That any company desiring to secure the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after filing the preliminary map of location of its roads as hereinbefore prescribed, whether upon surveyed...
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