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" That any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits of this act. shall, within twelve months after the location of any section of twenty miles of its road, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after... "
Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying Documents]. - 283. lappuse
autors: United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1879
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Regulations Concerning Railroads Claiming Right of Way Over the Public Lands ...

United States. General Land Office - 1894 - 24 lapas
...first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. SEC. 4. That any railroad company desiring to secure the...location of any section of twenty miles of its road, if 3 the same Ъе upon surveyed lands, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after the...
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Regulations Concerning Right of Way for Canals, Ditches, and Reservoirs Over ...

United States, United States. General Land Office - 1894 - 26 lapas
...purposes under authority of the respective States or Territories. SEO. 19. That any canal or ditcli company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, withiu twelve...
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A Treatise on the Law of Irrigation: Including the Law of Water-rights and ...

Clesson Selwyne Kinney - 1894 - 854 lapas
...purposes under the authority of the respective States and territories. " Sec. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this Act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 18. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1894 - 664 lapas
...the benefits of this act shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve mouths after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the laud office for...
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Circular from the General Land Office Showing the Manner of Proceeding to ...

United States. General Land Office - 1895 - 296 lapas
...purposes under anthority of the respective States or Territories. SEC. 19. That any canal or ditch company desiring to secure the benefits of this act...shall, within twelve months after the location of ten miles of its canal, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve...
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Compilation of Public Timber Laws and Regulations and Decisions Thereunder ...

United States. General Land Office - 1897 - 168 lapas, stone, and timber necessary for the construction of said railroad; * » * * * * * » * * SEC. 4. That any railroad company desiring to secure the...and, if upon unsurveyed lands, within twelve months af;er the survey thereof by the United States, file with the register of the land office for the district...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of Utah in Force Jan. 1, 1898

Utah - 1897 - 1260 lapas
...of its road. Any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits of this section shall, immediately after the location of any section of twenty miles of its road. if the same be upon surveyed lauds, and, if upon unsurveyed lands, immediately after the official survey thereof, file with the...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 23. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1897 - 662 lapas
...and stone necessary for the construction of said pipe line. SRC. 2. That any company or corporation desiring to secure the benefits of this Act shall, within twelve months after the. location of ten miles of the pipe lino, if the same be upon surveyed lands and if the same be upon unsurveyed lands,...
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The Pacific Reporter, 51. sējums

1898 - 1198 lapas
...unsurveyed public lands of the United States, and the fourth section of the act last named provides: "That any railroad company desiring to secure the...unsurveyed lands, within twelve months after the survey chereof by the United States, file wl'th the register of the land office for the district where such...
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Decisions of the Department of the Interior and the General Land ..., 26. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1898 - 772 lapas
...section of the act of March 3, 1875 (nupra), under which the present application is filed, provides: That any railroad company desiring to secure the benefits...road, if the same be upon surveyed lands, and, if upon uneurveyed lands, within twelve months after the survey thereof by the United States, file with the...
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