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" Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank .you, Colonel Heiss. "
Additional Appropriations Incident to the National Defense, Fiscal Years ... - 60. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1941 - 64 lapas
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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Problem: Hearings Before the Committee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1953 - 288 lapas
...need of having a central regulatory body to control this traffic. Mr. CAMPBELL. That is essential, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions? If not. we thank you, Mr. Campbell, for your appearance and contribution you have made to the committee. STATEMENT OF...
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Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Problem. Hearings ... on H.R. 1555 ...

United States. Congress. House. Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1953 - 190 lapas
...need of having a central regulatory body to control this traffic. Mr. CAMPBELL. That is essential, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not. we thank you, Mr. Campbell, for your appearance and contribution you have made to the committee. STATEMENT OF...
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Miscellaneous Hearings: Hearings Before 83-2 on H.R. 7997 ... S. 1990 and S ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture - 1954 - 210 lapas
...provided in the bills that we have before us. I think we understand each other thoroughly. Mr. LYNN. Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank you very much, Mr. Lynn, for your excellent statement. I am sure it will be very helpful to the committee....
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Price-support Program: Hearings Before the Committee on ..., 1-3. daļas

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - 1955 - 1562 lapas
...thing as importing the meat. As you know, it is translated into meat, sooner or later. Mr. HELMICK. Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank you very much. Mr. HEL.MICK. Thank you. The CHAIRMAN. Has Mr. Sayre come in as yet? If not, our next...
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Trade Agreements Extension: Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1955 - 1254 lapas
...this bill and got it introduced, we ought to have him here to tell us what is in the bill. Thank 3*00, sir. The CHAIRMAN-. Are there any further questions? If not, we thank you again for your appearance and the information given the committee. I have received a letter from...
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Customs Simplification Act of 1955: Hearings Before the Committee on Ways ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1955 - 140 lapas
...on the multiple system, we are not approaching the multiple-rate system in this bill? Mr. ROSE. No, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions? If not, we thank you, Mr. Rose, for your appearance and for the information that you have given the committee. Mr. ROSE....
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Customs Simplification Act of 1955 ...: Hearings ... on H.R. 6040 ... May 23 ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1955 - 140 lapas
...on the multiple system, we are not approaching the multiple-rate system in this bill ? Mr. ROSE. No, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions? If not, we thank you, Mr. Kose, for your appearance and for the information that you have given the committee. Mr. ROSE....
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Sundry Nominations: Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1956 - 138 lapas
...industry. The CHAIRMAN. I think that you and I are pleased to find we have an ally. Senator KTTCHEL. Yes, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank you very much. Mr. MCCLELLAN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. (Thereupon the committee proceeded...
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Social Security Legislation: Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1958 - 1256 lapas compliment the Commissioner on an excellent and most persuasive statement. Mr. BORNN. Thank you, sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank you again. Our next witness is director of the Cook County Department of Public Welfare, Mr. Raymond...
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General Revenue Revision: Hearings Before the Committee on Ways and Means ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1958 - 1176 lapas
...sympathy with you. because it affects many industries in my district. Mr. TRENAM. Yes, sir. Thank you. sir. The CHAIRMAN. Are there any further questions ? If not, we thank you. Our next and final witness this morning is Mr. Horace M. Albright. Mr. Albright, would you come...
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