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" Therefore, because the acts or events of true history have not that magnitude which satisfieth the mind of man, poesy feigneth acts and events greater and more heroical ; because true history propoundeth the successes and issues of actions not so agreeable... "
History of the University and Colleges of Cambridge: Including Notices ... - 227. lappuse
autors: George Dyer - 1814 - 452 lapas
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The Human Intellect: With an Introduction Upon Psychology and the Soul

Noah Porter - 1869 - 704 lapas
...wants of true history have not that magnitude which satisfieth the mind of man, poesy feigneth acts and events greater and more heroical ; because true history...more ordinary and less interchanged, therefore poesy indueth them with more rareness, and more unexpected and alternative variations ; so it appeareth that...
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The Works of Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England, 1. sējums

Francis Bacon - 1844 - 586 lapas
...just in retribution, and more according to revealed providence : because true history represented) actions and events more ordinary, and less interchanged,...endueth them with more rareness, and more unexpected and alternative variations : so as it appeareth that poesy serveth and conferreth to magnanimity, morality,...
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Belgravia: A London Magazine, 25. sējums

1875 - 618 lapas
...the subject, we cannot help recalling Lord Bacon's definition of the function of poetry generally : ' Because true history representeth actions and events...more ordinary, and less interchanged, therefore poesy enditreth them ieith more rareness and more unexpected and alternative varieties. So it appeareth that...
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Belgravia, a London magazine, conducted by M.E. Braddon, 25. sējums

Belgravia - 1875 - 760 lapas
...the subject, we cannot help recalling Lord Bacon's definition of the function of poetry generally : ' Because true history representeth actions and events...more ordinary, and less interchanged, therefore poesy endureth them with more rareness and more unexpected and alternative varieties. So it appeareth that...
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