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" Remedial action may include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) Disciplinary action; or (4) Disqualification for a particular assignment. "
The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America - 843. lappuse
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1988 - 550 lapas
...action. (a) A violation of this part by an employee may be cause for remedial action. Remedial action may include, but is not limited to: ( 1 ) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee of a conflicting interest; (3) Disqualification for a particular assignment; or (4) Disciplinary action...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1977 - 832 lapas
...action. (a) A violation of this part by an employee may be cause for remedial action Remedial action may include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes In assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee of • conflicting Interest; (3) Disqualification for a partícula} assignment; or ' 4) Disciplinary action...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1994 - 288 lapas
...employee or special Government em§706.104 ployee may be cause for remedial action. Remedial action may include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) Disciplinary action which may be in...
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Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of ...

1990 - 714 lapas
...remedial action, and inform the Deputy Counselor of the action taken. Remedial action may inlcude, but is not limited to: ( 1 ) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee of the conflicting interest within a reasonable time, but normally not more than 60 days after notice...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1992 - 424 lapas
...shall be effected in accordance with any applicable laws, executive orders, and regulations and may include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his or her conflicting interest; (3) Disciplinary action; or (4)...
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Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of ...

1998 - 784 lapas
...order immediate action to end such conflict or appearance of conflict of interest. Remedial action may In-clude, but is not limited to (1) changes in assigned duties; (2) divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) disciplinary action; or (4) disqualification...
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Renegotiation Board Regulations Under the Renegotiation Act ..., 19-25. izdevums

United States. Renegotiation Board - 1952 - 616 lapas
...the conflicts or appearance of conflicts of interest. (c) Remedial action under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section may include, but is not limited assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) Disqualification for a particular assignment;...
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The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America

1967 - 690 lapas
...take Immediate action to end the conflicts or appearance of conflicts of interest. Remedial action may include, but is not limited to: (1) Changes in assigned duties; (2) Divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) Disciplinary action; or (4) Disqualification...
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Code of Federal Regulations: Containing a Codification of Documents of ...

1967 - 1180 lapas
...order immediate action to end such conflict or appearance of conflict of interest. Remedial action may include, but is not limited to (1) changes in assigned duties; (2) divestment by the employee or special Government employee of his conflicting interest; (3) disciplinary action; or (4) disqualification...
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United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1971 - 1512 lapas
...the General Counsel who shall recommend snch remedial action as may be necessary. Remedial action may Include but is not limited to (1) changes in assigned...(2) divestment by the employee of his conflicting tateieat. or (S) disqualification from a particular assignment. The employee concerned shall be given...
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