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" ... the faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment in coin, or its equivalent of all the obligations of the United States... "
General Housing: Hearings Before ... 80-2 on S. 866 ... , May 3 Through June ... - 350. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Banking and Currency Committee - 1948 - 1118 lapas
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Ship Mortgage Insurance Legislation

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Merchant Marine - 1958 - 68 lapas discharge all just obligations to the public creditors, * * *, it is hereby provided and declared that the faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment * * *." A pledge of the credit of the United States in the context of contractual liability has no...
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President's Message Disapproving S. 57: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee on Housing - 1959 - 724 lapas
...ten thousand dwelling units without further authorization from the Congress : . *****•• "* * * The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all annual contributions contracted for pursuant to this section, and there is hereby authorized to...
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Federal Grants to States for Elementary and Secondary Schools. 86-1, 1959

United States. Congress. Senate. Labor and Public Welfare - 1959 - 742 lapas
...Commissioner shall make an additional advance to such account in an amount equal to that withdrawn. (c) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all advances contracted to be made to the Federal account in a basic reserve fund pursuant to this...
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Federal Grants to States for Elementary and Secondary Schools: Hearings ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1959 - 546 lapas
...Commissioner shall make an additional advance to such account in an amount equal to that withdrawn. (c) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all advances contracted to be made to the Federal account in a basic reserve fund pursuant to this...
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Laws Relating to Shipping and Merchant Marine

United States - 1960 - 924 lapas
...are amended by striking out the provisos. (d) Section 1103 (d) is amended to read as follows : "(d) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of interest on and the unpaid balance of the principal amount of each mortgage and loan insured under...
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Journal of the Senate of the United States of America

United States. Congress. Senate - 1960 - 868 lapas
...for each year under the Federal grant commitment under this Act with respect to such obligations. (b) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all grants due under Federal grant commitments made under this Act. Federal Capital Grants for Local...
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Urban Mass Transportation--1961: Hearings Before Subcommittee No.3 of ...

United States Congress. House. Banking and Currency Committee - 1961 - 202 lapas
...operation of the mass transportation facilities involved. PLEDGE OF I.'KDI' I: VI, PAYMENT SEC. 5. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of nil amounts contracted for pursuant to section 4; and there is authorized to be appropriated in each...
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Urban Mass Transportation, 1961: Hearings Before Subcommittee No.3 of the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency. Subcommittee No. 3 - 1961 - 212 lapas the operation of the mass transportation facilities involved. PLEDGE OF FEDERAL PAYMENT SEc. 5. The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all amounts contracted for pursuant to section 4; and there is authorized to be appropriated in each...
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Emergency Employment Acceleration Act: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1961 - 268 lapas
...the Council of Economic Advisers, is necessary to fully accomplish the objectives of this Act. (d) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all grants contracted for under this section, and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out...
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Unemployment Situation and Outlook: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1961 - 554 lapas
...the Council of Economic Advisers, is necessary to fully accomplish the objectives of this Act. (d) The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of all grants contracted for under this section, and there are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out...
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