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" An Act Granting the Right of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands, and for Other Purposes "
Report on Forestry - 14. lappuse
autors: United States. Forest Service - 1880
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court, 164. sējums

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1897 - 808 lapas
...Congress subsequently passed another act, approved July 9, 1870, c. 235, entitled " An act to amend an act granting the right of way to ditch and canal...owners over the public lands and for other purposes." 16 Stat. 217, 218. Section 17 of that act is section 2340 of the Revised Statutes, and part of the...
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The Law of Mines and Mining in the United States, 1. sējums

Daniel Moreau Barringer, John Stokes Adams - 1897 - 1028 lapas
...doctrine of right by prior appropriation was recognized by the legislation of Congress in 18t!t). The act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes, passed on the 20th of July of that year, in its ninth section declares ' that whenever, by priority...
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Transactions of the Commonwealth Club of California, 11. sējums

Commonwealth Club of California - 1916 - 722 lapas
...doctrine of right by prior appropriation was recognized by the legislation of Congress in 1866. The act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes, passed on the 26th of July of that year, in its ninth section declares 'that whenever by priority of...
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Circular from the General Land Office: Showing the Manner of Proceeding to ...

United States. General Land Office - 1904 - 508 lapas
...any law of the United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes: And provided further, That none of the rights conferred by the act approved July twenty -sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty -six, entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch...
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Hearings Before the Committee on the Public Lands, House of Representatives ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Lands - 1904 - 132 lapas
...any law of the United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes: And provided further, That none of the rights conferred by the act approved July twenty -sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch...
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United States Reports, Supreme Court: Cases Argued and Adjudged ..., 98. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1904 - 688 lapas
...the water used as before, was not an injury for which damages could be recovered. Id. 0. Under an act entitled "An Act granting the right of way to ditch and canal companies over the public lands, and for other purposes," approved July 26, 186(5 (14 Stat. 251), as...
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Federal and State Forest Laws

1904 - 272 lapas
...262, 14,' Stat., the act approved July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty251<'-Д' S' D332' s'x> entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal p. «ож, KS 2340, p. 432. owners over the public lands, and for other purposes," shall be R Ч ''441...
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Bulletin (United States. Division of Forestry)

1904 - 264 lapas
...262, 14,' Stat., the act approved July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty2nl43?' S' R33|' s'x> entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal 2340, n. 432. owners over the public lands, and for other purposes," shall be 432. ' P abrogated by...
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Mining Rights on the Public Domain: Lode and Placer Claims, Tunnels, Mill ...

Robert Stewart Morrison, Emilio Dominguez De Soto - 1905 - 560 lapas
...canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes. — Approved July 26, 1866. An Act to amend an Act granting the right of way to ditch and canal...owners over the public lands, and for other purposes. — Approved July 9, 1870. An act to promote the development of the mining resources of the United...
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Mills' Irrigation Manual for Lawyers, Irrigation Officers, Engineers and ...

Jared Warner Mills - 1907 - 656 lapas
...AND FORMS. CHAPTER 32. FEDERAL STATUTES AND FORMS. (a) Statutes. RIGHTS OF WAY AND RESERVOIR SITES. An Act granting the right of way to ditch and canal...owners over the public lands and for other purposes. — Approved July 26, 1866, Rev. St., §2339, 14 Stat. 2,53, ch. 263. § 168. Act of July 26, 1866,...
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