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" An Act Granting the Right of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands, and for Other Purposes "
Report on Forestry - 14. lappuse
autors: United States. Forest Service - 1880
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Cases Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, 98. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1879 - 696 lapas
...title from the United States, may not be open to objection. MINING COMPANY v. TARBET. 1. Under an act entitled " An Act granting the right of way to ditch and canal companies over the public lands, and for other purposes."approved .July 2ff, 1860 (14 Stat. 251), as...
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The Little Lawyer; Or, The Farmers', Mechanics', Miners', Laborers', and ...

Henry A. Gaston - 1880 - 336 lapas
...States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes; and provided jurther, that none of the rights conferred by the Act approved...hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An Act granting the Eight of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands and for other purposes," shall be abrogated...
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., 1. sējums

United States. Department of the Interior - 1881 - 1048 lapas of the United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purpose« : And provided further, That none of the rights conferred...twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled "Au act granting the right of way tu ditch and canal owuers over the public lands, and for other purposes,"...
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The U. S. Mining Laws: And the Decisions of the Commissioner of the General ...

Dennis Kingsley Sickels - 1881 - 704 lapas
...patent was so issued to the defendant under and by virtue of the act of Congress approved July 26, 1866, entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public land, and for other purposes;" the act amendatory thereof, approved July 9, 1870, and the act approved...
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Some Account of the Work of Stephen J. Field: As a Legislator, State Judge ...

Chauncey F. Black, Samuel B. Smith - 1881 - 556 lapas
...great industry was never devised by the wisest of legislators. In July, 1866, Congress passed an act entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over public lands, and for other purposes," of which Senator Stewart, of Xevada, was the author. This act,...
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The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1. sējums

United States - 1881 - 746 lapas
...United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes : Right« under And provided further, That none of the rights conferred by the act ¡aw« not imXaire<f aPProved July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty six, entitled(l) R. s....
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Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States ..., 1. sējums

United States - 1881 - 742 lapas
...United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes: Right« under And provided further, That none of the rights conferred by the act SiHvsnôtin^afrèif aPProved «*ц1У twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled(l) RS,...
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Manual of American Mining Law as Practiced in the Western States and ...

William Pratt Wade - 1882 - 458 lapas
...manner prescribed in Section 4 of an act of Congress, approved July twenty-six, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act granting the...owners over the public lands," and for other purposes; nor to prejudice any rights to obtain patents for the same as provided in said act. § 216. Validating...
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The Mining Reports: A Series Containing the Cases on the Law of ..., 1. sējums

Robert Stewart Morrison - 1883 - 768 lapas
...doctrine of right by prior appropriation was recognized by the legislation of Congress in 1866. The act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes, passed on the 26th of July of that year, in its ninth sectiijn declares " that whenever, by priority...
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Political Recollections, 1840 to 1872

George Washington Julian - 1884 - 402 lapas
...thus baffled, and becoming impatient of delay as the session neared its close, called up a House bill entitled " An Act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the Public Lands in the States of California, Oregon and Nevada," and succeeded, by sharp practice, in carrying a motion...
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