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" An Act Granting the Right of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands, and for Other Purposes "
Report on Forestry - 14. lappuse
autors: United States. Forest Service - 1880
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General Laws of the State of Colorado: Comprising that Portion of the ...

Colorado - 1877 - 1182 lapas
...thousand feet or less on any vein or lode in the manner prescribed in section four of an act of congress, and sixty-six, entitled " An Act granting the right...owners over the public lands," and for other purposes; nor to prejudice any rights to obtain patents for the same, as provided in said act. 1809. SEC. 2....
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Report on the Various Projects for the Water Supply of San Francisco, Cal ...

San Francisco (Calif.). Board of Water Commissioners, George Henry Mendell - 1877 - 290 lapas
...of the State of California, and by an Act of Congress of the United States, passed July 25th, 1866, entitled, "An Act granting the right of way to ditch...owners, over the public lands, and for other purposes." At the second dam, heretofore referred to, the Company own by location and purchase from the University...
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United States Reports, Supreme Court: Cases Argued and Adjudged ..., 3. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1877 - 748 lapas
...locality where the same was situated, and in conformity with the act of Congress approved July 26, 1866, granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes. Thereupon judgment was rendered for the defendant. The Supreme Court of Nevada having affirmed it,...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the Circuit and District Courts of ..., 3. sējums

Lorenzo Smith Boswell Sawyer, United States. Circuit Court (9th Circuit) - 1877 - 740 lapas
...provisions of the acts of Congress construed by the court: Section one of the act of Julj' 20, 1866, "granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands, and for other purposes," declares "mineral lands on the public domain to be free and open to exploration and occupation by all...
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Titles to Mines in the United States: With the Statutes and References to ...

William Augustus Harris - 1877 - 170 lapas
...following day, Congress passed the first General Mining Law, intituled " An Act granting the Eight of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over the Public Lands, and for other Purposes." It gave to certain qualified parties a licence from the Government to go upon the land and search for...
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United States Reports, Supreme Court: Cases Argued and Adjudged ..., 6. sējums

United States. Supreme Court - 1878 - 808 lapas
...deposit for their said tailings, under the provisions of the act of Congress of the United States, entitled 'An Act granting the right of way to ditch...owners over the public lands, and for other purposes,' passed July 26, 1866, and the act amendatory thereof, passed July 9, 1870, and the 'Act to promote...
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The Pacific law encyclopedia

Jabez Franklin Cowdery - 1878 - 842 lapas
...location of any such patented claim. SEC. 9. That sections one, two, three, four and six of an act entitled " an act granting the right of way to ditch...owners over the public lands, and for other purposes," approved July twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixtysix, are hereby repealed, but such repeal shall...
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Pacific Coast Law Journal: Containing All the Decisions of the ..., 1. sējums

1878 - 542 lapas
...of deposit for their said tailings, under the provisions of the act of Congrcs of the United States, entitled 'An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over public lands, and for other purposes,' passed July 26th,, 1866, and the act amendatory thereof, passed...
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California Legal Record, 1. sējums

1878 - 488 lapas
...any law of the United States donating lands for internal improvements, education, or other purposes: And provided further, That none of the rights conferred by the act approved July 26th, 1866, entitled "An act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public lands,...
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Pacific Coast Law Journal: Containing All the Decisions of the ..., 2. sējums

1879 - 556 lapas
...February, 1867, and was in the following words and figures: " In conformity with an Act of Congress, entitled 'An Act granting the right of way to ditch...owners over the public lands, and for other purposes,' approved July, 1866, the undersigned hereby claim, and are by priority of possession, entitled to the...
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