| United States - 504 lapas
...word "previous" the words "and in subsequent". (CMLNo. 6, Oct. 1, 1926.) 961. Add paragraph and note: None of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for payment of caretakers for animals at schools which are privately owned and operated for profit WD appropriation... | |
 | United States - 1921 - 642 lapas
...armories, includingthe pay of necessary janitors, and for wharfage, $50,000 : Provided, That no part of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the training of any member of the Naval Reserve Force except with his own consent. RECEIVING BABRACKS:... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1923 - 810 lapas
...Mr. JOHNSON. The language in question, Judge, reads as follows: For compensation of jurors, $10,000: Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this act shall be available for jurors' fees unless the actual cost of the trial jury be taxed as rjarts of the costs,... | |
 | United States, United States. Bureau of the Budget - 1923 - 1150 lapas
...Force and to be charged against the clothing and small stores fund: Provided further, That no part of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for the training of any member of the Naval Reserve Force except with his own consent: Provided further, That,... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1925 - 548 lapas
...upkeep of vessels and aircraft assigned for training the Naval Reserve Force: Provided, That no part of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the training of any member of the Naval Reserve Force except with his own consent: Provided further, That... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1931 - 1034 lapas
...line 3. at the top of the page. The House inserted after that item of $21,237,708, for subsistence for the Army. Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for the purchases of oleomargarine or butter substitutes for other than cooking pnriK>ses. Oleomargarine is... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee - 1931 - 156 lapas
...line 3, at the top of the page. The House inserted after that item of $21,237,708, for subsistence for the Army. Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for the purchases of oleomargarine or butter substitutes for other than cooking purposes. Oleomargarine is... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1933 - 824 lapas
...the same. If it worked in that case, I do not see why it would not work here. Provided that no part of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for the payment of salary or expenses of a special commissioner to negotiate with Indians. Senator SMOOT. The... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee - 1933 - 132 lapas
...condition. The CHAIRMAN. What can you tell us about the provision added on the floor, to the effect that none of the money appropriated in this act shall be used for the purpose of the purchase of any airplane ordered after the approval of this act which is equipped with... | |
 | United States. Bureau of the Budget - 1934 - 888 lapas
...publications; and all other necessary expenses not included in the foregoing; in all, [$1,070,570] $644,082: Provided, That none of the money appropriated in this Act shall be used for the purchase of any airplane ordered after the approval of this Act which is equipped or propelled by a Liberty motor... | |
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