Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the manufactured products thereof, manufactured, mined, or produced by it, or under its authority, or which it may own in whole, or in part, or in which it may have any... Auto Financing Legislation: Hearings Before the Antitrust Subcommittee ... - 1138. lappuseautors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary - 1961 - 1829 lapasPilnskats - Par šo grāmatu
 | United States - 1939 - 318 lapas
...tieeTirnohTbTt*d°di' Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District oi Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...under its authority, or which it may own in whole or part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or Sec. 1 indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee - 1939 - 284 lapas
...commodity, other than timber and the manu1 facture d products thereof, manufactured, mined, or produced 2 by it, or under its authority, or which it may own in whole 3 or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or 4 indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Temporary National Economic Committee - 1941 - 1496 lapas
...for any railroad company to transport in interstate commerce "any article or commodity, mined, or produced by it. or under its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, '." In United Stales v. Delaware... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Temporary National Economic Committee - 1941 - 530 lapas
...unlawful for any railroad company to transport in interstate commerce "any article or commodity, * * * mined, or produced by it, or under its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, * * *." In United States v. Delaware... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1941 - 540 lapas
...of Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - 1941 - 536 lapas
...of Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...manufactured, mined, or produced by it, or under its anthority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or... | |
 | Kentucky State Bar Association - 1909 - 256 lapas
...of Columbia, to any other State, territory, or the District of Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber, and the...its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. U.S. Congress. House. Committee on rivers and harbors - 1942 - 306 lapas
...of Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Interstate Commerce - 1942 - 674 lapas
...District of Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rivers and Harbors - 1942 - 306 lapas
...of Columbia, to any other State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to any foreign country, any article or commodity, other than timber and the...its authority, or which it may own in whole or in part, or in which it may have any interest, direct or indirect, except such articles or commodities... | |
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