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" An Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes... "
Arbitration Between the United States and Sweden Under Special Agreement of ... - 42. lappuse
autors: United States - 1932
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Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures - 1971 - 1248 lapas
...relations, the neutrality, 28 and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage, 29 and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for 30 other purposes", approved July 15, 1917, as amended (40 Stat. 220: 31 50 USC 192) , is amended to...
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War Powers Legislation, 1973: Hearings, Ninety-third Congress, First Session ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations - 1973 - 360 lapas
..."An Act to amend section 3, title 1, of the Act entitled 'An Act to punish acts of interference with foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign...criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes,' approved June 15, 1917 (Fortieth Statutes, page 217), and for other, purposes," approved...
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Executive Replies: Evaluation of Emergency Powers Statutes

United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee on National Emergencies and Delegated Emergency Powers - 1974 - 340 lapas
...SESS. (1948) The Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the bill (S. 1398) to amend the act entitled "An act to punish acts of interference with...criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes," approved June 15, 1917, as amended, to increase the penalties for peacetime violations of...
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Digest of United States Practice in International Law

1980 - 1860 lapas
...officers assumed an additional purpose : the prevention of espionage. The act of June 15, 1917, chap. 30, "An Act to punish acts of Interference with the foreign...criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes", provided, in title VIII, "Disturbance of Foreign Relations", in part : "Sec. 2. Whoever...
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Trading with the Enemy: Legislative and Executive Documents Concerning ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on International Relations. Subcommittee on International Trade and Commerce - 1976 - 764 lapas
...3, title 1, of the Act entitled 'An Act to punish acts of interference with foreign relations, and neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United...criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes,' approved June 15, 1917 (Fortieth Statutes, page 217), and for other purposes," approved...
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British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1921 - 1180 lapas punish Act* of Interference with the Foreign Rektionx, the Neutrality and the Foreign Commerce oj the United States, to punish Espionage, and better to enforce the Criminal Laws of the United Stales, nnd for other purposes. — Approved June 15. 1917. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of...
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A Legislative History of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ..., 7. sējums

United States - 1979 - 764 lapas
...collect certain special tonnage duties and light money, and for other purposes. HR 1467: To amend the act entitled "An act to punish acts of Interference with...enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and fcr other purposes," of June 15. 1917, as amended, and the Alien Registration Act, 1040, to increase...
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Reform of the Federal Criminal Laws: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures - 1979 - 1114 lapas
...acts of interference with 24 the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the 25 United States, to punish espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws 26 of the United States, and for other purposes', approved June 15, 1917, or 27 the amendment thereof...
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Compilation of Intelligence Laws and Related Laws and Executive Orders of ...

United States - 1983 - 408 lapas
...Acts or any amendment thereto, the judgment on such conviction having become final, namely; an act entitled "An Act to punish acts of interference with...criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes", approved June 15, 1917, or the amendment thereof approved May 16, 1918; sections 791, 792,...
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Revision of the Federal Criminal Code: Hearings Before the ..., 6. daļa

United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Criminal Justice - 1981 - 1010 lapas
...1501 and 1506". 9 (3) Section 9 of the Act entitled "An Act to punish acts of interference with 10 the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United 1 1 States, to punish espionage, and better to enfore the criminal laws of the United 12 States, and...
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