No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States shall be made unless the same is authorized by law or is under an appropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except in the War and Navy Departments, for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters,... The Military Laws of the United States, 1915 - 415. lappuseautors: United States - 1915 - 752 lapasPilnskats - Par šo grāmatu
 | United States. War Department - 1895 - 324 lapas
...departments. ARTICLE LV. PURCHASE OP SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 515. No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States...appropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed... | |
 | United States. Department of the Interior - 1895 - 648 lapas
...section 3732, lievised Statutes, as follows No contract or purchase on behalf of the United Stales shall be made, unless the same is authorized by law, or is under an appropriation adequate to its fullillmeut, except in the War and Navy Departments. The mandatory provisions of the above quoted sections... | |
 | United States. Comptroller of the Treasury - 1895 - 384 lapas
...Government in any contract for the future payment of money in excess of such appropriations. " SBC. 3732. No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States shall be made unless the same is authorized bylaw or is under an appropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except in the War and Navy Departments... | |
 | United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 672 lapas
...contract for the future payment of money in excess of such appropriations. Section 3732 provides: No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States...for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current year. Section 3678,... | |
 | United States. President - 1897 - 820 lapas
...contract for the future payment of money iu excess of such appropriations. Section 3732 provides: No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States...for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current year. Section 3678,... | |
 | United States. President, James Daniel Richardson - 1897 - 790 lapas
...contract for the future payment of money in excess of such appropriations. Section 3732 provides: No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States...Navy Departments, for clothing, subsistence, forage, futl, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current... | |
 | United States. President - 1897 - 670 lapas
...appropriations. Section 3732 provides: No contract or purchase on behalf of the United States shall te made unless the same is authorized by law or is under...Navy Departments, for clothing, subsistence, forage, futl, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed the necessities of the current... | |
 | United States. Army. Quartermaster Corps - 1898 - 146 lapas
...see A. В., 559-5в5. .PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. GENELiAL PROVISIONS. 25. No contract or purchase on behalf of the United, or is under an appropriation adequate to its fultillment, except for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however,... | |
 | United States. Army. Quartermaster's Department - 1898 - 142 lapas
...AND ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. CiENEUAL PROVISIONS. 25. No contract or purchase on behalf of the l*nited States shall be made, unless the same is authorized...appropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed... | |
 | United States. Army. Quartermaster Corps - 1898 - 144 lapas
...ENGAGEMENT OF SERVICES. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 25. No contract or purchase on behalf of the United State's shall be made, unless the same is authorized by law,...appropriation adequate to its fulfillment, except for clothing, subsistence, forage, fuel, quarters, or transportation, which, however, shall not exceed... | |
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