Indian Health Care: Hearing Before the Committee on Indian Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, First Session on S. 556, to Amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC., 4. sējumsU.S. Government Printing Office, 2003 - 403 lappuses |
No grāmatas satura
11.15. rezultāts no 58.
84. lappuse
... Education Assistance Act , or by urban Indian organizations ; or " ( 2 ) withdraw the funding used to support such a member ; 13 unless the Secretary , acting through the Service , tribes or 14 tribal organization , has ensured that the ...
... Education Assistance Act , or by urban Indian organizations ; or " ( 2 ) withdraw the funding used to support such a member ; 13 unless the Secretary , acting through the Service , tribes or 14 tribal organization , has ensured that the ...
85. lappuse
... Education Assistance Act 9 or by an urban Indian organization . 10 " SEC . 126. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR EDUCATION 11 12 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT . " ( a ) DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS . - The Secretary , 13 acting through the Service , may ...
... Education Assistance Act 9 or by an urban Indian organization . 10 " SEC . 126. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR EDUCATION 11 12 DEMONSTRATION PROJECT . " ( a ) DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS . - The Secretary , 13 acting through the Service , may ...
87. lappuse
... Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United ... education . " ( B ) Clinical work experience . " ( C ) Continuing education ... Assistance Act of 1978 ( 25 U.S.C. 1801 ( a ) ( 4 ) ) . " ( 3 ) TRIBALLY ...
... Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United ... education . " ( B ) Clinical work experience . " ( C ) Continuing education ... Assistance Act of 1978 ( 25 U.S.C. 1801 ( a ) ( 4 ) ) . " ( 3 ) TRIBALLY ...
88. lappuse
... Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs (1993- ). -- 1 2 87 clude or should include , training in the identifica- tion , prevention , education ... Assistance Act , and this Act ...
... Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Indian Affairs (1993- ). -- 1 2 87 clude or should include , training in the identifica- tion , prevention , education ... Assistance Act , and this Act ...
90. lappuse
... Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on ... education on mental illness . " ( B ) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . - In carry- ing out this paragraph , the Service shall , upon the ...
... Act to Revise and Extend that Act, April 2, 2003, Washington, DC. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on ... education on mental illness . " ( B ) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE . - In carry- ing out this paragraph , the Service shall , upon the ...
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Bieži izmantoti vārdi un frāzes
administrative agency Alaska Native American Indians amount appropriate area office authority behavioral health bill budget clinic community health community health aides consolidation contractor cost delivery determined develop dian disease Education Assistance Act eligible entered established Federal fiscal funding agreement GENERAL.-The Secretary Government grams Health Care Improvement health care services health profession health professionals health status Improvement Act Indian health program Indian Health Service Indian health system Indian Self-Determination Indian tribe individual Inherently Governmental Functions Medicaid Medicare ment mental health Navajo Nation needs One-HHS operated paragraph payment prevention provision of law pursuant qualified Indian health Quentin N Reauthorization reimbursement retary scholarship Self-Determination and Education served service area service unit services provided Social Security Act subsection substance abuse tion title XIX title XVIII treatment tribal health tribal organiza tribal organization tribe or tribal tribes and tribal United States Code urban Indian organization
Populāri fragmenti
381. lappuse - Order is intended only to improve the internal management of the Federal government, and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agenciea, its officers or any person.
365. lappuse - The agency goal is to assure that comprehensive, culturally acceptable personal and public health services are available and accessible to the service population. Our foundation is to uphold the Federal government's obligation to promote healthy American Indian and Alaska Native people, communities, and cultures and to honor and protect the inherent sovereign rights of tribes.
42. lappuse - Any employ13 ment pursuant to this section shall be made without re14 gard to any competitive personnel system or agency per15 sonnel limitation and to a position which will enable the 16 individual so employed to receive practical experience in 17 the health profession in which he or she is engaged in 18 study. Any individual so employed shall receive payment 19 for...
254. lappuse - Service shall be administered by an 17 Assistance Secretary of Indian Health, who shall be 18 appointed by the President, by and with the advice 19 and consent of the Senate. The Assistant Secretary 20 shall report to the Secretary. Effective with respect 21 to an individual appointed by the President, by and 22 with the advice and consent of the Senate, after 23 January 1, 1993, the term of service of the Assist24 ant Secretary shall be 4 years.
382. lappuse - The conduct of foreign relations and the determination of foreign policy. 5. The determination of agency policy, such as determining the content and application of regulations, among other things. 6. The determination of Federal program priorities or budget requests.
366. lappuse - Act authorized regular appropriations for "the relief of distress and conservation of health" of American Indians/Alaska Natives. The IHCIA was enacted "to implement the Federal responsibility for the care and education of the Indian people by improving the services and facilities of Federal Indian health programs and encouraging maximum participation of Indians in such programs.
278. lappuse - FUNDS. Funding provided pursuant to 1 1 this section may be used to 12 "(1) develop and provide community training, 13 education, and prevention programs for Indian 14 women relating to behavioral health issues, including 15 fetal alcohol disorders; 16 "(2) identify and provide psychological services, 17 counseling, advocacy, support, and relapse preven18 tion to Indian women and their families; and 19 "(3) develop prevention and intervention models 20 for Indian women which incorporate traditional...
323. lappuse - Commission, the executive director may appoint 3 such personnel as the executive director deems 4 appropriate. 5 "(C) APPLICABILITY OF CIVIL SERVICE 6 LAWS. The staff of the Commission shall be 7 appointed without regard to the provisions of 8 title 5, United States Code, governing appoint9 ments in the competitive service, and shall be 10 paid without regard to the provisions of chapter 11 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such 12 title (relating to classification and General 13 Schedule...
15. lappuse - trib12 al organization' shall have the meaning given such 13 term in section 4(1) of the Indian Self Determination 14 and Education Assistance Act. 15 "(20) TRIBALLY CONTROLLED COMMUNITY 16 COLLEGE. The term 'tribally controlled community 17 college' shall have the meaning given such term in 18 section 126 (g)(2). 19 "(21) URBAN CENTER. The term 'urban cen20 ter...
185. lappuse - Service is entitled by reason of this section shall be placed in a special fund to be held by the Secretary and used by him (to such extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts) exclusively for the purpose of making any improvements in the...