n.-Dec., 1915 othe (Hugo) Türken u. ihre geg- Cover (Leonard) Lost in New York. santer (O. C.) jr. Tolternicus, as- 7233*. udebrod (G. H.) European war in avoided subjects. 4217. Gummersbach (Joseph)-Continued. Storer (M. L.) Sir Christopher Villien (Antoine) Hist. of the 2720. Gumz (Charles) Scientific & modern Gundelfinger. (G. F.) Ten years at Gunderson (J. J.) Complete course in horsemanship. 5735. Borgslægtens historie. 6824. Gunners' instruction & manual Gunners instruction, 6-inch gun. 6077. 8-inch gun. 6078. 12-inch gun. 6080. 14-inch gun. Guthrie (K. S.) : Messenger of the ninety-first anniv. Perronik, the innocent. 4218. Guthrie (T. A.) In brief authority. Guthrie (W. N.) Beyond disillusion. Guttenbrunn (Adam Müller-) See Guttman (M. G.) Concord cook bk. Gwynne (Walker) Christian year, its moon. 5648*. Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk for- Hadley (F. B.) lag-Continued. Egge (Peter) Brist. 3308*. Janson (K. N.) Aspasia. 2331. Nielsen (Yngvar) Da Unionen Peters (Wilhelm) Hvad jeg saa Vinsnes (J. F.) Gatekryds. 2030. Haas (J. A. W.) Trends of thought disease. 4466. Haeberle (L. F.) pt. 1, n. s., v. 1 Horse in health and Evangelische zeug Set Hädicke (Josephine Schade-) beginners. 2096. Haffards (G. M.) & co. Fall River & Hagar (G. J.) New universities dict. Hague. Internatl. peace conference. 1247. Hackh (I. W. D.) 1490. writing. 3012. pendix 373. Hadden (David) Gynecology of ob- Amer. politics. 3204. pendix 374. 1 Hall (Thrasher) Hall on fire insur. Hale (L. C.) We discover New Eng- Hale (P. H.) Hale's hist. of agric. by Hale pub. co. Hale (P. H.) Hale's Abbé Constantin. 1491, 5052. Halfyard (S. F.) Cardinal truths of Halifax (John) pseud. Sce Spitsber- Halifax (Robert) Red hair. 2737. Hall (Angelo) Songs of love & war. Hall (Covington) Songs of rebellion. Hall (E. A.) & co. Clark (C. Ε.) Hall (H. J.): Untroubled mind. 3205. Work of our hands. 6085. Hall (Holworthy) pseud. See Porter Hall (J. A.) Lutheran doctrine of the Hall (J. F.) Legend of Chocorua. Hall (J. H.) Biogs. of gospel song & Hall (J. N.) What is the New Testa- Hall (Josiah N.) Borderline diseases. Hall (K. M.) Paintings of the exposi- Hall (N. С.) Directions for making Hall (W. T.) Treadwell (F. P.) An- Hall (Warren) Hall's perfected Hall-marked. (Drama) 2012. Hallet (R. M.) Lady aft. 4317. Halvorsen (Walther) Halfdan Ege- Haly (W. H.) Treatise on pract. in Hamill (K. F.) Poems of life. 4318. Hamilton (C. M.) Stevenson. 5649. On the trail of Hamilton (Cosmo) Miracle of love, Hamilton (D. T.): Hamilton (E. H.) Patricia. 1101. Hamilton (F. E. E.) Lodestar & com- pass. 2797. Hamilton (O. R.) Red bk. of Hous- ton. 5953. Hamilton (Mrs. Robert) (Ε. Η.) See Fowler Hamilton (W. H.) Current economic problems. 4659. Hamlet. (Drama) 5538. Hamlet, prince of Denmark. (Drama) Hamman (W. D.) Pract. geol. & Hammarström (Nanny) Froskemors Hammerton (J. A.) Real Argentine. Hamming-Whitman co.: Jackman (W.J.) Transportation, Stevens (C. M.) Uncle Jeremiah Hammond (C. S.) co. U. S. navy, 1633. Hand (W. H.) jr. Hand-v-bottom Handbuch der allgemeinen pathol. u. Handbuch der kinderheilkunde. 5992. Hanes (C. O.) Retail credit & adjust- Haney (J. L.) Good Engl. 3360. Hanna (W. M.) Muir (John) Let- Hannay (J. O.): Gossamer. 6193. 1153. Minnie's bishop. 2945, 3696. Hannett (Α. Τ.) In the days of Hannis Jordan co. See Jordan (Han- Hannon (W. M.) Photodrama. 5399, Hanotaux (Gabriel) Histoire illus- Hansell (F. F.) & bro., ltd.: Hanshew (T. W.) the lily of Shasta. 395. Inner law. 4608. Louisiana. Annot. revision of the Harbottle (John) 723. |