Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

n.-Dec., 1915

othe (Hugo) Türken u. ihre geg-
ner. 3092.

Cover (Leonard) Lost in New York.
Appendix 306.

santer (O. C.) jr. Tolternicus, as-
tronomer of Thorn.

uatemala, copyright convention. Ap-
pendix, p. 5.

udebrod (G. H.) European war in
the light of Bible prophecy. 299.
uernsey (Η. Ν.)
Plain talks on

avoided subjects. 4217.
uide to a bus. educa. 7530, 7531.
uide to teachers operating the Natl.
system of cooking. 6723.

[blocks in formation]

Gummersbach (Joseph)-Continued.

Storer (M. L.) Sir Christopher
Leighton. 5074.

Villien (Antoine) Hist. of the
commandments of the church.


Gumz (Charles) Scientific & modern
retail butcher. 7735.

Gundelfinger. (G. F.) Ten years at
Yale. 3093.

Gunderson (J. J.) Complete course in

horsemanship. 5735.
Gunnarsson (Gunnar):

Borgslægtens historie. 6824.
Livets strand. 6825.

Gunners' instruction & manual
(mine companies) 6076.

Gunners instruction, 6-inch gun. 6077.

8-inch gun. 6078.
10-inch gun. 6079.

12-inch gun. 6080.
12-inch mortar. 6192.

14-inch gun.

[blocks in formation]

Guthrie (K. S.) :

Messenger of the ninety-first anniv.
of All Saints' church, New
York. 3891.

Perronik, the innocent. 4218.
Reuniting pilgrimage. 4080.

Guthrie (T. A.) In brief authority.

Guthrie (W. N.) Beyond disillusion.

Guttenbrunn (Adam Müller-) See
Müller-Guttenbrunn (Adam)

Guttman (M. G.) Concord cook bk.

Gwynne (Walker) Christian year, its
purpose & its hist. 863.
Gyalui (Farkas) After the honey-

moon. 5648*.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gyldendalske boghandel, Nordisk for- Hadley (F. B.)


Egge (Peter) Brist. 3308*.
Halvorsen (Walther) Halfdan
Egedius. 2236.

Janson (K. N.) Aspasia. 2331.
Madsen (Theodor) Per Gadd.

Nielsen (Yngvar) Da Unionen
skulde briste. 6147.

Peters (Wilhelm) Hvad jeg saa
og hvem jeg mødte. 2435.

Vinsnes (J. F.) Gatekryds. 2030.
H. T. W. S. S. T. K. S. & his followers.
591, 864.

Haas (J. A. W.) Trends of thought
& Christian truth. 2560.

[blocks in formation]

disease. 4466.

Haeberle (L. F.)
nisse. 3272.

pt. 1, n. s., v. 1

Horse in health and

Evangelische zeug


Hädicke (Josephine Schade-)
Schade-Hädicke (Josephine)
Hänsel & Gretel. (Drama) 4911.
Haertel (M. H.) German reader for

beginners. 2096.

Haffards (G. M.) & co. Fall River &
its manufactories. 4702.

Hagar (G. J.) New universities dict.

[blocks in formation]


Internatl. peace conference.
1899. Hague conventions & declara-
tions of 1899 & 1907. 3645.
Haifische. (Drama) 1354*.
Haight (E. H.) Carthage & Hannibal.


[blocks in formation]

Hackh (I. W. D.)
tem der atome.
Hackman (I. Z.)


writing. 3012.

pendix 373.

Hadden (David)
stetrics. 2013.

Gynecology of ob-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Amer. politics. 3204.

pendix 374.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hall (Thrasher) Hall on fire insur.

[blocks in formation]

Hale (L. C.) We discover New Eng-
land. 6321.

Hale (P. H.) Hale's hist. of agric. by
dates. 3989.

Hale pub. co. Hale (P. H.) Hale's
hist. of agric, by dates. 3989.
Halévy (Ludovic):

Abbé Constantin. 1491, 5052.
Panurge's sheep. 5669*.

Halfyard (S. F.) Cardinal truths of
the Gospel. 4658.

Halifax (John) pseud. Sce Spitsber-
gen (H. E.)

Halifax (Robert) Red hair. 2737.
Hall (A. B.) Outline of internatl. law.

Hall (Angelo) Songs of love & war.

Hall (Covington) Songs of rebellion.

Hall (E. A.) & co. Clark (C. Ε.)
Prince & boatswain. 5717.

[blocks in formation]

Hall (H. J.):

Untroubled mind. 3205.

Work of our hands. 6085.

Hall (Holworthy) pseud. See Porter
(Н. Е.)

Hall (J. A.) Lutheran doctrine of the
Lord's supper. 5499.

Hall (J. F.) Legend of Chocorua.

Hall (J. H.) Biogs. of gospel song &
hymn writers. 349.

Hall (J. N.) What is the New Testa-
ment church? 1026.

Hall (Josiah N.) Borderline diseases.

Hall (K. M.) Paintings of the exposi-
tion. 7166.

Hall (N. С.) Directions for making
chocolate candy at home with Hall's
home outfit. 1195.

Hall (W. T.) Treadwell (F. P.) An-
alytical chem. 5455.

Hall (Warren) Hall's perfected
shorthand. 4510.

Hall-marked. (Drama) 2012.
Halleck (R. P.) Readings from lit.

Hallet (R. M.) Lady aft. 4317.
Halm (Karl) Zeppelins lenkbares
luftschiff u. seine geschichte. 2796.
Halpen (W. J.) Expiration of sen-
tence of convicts. Appendix 337.
Halsey (Forrest) Shadow on the
hearth. 1105.

Halvorsen (Walther) Halfdan Ege-
dius. 2236.

Haly (W. H.) Treatise on pract. in
the civil cts. of record of Pa. 1920.
Ham (R. J.) Einleitung in die
deutsche sprache. 5395.

Hamill (K. F.) Poems of life. 4318.
Hamilton (Alice) Women at The
Hague. 7407.

Hamilton (C. M.)

Stevenson. 5649.

On the trail of

Hamilton (Cosmo) Miracle of love,

Hamilton (D. T.):

[blocks in formation]

Hamilton (E. H.)

Patricia. 1101.

Hamilton (F. E. E.)

Lodestar & com-

pass. 2797.

Hamilton (O. R.) Red bk. of Hous-

ton. 5953.

Hamilton (Mrs. Robert)

(Ε. Η.)

See Fowler

Hamilton (W. H.) Current economic

problems. 4659.

Hamlet. (Drama) 5538.

Hamlet, prince of Denmark. (Drama)

Hamman (W. D.) Pract. geol. &
mineral. 5396.

Hammarström (Nanny) Froskemors
eventyr. 7791.

Hammerton (J. A.) Real Argentine.

Hamming-Whitman co.:

Jackman (W.J.) Transportation,
interstate commerce, foreign
trade. 3453.

Stevens (C. M.) Uncle Jeremiah
at the Panama-Pacific expos.

Hammond (C. S.) co. U. S. navy,
illus. 2894.

[blocks in formation]


Hand (W. H.) jr. Hand-v-bottom
motor boat designs. 1492.
Hand bk. of R. I. investments.
Handbk., navigation laws of the U. S.

Handbuch der allgemeinen pathol. u.
der pathologischen anat. des kindes-
alters. 251.

Handbuch der kinderheilkunde. 5992.
Handbuch der tuberkulose. 3130.
Handbuch für eisenbetonbau. 1870.
Hanemann (Heinrich) Einführung in
die metallographie u. wärmebehand-
lung. 2895.

Hanes (C. O.) Retail credit & adjust-
ment bureaus. 5398.

Haney (J. L.) Good Engl. 3360.
Hanffstengel (Georg v.) Förderung
von massengütern. 3840.
Hanford (J. M.) Remedial agents &
dressing materials in surgery. 5137.
Hanly (J. F.) Speeches of the flying
squadron. 4558.

Hanna (W. M.) Muir (John) Let-
ters to a friend.

Hannay (J. O.):

Gossamer. 6193.


Minnie's bishop. 2945, 3696.

Hannett (Α. Τ.) In the days of
Brigham Young. 2896.

Hannis Jordan co. See Jordan (Han-
nis) co.

Hannon (W. M.) Photodrama. 5399,

Hanotaux (Gabriel) Histoire illus-
trée de la guerre de 1914. 7235.
Hansbrough (H. C.) War & woman.

Hansell (F. F.) & bro., ltd.:

Hanshew (T. W.)

the lily of Shasta.

[blocks in formation]

Harben (W. N.)
Harbort (E. C.)

Inner law. 4608.
Freedom. 7452*.
Finding his stride.

Louisiana. Annot. revision of the Harbottle (John)
stat, of La. 5147.


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