LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105–55-Continued [Amounts in dollars] Statements of Appropriations Total, Joint items 30,000 - 1,870,500 - 5,595,500 30,000 30,000 88,581,000 92,306,000 86,710,500 Salaries and expenses 2,609,000 2,600,000 2,479,000 Salaries and expenses 24,532,000 24,995,000 24,797,000 - 130,000 +265,000 -121,000 - 198,000 Salaries 8,454,000 Travel (limitation on official travel expenses) (20,000) 100,000 Subtotal, Office of the Architect of the Capitol 8,554,000 -8,454,000 - 100,000 -8,554,000 Capitol buildings, salaries and expenses 23,505,000 42,064,000 36,977,000 Capitol grounds 5,020,000 6,618,000 5,116,000 Senate office buildings 40,290,000 52,021,000 52,021,000 House office buildings 32,556,000 39,403,000 36,610,000 +13,472,000 +96,000 +11,731,000 + 4,054,000 -5,087,000 - 2,793,000 Capitol Power Plant 34,749,000 37,771,000 37,932,000 +3,183,000 +161,000 Net subtotal, Capitol Power Plant 30,749,000 33,771,000 33,932,000 +3,183,000 +161,000 Subtotal, Capitol buildings and grounds Total, Architect of the Capitol 132,120,000 173,877,000 164,656,000 +32,536,000 -9,221,000 140,674,000 173,877,000 164,656,000 +23,982,000 -9,221,000 Salaries and expenses 62,641,000 66,830,000 64,603,000 +1,962,000 -2,227,000 Increase (+) or decrease (-) Appropriated versus enacted Appropriated versus estimates [Amounts in dollars] GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Enacted, fiscal year 1997 Budget estimates, fiscal year 1998 Appropriated, fiscal year 1998 (Transfer from revolving fund) TITLE II-OTHER AGENCIES BOTANIC GARDEN LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL LIBRARY BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Office of Superintendent of Documents GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105-55-Continued Congressional printing and binding 81,669,000 84,025,000 70,652,000 -11,017,000 Total, title I, Congressional Operations 1,526,012,200 1,684,866,000 1,583,690,500 +57,678,300 - 13,373,000 (+11,017,000) - 101,175,500 Salaries and expenses 36,402,000 11,662,000 3,016,000 -33,386,000 -8,646,000 Salaries and expenses Authority to spend receipts 216,007,000 232,058,000 227,016,000 +11,009,000 -5,042,000 -7,869,000 -7,869,000 Subtotal 208,138,000 224,189,000 219,147,000 +11,009,000 - 5,042,000 Copyright Office, salaries and expenses 33,402,000 35,787,000 34,361,000 +959,000 - 1,426,000 - 22,269,000 - 22,507,000 -22,426,000 -157,000 +81,000 Subtotal 11,133,000 13,280,000 11,935,000 +802,000 -1,345,000 Books for the blind and physically handicapped, salaries and expenses 44,964,000 48,025,000 46,561,000 4,882,000 4,882,000 4,178,000 +1,597,000 - 1,464,000 269,117,000 290,376,000 281,821,000 + 12,704,000 -8,555,000 Total, Library of Congress (except CRS) Structural and mechanical care 9,753,000 15,755,000 11,573,000 + 1,820,000 -4,182,000 Salaries and expenses 29,077,000 30,477,000 29,077,000 - 1,400,000 Salaries and expenses 338,425,000 368,828,000 346,903,000 +8,478,000 -21,925,000 LEGISLATIVE BRANCH APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105–55–Continued [Amounts in dollars] Offsetting collections Total, General Accounting Office Total, title II, Other agencies Total appropriations Other adjustments affecting the bill: Office of Compliance, settlements House Committee Employees (reappropriation) Enacted, fiscal year 1997 Budget estimates, fiscal Appropriated, fiscal year 1998 - 5,905,000 -7,404,000 -7,404,000 332,520,000 361,424,000 339,499,000 676,869,000 709,694,000 664,986,000 2,202,881,200 2,394,560,000 2,248,676,500 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,203,881,200 2,394,560,000 2,000,000 2,250,676,500 Office of Senate Legal Counsel Contingent Expenses of the Senate, Inquiries and Investiga- Senators' official personnel and office expense account 18,000 4,500,000 4,200,000 $289,000 68,000 Total 9,075,000 Total adjustments Grand total Includes the following budget amendments: H. Doc. 105-120: Legislative Branch: Senate: Salaries, officers and employees Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate ..... Increase (+) or decrease (-) Enacted, fiscal year 1997 Budget estimates, fiscal year 1998 Appropriated, fiscal year 1998 Appropriated versus enacted Appropriated versus estimates - 117,580,000 +51,000,000 -27,291,000 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105-45 [Amounts in dollars] Military construction, Army Rescissions 565,688,000 595,277,000 714,377,000 -3,028,000 + 148,689,000 +119,100,000 Total, Military construction, Army 562,660,000 595,277,000 714,377,000 +151,717,000 + 119,100,000 Military construction, Navy Rescissions 707,094,000 540,106,000 683,666,000 - 19,780,000 -23,428,000 + 143,560,000 Total, Military construction, Navy 687,314,000 540,106,000 683,666,000 -3,648,000 + 143,560,000 Military construction, Air Force 754,064,000 495,782,000 701,855,000 - 52,209,000 + 206,073,000 Rescissions - 5,100,000 +5,100,000 Total, Military construction, Air Force 748,964,000 495,782,000 701,855,000 - 47,109,000 + 206,073,000 Military construction, Defense-wide 763,922,000 673,633,000 646,342,000 Rescissions -51,000,000 Total, Military construction, Defense-wide 712,922,000 673,633,000 646,342,000 - 66,580,000 -27,291,000 Total, Active components 2,711,860,000 2,304,798,000 2,746,240,000 +34,380,000 + 441,442,000 Department of Defense Military Unaccompanied Housing Improvement 5,000,000 Military construction, Army National Guard 78,086,000 45,098,000 118,350,000 -5,000,000 +73,252,000 Military construction, Air National Guard Rescission Total, Military construction, Air National Guard Military construction, Army Reserve Military construction, Naval Reserve Military construction, Air Force Reserve Total, Reserve components 189,855,000 60,225,000 190,444,000 + 589,000 + 130,219,000 -5,000,000 +5,000,000 184,855,000 60,225,000 190,444,000 +5,589,000 55,543,000 39,112,000 74,167,000 +18,624,000 37,579,000 13,921,000 47,329,000 +9,750,000 52,805,000 14,530,000 30,243,000 - 22,562,000 408,868,000 172,886,000 460,533,000 +51,665,000 +130,219,000 +35,055,000 +287,647,000 MILITARY CONSTRUCTION APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1998, PUBLIC LAW 105-45-Continued [Amounts in dollars] Increase (+) or decrease (-) Appropriated, fiscal year Family housing, Navy and Marine Corps: Construction Operation and Maintenance 499,886,000 1,020,721,000 278,933,000 393,832,000 - 106,054,000 + 114,899,000 976,504,000 976,504,000 - 44,217,000 Family housing, Air Force: Family housing, Defense-wide: Enacted, fiscal year 1997 Budget estimates, fiscal year 1998 1998 Appropriated versus enacted Appropriated versus estimates Total, Military construction NATO Security Investment Program Family housing, Army: Construction Operation and Maintenance Total, Family housing, Army 3,125,728,000 2,477,684,000 3,206,773,000 +81,045,000 (3,209,636,000) (2,477,684,000) (3,206,773,000) (-2,863,000) +729,089,000 (-83,908,000) (+83,908,000) 172,000,000 176,300,000 152,600,000 - 19,400,000 -23,700,000 158,503,000 143,000,000 197,300,000 +38,797,000 +54,300,000 1,212,466,000 1,148,937,000 1,140,568,000 -71,898,000 - 8,369,000 1,370,969,000 1,291,937,000 1,337,868,000 -33,101,000 +45,931,000 Total, Family housing, Navy 1,520,607,000 1,255,437,000 1,370,336,000 - 150,271,000 +114,899,000 Construction 317,507,000 253,128,000 295,709,000 Operation and Maintenance 816,509,000 830,234,000 830,234,000 -21,798,000 +42,581,000 Total, Family housing, Air Force 1,134,016,000 1,083,362,000 1,125,943,000 -8,073,000 +42,581,000 Construction 4,371,000 4,950,000 4,950,000 +579,000 Operation and Maintenance 30,963,000 32,724,000 32,724,000 +1,761,000 Total, Family housing, Defense-wide 35,334,000 37,674,000 37,674,000 +2,340,000 Department of Defense Family Housing Improvement Fund Total, Family housing 25,000,000 36,181,000 - 25,000,000 4,122,107,000 Construction (980,267,000) 3,668,410,000 (680,011,000) 3,871,821,000 (891,791,000) - 250,286,000 (-88,476,000) +203,411,000 (+211,780,000) |