ollowing table exhibits, by general nativity and race of head ehold, the range in the number of persons per room: 619.-Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. striking feature of the above table is that a much larger proof the Bulgarian than of the Magyar households have three e or four or more persons per room, 57 per cent of the Bulhouseholds, as contrasted with 26.7 per cent of the Magyar, three or more persons per room, while 36 per cent of the olds of the former race and only 13.3 per cent of the latter our or more persons per room. table submitted below shows, by general nativity and race of f household, the range in the number of persons per sleeping 620.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. econgestion in the sleeping rooms of the Bulgarian households once evident from the preceding table, which shows that 22 per have five or more persons per sleeping room, 48 per cent four or persons per sleeping room, and 67 per cent three or more persons leeping room. Much less crowded conditions in sleeping rooms eported for the Magyar households, which have only 8.9 per cent 5 or more persons per sleeping room, 22.2 per cent with four or , and 51.1 per cent with three or more persons per sleeping room. e effect of crowding upon living arrangements is set forth in the Table 621.—Number and per cent of households regularly specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race The above table discloses the striking fact th Bulgarian and 51.1 percent of the Magyar househ sleeping purposes. At the other extreme, only garian household out of a total of 100, as contrast or 3 out of a total of 45 Magyar households, ha are not used for sleeping. Of the Bulgarian hou and of the Magyar households 42.2 per cent, hav not used as a sleeping room. CHAPTER VI. GENERAL STANDARD AND COST OF LIVING. worn-Furniture-Kinds of food consumed-Sleeping arrangementsliving conditions-General cost of living-Rents-Cost and manner of f representative families and groups of men-[Text Table 622]. CLOTHING WORN. of the recent immigrants still have some articles of clothing hey brought with them from Europe. Most of their clothing, , practically all, is made in this country and purchased by ere. The quality of clothing worn, together with the freof purchases, may be seen by referring to the transcriptions arious store accounts, which show in detail the purchases of and small articles by races during a certain period of time. be noted here that the price paid for working clothes is usually 1.50 per suit of blue overalls. Shoes are purchased at prices from $1.75 to $3, the former being for work and the latter s. Summer underwear of the value of 50 cents per garment ally used, and for cold weather flannels ranging in value from .50 per garment. Dress trousers cost from $1.75 to $2.25 per From $10 to $12 is paid for a suit of dress clothes. women wear the cheaper grades of plain white and printed FURNITURE. household furniture of all races is very meager and consists e of only the most essential articles. For sleeping, iron double single cots are used with mattresses. The cots with mattresses out $3; the beds from $5 to $6. There is usually a small sheetove, valued at about $3, for cooking and heating. Very few of nilies or groups have cooking ranges. The other articles of re consist of small kerosene lamps or lanterns for lighting (the houses contain electric lights, and it is only in the cottages erosene is used), plain chairs, usually without backs or in bad a bench, and a plain table. There are no carpets. Many of icles of furniture are of home manufacture. Especially is this the case of the chairs, tables, and shelves which are often in the rooms of the lodging houses. The cooking utensils are in number and of the simplest kind. Magyars, Slovaks, and Armenians usually have more furnishhan the other races. In Magyar and Slovak families a regular g stove is generally found, and oftentimes wardrobes and side Ther KINDS OF FOOD CONSUME Among the Bulgarians bread is the staple man will consume a three-pound loaf of brea use a small quantity of meat each day, usual man. Beef for boiling is the most common cooked as a stew with vegetables and eaten w consume all forms of green vegetables in seaso quantities. They have meat at least once drinks are coffee and beer. Many drink hot n The Roumanian has the same diet as the B nian, with the noteworthy difference that he co the other two races, eating meat only two or As a general statement, it may be said also food than the Bulgarian and Macedonian. 1 ference, however, is in the case of meat. Unlike the Roumanian, the Magyar is a gre Eight or ten Magyar men, living in a group, worth of meat per day. A Bulgarian butche group on an average eats 4 pounds of beef, 5 pou of Polish sausage (with garlic), and 4 pounds addition, bacon and ham and other cured m Magyar also tends to use beer to excess. Li is a great consumer of bread." SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS. The sleeping quarters of all races, with the the Armenians, are overcrowded and unhealthy four, five, and six persons to a room, sometimes hardly sufficient to contain the necessary beds tilation is bad; the rooms usually have only on ding in most cases is very much soiled and in d case of the Roumanians and the Magyars. The and usually very dirty. Around the walls are ing of all descriptions. The sleeping rooms, in unclean, and unhealthy among the representa except the Armenians. The latter usually live where two men occupy one room, but sleep in s In cases of Armenian families the household arra according to the American plan. GENERAL LIVING CONDITION The general living conditions may be said to a very low standard. This situation grows in] the methods of living. Living in groups, in a doing their own housekeeping, and the large rooms in large lodging or rooming houses, the p room for sleeping, cooking, eating, washing, There are very few separate dining rooms or ki the rooming houses washing may be done on the rally washed and dried in the same room in which the immiooks, eats, lives, and sleeps. Some groups of men and some have separate rooms for cooking, eating, and washing, but ctice is the exception and not the general rule. GENERAL COST OF LIVING. ng the Bulgarians, Roumanians, Servians, and Albanians, y the group system, either in cottages or rooming houses, the food (groceries, meat, and bread), fuel, and light ranges from 0 per month for each person. The average runs about $8 per Only in rare cases does it go beyond $9. The food cost of yar and Austrian-Servian is a little higher than that of the mentioned races for the reason that more meat is consumed. rence to the detailed store account of eight Bulgarians, which it will be seen that the expenditures of this group for meat from 27 cents to $2.90 per week. The Magyars are much heat consumers. The same store that furnished the Bulgarian also carried an account with a Magyar man and his wife who ht boarders, which showed that the entire group of ten were g from $1.50 to $2 per day for meat. The daily consumption by this group was about as follows: ddition to the daily outlay of $1.50 to $2 for meat, this same -group was spending from $1.70 to $1.80 per day for groceries. he above items must be added the rent, which costs each indifrom 75 cents to $1.25 per month, the average cost per indibeing about $1 per month. The washing is usually given out sh women and costs each person about $1 to $1.25 per month. er, the average member of the different races spends from 5 to Es per day for beer. total monthly cost of living among the Bulgarians, including litures for clothing, amusements, and all purposes, is estimated from $14 to $18. Among the Servians it is about the same. the Roumanians it is several dollars less per month, and with gyar race a great deal more, the increased outlay being, in the purchases for meat, clothing, and intoxicants. data were collected as to families living separately, the number se being very small. Practically all of the families have boarders wife acts as head of a boarding group. One Bulgarian and his without children or boarders, who were living in two rooms in ning house, stated that their total cost of living per month for hing-rent, food, clothes, and incidentals-under normal cons was $40 per month. Of this total $5 was for rent, $10 for s and incidentals, and $25 for all food. During the existing |