-Salent tharacteristics Continued. sts what made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in - List Saars, and mce. (Study of employees).. wow » −) imove tempi vees of each age or within each age group, by VI AN NINH Navy and mace. (Study of employees).......... e ne pogress and assimilation: 624-62 kie 6 –Punt peutesi condition of foreign-born male employees who hvern de Cited States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of ககர் PVOT JE ZURE NË COMing, by race and length of residence. (Study of Theve NS −ANTy w speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, age KTER SOMUNE e United States, and race. (Study of employees). 633, 634 soara —ere a speas English of foreign-born employees, by sex, vars 1 de Chat States, and race. (Study of employees).. REPRESENTATIVE COMMUNITY A. -Pak number of households and persons studied, by general many and now of head of household. (Study of households). Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured, 24 sex ant generi mavity and race of individual. (Study of houseDai sumber of employees for whom information was secured, sat pemersi nativity and race. (Study of employees)......... Saca, dispiacements: 635,630 Vänder of woreign-born employees in the United States each SONO 24 12r of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees)... 639,640 Neander of foreign-born persons in the United States each YUNAN TULLder of yours by sex and race of individual. (Study of Jousedelds Boley Obcuation before coming to the United States of foreign-born 640,641 Obvigation before coming to the United States of foreign-born 641 Abie 642 642 643 643 Occupation of foreign-born female employees before coming to the U med States, by race. (Study of employees).. Puble Number of males 16 years of age or over in each specified indussty, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households). Number of females 16 years of age or over in each specified mdustry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house Duble st Number of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees. Dables Number of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each apecttied amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employeee). Bablo sot Number of male employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning pich specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees) Bible Ni Number of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earnmg each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..... Table No. Number of male heads of families earning each specified amount per year, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house Table No Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households). Tubdo NZ Amount of family income per year by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)... 644 645 646 647 648 CHAPTER VIII.-Economic status-Continued. Table 88.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)..... Table 89.-Number of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)... Table 90.-Source of family income in detail by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)....... CHAPTER IX.-Working conditions: Table 91.-Months worked during the past year by persons 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by sex, and by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)... CHAPTER X.-Housing and living conditions: Table 92.-Number and class of households, by general nativity and race Table 94.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month Table 95.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month per person by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 96.-Number of households keeping boarders and lodgers and number of boarders or lodgers, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 97.-Number of persons per household in apartments of each specified size, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households). Table 98.-Number of households occupying apartments of each specified Table 99.-Number of households and number of persons in apartments of Table 100.-Number of households of each specified number of persons, by Table 102.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of CHAPTER XII.-General progress and assimilation: Page. 686 687, 688 Table 114.-Number of families owning home, renting, boarding, etc., by Table 118.-Ability to speak English of persons 6 years of age or over, by Table 120. Ability to speak English of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, years in the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)... Table 121.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees).. 689 690 690 691 692 693, 694 695, 696 Table 122.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).. REPRESENTATIVE COMMUNITY B. CHAPTER XIII.-Introduction. Table 123.-Total number of households and persons studied, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..... Table 124.-Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).. CHAPTER XIV.-Racial displacements: Table 125.-Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. (Study of households)...... CHAPTER XV.-Economic status: 696 697 697, 698 Table 127.-Occupation before coming to the United States, of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)........... Table 126.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households).. 698 Table 128.-Number of males 16 years of age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)... Table 129.-Number of females 16 years of age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households) Table 130.-Number of male heads of families earning each specified amount per year, by general nativity and race. (Study of households).. Table 131.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).. Table 132.-Amount of family income per year, by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households). Table 133.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households). Table 134.-Number of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households).. Table 135.-Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households) . 699 699 700 700 701 701 702 702 703 CHAPTER XVI.-Working conditions: Table 136.-Months worked during the past year by persons 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by sex and by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households). CHAPTER XVII.—Housing and living conditions: Page. 703, 704 Table 137.-Number and class of households, by general nativity and race Table 139.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month Table 140.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month per person, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)... Table 141.-Number of households keeping boarders and lodgers and number of boarders and lodgers by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 142.-Number of persons per household in apartments of each specified size, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. 704 705 705 706 706 707, 708 Table 143.-Number of households occupying apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 144.-Number of households and number of persons in apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)... Table 145.-Number of households of each specified number of persons, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 146.-Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households). 709 709 710 710 Table 147.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. 711 Table 148.-Number of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. 711 CHAPTER XVIII-Salient characteristics: Table 149.-Literacy of persons 10 years of age or over, by sex and general Table 151.-Literacy of foreign-born persons 10 years of age or over, by sex, 712 713 714 715-717 Table 152.-Conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general nativity and race of individual. (Studyof households) Table 153.-Number of persons within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)......... CHAPTER XIX.-General progress and assimilation: Table 154.-Number of families owning home, renting, boarding, etc., by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households).... Table 155.-General occupation of persons 16 years of age, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).. 718 719 719, 720 Table 156.-Present political condition of foreign-born males who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual and length of residence. (Study of households).... Table 157.- Ability to speak English of persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households). Table 158.- Ability to speak English of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)............ Table 159.--Ability to speak English of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, years in the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)..... 721 721 722 723 PART III. THE BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN THE MIDDLE WEST. CHAPTER I.-Introduction: Page. Table 160.-Total number of employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)......................... 724, 725 CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements: Table 161.-Number of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees)... 725, 726 CHAPTER III.-Economic status: Table 162.-Number of male employees, 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).... 727,728 Table 163.-Number of female employees, 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees). 728, 729 729,730 Table 164.-Number of male employees, 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)... Table 165.-Number of female employees, 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per week, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).. 730 CHAPTER IV.-Salient characteristics: Table 166.-Literacy of employees, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).. 731-733 Table 167.-Conjugal condition of employees, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)... 724-739 Table 168.-Location of wives of foreign-born employees, by race of husbands. (Study of employees)............. 740 741-743 Table 169.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).... Table 170.-Number of employees of each age or within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)... CHAPTER V.-General progress and assimilation: 744-747 Table 171.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race and length of residence. (Study of employees)... Table 172.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees)... Table 173.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees). 747 748, 749 750, 751 LIST OF CHARTS. Page. Number of employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race. Number of employees of each general nativity for whom information was secured. 218 219 Per cent of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by race. 230 |