Table 323.—Ability to speak English of foreign-born male employees, by age at time of coming to the United States, and race. TABLE 324.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born male employees, by years in the United States and race. (STUDY OF EMPLOYEES.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only non-English-speaking races.] Community E. TABLE 325.-Total number of households and persons studied, by general nativity and race of head of household. Table 326.-Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. Table 327.-Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. No deduction is made for time spent abroad.] TABLE 328.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. TABLE 329.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. TABLE 330.-Number of males 16 years of age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [The main headings used in this table follow the classification of the United States Census, with these modifications: General Labor is here separate from Domestic and Personal Service; Fishing, Mining, and Quarrying are each separate from Manufacturing and Mechanical Pursuits; Trade and Transportation are distinct from each other.] TABLE 331.-Number of females 16 years of age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [The main headings used in this table follow the classification of the United States Census, with these modifications: General Labor is here separate from Domestic and Personal Service; Fishing, Mining, and Quarrying are each separate from Manufacturing and Mechanical Pursuits; Trade and Transportation, are distinct from each other.] TABLE 332.-Number of male heads of families earning each specified amount per year, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only male heads of selected families. For selection of families, see p. 272.] Table 333.— Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. |