USE LU-CO-FLAT the perfect fiat interior finish and you can easily corral the highest class and most profitable kind of interior painting and decorating jobs. With Lu-Co-Flat you can do in two coats as good and better work than the other fellow can with three. Get a sample can and prove it. You'll find our set of color combinations and booklet, "Modern & Artistic Interiors," helpful in landing jobs. Ask for then. FINANCIAL STATEMENT, JULY, 1912 The financial statement is closed regularly on the last day of each month. Financial Secretaries will please have their reports at headquarters on or before the 30th day of each month. The following shows all moneys received from June 30, 1912, to July 31, 1912. check this statement and note if remittances made are properly credited. July 31, 1912, to August 31, 1912, will appear in next report. Each member should NOTE. The total receipts with the exception of receipts for special funds, which are applied direct, or from sale of supplies, which are applied to the Supply Fund, or making good protested checks, which are credited to the General Fund, are divided among the remaining funds as follows: General Fund, 12% per cent.; Journal Fund, 121⁄2 per cent.; Organizing Fund, 10 per cent.; Defense Fund, 15 per cent.; Death and Disability Fund, 50 per cent. E have listened to the old reasoning that the workingman is able to make as good a contract individually as a labor union can. I don't believe the individual switchman or a railroad man who was eariing $65 a month would get much satisfaction if he protested against a cut in his wages. What chances has he to see the superintendent and insist that he cannot support his family on a smaller wage? But if he is a member of an association that includes thousands of men in every branch of railroading his grievance is sure to reach the ear of the president. a Trade unions endeavor to secure monopoly of labor, they say. Well, suppose they do. If they would create a monopoly they could starve the world. But it seems to me that the trade union is not the only body that tries to establish a monopoly. Capital does it. Capitalists do not like unions because they interfere with business, they say. Yes, they do interfere with business. They compel capital to pay living wages. They enforce the demand for the protection of life in the factories. They keep women and children from working fifteen and sixteen hours in an unsanitary building. This is a pretty serious thing when a state has to pass a law to prevent a man sending his 12-year-old girl into a factory. You don't have to compel a tiger to protect its offspring. Capital says that unions interfere with business. A brick factory does not make a business any more than a body of workmen gathered outside the factory makes a business. There is no business until the owner of the factory and the workmen meet, agree upon terms and the men enter the factory and go to work. The employer puts his money into business and the workingman his life. The one has as much right as the other to regulate that business. Men don't go into businesses because they like them. They are expensive. Tt costs money to support a union. Men don't advocate a closed shop because they like it. But, my friends, it is because trade unions and the closed shop are the only means the workingman has to protect his life and family. Their faults are human. The weaknesses of trade unions are the weaknesses of every association of men. They cannot be helped. Some day there will come the brotherhood of man. Some day industrial warfare as well as warfare between nations will be seen to be ridiculous and a waste of life and money. Some day men will work together in a grand co-operative scheme. But until that day the trade union must stand as the only safeguard of the workingman, the only instrument by which he can maintain himself and his family. |