rity holders of such number of fractional or whole interests as may be necessary to adjust for any remaining fractional interests after such matching. (c) Any constituent corporation, or any person who is an affiliate of a constituent corporation at the time any transaction specified in paragraph (a) of this section, is submitted to a vote of the stockholders of such corporation, who acquires securities of the issuer in connection with such transaction with a view to the distribution thereof shall be deemed to be an underwriter of such securities within the meaning of section 2(11) of me Act. A transfer by a constituent corporation to its security holders of securities of the issuer upon a complete or partial liquidation shall not be deemed a distribution for the purpose of this paragraph. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section, a person specified therein shall not be deemed to be an underwriter nor to be engaged in a distribution with respect to securities acquired in any transaction specified in paragraph (a) of this section, which are sold by him in brokers' transactions within the meaning of section 4(4) of the Act, in accordance with the conditions and subject to the limitations specified in paragraph (e) of this section, if such person (1) Does not directly or indirectly solicit or arrange for the solicitation of orders to buy in anticipation of or in connection with such brokers' transactions; (2) Makes no payment in connection with the execution of such brokers' transactions to any person other than the broker; and (3) Limits such brokers' transactions to a sale or series of sales which, together with all other sales of securities of the same class by such person or on his behalf within the preceding six months, will not exceed the following: (i) If the security is traded only otherwise than on a securities exchange, approximately one percent of the shares or units of such security outstanding at the time of receipt by the broker of the order to execute such transactions, or (ii) If the security is admitted to trading on a securities exchange, the lesser of approximately (a) one percent of the shares or units of such security outstanding at the time of receipt by the broker of the order to execute such transactions or (b) the largest aggregate reported volume of trading on securities exchanges during any one week within the four calendar weeks preceding the receipt of such order. (e) For the purposes of paragraph (d) of this section: (1) The term "brokers' transactions" in section 4(4) of the Act shall be deemed to include transactions by a broker acting as agent for the account of the seller where (i) the broker performs no more than the usual and customary broker's functions, (ii) the broker does no more than execute an order or orders to sell as a broker and receives no more than the usual or customary broker's commissions, (iii) the broker does not solicit or arrange for the solicitation of orders to buy in anticipation of or in connection with such transactions and (iv) the broker is not aware of any circumstances indicating that his principal is failing to comply with the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section; (2) The term "solicitation of such orders" in section 4(4) of the Act shall be deemed to include the solicitation of an order to buy a security, but shall not be deemed to include the solicitation of an order to sell a security; (3) Where within the previous 60 days a dealer has made a written bid for a security or a written solicitation of an offer to sell such security, the term "solicitation" in section 4(4) shall not be deemed to include an inquiry regarding the dealer's bid or solicitation. (f) For the purposes of this rule, the term "constituent corporation" means any corporation, other than the issuer, which is a party to any transaction specified in paragraph (a) of this section. The term "affiliate" means a person controlling, controlled by or under common control with a specified person. NOTE: This section is rescinded effective on and after January 1, 1973, except that it shall remain in effect: (1) For transactions submitted before that date for vote or consent of security holders; (2) for transactions formally submitted before such date for approval to any governmental regulatory agency, if such approval is required by law; and (3) for resales of securities received by persons in such transactions. (Sec. 5, 48 Stat. 77; 15 U.S.C. 77e) [19 FR 7129, Nov. 3, 1954, as amended at 24 FR 5900, July 23, 1959; 30 FR 2022, Feb. 13, 1965; 33 FR 566, Jan. 17, 1968. Rescinded at 37 FR 23636, Nov. 7, 1972] § 230.134 Communications not deemed a prospectus. The term "prospectus” as defined in section 2(10) of the act shall not include a notice, circular, advertisement, letter, or other communication published or transmitted to any person after a registration statement has been filed if it contains only the statements required or permitted to be included therein by the following provisions of this section: (a) Such communication may include any one or more of the following items of information, which need not follow the numerical sequence of this paragraph: (1) The name of the issuer of the security; (2) The full title of the security and the amount being offered; (3) A brief indication of the general type of business of the issuer, limited to the following: (i) In the case of a manufacturing company, the general type of manufacturing and the principal products or classes of products manufactured; (ii) In the case of a public utility company, the general type of services rendered and a brief indication of the area served; (iii) In the case of an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, the company's classification and subclassification under the Act, whether it is a balanced, specialized, bond, preferred stock or common stock fund and whether in the selection of investments emphasis is placed upon income or growth characteristics, and a general description of an investment company including its general attributes, methods of operation and services offered provided that such description is not inconsistent with the operation of or the particular investment company for which more specific information is being given, identification of the company's investment adviser, any logo, corporate symbol or trademark of the company or its investment adviser and any graphic design or device or an attention-getting headline, not involving performance figures, designed to direct the reader's attention to textual material included in the communication pursuant to other provisions of this rule; and, with respect to an investment company issuing redeemable securities: (A) A description of such company's investment objectives and policies, services, and method of operation; (B) identification of the company's principal officers; (C) the year of incorporation or organization period of existence of the company, its investment adviser, or both; (D) the company's aggregate net asset value as of the most recent practicable date; (E) the aggregate net asset value as of the most recent practicable date of all registered investment companies under the management of the company's investment adviser; (F) any pictorial illustration which is appropriate for inclusion in the company's prospectus and not involving performance figures; (G) descriptive material relating to economic conditions, or to retirement plans or other goals to which an investment in the company could be directed, but not directly or indirectly relating to past performance or implying achievement of investment objectives; Provided, That, (1) if any printed material permitted by paragraphs (a)(3)(iii)(A) through (G) of this section is included, such communication shall also contain the following legend set in a size type at least as large as and of a style different from, but at least as prominent as, that used in the major portion of the advertisement; and (H) written notice of the terms of an offer made solely to all registered holders of the securities, or of a particular class or series of securities, issued by the company proportate to their holdings, offering to sell additional shares to such holders of securities at prices reflecting a reduction in, or elimination of, the regular sales load charged: Provided, That, (1) if any printed material permitted by paragraphs (a)(3)(iii) (A) through (H) of this section is included, such communication shall also contain the following legend set in a size type at least as large as and of a style different from, but at least as prominent as, that used in the major portion of the advertisements: 503 For more complete information about (Name of Company) including charges and expenses (get) (obtain) (send for) a prospectus (from (Name and Address)) (by sending this coupon). Read it carefully before you invest or (pay) (forward funds) (send money). Or, (2) if any material permitted by paragraphs (a)(3)(iii)(A) though (G) of this section is used in a radio or television advertisement, such communication shall also contain the following legend given emphasis equal to that used in the major portion of the advertisement: For more complete information about (Name of Company) including charges and expenses (get) (obtain) (send for) a prospectus (from (Name and Address)). Read it carefully before you invest or (pay) (forward funds) (send money). means For purposes of paragraph (a)(3)(iii)(B) of this section, “principal officers" the president in charge of a principal business function and any other person who performs similar policy making functions for the company on a regular basis. In the case of two or more registered investment companies having the same investment adviser or principal underwriter, the same information described in this paragraph (a)(3)(iii) may be included as to each such company in a joint communication on the same basis as it is permitted in communications dealing with individual companies under this paragraph (a)(3)(iii). (iv) In the case of any other type of company, a corresponding statement; (4) The price of the security, or if the price is not known, the method of its determination or the probable price range as specified by the issuer or the managing underwriter; (5) In the case of a debt security with a fixed (non-contingent) interest provision, the yield or, if the yield is not known, the probable yield range, as specified by the issuer or the managing underwriter; (6) The name and address of the sender of the communication and the fact that he is participating, or expects to participate, in the distribution of the security; (7) The names of the managing underwriters; (8) The approximate date upon which it is anticipated the proposed sale to the public will commence; (9) Whether, in the opinion of counsel, the security is a legal investment for savings banks, fiduciaries, insurance companies, or similar investors under the laws of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia; (10) Whether, in the opinion of counsel, the security is exempt from specified taxes, or the extent to which the issuer has agreed to pay any tax with respect to the security or measured by the income therefrom; (11) Whether the security is being offered through rights issued to security holders, and, if so, the class of securities the holders of which will be entitled to subscribe, the subscription ratio, the actual or proposed record date, the date upon which the rights were issued or are expected to be issued, the actual or anticipated date upon which they will expire, and the approximate subscription price, or any of the foregoing; (12) Any statement or legend required by any state law or administrative authority; and (13) A communication concerning the securities of a registered investment company may also include any one or more of the following items of information: Offers, descriptions, and explanations of any products and services not constituting securities subject to registration under the Securities Act of 1933, and descriptions of corporations provided that such offers, descriptions and explanations do not relate directly to the desirability of owning or purchasing a security issued by a registered investment company and that all direct references in such communications to a security issued by a registered investment company contain only the statements required or permitted to be included therein by the other provisions of this rule, and that all such direct references be placed in a separate and enclosed area in the communication. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, every communication used pursuant to this section shall contain the following: (1) If the registration statement has not yet become effective, the following statement: A registration statement relating to these securities has been filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission but has not yet become effective. These securities may not be sold nor may offers to buy be accepted prior to the time the registration statement becomes effective. This (communication) shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of these securities in any State in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such State. (2) A statement whether the security is being offered in connection with a distribution by the issuer or by a security holder, or both, and whether the issue represents new financing or refunding or both; and (3) The name and address of a person or persons from whom a written prospectus meeting the requirements of section 10 of the act may be obtained. (c) Any of the statements or information specified in paragraph (b) of this section may, but need not, be contained in a communication: (i) Which does no more than state from whom a written prospectus meeting the requirements of Section 10 of the Act may be obtained, identify the security, state the price thereof and state by whom orders will be executed; or (ii) which is accompanied or preceded by a prospectus or a summary prospectus which meets the requirements of section 10 of the act at the date of such preliminary communication. (d) A communication sent or delivered to any person pursuant to this rule which is accompanied or preceded by a prospectus which meets the requirements of section 10 of the act at the date of such communication, may solicit from the recipient of the communication an offer to buy the security or request the recipient to indicate, upon an enclosed or attached coupon or card, or in some other manner, whether he might be interested in the security, if the communication contains substantially the following statement: No offer to buy the securities can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the registration statement has become effective, and any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time prior to notice of its acceptance given after the effective date. An indication of interest in response to this advertisement will involve no obligation or commitment of any kind. Provided, That such statement need not be included in such a communication to a dealer is the communication refers to a prior communication to the dealer, with respect to the same security, in which the statement was included. (Sec. 2, 48 Stat. 74, as amended; 15 U.S.C. 77b; secs. 2(10), 10(b), 10(c), 10(d), 10(f), and 19(a) of the 1933 Act (15 U.S.C. 77b(10), 77j(b), 77j(c), 77j(d), 77j(f) and 77s(a)) [20 FR 6524, Sept. 3, 1955, as amended at 23 FR 184, Jan. 10, 1958; 37 FR 10073, May 19, 1972; 39 FR 39869, Nov. 12, 1974; 40 FR 27443, June 30, 1975; 43 FR 47495, Oct. 16, 1978; 44 FR 52818, Sept. 10, 1979] § 230.135 Notice of certain proposed offerings. (a) For the purpose only of section 5 of the Act, a notice given by an issuer that it proposes to make a public offering of securities to be registered under the Act shall not be deemed to offer any securities for sale if such notice states that the offering will be made only by means of a prospectus and contains no more than the following additional information: (1) The name of the issuer; (2) The title, amount, and basic terms of the securities proposed to be offered, the amount of the offering, if any, to be made by selling security holders, the anticipated time of the offering and a brief statement of the manner and purpose of the offering without naming the underwriters; (3) In the case of a rights offering to security holders of the issuer, the class of securities the holders of which will be entitled to subscribe to the securities proposed to be offered, the subscription ratio, the proposed record date, the approximate date upon which the rights are proposed to be issued, the proposed term or expiration date of the rights and the approximate subscription price, or any of the foregoing; (4) In the case of an offering of securities in exchange for other securities of the issuer or of another issuer, the name of the issuer and the title of the securities to be surrendered in exchange for the securities to be offered, the basis upon which the exchange may be made, or any of the foregoing; (5) In the case of an offering to employees of the issuer or to employees of any affiliate of the issuer, the name of the employer and class o classes of employees to whom the securities are proposed to be offered, the offering price or basis of the offering and the period during which the offering is to be made, or any of the foregoing; and (6) Any statement or legend required by State law or administrative authority. (b) Any notice contemplated by this section may take the form of a news release or a written communication directed to security holders or employees, as the case may be, or other published statement. (15 U.S.C. 77d) [35 FR 18456, Dec. 4, 1970] § 230.135a Generic advertising. (a) For the purposes only of section 5 of the Act, a notice, circular, advertisement, letter, sign, or other communication, published or transmitted to any person which does not specifically refer by name to the securities of a particular investment company, to the investment company itself, or to any other securities not exempt under section 3(a) of the Act, will not be deemed to offer any security for sale, provided: (1) Such communication is limited to any one or more of the following: (i) Explanatory information relating to securities of investment companies generally or to the nature of investment companies, or to services offered in connection with the ownership of such securities, (ii) The mention or explanation of investment companies of different generic types or having various investment objectives, such as "balanced funds," "growth funds," "income funds," "leveraged funds," "specialty funds," "variable annuities,” “bond funds," and "no-load funds," (iii) Offers, descriptions, and explanation of various products and services not constituting a security subject to registration under the Act: Provided, That such offers, descriptions, and explanations do not relate directly to the desirability of owning or purchasing a security issued by a registered investment company, (iv) Invitation to inquire for further information, and (2) Such communication contains the name and address of a registered broker or dealer or other person sponsoring the communication. (b) If such communication contains a solicitation of inquiries and prospectuses for investment company securities are to be sent or delivered in response to such inquiries, the number of such investment companies and, if applicable, the fact that the sponsor of the communication is the principal underwriter or investment adviser in respect to such investment companies shall be stated. (c) With respect to any communication describing any type of security, service, or product, the broker, dealer, or other person sponsoring such communication must offer for sale a security, service, or product of the type described in such communication. [37 FR 10073, May 19, 1972, as amended at 37 FR 10931, June 1, 1972] § 230.136 Definition of certain terms in relation to assessable stock. (a) An "offer", "offer to sell", or "offer for sale" of securities shall be deemed to be made to the holders of assessable stock of a corporation when such corporation shall give notice of an assessment to the holders of such assessable stock. A "sale" shall be deemed to occur when a stockholder shall pay or agree to pay all or any part of such an assessment. (b) The term "transactions by any person other than an issuer, underwriter or dealer" in section 4(1) of the Act shall not be deemed to include the offering or sale of assessable stock, at public auction or otherwise, upon the failure of the holder of such stock to |