CHAPTER V. HOUSING AND LIVING CONDITIONS. Rent in its relation to standard of living-Boarders and lodgers-Size of apartments occupied-Size of households—Congestion—[Text Tables 343 to 354 and General Tables 255 to 266]. RENT IN ITS RELATION TO STANDARD OF LIVING. The monthly rent payments of the households, the heads of which are employed in Community F, are chiefly significant in their bearing upon the standard of living, because of congestion within the households, arising from the practice of crowding the apartments in order to reduce the per capita rent outlay. The first table presented in this connection, which immediately follows, shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the average rent per month paid per apartment, per room, and per person. TABLE 343.-Average rent per month, by general nativity and race of head of household. The above table shows that the average rent per month of 567 households studied is $10.57 per apartment, $2.73 per room, and $1.90 per person. The households whose heads are native whites born of native father pay a considerably higher average rent per apartment per month than do households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father and foreign-born. The average monthly rent per room paid by households the heads of which are native-born whites of native father is slightly higher than that paid by house 48296°-VOL 17-11-30 455 holds the heads of which are native-born of foreign father and foreignborn. The households whose heads are native-born of native father also show a considerably higher average rent per month, per person, than do the households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father; the households the heads of which are of foreign birth show a considerably lower average monthly rental per person than do the households whose heads are native-born of foreign father. Of the households the heads of which are of foreign birth, those whose heads are Scotch show an average monthly rental per apartment of $15.59, the households whose heads are Syrians pay $14.89, and those whose heads are Irish $13.75, as contrasted with the households whose heads are Ruthenians, paying $8.68, those whose heads are Magyars $8.39, and those whose heads are Slovenians $8.28. The households whose heads are Syrians and Scotch show an average rent per room per month of over $3 as contrasted with the households whose heads are Ruthenians and Lithuanians paying $2.50 and $2.49 rent per room, respectively. The households whose heads are Scotch pay a monthly rent per person of $3.49, which is far in excess of the rent paid by households whose heads are of other specified races, households whose heads are Ruthenians paying the lowest average rent per person per month, which is $1.26. The range in monthly rent for apartments is exhibited in the following table, which shows, by general nativity and race of head of household, the per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per apartment. TABLE 344.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per apartment, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all The above table shows that of 567 households paying rent, 1.2 per cent pay under $5 per month, 16.9 per cent pay under $7.50, 43 per cent pay under $10, 77.1 per cent pay under $12.50, 86.4 per cent pay under $15, and 97 per cent under $20 rent per month per apartment. The households the heads of which are foreign-born show a small per cent paying under $5 per month per apartment as contrasted with no households the head of which are native-born of foreign father. The households the heads of which are of foreign birth show a considerably higher percentage paying under $7.50, under $10, under $12.50, and under $15 rent per month per apartment than do households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father, while the households the heads of which are of foreign birth show only a slightly higher percentage paying under $20 than do households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father. Households the heads of which are Slovenians show 8.7 per cent paying under $5 rent per apartment per month as contrasted with no households the heads of which are of other specified races paying under this amount. The households the heads of which are Magyars show the highest percentage paying under $7.50 and under $10 rent per month per apartment, while the households the heads of which are Scotch show no households paying under $7.50 and only a small proportion paying under $10. The households the heads of which are Lithuanians show 100 per cent paying under $12.50 as compared with only 23.5 per cent of households the heads of which are Scotch paying this amount. The households the heads of which are Lithuanians, Poles, Ruthenians, and Slovenians exhibit 100 per cent and households the heads of which are Scotch only 41.2 per cent paying under $15 per month per apartment. The households the heads of which are of other races shown in the table, except the Irish, Syrian, and Scotch, show 100 per cent paying under $20 rent per apartment. The households whose heads are of the three races mentioned show between 85.3 and 87.5 per cent paying the above amount. In the table next presented the percentage of households paying each specified rent per month per room is shown, by general nativity and race of head of household. TABLE 345.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] 64.6 Of 567 households studied 3.7 per cent pay under $2 rent per month per room, per cent pay under $3, and 96.3 per cent pay under $4. The households whose heads are foreign-born show 4 per cent paying under $2 rent per month per room, while no households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father pay under the above-mentioned amount. The households the heads of which are of foreign birth show a considerably higher per cent paying under $3 and a slightly smaller percentage paying under $4 rent per month per room, than do households the heads of which are native-born of foreign father. The households the heads of which are Syrians show the highest per cent paying under $2, followed in the order named by the households the heads of which are Magyars, Ruthenians, Slovenians, and Scotch, in much smaller proportions. No households the heads of which are Hebrews, Irish, Lithuanians, Poles, and Slovaks pay under $2 rent per month per room. The households the heads of which are Ruthenian, show the highest per cent, and those whose heads are Syrians the lowest per cent, paying under $3, while households the heads of which are Poles and Ruthenians show 100 per cent paying under $4 rent per month per room, and households the heads of which are Syrians show only 87 per cent paying under the above specified amount. The real situation relative to congestion is set forth in the following table, which indicates the extent of crowding within the households studied by showing, according to general nativity and race of head of household, the per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per person. TABLE 346.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per person, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more households reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Of 567 households paying rent and reporting the amount 5.5 per cent pay under $1 rent per month per person, 51 per cent pay under $2, 78.1 per cent pay under $3, and 91.4 per cent pay under $4 rent per month per person. The households whose heads are of foreign |