Lapas attēli

with water. The charcoal thus shut up willfull of burning fuel; and that the fuel which The Ship or Steamboat Canal surveyed

také 60 or 80 hours to cool.

A plan and section of this description of kiln is represented in Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Fig. 1 and 2. Being plan and section of one formed in an excavation, and

Fig. 3 and 4. Of one built above ground.
Fig. 5. Cover of sheet iron applicable to


A. Interior of kiln.

B. Wall or lining of earth.


C. Chamber in which the tar may be d. Pipe leading to the condenser for pyrolignous acids. e, e, e. Air-vaults.

[ocr errors]

Openings by which the external

air is admitted.

is best suited for this purpose, (small bran- by E. F. Johnson, Esq. between Utica and
ches and twigs,) is useless in making char-width of surface and 8 feet deep and has
Oswego, is estimated for a canal of 90 feet
coal. In placing the wood, the pieces are 1804 feet of lockage; the distance is 924
laid parallel to the largest sides of the vault, miles and the aggregate estimate is $1,131,
and in such manner as to leave as little 989, which is at the rate of only $12,237,71
space as possible except in the neighbour-per mile. I wish to inquire whether there
hood of the flues, which must be kept free may not be some error in this estimate?
for the escape of the smoke and vapour. of these dimensions at a less sun than $12,-
and if it be possible to construct a ship canal
Two days are sufficient to convert the wood
500 per mile? This estimate is but a little
into charcoal, and the end of the process is more than one half the cost of the construc-
known by the appearance of the blue flametion of the Chenango Canal with wood
of carburetted hydrogen at the chimnies.locks, is less than half the cost of the con-
The whole of the openings are then closed struction of the Utica and Schenectady Rail-
and luted with clay.
road, and, if I am rightly informed, about
one fourth of the cost of the Railroads that
lead in three directions from the city of Bos-



We publish the remarks and queries of M, leaving the answer to those who have the requisite knowledge and disposition tơ give it.

At the end of two days, two holes left for the purpose in the arch of the vault, but which have during the process been careAt the Bennington Furuance, a kiln of fully closed, are opened and water thrown similar form was constructed of brick, in to cool the charcoal; these holes are above the level of the ground and covered then closed again. At the end of three or by a permanent dome of brick. In the wall four days more, one of the doors in the a door was left for the introduction of the end wall is opened and more water thrown wood and this was subsequently bricked, but the charcoal will not be ready to be Vents were formed by leaving bricks loose removed until all the exterial parts of the in the wall and when the process was complete the fire was extinguished by means of water. An unexpected benefit was found to arise from the latter operation, for the in Europe, and the quantity of charcoal coal becoming charged with aqueous va- obtained is one third more than is obtained pour, was as fit for immediate use, as that from coal pits. The turpentine and arcetic which had been prepared for several months.acid are also saved, which in other cases of Directors of the Morris and Essex It is estimated that the product of kilns are lo t. There can be no doubt that it of this kind in France is about 25 per cent. might be introduced to advantage in those more than in a coal pit. The experiment parts of our country where iron is manufacat the West Point Foundry was more ad-tured by means of charcoal prepared from vantageous, the product having 50 per cent. pine wood.

We take pleasure in giving publicity to the following letter, from Mr. Beach, the Engineer who examined the route for the apparatus have become as cold as the sur- proposed Railroad from Morristown to Carpenter's Point :


This kiln is

rounding air.

This kind of furnace has been much used



Catskill, May 20, 1836.
SAMUEL PRICE, Esq. Branchville, Suss
Co., N. J.

Dear Sir-At the request of the Board Rail Road Company and a committee of the inhabitants of the county of Sussex, composed of yourself and others, I devoted Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week, in the examination of the proposed

route for a railroad from Morristown


more than was obtained in the usual method. In using kilns of either description it In France the main object was the pyrolig-becomes a matter of calculation whether nous acid, which at West Point was neglect be cheaper to manufacture the charcoal in the through Sussex county, to Carpenter's Point, preparatory to making a survey ed, and this difference in the object will ac-woods in the usual manner, or to carry the same, which I shall probably be able to count for the difference in the results. The the wood to the kiln. The weight of the mode of placing the wood was also different, charcoal to be transported will be only 17 commence about the first of June next i but supposing that you would be glad to the French using that which has been de-parts of that of the wood; while the charhave my views of the subject prévious to scribed above while at West Point it was coal ebtained by the kilns will be certainly that survey, I embrace the first opportunity placed vertically. one third more than that procured from the In the pine forests of Sweden, an appara-pits. It must therefore appear that the that I could possibly devote to that object, since I saw you, to communicate them. ratus better suited to the collection of the value of the additional charcoal shall be at On my way up, I passed through Rock turpentine that kind of wood furnishes, has least equivalent to the cost of transporting away, Berkshire Valley, thence on the east been invented by Schwartz. the wood to the kiln. It is also to be re-side of Hopatcong Lake, to Sparta, and composed of a vault, built of brick or sili-marked that charcoal prepared on the spot thence via Lafayette to Branchville; from cious stone laid in a mixture of clay and where it is to be used is better than that Branchville up the North Branch of Pau. Common mortar must not be used which has here been handled and carried lins Kill, through the gap of the Blue as it would not only be affected by the heat, over rough roads, and that all waste is Mountain, called Culver's Gap, approachbut would be completely destroyed by the ing the Delaware River a short distance pyrolignous acid. The vault is closed at We hand the following article over to above Milford, and along the same to Careach end by a vertical wall of the same kind Mr. E. F. Johnson, as he is the proper per-penter's Point. Returning, a more northof masonry. The floor of the kiln is of son to answer them, and both able and wil-erly route was persued. Leaving the De earth, and has the figure of two planes slight-ling to do so as far as we can judge. laware at Carpenter's Point, ascending the ly inclined, and meeting in a gutter in the SHIP CANALS. From reading the notice slopes bounding the valleys of the Little middle of the longer sides of the vault. In in your valuable journal I was induced to and Big Flat Brooks, to Culver's Gap, each end wall are two fire places, and in one exatuine the maps of the proposed New from thence to Branchville, there is but of them are four openings for introducing the York Ship Canals; the one accompanied one route. From Branchville, returning, wood and withdrawing the charcoal. The with a valuable memoir by Cap. W. G. two routes were examined, viz: via. Lasmoke and vapour are carried off by flues Williams, of the U. S. Topographical En-fayette ahd Newton, passing at or near Anof cast iron at the level of the ground, and gineers, for a communication around Nag-dover Furnace, Stanhope, Dever, Rockaara Falls. It appears that Capt. Williams proceeding from the middle of the larger estimates one route which he recommends way, to Morristown; the route is, generalsides of the vault; these terminate in chan-at $4,744,982,8, and another route of 7y, a feasible one for the advantageous locanels where the vapour is condensed and (or 7.73) miles in length, between Porter's tion and construction of a railroad. From hich convey the smoke to two vertical store. house on the Niagara river, above the Carpenter's Point, ascending to the sumchimnies. Á section of this kiln is repre- Falls and Lewiston, at $3.610,596,, which mit of the Blue Ridge, in Culver's Gap, is at the rate of $46,709,3% per mile.- there are no difficulties to be encountered, sented in Fig. 6. These estimates were for a canal of the di- and I am confident that, on that section, no The advantage of this arrangement is, mensions of 110 feet width of surface and that no air can enter the kiln without pass-10 feet deep, and the lockage is stated at grade need be adopted exceeding forty feet ing through the fire places which are kept 3194 feet. der mile, ascent, and if desirable may be

From the New York American

reduced below that. From the summit of those practised in England, or on the conti-transplanting successfully the young corn the Blue Ridge at Culver's Gap, to Branch-nent of Europe. Soon his zinc sold at plants. Whence comes this, but from breakVille, the grading will not be expensive, but double price of the common material, and ing the roots in taking the plant up? How is it then that intelligent planters affirm the a somewhat steeper grade must be adopt-covered far around the roofs of the neigh-doctrine, that one chief object of ploughing ed. From Branchville to Lafayette or borhood. But the mine ran out, as it is corn, is to cut its roots? If breaking the Newton, and from thence to either Sparta termed, and about six years ago Mr. Hitz roots of young corn in transplanting it, is or Andover, a level and cheap route can be removed to this country with all his family. really fatal to its future growth, must not obtained. Schooley's Mountain Ridge Passing with him through Philadelphia, breaking its roots with the plough, when it may be crossed from Sparta via the sun- about three years ago, Mr. Wetherhill is older, and the season hotter be a serious init of the Morris Canal, on either side of showed us a specimen of Blende, from injury to it? Any other conclusion seems to me to be at variance with the general econLake Hopatcong, to Dover; or from An- which he could not produce the metal. Mr. omy of nature. It seems to me that there' dover Furnace, near Stanhope, to Dover, Hitz told me the procuring the pure zinc can be in truth, but two reasons for plough thence via Rockaway to Morristown, with- from it would be unquestionably successful. ing or hoeing corn-1st, to destroy grasa out encountering any objectionable steep In the last session of Congress, the con- and weeds; and 2d, to keep the soil loose, grades, or very heavy expenditures in gra- struction of standard of weights and mea-that the roots may penetrate easily, in search ding. Both the Blue Ridge and that of sures for the Custom Houses was ordered, of their proper food. But in accomplishing Schooley's Mountain and their vicinity, and in continuance of my former operations done to the corn, by breaking its roots. these two purposes, great injury must be abounds with timber of an excellent quality of comparison, I was directed by the Sec- Can we not accomplish both these ends, for the superstructure of the road, which retary of the Treasury, to construct the and at the same time keep clear of the a can be obtained at a reasonable or low rate. same. Brass being the metal almost neces-tendant mischief? I think we can. The country to be accommodated is rich in sarily used for accurate Weights and Mea- Last spring I planted a small piece of agricultural and mineral productions; it also sures, it was a primary object to procure it poor ground-first breaking it up well. abounds with water power, and has already of pure and good quality, for which the The rows were made three feet apart, and numerous establishments for the manufac- common spelter is not fit. It was there- the stalks left about a foot apart in the drill." ture of Iron in all its various forms.-fore proper for me, to avail myself of the The ground had been very foul last year There are also on the route several flouring presence of Mr. Hitz, (then, and still occuwith crab grass, whose seed matured. The mills, and other manufacturing establish- pied in the gold mines of Virginia,) to pro- grass began to appear. When the corn corn was not well up this spring before the ments of various descriptions, all of which, cure the pure zinc; this was done by his had about four or five blades, the young with this road completed, will find upon it a peculiar method, and by properly varying the grass completely covered the ground, and cheap and expeditious transportation of their process; with equal success upon the ores the corn was turning yellow. I spread a products to New-York market. from the copper mines of Perkiomen (where small quantity of stable manure around the I am, respectfully, Your ob't. servant, the blende laid about as refuse,) from the ore corn, and covered the whole ground three EPHRAIM BEACH, Civil Engineer. (Franklinite,) o New Jersey, and from or four inches deep with leaves from the the High furnace near Frederic in Mary-ground was wet, and the leaves also, that forest, taking care to do this, when the We insert the following with pleasure land. The "beautiful specimen obtained"!! they might not be blown away, and to leave The information both as correcting errone- from all three places together, are upwards the tops of the young corn uncovered. In ous statements and as furnishing details is of ten tons pure malleable metallic zinc, ten days there was not a particle of living worthy of notice. We most earnestly re-acknowledged far superior to the imported grass to be found, and the corn had put on commend to the attention of "speculative spelter, by all the importers and workmen that deep bluish green which always betokens a healthful condition of the plant. minds" the concluding warning of Mr. in that line, who have seen it. Hassler's letter. after the fodder was pulled, and the tops From the day the corn was planted until cut, nothing was done with it, and the re. sult is a product at the rate of forty-two bushels to the acre-about one-third of the stalks having two ears on each of them.

From the Morning Courier & N. Y. Enquirer. In your paper of May 26th, 1836, you have inserted an article entitled "Zinc in New Jersey," inviting to enterprise, in procuring the metal from the ore.


The state

The amount already obtained being sufficient for the particular purpose of standards, the temporary furnace built for that purpose exists no more, as I needed the materials to build a brass casting furnace.

If any one should be willing to take up ments are not entirely correct. Allow me the subject in such a manner as to procure therefore, to furnish the public with better to the man who invented the process, and information to prevent mistaken specula- so successfully produced the results quoted, that reward of a solid establishment which is due to his knowledge and good character, I offer to serve as a means to obtain his co-operation; but I am in duty bound to warn mere speculators from engaging without that previous knowledge, which besides they will not find in any book, and trials will be ruinous, as proved by the previous

The pure zinc lately produced, has lain for centuries in the ore in Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, (and most likely in many other parts of the country,) just as the finest marble statutes are yet contained in the marble quarries of this country, needing only the artist to cut them out; but this cutting them out, enterprise and money alone will never effect; unless art also find its proper support to do it; and just as little will the speculation in money enterprise alone do it in zinc, without the necessary science of Metallurgy.

It will not only be interesting but instructive to give here the whole history of the production of the zinc in this country. As the whole was done under my direction, I may be allowed to be good authority in the

[blocks in formation]


Washington City, May 28th, 1836.


From the New-England Farmer.

I noted, in the course of the summer, the following facts:

1st. The corn created thus, was always ahead of some planted along side of it, and treated in the usual way.

2d. It ripened at least ten days sooner than other corn, planted at the same time. the blades never twisted up, as did other corn in the neighborhood.

3d. During the hottest and dryest days

4th. In the dryest weather, on removing the leaves, the ground was found to be moist to the surface, and loose, as deep as it has been at first broken up.

5th. The heaviest rain had scarcely any effect in washing away the soil, or making it hard.

It certainly will require less labor to pro duce corn in this way, than in the usual mode. And even if it required more, we have the consolation to know. that while, conclusions in regard to the culture of In-injury to the land, by this mode, every hour's By experiment, I have arrived at some by the old mode, every hour's work is an dian coru, which I think are of importance work is making the land better; for few to planters in the Southern States. I com- things can be beiter manure than the coat municate them for the use of the public with ing of leaves put on in summer, when great hesitation, because they are directly ploughed in the winter and spring following. at variance with the received opinions on the subject.

The early part of my life was spent in agricultural pursuits-and hence, if there were no other reason, I feel a deep interest in every thing relating to agriculture. I noticed, very early, the great difficulty in

I used leaves raked up in the forest, be cause of these there is an ample supply within the reach of almost every person, and be a use there seems, from my observation, tobe a strong antipathy between dead, and decaying forest leaves, and crab grass, that most harassing foe of agriculturists,

Those who think the plan worth any attention, may easily make an experiment with an acre or two, and note carefullythe progress through the summer. If they are satisfied, after the trial, that there is any thing in it, to extend the operation will nor be a difficult matter.

I make this communication, as I have al- an unusual quantity of rain. On high land, ready said, with hesitation, because the idea the usual estimates of crops expected, vary ture displayed in such dwellings, but there Snugness is not altogether the only fea of raising corn without ploughing and hoe-from one fourth to three fourths of an ave- is a character of retirement, blended with ing, and at the same time improving the rage. In some fewer cases, they are worse hospitality. By general observation, it will land, by protecting it against the influence and better than these ordinary extremes, be seen that the sites of such dwellings are of a scorching sun and washing rains, is so varying from nothing worth reaping, to well chosen where the requisite comforts for directly in the teeth of the universal prac-nearly a fair product. Of the latter ca-domestic purposes are of easy access. Shel. tice for ages. The thing is, however, at ses, very few have been heard of-and ter and shade are the first consideration in least, worthy of further trial. It may lead those not very lately. From the newspa- this case, and are a grand feature, namely, to most important results. pers, we learn that in Buckingham and the the fine impression given on landscape nearest adjacent counties, the wheat was scenery. tolerably fair, and near Wheeling, still bet.cot is always pleasing when we can see The rustic construction of the ter; if so, these are the only parts of Virgi- natural materials in every way made use. nia as much favored, of which we have ful, and not too much transposed into someheard. On our own farm, we cannot esti-thing, of which all recollection of its primimate the crop of wheat at more than the tive state is lost, to appearance. The thatch, fourth of what the land could produce; and being of straw, reminds us of the utility it If, on experiment, it should be found ad-where the damage from the fly was the has been in another way-when the bearer visable to extend the operation, the proper least, and the general growth the best, there of grain; and the rude unhewed post of the way would be, I think, to collect the leaves the damage was the greatest from scab, or porch (on which twines the honeysuckle) in winter, and deposite them in heaps on empty or dead parts of heads. The qual- of the use of forest trees the ground on which they are to be used, ity of the grain will be very bad. The plan of the and the next spring during a wet season, cot is mostly neat, and generally in the after the corn is up, spread them, taking have suffered most. These have all been peeping out of the thatch. The approachGothic order, with the upper windows care to leave the tops of the young corn un- covered by freshets, and to unusual depths. ing. The rustic arbor well covered with es and appendages are always correspond. There is one very important result that The Roanoke bottom lands have suffered native grape vines that give a natural effect, must follow the success of this plan on a most. The wheat there is almost entirely and impart a luscious reward to the humble large scale-and it was with an eye chiefly the soil itself, in many parts, has been cardestroyed, as well as all other to that result, that my experiment was un-ried off by the floods, so that the damage to which gives a healthy employment, or rathpruner. The approach is generally condertaken. The constant excuse for not imverted into neat and well kept lower-garden, proving our land, is, that where cotton is the land is even of more amount than the entire loss of the year's crops. er recreation, to an aged mother or some grown, the time necessary, first to cultivate rosy cheeked prattling children, who are of the growing crop properly next to gather it, Two more days (the 25th and 26th) have ten seen strolling from their plot in quest and then to prepare for a new crop, leaves passed since the foregoing remarks were of flowers to decorate the little parterre, the planter nr time to collect manure. My written, and on both rain has fallen profuse-transplanting them with care to their new plan will be to put an end to that excuse at ly and heavily; the consequent increase of habitations among, perhaps, some delicate once; or where leaves are to be had, half damage to the wheat will be necessarily the time usually bestowed on working the great. Where ready for the scythe, it must corn crop in the usual way, spent in gather-be much beaten down and tangled by the ing leaves and putting them on the ground, heavy rain of last night; and where still instead of ploughing it, may in a short time green, there is danger of the rust coming to accomplish every thing that can be desired destroy much of the quantity and value in the way of manuring. of the small product previously expect ed.


But the rich bottom lands on our rivers

June 27th.




culent vegetables and fruit, with a small orThe vegetable garden, well filled with eschard and meadow, are often appendages to the "thatched cottage." A ruuning stream or brook in its vicinity gives a mellowness to the scene, and some rich verdant spots near the dwelling forms a part, of social effect, but seldom rivalled in landscape scenery.

Were I to choose a dwelling for retirement, when age wears off that activity and There are but few objects in landscape should be the cot above spoken of; not, zeal from a life of bustle and business, it scenery that form a more rural character-gentle reader, that I would be conspicuous

Why may not the same process answer in the cultivation of cotton? If it keeps the the ground soft and moist, and prevents the growth of grass and weeds in a corn crop, RURAL it will surely have the same effect with cotton-and be the means, further, of preserving the cotton, when the bolls open, from all the injury it sustains from the soil in wet seasons. This is, however, but speculation.istic than the "thatched cottage," by the Let it be tested by actual experiment. JAMES CAMAK. Athens, Ga. October 10, 1835.

From the Farmers' Register

To im

side of a wood, which serves to protect it
from the cold winter blast, and has the ef
fect of a shady retreat for summer.
part to the traveller pleasing ideas of the
fertility and domestic comforts, blended
with rural economy, of the country through
which he passes, is, perhaps, one of the
very best criterions of his opinion of the
more rapid improvement and increase of the
value of property; and the cot' spoken of
is one of the sure features to attract his
particular attention.

There is something about a thatched cot
tage which is always inviting, and reminds
us of the comforts of life. I disagree with
Dr. Johnson, who deems all things of a
rustic nature, as the abode and choice of
the unrefined; or, in plain words, expres-
sive of rudeness in every degree.

at that time of life, but because it would suit, my desire. The wood would be a pleasing source for my researches of botanical specishrubs about my dwelling a fine retreat for mens of native plants, and the trees and the different kinds of birds which would visit my 'cot,' as their migrations suit their approach in the neighboring wood. The honeysuckle would impart, in the flowering season, a luscious repast to the little queen of birds-the humming-bird; and er-garden would serve to amuse my leisure my flowraised by my care, would add to its flavor, hours in healthy employment. The fruit, and some to give to a friend, to friendship. A few choice books for my amusement, and

horticulture; and, at times, to read to relatives and friends, who should always find sums up my desire of a thatched cottage. welcome repast of the wearied traveller, hospitality in my rustic manners, and the

to recall what had been seen and done in

THE SEASON AND STATE OF CROPS. From all the accounts before us, public and pri. vate, it is inferred that the wheat crop throughout Virginia, will fall short of half of an average crop-and that the whole wheat crop of the United States will be not much better than that of Virginia alone.We subjoin in extracts from private letters, many of the facts that have reached us; but none of these, except the one from Halifax, Va., even refer to the latest and worst calamities, caused by the inundation of most of the rich and extensive river bottoms of Virginia and North Carolina. The great source of injury to the wheat, and which arch is more intelligent, oftentimes, than I very much doubt if the greatest monwas anticipated as far back as last October, those who dwell beneath a cottage of thatch; and expected then to be unusually destruc- nor are his domestic comforts any more eltive, was the Hessian fly. In addition to evated or constant than the cottager, althis, and to other minor evils, the very wet though fame extends his name to a more season latterly has done great damage, distant part, where rumor often falsifies his From the New York Farmer. either by filling the soil with water, or enreal charecter. The cottager rarely has QUESTION-Where you bound, stranger? tirely overflowing its surface. In the latter any thing to fear on this subject, as his only ANSWER-I am going to the Far West, sir. part of May, and first half of June, there object is to make home agreeable to himself were 21 days in succession, on which more and its inmates; and this effect being obSince my last which was written on my or less rain fell-and some of these rains servable to the passer by, it engraves on his journey to Pittsburg, I passed some time in came in floods and even since the close memory the snug appearance of the thatch-that flourishing city which approaches much of this uninterrupted series, there has been [[ed cottage.

New Jersey, April, 1836.


nearer Burmingham in England, than you

There are also upwards of twenty Banking Institutions that are as well managed as Banks can be, and whose notes pass currently in all the adjoining States.

would suppose any thing in this new counthe health of our animals, especially contry could; I descended the Ohio to Wheelsidering the length of our winters and the ume during which they are confined to the ing when I took the national road which is stall, that they should have green and sucnow completed to Columbus 74 miles from culent food to mix with their dry; and that Wheeling. The country through which it It is stated by an intelligent gentleman dry especially not of the best quality. Cerpasses until you reach Zanesville, is quite conversant with the fact, that Ohio enjoys tainly very much of our hay is spoiled in a hill and dale country, the farmers turning one hundred and ninety miles of ship and It is made either too much or too little; so the getting-It is cut not at the right time. their attention to raising Tobacco, and some steam boat navigation on the Lake, and four nuch as to become too huskey and dry or so have large flocks of sheep, to the raising of hundred thirty six miles steam boat naviga- little as to be heated and mouldy; in either which the soil appears peculiarly well tion on the Ohio. These great local advan-case much of its nutritive power is lost; adapted, that animal thriving much better tages, united with a soil abounding in eveand though it may sustain life, cattle by the use of it lose their condition and become on high and dry lands. After passing Zanes-ry production and luxury of life, must inevi- diseased; poor, hide-bound, costive and conville, the country is more level and alluvial, tably give Ohio at no distant day, if not the sumptive. the canal connecting the Ohio and Lake first, at least the second rank in the United Erie, 300 miles in length, is very productive States. The climate is warm and solubriand the lands bordering have risen much ous. The people remarkable for their obserin value, large entries of State and United vance of the Laws, and particularly for the States lands have been made in Ohio the spirit of industry that seems to exist in eve. past year, and the wealth of this State is increasing probably faster than any State in the union. Columbus the seat of government, is beautifully situated lying on very high land, the public buildings are numerous and what is particularly gratifying to the traveller, the public accommodations good particularly Noble's Hotel. As many of your readers are emigrating West, and as they generally prefer stopping short of "the far West" prefering Farms partly brought to a state of cultivation to those which are at less price and untouched, I will close this with statistical information of Ohio, and in my next give you that of the adjoining State of Indiana, hoping it will prove acceptable to your readers.

Ohio was organized as a State in 1802, though the first settlement was commenced at Marietta in 1788 by Gen. Putnam, and 46 six other hardy and enterprising individuals from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

The river Ohio gave name to the State, although Historians do not agree as to whether Ohio means Beautiful River, and taken from the French explorers or Bloody River as the Indians designated it, at any rate it is a beautiful name for River or State.

Ohio contains an area about 200 miles square, being about 200 miles in extent from North to South and from East to West, being bounded north by Michigan and the Lake, west by the State of Indiana, and east and south by Pennsylvania and the Ohio river. The population may be safely set

down as one half million of souls.

Literature is very flourishing. There are eight Colleges in this State besides many Academies and Literary Societies, Lyceums, &c.

Also a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Medical College, &c. There are also upwards of one hundred newspapers printed in this State, a large proportion are published semiweekly.

Canals and Railroads are constructing in various directions, as a very liberal policy seems to have been entertained towards works of this sort for some years.


section of the state.

Yours truly,

From the New-York Farmer.


B. P.

The time when hay should be cut is a matter not well settled and in which farmer. Different grasses ripen at different pe ers in different places differ with each othriods; and with some the season of flowering continues much longer than with others. It is ascertained likewise by chemical analysis that grasses at different periods of their growth yield more nutriment than all others. What in some parts of the country is called the English Bent, a fine and delicate grass must be cut very early or it becomes hard and wiry. Herds grass or The season of hay cutting is just at hand. Timothy in order according to the experiAn operation so simple as that of cutting ments of Sinclair, must be allowed to reach and curing hay every farmer feels that he an extreme ripeness in order to yield the understands, and would disdain on this sub-greatest amount of nutritive matter. We ject any attempt to advise or instruct him. have some incredulity in regard to the stateBe it so; the wise are glad to examine any ments respecting this latter grass and some subject, on which it is possible discussion hesitation whether these experiments, or inquiry may throw some light; correct though highly exact and instructive, are to prejudices, or suggest new and better means be considered conclusive as to the actual of management; the wise in respect to any value of these grasses for feeding; and and every subject are never too wise to should deem some exact experiments with learn; and though our own observations or the cattle themselves made under favorable suggestions on any subject may have no just circumstances and by skilful and careful foundation, no reasonableness, and no perti- observers, much more decisive. nency, they may be useful if they excite the inquiries and elicit the observations of wiser or more experienced minds.

The time of cutting for most grasses is when they are in flower. If cut before this they waste greatly and have little substance; and if suffered to stand long after this they lose their succulence. It is advisable in this matter to be early rather than late; and to cut before the plant is exhausted by flowering or by forming seeds. It is then in the highest perfection. The time for cutting clover is longer than of other grasses as it continues longer sending out a succession of flowers; but I am decidedly cut after it comes into flower, the better, as of an opinion that the sooner this grass is it is so apt to lodge and to become mouldy at bottom.

Hay making must be set down as one of the most important operations in husbandry. Hay with us is the great means of supporting our live stock. Our straw is principally used for litter or the subsistence of our young cattle. Grain and meal are always given with reluctance, excepting to fatting cattle; and comparatively no succulent vegetables are grown for the winter latter case there may be a speedy alteration keeping of our stock. It is hoped in this in the habits of our farmers; and that it will become as much matter of custom among our farmers to raise large crops of vegetables, with which to store their cel On the subject of the time of cutting lars as large crops of hay with which to grass I am happy to quote the opinions of a fill their barns. Common white turnips, very able writer. This rule of cutting though very little in favor with us are a grass, when it first comes into flower apvaluable crop both for sheep and neet cat-plies to every species of herbage, which is tle. The yellow varieties are still better, as to be dried for winter food; but to coarse they are more solid and retain their good hay the produce of wet or marshy grounds, qualities much longer. The ruta baga it is strongly applicable; for most of the is a most excellent vegetable for sheep, cat-plants, which grow in these situations, tle and horses. Potatoes, carrots, mangel when they are in full vigor are as tender, wurtzel are all excellent. An agricultural and contain perhaps as great a proportion friend well qualified to judge informs me of nourishing juices as any other descrip that he prefers to all others the common tion of hay; and when cut at that stage blood beet. He asserts that according to and properly managed afterwards, form a his own experience, it is as sure a crop as valuable article of food both for sheep and any other; that it yields as much to the cattle; but when the cutting is delayed, as acre as any other; none will make more indeed it very often is, till an advanced pemilk or put on more flesh; none if properly riod of the season, when the plants have taken care of will last longer; and none of no only reached their ultimate growth, but equal value is raised with more ease or at begin to decay, this description of herbage less expense. My own experience in their becomes at once the coarsest and least most cultivation and use disposes me to give al. nourishing of all food. This opinion does entire credit to all these state-not proceed upon theory; but upon the solid grounds of experiments carefully made It would seem to be most important to upon different kinds of herbage, at different


periods of their growth, the result of which || under the impression that it would suffer || water to drink. They were fed in this manestablishes a fact which cannot be too gen- no injury though it should remain so twenty ner until the middle of April, when they erally known, viz: that plants of all sorts, if tour hours, proceeds very erroneous opin- were turned out to grass all day; and ta they are cut when in full vigor, and after-ons; and is to be strongly condemned.-ken into a shed at evening; and fed with wards carefully dried, without any waste The practice likewise of cutting grass when hay until there was plenty of grass and the of their natural juices either by bleaching a heavy dew is upon it, is, on the same weather grew warm. Such of the calves as with rain or exhalation, contain weight for grounds to be disapproved, excepting that were weaned in March were continued to be weight, a quantity of nourishing matter in this case that it is very soon stirred and fed with milk and water,every morning until nearly double what they do, when allowed shaken. We should prefer, excepting that midsummer. All the said calves are into attain their fall growth; and make some we might sometimes find that it compelleu good health and condition; and the Society progress towards decay.' These opinions us to the loss of 100 much time,never to have allowed the premium offered on that head are stated with great confidence; and are en-a swath mowed but when the grass and the preceding year.-[Bath Soe. Papers.] titled to much consideration; and so far as ground are perfectly dry. The grass is they apply to our wet meadows deserve not mowed so easily when dry as when wet. particular attention, since the cutting and It requires more strength and the edge of curing of these grasses receive very little the scythe suffers more; but the grass, care; they are left standing generally until which is cut when perfectly dry and the very late in the season; and the hay from ground under it likewise being perfectly dry them commonly is almost worthless, ex- and warm, is made with so much more cepting for litter. quickness and ease, that this consideration, which will go far to balance the supposed or actual advantages in the other case.

"In the survey of Perthshire, Eng. it is stated that as the great object of making hay is that of preserving as much of the natural sap as possible, the proper time for cutting it is when the crop of grass has attained its highest degree of perfection; when the plants are in full blow, and before their flowers begin to fade. If cut too green the hay shrivels and losses much of its bulk; if allowed to stand till the seeds are ripe, the steam becomes hard and wiry; the roots loose much of their natural sap; the aftermath is less abundant; and the principal part of the hay is in danger of crumbling away into short stumps, under the various operations which it must undergo. Better to be too soon than too late, especially if the crop be heavy and in danger of lodging.'

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The second important point is to avoid
getting the hay too dry and stirring it so
much as to shake off the leaves. These
constitute the most palatable and nutritious
part of the hay; and this is particularly
likely to happen in respect to clover, which
if very much dried and shaken becomes
little better than so many sticks. Clover
can be well cured in cocks, without any
turning, but that of reversing the heaps.-
This method has been often tried and with
entire success. Salt is always to be
plied in these cases at the rate of a peck to
a load; and to all English hay the addition
of salt to the amount at least of four
quarts to the load is always to be recom-



"With clover the best time for cutting it Spreading out, as it is termed, is an is when the flowers are all fully blown and operation that should be done by a most the earliest begin to turn brown. If allow-careful hard. Clover hardly admits of this ed to stand longer, the roots of the stalks lose their leaves, and become hard and sticky; and the plant is so much exhausted that it takes a long time before it sends up

new shoots."

Rearing Calves, 1789.-In the year 1787, I weaned seventeen calves-in 1788, twenty and in 1789, fifteen, do. I bought in 1787 three sacks of linseed. put one quart of seed to six quarts of water, which by boiling ten minutes, became a good jelly; this jelly is mixed with a small quantity of the best hay steeped in boiling water. Having my calves drop at different times, I did not make an exact calculation of the expense of this hay tea; but of my sacks of seed I had better than two bushels left at three times a day; to the boy who looked last, I gave them the jelly and the hay tea, after them 6d a day; the price of the linseed was 4s. 6d. stg. per bushel; the whole three years seed 21 5s. My calves are better at this time than my neighbors, who kept in good growing state; and are much are reared with milk; they do not fall off so much, when they come to grass.-[Bath Soc. papers.]


when green, and, if attempted when dry, the best parts of the hay are sure to be shaken off. Other kinds of hay however, canThe plum in some of its species, as the not after mowing, be too carefully opened beach plum, (Prunus littoralis) and the and too evenly spread; not a inatted hand- Chicasaw plum (P. chicasa) is indigenous With respect to curing hay it is impor-ful should be left that is not thoroughly setint to put it into the baru in as green a state parated and shook out. Hay at night, if it to many parts of the United States, but as will possibly do and avoid its heating and can be done, should never be left in swath the fine cultivated varieties, now so abunbecoming mouldy. In this way it best re- or in windrow; but put up at first in small dant in our gardens, have been produced tains its succulence and flavor; and the cocks and afterwards made with no more from an eastern species (Prunus domestinearer in both these respects it approaches shaking about and spreading than is abso- ca,) probably first introduced into Europe to grass in its green state, so much better is lutely necessary to dry it. We have al-from Syria." it relished by all kinds of stock, and so ready extended this article beyond our inmuch the more nutritious it undoubtedly is. tentions and yet have not exhausted it. dle and Eastern States is exceedingly easy. The cultivation of the plum in the MidThe best farmers, on the Connecticut river, We commend it to our brother farmers, not and where they extensively engaged in presuming that we can instruct them; but The soil best adapted to that purpose is a the feeding of cattle, have within a few hoping that we may at least draw their at-moderately strong, light and dry loam; years been accustomed to put their hay in the tention to a subject of great importance in barn in a very green state and after a slight husbandry ; but which we think has by no making. They deem it of the first impor- means as yet received sufficient considerataace that it should have no foreign damption and care. ness adhering to it either of dew or rain; bit they do not object to its healing slight- MODE OF WEANING AND REARING CALVES ly in the mow from the fermentation of its By A NORFOLK FARMER, ENG-Mr. Whitley natural juices. They are of an opinion of Wallington did, between the first of Dethat this even readers it the more palatable cember, 1776, and April, 1777, wean and rear for the cattle; but wetness either of dew or on his farm ten cow calves and thirteen ram is altogether injurious to its quality bull calves, by the method following: At produces sourness, and mould, and renders three days old they were taken from the it innutritious, unfit for the use of cattle; cows, put into a shed and fed with file #dextremely pernicious to horses. The skimmed milk) allowing three quarts to English farmers think their hay is better forach calf morning and evening. When a a slight heat in the stack.

moist soils predisposing the tree to disease, and rendering it unfruitful. Gravelly and stony soils, though generally considered rather unsuitable, will be found excellent if the trees are planted in orchards, and reCeive that care in cultivation, peculiarly proper for such situations.

The plum not requiring walls in this climate, but growing with great luxuriance as an open standard tree, needs but little skill in pruning; the head of the tree should by no means, however, be permitted to become crowded with branches, but by judicious trimming, be kept open to the month old, they were fed with a like quan- genial influence of the sun and air. PruTwo things in the curing of bay are to ity of milk and water, morning and evening, in the plum, as in all other stone b particularly attended to. The first is toning, with hay to feed on in the day time; ruits, should be performed while the secure it fron wet. The effect of wet upon and at noon they were fed with eats and hay is like the effect of water upon tea to extract all its strength and flavor. For this reason the practice of some firmers of mowing in the rain by way of saving time, and suffering the hay to remain wet and entirely saturated with water in the swath,

bran equally mixed, allowing half a peck to
one dozen calves. At two months old they
were fed only in the morning with milk
and water; they had bay to feed on in the
day time, and at evening instead of noon,
had the same quantity of bran and oats with

branches are small, as the exudation of gum is induced by lopping large limbs, and the wounds heal with difficulty. To those persons who feel lost in the labyrinth of a modern catalogue of fruits, the fol lowing selection of plums, of first rate ex

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