Lapas attēli

positions had been funded.

I am already implementing the necessary steps, such as not filling certain vacant positions and reducing other spending, to ensure that a FY95 funding shortfall can be

avoided. Thus, the actual reduction to achieve the proposed FY96 personnel was 23 actual

[blocks in formation]

In addition to the staffing reductions I have already outlined, I would encourage the subcommittee to support my efforts to advance these additional reform efforts I am undertaking to reduce costs and enhance House services.

Office of the Historian and House Library

As part of the Clerk's FY96 budget, I would encourage the merging of the Office of the Historian and the House Library. Currently the Historian Office is staffed with five employees and the House Library an additional seven employees.

It is my strong belief that a merger of the two offices could net a reduction of six positions from the current 13 staff slots, an estimated savings of $303,863. Such a merger would allow the services of these offices to continue, while centralizing and reducing the current administrative and support costs of the two separate offices.

Office of Official Reporters

Similar to the Historian Office and the House Library, the Office of Official

Reporters of Debate and Office of Official Reporters of Committees are separate. I would propose a similar merger of these offices at the beginning of the 1996 fiscal year. Such a merger will allow for the elimination of at least three positions in FY96, a further savings of $169,000.

Over the last few weeks, several issues have been brought to my attention regarding the current system of using both in-house and contract reporting services. Many of these longstanding questions focus on cost effectiveness, quality and proposed changes in the workload distribution. Some have advocated a complete privatization of this service, a step that would have significant implications on the way Congress currently operates. While I am a strong advocate of privatization of many services on Capitol Hill, I believe this proposal needs further cost-benefit analysis prior to its implementation.

I am supportive of an evaluation by an agency (such as GAO or the House Inspector General) to provide more complete information. Armed with such an objective analysis or data, appropriate actions can be taken. I would like to work with the subcommittee to have such a review done over the next several months.

Electronic Transmission

As part of the continuing efforts to increase the amount of information made available to the public, primarily in electronic format via the Internet, my office is continuing to review various information creation and dissemination activities occurring within the Office of Clerk. The Clerk's operations are the generators and originators of all legislative information for the House, including activities on the

House floor and within committees. As well, we serve as the House's legislative information collector from other non-House sources, such as the Senate, the White House, the Library of Congress and the Government Printing Office.

Much of the electronic information data gathered by the Clerk's operations

is then copied by House Information Systems, modified and then disseminated or transferred to the Library of Congress for "public" dissemination.

I am deeply committed to efforts to greatly increase the House's electronic efficiency and public distribution of information. However, I wish to stress the House's responsibility to provide accurate information to the public. I have several concerns with the current process in our public release of electronic information.

Several issues and proposals are being discussed by this subcommittee and the Committee on House Oversight to reform and expand our current efforts. I would encourage the policymakers to ensure the Clerk's role in reviewing all information prior to its public release to guarantee accuracy.


I appreciate the subcommittee's patience and guidance throughout this process. I and my staff are available to assist you in answering any questions you may have.

Thank you.


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Mr. PACKARD. Let's take a moment and entertain any questions. I have a couple.

I was very grateful to have you arrange for a demonstration on the use of the Docutech equipment last week. How do you see that being used to change some of the printing operations of the Congress?

Ms. CARLE. It is already allowing us to produce a greater volume, print volume, and now we have also the ability to print directly from electronic databases. Over time, our hope we are using it as a backup to the GPO process now. The Senate has already taken similar steps to provide bills on demand, and that is the direction we are going with this. Pretty much to improve our in-house capabilities and to reduce overall costs to the House is the goal. It is a very impressive piece of equipment.

Mr. PACKARD. I would encourage any other Member of the committee that may wish to observe the use of the Docutech. It is new technology that we have just purchased. It is downstairs in this building. And it has a significant application, I think, that could replace a lot of the printing operations of the House.

As you may well know, we will be meeting with printers later on in hearings this month, but there is a desire to restructure the printing operations of the House and of the government, frankly, and these kinds of equipment will give us some options that I think will be very interesting. I appreciate the chance to see that demonstrated.

We certainly want to encourage you to work with this committee regarding your own deliberations on Floor reporters and to see where efficiencies and restructuring can be made.


In your statement, I was pleased to see that you are making structural changes in the Clerk's office. Obviously you have received some additional assignments and some changes in the assignments of the Clerk's office. Some of those areas that have traditionally been with the Clerk have been removed.

I guess my one question would be, how has that transition taken place so far? Has it been a smooth transition from your point of view?

Ms. CARLE. Yes, I think so. There are pieces of it, the transition continues on for everyone, but I think it has gone quite well. I am very pleased with the response I have gotten from the staff.


Mr. PACKARD. You mentioned that the Clerk's operation has had actual staff of 276 but only 264 positions have been funded. I have wondered as I read through that testimony last night why we have had unfunded staff.

Ms. CARLE. Well, those were not positions that were in the Clerk's shop last year. Those were in some of the shops that were moved into our operation, and I can't really speak to the history on it. But I can speak to the bodies versus the positions, which is what I found.

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