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815.00/3774: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala


WASHINGTON, June 27, 1925—2 p. m.

42. American Legation Tegucigalpa reports that the President of Guatemala refuses to deport Ferrera on the ground that he is now a Guatemalan citizen. Please report immediately (1) whether the above report is accurate, and (2) just what the present situation is regarding Ferrera's deportation.


815.00/3779: Telegram

The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State

GUATEMALA, June 29, 1925-noon.

[Received June 30-12:40 p. m.]

62. Department's telegram number 42, June 27, 2 p. m., arrived this morning.

About June 18th the Minister of Honduras informed the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Guatemala that the Government of Honduras desired Ferrera to remain in Guatemala for the time being-see telegram from Tegucigalpa, June 16th, 5 p. m.27

Yesterday Minister Lainez gave me a copy of note dated June 27th, in which he requests that Ferrera and five others "leave the territory of Guatemala because of their carrying on in this capital their revolutionary activities against Honduras;" that they leave by way of San José de Guatemala for Panama and that the Government of Honduras gives assurances that it will not exercise jurisdiction for the removal of those persons from the ship in which they make that journey to Panama by way of Amapala.

It will be observed that the note does not make privilege to pass through Amapala contingent upon expulsion as did the note of June 8th (see Legation's telegram June 15, 3 pm),27 but it seems that Tegucigalpa still wants an order of expulsion or deportation and preferably at the instance of the United States.

The Department says 28 that under the Constitution of Guatemala Ferrera as a Central American cannot be legally expelled (see page 5 of despatch number 912-G June 16th).27

It appears that some members of the Cabinet are strongly against expulsion and the issuance of an order would I am told perhaps result in court proceedings.


"Not printed.

28 An


error; should be "The Guatemalan Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

Any advantage which might accrue to Tegucigalpa through having an order of expulsion procured under existing circumstances through the medium of the United States even though it be done unofficially would in my judgment be offset by adverse psychological effects and also harmful here and elsewhere to the United States and also harmful to the Government of Honduras.

It would seem to be more appropriate to continue the Department's policy outlined in its telegram of May 29th, 5 p. m.

I shall today make unofficial inquiry as to action which Guatemala intends to take in view of the above-mentioned note.

If circumstances suggest it I shall subsequently unless otherwise instructed inquire what steps the Government of Guatemala has taken to effectively terminate Ferrera's activities. Repeated to Tegucigalpa. GEISSLER

815.00/3779 : Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Geissler)


WASHINGTON, July 1, 1925—7 p. m. 44. Legation's telegram number 62, June 29, noon. According to article 14 of the General Treaty of Peace and Amity,29 Guatemala has assumed the obligation "not to permit any person, whether a national, Central American or foreigner, to organize or foment revolutionary activities within its territory against a recognized government of any other Central American republic." Department is unable to understand why Guatemala has failed to take effective steps to end the activities of Ferrera against the peace of Honduras. According to convincing evidence Ferrera has been instigating revolutionary activities by means of correspondence if not by other means. As reported in your June 15, 3 p. m.,30 the Government of Guatemala has admitted that the measures which it has taken thus far have been insufficient to prevent those activities.

The Government of the United States is convinced, without attempting for the present to suggest the nature of the measures which should be taken, that present evidence not only justifies but demands that Guatemala take some effective action. It has no doubt that such action is within the power of the Government of Guatemala, and hopes that that action be taken immediately.

The above may be read to the proper officials. The Department will make a similar oral communication to the Guatemalan Minister. The Department does not wish to urge any particular measure officially. It feels, nevertheless, that only the departure of Ferrera,

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preferably to Panama, or his confinement under conditions which will prevent him effectively from communicating with his supporters will be satisfactory. We cannot perceive why a suggestion to Guatemala that she comply with her solemn treaty obligations after being given convincing proof of the violation of her neutrality by Ferrera should have the "adverse psychological effects" which you mention. The Department relies on you to put forth your best efforts to convince the Government of Guatemala of the necessity of taking the proper measures to prevent Guatemala from being employed as a base for plots against the Honduran Government.


815.00/3786: Telegram

The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State

GUATEMALA, July 3, 1925—5 p. m.

[Received 7:30 p. m.]

65. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has informed me that Ferrera left Guatemala today for Salvador over automobile highway carrying visé of Chargé d'Affaires, Salvador, and that he has unofficially suggested to the Chargé d'Affaires that he inform his Foreign Office of the coming of the Honduranean emigrado. Repeated to Tegucigalpa and Salvador.


815.00/3788: Telegram

The Chargé in Salvador (Engert) to the Secretary of State

SAN SALVADOR, July 6, 1925—9 a. m.

[Received 5: 45 p. m.]

38. Legation's 23, May 29th.31 Ferrera arrived here yesterday from Guatemala and the Minister for Foreign Affairs assures me that he will be kept under strict surveillance.

Repeated Tegucigalpa and Guatemala.

815.00/3803: Telegram


The Minister in Guatemala (Geissler) to the Secretary of State

GUATEMALA, July 21, 1925-noon.
[Received July 22 (?)-9:50 a. m.]

67. The Minister of Nicaragua, General Murillo, has informed me that yesterday he suggested on behalf of President Solorzano to the President of Guatemala joint action of all Central American Re

1 Not printed.

publics for the purpose of devising prompt and effective means for the reestablishment of enduring peace in Honduras and that President Orellana expressed interest and said that in order to avoid such false interpretations as might result if the invitation be extended by a Central American Government other than that of Honduras he considered it best that through this Legation the hope be expressed to the Department of State that it will indicate to the Government of Honduras the desirability of inviting the Central American Governments for a conference on board an American cruiser or in some Central American port.

General Murillo says further that in view of the interest which the Department of State has always taken in the welfare of the peoples of Central America he doubts not that it will give benevolent reception to the thought. He requested that I inform him of the decisions of the Department.

Repeated to other Central American missions.

815.00/3803 : Telegram


The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Geissler)

WASHINGTON, July 24, 1925—4 p. m. 49. Your 67, July 21, noon. You may reply to the Minister of Nicaragua and informally advise President Orellana that the Department feels the present administration in Honduras is doing all that it can to establish and maintain peace, and that if it receives the friendly support and cooperation which it has a right to expect from neighboring governments, no other joint action on their part would appear necessary or advisable, and the Government of Honduras will probably be able to dominate the situation.

The Department is of the opinion that the need today is not for further international conferences, but for a strict compliance by all the Central American republics with their existing treaty obligations, so that attempts to launch revolutions in Honduras from adjacent territory may be unavailing.

Repeated to other Central American missions.


815.00/3812: Telegram

The Chargé in Salvador (Engert) to the Secretary of State

SAN SALVADOR, July 25, 1925—2 p. m.

[Received 5:30 p. m.]

49. To an informal inquiry from the Legation in Tegucigalpa regarding the possibility of deporting Ferrera to Panama, this Legation has replied as follows:

"After repeated unofficial conversations with the President and the Minister for Foreign Affairs I feel that the Salvadoran Government can be trusted to take every precaution to prevent revolutionary activities by Ferrera although it cannot of course guarantee success. I quite agree that all [it?] would be preferable if Ferrera resided in territory not contiguous with Honduras but to demand his expulsion at this time would be tantamount to an expression of lack of confidence in the good faith of the Salvadoran Government or its ability to maintain effective surveillance. I believe President Quinonez would himself suggest Ferrera's removal as [at?] the first breach of his written word."



The Secretary of State to the Minister in Honduras (Summerlin)

No. 8

WASHINGTON, December 22, 1925. SIR: The Department has received Mr. Dennis' despatch (No. 902) of November 20, 1925,32 regarding political conditions in Honduras and more especially the efforts of the President to obtain American Marines to preserve order should certain political officers be removed.

The Department desires to express its high approval of Mr. Dennis' reply that the problems of the Honduran Government should be solved by native statesmanship and not by American arms. The Department feels that no lasting improvement can be attained in Central America as long as all parties look to Washington for the last word. Unless there is responsibility among the people themselves for the conduct of their Government and a desire among the people themselves for improved conditions any efforts on the part of this Government would appear to be illusory. The Department desires, therefore, that you should make use of every opportunity to impress upon the members of the Government and others in Honduras that the responsibility for the Government rests upon them; that the center of Honduran political activities is in Honduras and not in Washington and that regeneration must come from within. You should give your encouragement to any individuals or groups of individuals who are seriously endeavoring to bring about better conditions in Honduras on the basis of the assumption of responsibility therefor by the Hondurans.

I am [etc.]

"Not printed.


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