Lapas attēli
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entries upon the Day-Book, and tell, in a general manner, how each entry is Posted; the performance of this, and all other exercises given, is particularly insisted upon. The Student must here learn to Post promptly, without a Journal. What is the learner here required to do?

25. The Student is next required to examine all the entries upon the Ledger, beginning with the first, and to give the original history of the transaction from which each Ledger entry is taken, first the Debit, then the Credit side of each account. The first entry is read thus (p. 28): "$800.60." This is either Cash on hand commencing, or Cash subsequently received (Art. 4), and the phrase "To Sundries," denotes that two or more Credit items arise from the same original transaction, or appear

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in the same entry (Art. 16). The next is read, "Cash received for the sale of Merchandise. The phrase To Mdse. &c., as before." The dates may also be given (Art. 2). What is the learner required to turn to the Ledger and do?

26. ACCURACY. A remark has already been made to insure accuracy in an original entry (Art. 2); for an error there is not easily remedied. In Posting, we should be on our guard against such errors as the following:1. Two Ledger titles may be similar, as, "P. B. Wight," and "C. B. White," and the entry carried to the wrong account; we should be careful then to Post every entry under its proper Ledger title. 2. An entry may have been entirely omitted in the Ledger. 3. It may have been twice Posted. 4. We may have Debited the ac

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count we should have Credited, and Credited the one we should have Debited. 5. An entry may be correctly posted upon one side, and transposed upon the other, thus; 650 Dr. and 560 Cr. Before accounts are balanced or closed, therefore, there should be some evidence of correct Posting.

Although no definite rule can be given which will forego the necessity of care and perseverance, yet the following directions will generally serve, not only to test the accuracy of Posting, but to show where the errors arise, if there are any:

1. We must go back to the original entries; and while one individual calls off and checks successively every entry, another must trace the Debits arising from the transaction to the Debit side of the Ledger, and an

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18 11 Bills Pay. given to Jas. Kelly 14

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24 Wm. Page..


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equal amount of Credit matter to the Credit side, and all under their proper Ledger titles.

2. As a further test of accuracy, a TRIAL BALANCE should be taken (p. 46). This consists of the sum of all the Debit matter in every account upon one side, and the sum of all the Credit matter in every account upon the other. It is plain that, if the original entries are properly posted, the Debit matter upon the TRIAL BalANCE will equal the Credit matter of the same (p. 46). This last method of testing the accuracy of Posting, must be regarded as far inferior to the first; for, of the five errors enumerated, the first four could not be detected by the TRIAL BALANCE, since equal amounts are carried to both sides of the Ledger. Although the TRIAL BALANCE would show an error in the fifth case, yet it would

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