Construction, military and naval authorization, fiscal year 1960 (H.R. Page 4414). 933 Conveyances to: Ark. (H.R. 6190) Arkansas, State of, Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, 1693 Fort Walton Beach, Fla. (H.R. 2934) 2467 Massachusetts Port Authority (H.R. 5888) 2470 Michigan, State of, land in Grayling Township (H.R. 65). 2555 Dean, academic, Naval Postgraduate School, salary of (H.R. 6268) Department of Navy, reorganization of to establish Bureau of Naval Weap ons (H.R. 7508) 1747 Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, extending (H.R. 2260) 13 Diamonds, disposal of certain (H. Con. Res. 166) 2479 Dickens, Col. Randolph C. (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083). 1999 Discharges and dismissals, relating to review of (H.R. 88). H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083_... Conveyance of portion to Valparaiso, Fla. (H.R. 6500) 1753 1126 2503 188 13 1137 2518 1417 1151 438 2136 1743 Conveyance of portion to Fort Walton Beach, Fla. (H.R. 2934) Elections, national, amending United States Code to repeal section which restricts increasing of forces at naval installations prior to (H.R. 4068) - Enlistment programs, amending Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952 to extend special (H.R. 3368) 2467 563 373 Escorts, authorizing payment of transportation and travel allowances to Exemplary rehabilitation certificates, authorizing award of (H.R. 88) 1735 Floete, Hon. Franklin G., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto 1806 Fore, Allen W. (H.R. 4414). 985 Foreign vessels and aircraft, authorizing Secretary of Navy to furnish supplies and services to (H.R. 3292) .. 362 Page Page Forrester, Hon. E. L. (H.R. 5927) 1705 Mo. (H.R. 8315) 2550 Fort Walton Beach, Fla., conveyance of certain real property to (H.R. 2934) 2467 Foster, R. B., Jr., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex- 1799 Franke, Hon. William B. (H.R. 7508). 1748 Freeman, Gordon M., statement of re H.R. 3367. 509 Freedman, Comdr. Lewis: Report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee; resolutions H.R. 4413, H.R. 3412, H.R. 3413, H.R. 3323, H.R. 3290, H.R. 3291, H.R. 3322, H.R. 3320, H.R. 4068, and H.R. 3366. H.R. 5836, H.R. 6268, and report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee 1687 H.R. 942, H.R. 5927, H.R. 697, H.R. 4656, H.R. 5569, H.R. 3321, 1723 H.R. 7508_. 1747 H.R. 6500 and Report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee 1771 2487 H.R. 7862 (S. 2210), H.R. 2247, H.R. 65, H.R. 2449, H.R. 8315, Gardner, Thomas L.: H.R. 3367 482 H.R. 6268. 1681 Garner, Lt. Comdr. George I., USCGR (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083). Goddard, Col. Guy H., USAF, acquisition of Wherry housing. 1915 Gordon, Capt. Ellis S., USCG (H.R. 7943) 2482 Grant, Comdr. Sybil A. (H.R. 3369). 605 Gray, Capt. L. P., III, USN, military posture briefing. 816 Grayling Township, Crawford County, Mich., conveyance of certain land to.. 2555 Great White Fleet, appointment of subcommittee to consider legislation-- 2580 Green, Hon. William J., statement of re H.R. 7862... Green, n, Dorothy E., for relief of, and Thelma L. Alley (H.R. 5836) Gross, Hon. H. R., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Page Depot, Houston, Tex-- 1810 Gunderson, Col. Robert S., USAF (H.R. 3322) Grussendorf, Maj. Gen. R. A., USAF (H.R. 7325 and 5083) 1994 550 Gurnee, Mark S., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex-- 1822 Gurney, John O., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex 1799 Hagerman, C. B., acquisition of Wherry housing. 1926 Hamilton, James H. (H.R. 2260) 138 Hanson, Arthur B. (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083). 2167 Harrison, Maj. Gen. William H., Jr.: Highland Falls, N.Y., water filtration plant (H.R. 942). 1723 Hot Springs Army and Navy General Hospital, Arkansas, conveyance to State of Arkansas (H.R. 6190) 1693 Housing facility, Yorktown, Va., authorizing Coast Guard to accept, "Hump," Navy (promotion of certain naval officers-H.R. 4413) Independent School District No. 16, Minnesota, lease to of portion of Twin 207 Cities Arsenal, Minn. (H.R. 2449). 2547 Irons, Warren (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083) 2357 Jackson, Capt. Alexander, Jr., USN (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083). 2079 Johnson, Hon. Courtney, Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex 1793 Kales, Robert G., statement of re H.R. 2260. 191 Keith, Rear Adm. R. T. S. (H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083) King, Thomas H., statement of re H.R. 2260. 190 Knott, Lawson B., Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Houston, Tex 1809 Koch, Henry C. (H.R. 2260) 175 Kohl, Lt. Col. Don R. (H.R. 6500) 1744 Kuehn, Robert K. (H.R. 7943). 2484 Land: Conveyance of Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark. (H.R. 6190). 1693 Conveyance of portion of Robins Air Force Base to city of Warner Robins, Ga. (H.R. 5937) 1705 Conveyance of certain property to Valparaiso, Fla. (H.R. 6500) - 1743 2934) 2467 Conveyance to State of Michigan of certain land in Grayling Township, Crawford County, Mich. (H.R. 65) 2555 Conveyance of certain real property to county of Sacramento, Calif. Lease of portion of Twin Cities Arsenal, Minn., to Independent School 2547 Lease of portion of Fort Crowder, Mo., to Stella Reorganized Schools, 2550 Transfer of certain property to county of Solano, Calif. (H.R. 697) 1707 Transfer of portion of Boston Naval Shipyard to Massachusetts Port Levy, Capt. Nathan, USMC, acquisition of Wherry housing. 1924 345 Ligon, Maj. Gen. E. S., Jr., USAF, statement of re H.R. 8189 - 2505 337 Loan of naval vessels to certain foreign nations, extension of (H.R. 3366)-- McGuire, Hon. Perkins, Army Disposal Project No. 136A, San Jacinto MacGarvey, Lt. Comdr. George E., USCG (H.R. 3365). Marine Corps, establish peacetime limitation on number of lieutenant generals (H.R. 2233)--- Page 345 Martell, Rear Adm. Charles B. (H.R. 7508). 1768 2470 Mather, Brig. Gen. George R. (H.R. 3369) 619 Maver, Andrew C. (H.R. 4414) .. 999 Medals: Amending United States Code with respect to certain Air Force (H.R. 368 Award of certain medals within 2 years after determination by Secre- 1715 Award of Exemplary Rehabilitation Certificate (H.R. 88) 1735 2509 Merrell, Brig. Gen. Jack G., USAF: H.R. 2260. H.R. 3369_ Medical officers, appointment of boards of (H.R. 3320). Mever, Hon. William H. (H.R. 2260) 558 63 630 109 Michigan, State of, conveyance to, of certain land in Grayling Township, 2555 H.R. 3368_ Military construction: Authorization, fiscal year 1960 (H.R. 4414, H.R. 5674) Military Justice, Uniform Code of, appointment of special subcommittee Military posture briefing Miller, Hon. George P. (H.R. 3367). Milligan, Col. Mary Louise (H.R. 3321). Milton, Hon. Hugh M., II: H.R. 7325 and H.R. 5083. 933 1711 513 791 476 1668 377 1985 Report of Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee; resolutions Military posture briefings-- Real Estate and Construction Subcommittee consideration of Army 203 791 1777 Acquisition of Wherry housing projects (hearings). Moving costs resulting from military public works projects (H.R. 4656).. 1711 H.R. 3293_ 353 H.R. 4414. 1013 Nadini, Capt. John, USN (H.R. 3320) National Guard, conveyance of certain land in Crawford County, Mich., to State of Michigan for National Guard purposes (H.R. 65) 562 2555 Naval forces, repeal law which restricts increasing of forces at naval installations prior to national elections (H.R. 4068) 563 Naval Postgraduate School, compensation of academic dean of (H.R. 6268) 1677 Naval Weapons, Bureau of, to establish (H.R. 7508) 1747 (H.R. 7508) 1747 Nix, Hon. Robert N. C., statement of re H.R. 7862 2546 Non-Regular service, authorizing crediting of for purpose of retired pay (H.R. 3365). 431 |