Lapas attēli

provided in paragraph (6); but such fund shall not be drawn upon for any purpose.

Paragraph 7 of section 15a ddded by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405H. Limit of Five Per Centum for Reserve Fund.Such reserve fund need not be accumulated and maintained by any carrier beyond a sum equal to 5 per centum of the value of its railway property determined as herein provided, and when such fund is so accumulated and maintained the portion of its excess income which the carrier is permitted to retain under paragraph (6) may be used by it for any lawful purpose.

Parapraph 8 of section 15a added by section 422, Transportation Act 1920.

§ 4051. Rules to be Prescribed for Recovery of Excess In, come. The Commission shall prescribe rules and regulations for the determination and recovery of the excess income payable to it under this section, and may require such security and prescribe such reasonable terms and conditions in connection therewith as it may find necessary. The Commission shall make proper adjustments to provide for the computation of excess income for a portion of a year, and for a year in which a change in the percentage consituting a fair return or in the value of a carrier's railway property becomes effective.

Paragraph 9 of section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405J. Administration of This Trust Fund by Commission. -The general railroad contingent fund so to be recoverable by and paid to the Commission and all accretions thereof shall be a revolving fund and shall be administered by the Commission. It shall be used by the Commission in furtherance of the public interest in railway transportation either by making loans to carriers to meet expenditures for capital account or to refund maturing securities originally issued for capital account, or by purchasing transportation equipment and facilities and leasing the same to carriers, as hereinafter provided. Any moneys in the fund not so employed shall be invested in obligations of the United States or deposited in authorized depositaries of the United States subject to the rules promulgated from time to time by the Secretary of the Treasury relating to Government deposits.

Paragraph 10 of section 15a added by section 422, Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405K. Applications by Carriers for Loan of Trust Fund.-A carrier may at any time make application to the Commission for a loan from the general railroad contingent fund, setting forth the amount of the loan and the term for which it is desired, the purpose of the loan and the uses to which it will be applied, the present and prospective ability of the applicant to repay the loan and meet the requirements of its obligations in that regard, the character and value of the security offered, and the extent to which the public convenience and necessity will be served. The application shall be accompanied by statements showing such facts and details as the Commission may require with respect to the physical situation, ownership, capitalization, indebtedness, contract obligations, operation, and earning power of the applicant, together with such other facts relating to the propriety and expediency of granting the loan applied for and the ability of the applicant to make good the obligation, as the Commission may deem pertinent to the inquiry.

Paragraph 11, section 15a added by Section 422, Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405L. Action by the Commission on Applications for Loans. If the Commission, after such hearing and investigation, with or without notice, as it may direct, finds that the making, in whole or in part, of the proposed loan from the general railroad contingent fund is necessary to enable the applicant properly to meet the transportation needs of the public, and that the prospective earning power of the applicant and the character and value of the security offered are such as to furnish reasonable assurance of the applicant's ability to repay the loan within the time fixed therefor, and to meet its other obligations in connection with such loans, the Commission may make a loan to the applicant from such railroad contingent fund, in such amount, for such length of time, and under such terms and conditions as it may deem proper. The Commission shall also prescribe the security to be furnished, which shall be adequate to secure the loan. All such loans shall bear interest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, payable semiannually to the Commission. Such loans when repaid, and all interest paid thereon, shall be placed in the general railroad contingent fund.

Paragraph 12, section 15a added by section 422, Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405M. Applications by Carriers for Lease of Facilities Controlled by the Commission. A carrier may at any time make application to the Commission for the lease to it of transportation equipment or facilities, purchased from the general railroad contingent fund, setting forth the kind and amount of such equipment or facilities and the term for which it is desired to be leased, the uses to which it is proposed to put such equipment or facilities, the present and prospective ability of the applicant to pay the rental charges thereon and to meet the requirements of its obligations under the lease, and the extent to which the public convenience and necessity will be served. The application shall be accompanied by statements showing such facts and details as the Commission may require with respect to the physical situation, ownership, capitalization, indebtedness, contract obligations, operation, and earning power of the applicant, together with such other facts relating to the propriety and expediency of leasing such equipment or facilities to the applicant as the Commission may deem pertinent to the inquiry. Paragraph 13 of section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405N. Procedure on Application for Lease. - If the Commission, after such hearing and investigation, with or without notice, as it may direct, finds that the leasing to the applicant of such equipment or facilities, in whole or in part, is necessary to enable the applicant properly to meet the transportation needs of the public, and that the prospective earning power of the applicant is such as to furnish reason

able assurance of the applicant's ability to pay promptly the rental charges and meet its other obligations under such lease, the Commission may lease such equipment or facilities purchased by it from the general railroad contingent fund, to the applicant for such length of time, and under such terms and conditions as it may deem proper. The rental charges provided in every such lease shall be at least sufficient to pay a return of 6 per centum per annum, plus allowance for depreciation determined as provided in paragraph (5) of section 20 of this Act, upon the value of the equipment or facilities leased thereunder. All rental charges and other payments received by the Commission in connection with such equipment and facilities, including amounts received under any sale thereof, shall be placed in the general railroad contingent fund.

Paragraph 14 of section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 4050. Commission May Purchase Equipment. - The Commission may from time to time purchase, contract for the construction, repair and replacement of, and sell, equipment and facilities, and enter into and carry out contracts and other obligations in connection therewith, to the extent that moneys included in the general railroad contingent fund are available therefor, and in so far as necessary to enable it to secure and supply equipment and facilities to carriers whose applications therefor are approved under the provisions of this section, and to maintain and dispose of such equipment and facilities.

Paragraph 15, section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405P. Commission May Make Rules of Procedure. The Commission may from time to time prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this section respecting the making of loans and the lease of equipment and facilities.

Paragraph 16 of section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405Q. Section Not to Deprive Shippers of Right to Repаration. The provisions of this section shall not be construed as depriving shippers of their right to reparation in case of overcharges, unlawful excessive orr discriminatory rates, or rates exceessive in their relation to other rats, but no shipper shall be entitled to recover upon the sole ground that any partivular rate may reflect a proportion of excess income to be paid by the carrier to the Commission in the public interest under the provisions of this section.

Paragraph 17, section 15a added by section 422, Transportation Act 1920.

§ 405R. Rights of Carriers When Untertaking New Construction. Any carrier, or any corporation organized to construct and operate a railroad, proposing to undertake the construction and operation of a new line of railroad may apply to the Commission for permission to retain for a period not to exceed ten years all or any part of its earing derived from such new construction in excess of the amount heretofore in this section provided, for such disposition as it may lawfully make of the same, and the Commission may in its discretion, grant such permission, conditioned, however, upon the completion of the work of construction within a period to be designated by the Commission in its order granting such permission."

Paragraph 18 of section 15a added by section 422 Transportation Act 1920.

§ 406. Award of Damages Shall Be Made by Commission after Hearing. - That if, after hearing on a complaint made as provided in section thirteen of this act, the Commission shall determine that any party complainant is entitled to an award of damages under the provisions of this act for a violation thereof, the Commission shall make an order directing the carrier to pay to the complainant the sum to which he is entitled on or before a day named.

First paragraph of section sixteen as it now exist is an amendment passed June 29, 1906.

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