Lapas attēli



INDIAN AFFAIRS, 3-24; Agricultural and Herding, 6; Indian Freighting and
Mechanical Pursuits, 8; Education, 10; Government of Law on the Res-
ervations, 12; Indian Police, 13; Sale of Arms and Ammunition to In-
dians, 13; Indian Territory, 14; White River Utes, 16; Southern Utes,
19; Victoria and the Southern Apaches, 20; Chief Moses and his People, 20-;
PUBLIC LANDs, 24-30; Depreda-
Poncas, 21; General Conclusions, 23.
tions on the Public Timber Lands, 26; Redwood and Big Trees of Califor-
nia, 29; Private Land Claims, 30. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 30, 31; Public
Lands Commission, 31.
Pacific Railroad, 35; Central Pacific Railroad, 37; Kansas Pacific Rail-
way, 38; Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad, 39; Sioux City and Pa-
cific Railroad, 39; Texas and Pacific Railway, 40; Southern Pacific Rail-
road, 40; Northern Pacific Railroad, 40; Saint Louis and San Francisco
Railway, 41; Burlington and Missouri River Railroad, in Nebraska, 41;
Denver Pacific Railroad, 41; Oregon and California Railroad, 42; Oregon
Central Railroad, 42; Appendix, Recommendations, &c., 42. PENSIONS,
43-45. PATENTS, 45-47. EDUCATION, 47. CENSUS, 49–51.
CAL COMMISSION, 51. Hot Springs, 52-55; Yellow Stone Park, 56; Capi-
tol Building and Grounds, 56; Hospital for the Insane, 57; Institution for
the Deaf and Dumb, 58; Freedman's Hospital, 59; Columbia Hospital for
Women, 59; Court of Claims, 60. TERRITORIES, 60–66; Utah, 60; Wash-
ington Territory, 61; New Mexico, 62; Dakota, 64; Idaho, 65. Recon-
struction of Indian Department Building, 65.

Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs .

A Patent for Land, 70; Penal Settlements, 71; Sale of Arms to Indians, 71; Indian Education, 73; Indian Freighting, 74; Stock Cattle, 75; Granaries and Root Houses, 76; Indian Police, 76: Marriages, 77; Poncas, 77; Chief Moses and his People, 79; Remnant of Dull Knife's Band, 80; Little Chief's Band of Cheyennes, 81; Outbreak of the Utes, 82; Ute Commission of 1878, 98; Victoria and the Southern Apaches, 98; Joseph's Band of Nez Percés, 100; Mission Indians, 100; Sanitary, 101; Consolidation of Agencies, 102; Yakama and Malheur Agencies, 102; Reservation Titles, 103; Invasion of the Indian Territory, 103; Intrusion on Indian Lands, 104: Law for Indian Reservations, 105; Depredations on Indian Timber, 106; Board of Indian Commissioners, 107; Appraisement of Kansas Indian Lands in Kansas, 107. REPORTS OF INDIAN AGENTS, 109; Colorado River Agency, Arizona, 109; Pima Agency, Arizona, 112; San Carlos Agency, Arizona, 113; Hoopa Agency, California, 114; Round Valley Agency, California, 115; Tule River Ageney, California, 118; Mission Agency, San Bernardino, California, 119; Los Pinos Agency, Colorado, 121; Southern Ute Agency, Colorado, 123; White River Agency, Colorado 123; Cheyenne River Agency, Dakota, 125; Crow Creek Agency, Dakota, 130; Devil's Lake Agency, Dakota, 134; Fort Berthold Agency, Dakota, 135; Lower Brulé Agency, Dakota, 138; Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota, 143;

Page 3-67


Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs-Continued.


Rose Bud Agency, Dakota, 147; Sisseton Agency, Dakota, 149; Standing Rock Agency, Dakota, 152; Yankton Agency, Dakota, 156; Fort Hall Agency, Idaho, 158; Lembi Agency, Idaho, 160; Lapwai Agency, Idaho, 161; Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, Indian Territory, 163; Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, 168; Osage and Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, 175; Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, 176; Ponca Agency, Indian Territory, 178; Quapaw Agency, Indian Territory, 181; Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory, 184; Sac and Fox Agency, Iowa, 187; Kansas Agency, Pottawatomie Reserve, Kansas, 187; Mackinac Agency, Michigan, 190; White Earth Agency, Minnesota, 193; Blackfeet Agency, Montana, 195, Crow Agency, Montana, 197; Flathead Agency, Montana, 200; Fort Peck Agency, Montana, 201; Fort Belknap Agency, Montana, 204; Great Nehema Agency, Nebraska, 207; Otoe Agency, Nebraska, 209; Santee Agency, Nebraska, 210; Consolidated Winnebago and Omaha Agencies, Nebraska, 212; Nevada Indian Agency, 215; Western Shoshone Agency, Nevada, 216; Abiquiu Agency, New Mexico, 218; Mescalero Agency, New Mexico, 219; Navajo Agency, Arizona, 220; Pueblo Agency, New Mexico, 224; Zuni Pueblo Day School, New Mexico, 226; New York Agency, New York, 228; Grand Ronde Agency, Oregon, 230; Klamath Agency, Oregon, 231; Malheur Agency, Oregon, 233; Siletz Agency, Oregon, 237; Umatilla Agency, Oregon, 239; Warm Springs Agency, Oregon, 240; Uintah Valley Agency, Utah, 243 ; Fort Colville Agency, Washington Territory, 246; Colville Agency, Washington Territory, 247; Neah Bay Agency, Washington Territory, 250; Puyallup, Nesqually, &c., Agency, Washington Territory, 354; Quinaielt Agency, Washington Territory, 259; S'Kokomish Agency, Washington Territory, 260; Tulalip Agency, Washington Territory, 962; Yakama Agency, Washington Territory, 263; Green Bay Agency, Wisconsin, 265; La Pointe Agency, Wisconsin, 267; Shoshone and Bannock Agency, 272; Report of Shoshone School, 274; Report of Arapaho Boarding School, 275; Report of the Ute Commission, 276; Report of Commission to reappraise Kaw Lands in Kansas, 288; Letter of Chief Spotted Tail to honorable Secretary of the Interior, 290; Indian Legislation by the Third Session of the Forty-fifth Congress, and the First Session of the Forty-sixth Congress, 291; Proclamation by the President, 294; Liabilities of United States to Indian Tribes, &c., 296; Trust Funds and Trust Lands, 303; Investments of Indian Funds, &c., 304; Redemption of Bonds, &c., 305; List of Indian Tribes for whom stock is held by the United States, &c., 305; Stock Account, &c., 306; Stock held in trust by United States for Tribes, &c., 309; Funds held in trust by United States, &c., 310; Interest collected on United States Bonds in gold, &c., 311; Interest collected on United States Bonds in currency, &c., 314; Interest collected on State Bonds, &c., 314; Interest appropriated by Congress on non-paying State Bonds, &c., 315; Appropriations for Indian Tribes and Indian service for fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, &c., 316; Receipts and Disbursements on account of sales of Indian Lands, &c., 319; Executive Orders affecting Indian Reservations, 320; Indian Reservations, Agencies, Denominations nominating Agents, Tribes occupying or belonging to Reservations, &c., 324; Statistics relating to Population, Education, &c., 334 ; Table showing Agricultural Improvements, Stock, Productions, &c., 352; Vital Statistics, &c., 369; Indian Agencies assigned to the several Religious Denominations, 371; Board of Indian Commissioners, with their post-office address, 372; Indian Agencies, Agents, with post-office and telegraphic addresses, 373.

General Land Office

Page. 377-916

Letter of Commissioner transmitting his Annual Report, 377; Report of Commissioner, 382; Surveys, 383; Survey of Calumet Lake, 403; Survey of Cherokee Lands in North Carolina, 404; Resurvey of the Cattaraugus Indian Reservation, 406; Old Cherokee Indian Reservation, 407; Survey and subdivision of Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Reserves in Dakota, 409; Survey of the Colorado and Utah Boundary, 410; Abstract of Decisions affecting Surveys, 412; Circular in relation to assignment of Certificates of Deposit on account of Surveys, 413; Disposals of Public Lands, 416; Pre-emptions, 416; Homesteads, 439; Timber Culture, 448; Grants for Railroads, Wagon-roads, and Canals, 454; Circular Instructions to Registers and Receivers relating to the adjustment of Railroad Grants, 500; Mineral Lands, 508; Adjustment of Accounts, 546; Timber Lands, Timber Depredations, 556; Private Land Claims, 561; Southern Public Lands, 595; Abandoned Military Reservations, 596; Reservations of Public Lands for Military Purposes, 597; Clerical Force and Work of the General Land Office, 598; Area of Public Domain Surveyed during fiscal year, 599; Lands sold and entered under Homestead and Timber Culture Act, 600; Swamp Lands, 616; Issues and Locations with Bounty Land Warrants, 618; Concessions to States and Corporations for Railroads and Military Wagon-road purposes, 619; Concessions to States for Canal purposes, 625; Time when Railroad rights attach to Lands Granted, 626; Lapsed Railroad Grants, 630; Rights of Way to Railway Companies, 632; Abstract of Suspended Cases in the Public Land Division confirmed by the Board of Adjudication, 634; Abstract of Suspended Cases Rejected by the Board of Equitable Adjudication, 662; Estimates of Appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, 663; Historical and Statistical Table of the United States and Territories, 679. REPORTS OF THE SURVEYORS

GENERAL, 683; Arizona, 685; California, 692; Colorado, 754; Dakota, 761; Florida, 772; Idaho, 775; Louisiana, 780; Minnesota, 785; Montana, 792; Nebraska, 809; Nevada, 817; New Mexico, 830; Oregon, 852; Utah, 871; Washington Territory, 898; Wyoming, 907.

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