Lapas attēli

Returning now to the solution of the potass, which has carried off the geine, &c., and which is chiefly in fact a geinate of potass; it is treated with dilute sulphuric acid slightly in excess, and filtered through a calico or linen cloth. The potass is taken up by the acid, and the geine and extractive matter precipitate, and are collected on the filter, from which being removed, they are dried by a steam or water bath, and become a valuable pigment.

By this process, it is calculated that about ||also applied as a substitute for mill-boards || is arrived, I send you for insertion a sketch eighteen pounds' weight of pure white, fine or board-paper, for the use of engineers, and description of a very effective cow! pulp may be procured from 100 weight of &c. It is capable, when dry, of immense that has, in every case hitherto tried, proved the raw or native turf. compression by the hydraulic press; and a complete remedy for that worst (but one) as the fibres naturally lie nearly all in one of all domestic nuisances. plane, they thus arrange themselves, so as Fig. 1 represents a section of the imto give great toughness and flexibility to a proved cowl, which is constructed as the plate of it when compressed. Accordingly, common cowls are, so far as regards the suitable masses of this turf are placed in a general principle of the revolving of the strong cast-iron, or other vessel, and the air lateral on the vertical parts of it; but inexhausted; the vessel is then filled with a stead of the end opposed to windward bemixture of dilute solution of glue and molass-ing, as is usual, closed, a funnel-shaped apes, at a boiling heat, which fills all the pores paratus is introduced, terininating in a pipe of the turf. The masses are then removed, of about three inches diameter, which is while hot, and exposed to powerful pressure carried just over the opening of the vertiin a hot-press, in a similar way to hot-press-cal chimney-pot. The effect of this is, ing paper, which reduces them to the ree that the lateral pipe of the cowl being, by quired thickness, that of the original mass the operation of the wind on the vane, alhaving been previously properly regulated. ways turned endwise in the direction of The plates so formed, are found, when cold, whatever current of wind may happen to to be hard, tough, and flexible, and will anbe strongest at the time, a draught is crea swer almost every purpose of mill-board. ted by the wind rushing through the funThey are not injured by high-pressure thereby, with considerable velocity, carried nel-end of the cowl-top, and the smoke is steam. Many other substances may be used, according to circumstances, for filling completely out of the cowl. The stronger the current the more effectual the apparapores, previous to pressure, as fat, oils, boiling coal-tar, wax, &c. &c.

Vandyke brown has long been known to painters in both oil and water colors. This is it, in fact, in its purest form; it is an extremely rich, glowing color, and valuable for its permanence, as scarcely any agent ordinarily met with is capable of affecting it. When once perfectly dried, it becomes insoluble in water, and therefore is not in

the least deliquescent, but it is still soluble in alkalies thus possessing two properties eminently fitting it for the uses of the paperstainer and scene painter, &c. &c. It is perfectly miscible with gum, mucilages, and with oils.



This method of cure has been tried in several instances of heretofore incurable

smokey chimneys, and has been entirely
successful in every case. It is the produc-
tion of an ingenious friend of mine, a clerk
in the Tower, where a suite of rooms,
which were formerly untenantable in con-
sequence of the impossibility of using the
fire-place, has been brought into useful em-
ployment, simply by the erection of one of
those cowls on each of the flues.
I am, sir, yours, &c.,

It is worthy of remark, that the substance proposed being used for all the above proThe liquid from which this color or bistre cesses, is the worst turf for burning; so that has been separated, now contains various the material which is worst, and nearly sulphates in solution, chiefly of iron, lime, valueless as fuel, is the best and most valuand alumina; but the major part, sulphate able, by a fortunate coincidence, for manuof potass or soda, whichever has been factures. If, therefore, as there is reaemployed; if the former, Glauber's salt son to believe, the lower strata of turf may be made from it, and if the latter, alum, can, by certain modes of charring, be as matters of commerce. The quantity of made a valuable fuel, and the upper and alkali used is small in proportion to the more recent strata are used for the puramount of fluid; but if the operations were poses of the various manufactures above very extensive, this economical use of them adverted to, there is strong ground to hope that, at a future period, the bogs of Ireland, instead of being contemplated, as hitherto, as a blot and stain upon her fair and fertile YOUNG'S PATENT INCREASED PURCHASE champaign, may be looked upon as one of the centres of her industry, and the richest sources of her wealth.

should be attended to.

After the fibre has been some time digested in the solution of chloride of lime, in most cases a resinous-looking matter floats upon the surface of the fluid in very minute quantity. This, when a large quantity is operated on, may, by careful management,

Oct. 22, 1835.

From the London Mechanics' Magazine.

FOR SHIPS' WINDLASSES. Sir,-Next in importance to the security of a ship's windlass, which is now so completely effected by the patent pall and riding

be collected, and is found to be a species EFFECTUAL CURE FOR SMOKY CHIMNEYS. chock, of which you have given place to a

of artificial camphor, mixed with some gum resin, and probably an essential oil. This substance, or mixture of substances, possesses some singular characters: it would seem probable that the artificial camphor is produced by the action of some fine chlorine upon turpentine, existing in minute quantity in the turf; and it is a curious subject for reflection, that chemistry should thus, as it were, recal into existence and decompose the turpentine existing in, and produced by, trees or plants, which have for hundreds of years ceased to have life, or to exist as vegetables. As the properties, so far as they have been ascertained, of this singular substance are purely chemical, it is unnecessary here to detail them. It is not to be procured from every specimen of red or surface turf.

Some specimens of turf have been met with, unfit, however, for paper-making, from which it would appear to be profitable to manufacture bistre and ammonia, from the very appreciable quantity of the latter they contain.

This fibrous red surface turf, when dry, is extremely tough, and is proposed being




From the London Mechanics' Magazine.
Sir,-As the season of smokey chimneys

description in your last Magazine (page 41), are improvements by which a greater power can be given to its action, than by the common application of the handspike. For, however well adapted it may be, when the resistance to be overcome is much less than the power which can be so applied, it is a fact, well known to seafaring men, that there are times when the utmost exertions of the whole ship's company, by such means, are unequal to purchasing the anchor. And it still more frequently happens, that by their long repeated efforts, they are unable to advance the pall cylinder even one tooth in its revolution, that is, to bring in about two inches of the cable, until aided by some lucky wave or changed position of the vessel: consequently, in such cases, much time and strength are expended before a vessel can be got under way, merely for want of additional power. This has led to various mechanical contrivances, most of which have been modifications of the cogwheel and pinion, but which have severally proved defective and unfit for the casualties to which they are exposed on ship-board, particularly from the changes which take



From the Cultivator. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR 1835.

The season, as a whole, has been cold and dry, and consequently a late one. Natural vegetation was from ten to fourteen days later than usual. The spring was so dry, that the grasses, sensibly injured by the drought and cold of the winter, did not get their accustomed early growth; and from the scarcity of forage generally experienced, the scanty herbage of the meadows was fed off too late in the spring, as a matplace in the distances of the centres, by the ing easily and loosely round them, added to ter of necessity. They did not recover their straining of the windlass, bits, or timbers, the peculiar form of the wheels, renders accustomed vigor. Winter grain withstood whereon they may be fixed. Complicated them incapable of being thereby deranged the severities of the winter better than the machinery, however powerful, is decidedly or broken. The men can, with the same grasses, looked tolerable well when the spring opened, and maintained their good objectionable. Indeed, any apparatus to be handspike, at pleasure, use the common appearance. Indian corn, which habit has applied to a ship's windlass should be simple windlass, or take advantage of the patent rendered almost indispensable in the econin its construction, direct in its action, com- purchase, their faces being always towards omy of our farms, was not generally plantpact, strong, and not liable to be deranged, the ship's bow. The handspike not required so early, by ten to fourteen days, as in orand withal, not too expensive. That Young's ing to be taken out (as they fleet themselves dinary years, on account of the backwardpatent purchase, of which I herewith send by the ratchets), no time is lost in re-in-ness of the spring; and it had many subyou a description, combines these proper- serting them, as with the common windlass sequent difficulties to encounter, which have ties, will be readily admitted by those of alone. Should the cable ride, or a handtended greatly to lessen its product. The season has been more propitious to other your readers who are particularly acquaint-spike foul, it allows the windlass to be turn- crops, particularly to oats and potatoes. ed with the working of a ship's windlass, as ed backward. It is a considerable securi- Yet on the whole, the products of our ag it is also by those who have adopted it in its ty to the windlass necks, as its pull is in an riculture are less than a medium yield, as present complete state. opposite direction to that of the anchor, and is evidenced by their high prices in marFig. 1, is a back elevation of a ship's when riding, it answers as an extra riding-ket. windlass and bits, fitted with Sowerby's pa-chock. It offers no obstruction to the free Wheat, we believe, afforded a fair avertent pall and riding-chock in the middle, and use of the windlass, having no spindle pass-age yield in most of the districts of secondYoung's patent purchase at each end within ing from bit to bit; no wheel projecting be-ary formation, where it constitutes the the garrick bits. yond the bits, and preventing the weather- great staple. In other districts the result was less favorable. In the south, the proFig. 2, shows a section of the windlass bitting of the cable-no cog machinery to duct was seriously diminished by the Hesbody, and an end view of the purchase and be deranged-whenever the windlass re-sian fly; while in this vicinity, and to the starboard garrick bits. quires to be unshipped, the chain may be north of us, the grain worm took at least taken off in a few minutes. It may be fit- one half of the crop. The quality of the ted to one or both ends, or to the middle, grain was good; and there has been a maeven in a few hours, if necessary. It is ad- nifest improvement, which we hope will mirably adapted to large vessels, as the continue to progress, in selecting clean seed. The extra price one pays for clean chains may be carried to any convenient seed, weighs but as a feather against the distance; and, if required, the speed of the advantages of a clean crop. Our apprewindlass increased, by adopting a larger pin-hensions from the grain worm are in no Its construction and action are so wise diminished. We have tried the presimple, as to render it unnecessary to en- ventive means which have been recomcroach further upon your valuable pages, mended, without any sensible benefit. We unless it be to say, that it is also the cheap-hardly know of a mere afflicting calamity est purchase which has hitherto been applied to a ship's windlass.

The patent purchase consists of a strong cast-iron wheel, firmly wedged upon the body, with semi-elliptci cavities in its surface, adapted to hold the sides of the link of a chain which embraces it, and a pinion with similar cavities in its surface. The pinion is keyed upon an iron axle, working in a carriage placed on the deck, and bolted down to a beam abaft the windlass. Ratchets are also keyed upon each end of the axle, and worked by a palling box, from which a socket arm is continued for receiving the handspike. The two ends of the chain are connected by a shackle made on the segment of a link, so that it also fits the cavities in the wheel and pinion. The chain may be tightened or slackened by means of adjusting wedges, which are fitted on the carriage. The drawings represent the handspikes in their places, which, on being depressed, bring the pinion round, and with it the windlass body, with a power proportion ed to the size of the wheel to that of the pinion. The usual proprotions adopted are about four to one; consequently, one man using the purchase, is nearly equal to four men applied to the windlass in the usual



Yours respectfully,


Patent Windlass Works, near Shadwell

Dock Basin, London, Oct. 21, 1835.

MANUFACTURE OF SALT.-At the Ander. ton works, near Northwich, a new method of making salt has been discovered, and pans have been put up on a small scale to try the effect, which has proved so far most satisfactory. A fresh-water boiler is placed in the midst of the brine directly over the fire, the brine receiving at once the whole of the heat from the boiler and the fire; the Hence, with it, a small number of overplus steam which is generated is aphands may get the anchor, when the whole plied to another pan; by this means a high ship's company would be unable to do so temperature is obtained for 1,600 surface without it. In addition to its great power, feet, which by the old mode would require it possesses other important advantages, a four fires; immense expense in labor, and few of which I shall briefly enumerate as wear and tear, is saved. Mr. William Garfollows:-It is not liable to be injured by rod is the inventor; he has taken out a pa. the heaving or pitching of the vessel in a of salt will be made by one ton of coals; tent. It is expected that more than five tons heavy sea; the endless chain which em- by the old method not more than two and braces the two wheels fixed upon the wind- half or three can be produced from the same lass body and axle not being tight, but pass-quantity of fuel.-[Mining Journal.]


tension of this evil, as now experienced that could happen to our State, than the ex. here, to our western counties. And what is to prevent it? Is not the subject one of sufficient importance to call for legislative inquiry?

Hay has not been two thirds, and in some districts not one fourth, of an ordinary crop, from the causes which we have in part explained,-the want of the early and the lat. ter rain, and the severe cold of the preceding winter,-causes, which human prudence couid neither foresee or guard against. If there is any profitable sugges tion which we can make, growing out of the failure of this crop, it is that of renova ting old meadows, by subjecting them to the plough and an alternation of crops. So far as our personal observation will serve as a criterion, old grass grounds fell off in their product much more than grounds recently laid down, on our own lands three to one. This disappointment in the hay crop is however likely, we think, to do a vast amount of good-by coercing us to more economical modes of feeding it to our means-and by extending the culture of cattle, and to the better husbanding our roots. The practice of feeding at stacks and in open yards, or even in common racks, where the cattle tread and waste

nearly one half of the forage, is giving || eastern countries it is extensively cultivated [[of the year. The apprehension of a scarway to the better system of feeding in man-exclusively for this purpose. The culture city of fodder has led to the slaughter off a gers, to which the cattle are tied, and where of this grain is extending in our State. Bar- vast number of neat cattle and sheep; and nothing is lost. The stacks and shucks of ley, for malting, should be threshed with a induces an apprehension that both will be corn have been better saved, and if cut, as flail, as the machine, with the awn, often high the current year. Pork has been they are in many instances, they are afford. takes off the germinating part, which injures rather light, but the article has sustained a ing an excellent substitute for hay. We it for malting. very liberal price. give to-day a cut and description of a yard rack, well calculated to promote economy in fodder. The hay cutter is coming into general use.


From the Boston American Gardener's Magazine.

Observations on the Dahlia, its Species and
Professor of Botany and Vegetable Physi-
ology to the Mass. Hort. Soc.

Rye is the bread corn of Germany and Russia, and the natural bread corn of many parts of the United States, for we are disposed to adopt, in this case, the opinion of St. Pierre, that every country produces Indian corn, as we have observed, was planted late, and was very generally and what is most congenial to the wants, and conducive to the health of its population. seriously injured by the grub worm. replanted portion did not cone to maturity axiom with the actual condition_of_our One great difficulty is in reconciling this The surpassing beauty and brilliancy of before the frosts of September 14, 15-the brethren in some parts of New England. the dahlia has raised it, in the estimation mean temperature of the summer having been some degrees cooler than usual. The Wheat they cannot grow,-of corn they of the floral taste, whether considered in its frost of the 4th of August also destroyed insist their soil is incapable of producing. to the acme of perfection by the ingenious grow but a modicum-and rye, they will single unadorned simplicity, or when brought much in elevated districts, and upon the Whether this latter difficulty arises from labors of the horticulturist. Scarcely unrimargins of small streams. Nor were these actual sterility in the soil, from the absence valed by the unique elegance of the camellia, the only difficulties the crop had to encoun- in it of the peculiar pabulum of this grain, it has become, like that remarkably transter: the warm humid weather of October or from the difficulty of tilling the ground, muted plant, as universal a favorite among seemed to saturate the cob with moisture, we do not pretend to say; but the fact will the curious and wealthy; and still more a or to prevent its becoming dry, and caused not readily be erased from our memory, that companion of the antique and venerable acmouldiness in the grain; and in many ca- in passing from Worcester in Massachu-companiments of the cottage garden or the ses where this was not fully ripened, abso-setts, to Enfield in Connecticut, in October, village flower-bed, of some humble admirer lute putrefaction. This was not only the a distance, we believe, of 40 or 50 miles, of nature's sportive wonders, such as may case at the north, but extensively so as far we did not notice a solitary field of rye or be found in every community, and not by south as Virginia. We note the fact here, wheat. The puzzle is, what, according to any means few in our own happy, smiling that the reader may compare it with his St. Pierre's theory, constitutes the natural New-England. Perhaps the moral and own practice and its results, that we cut food of the population? But, to leave this mental improvement of a people cannot be our corn at the ground, before all that had question unsolved, the crop of rye has been better estimated, surely not better promoted been replanted had become glazed; that it good, and the grain heavy. According to than in the observation and introduction of did not mould or sustain injury in the field; Von Thaer, this grain abstracts 30 parts in the spirit of the love of the more elegant but it is due to truth to say, that it required one hundred of the nutriment contained in and refined occupations attendant on agrimuch watchfulness and care to prevent the soil where it is grown. It is less ex-cultural pursuits. For my own part, I want mouldiness after it was husked-constant hausting than other small grains, and is no better proof of a feeling and exquisitely stirring and exposure, and that we were ranked next to wheat in its nutritious pro- sensible mind, even under a rough and rude obliged to uncrib a quantity, and to spread perties. It contains a substance, in the exterior, than may be observed in a love of it, to save it from being injured. We think opinion of Thaer, which facilitates diges-nature, particularly that which relates to that corn dries and ripens better in stooks, tion, and has an action particularly refresh- the care of flowers. A rose-bush, a honeythan in any other situation, even than when ing and fortifying on the animal frame. topped and left in the hill. In the latter Oats have been unprecedently fine. The suckle, a peony-famed in village love for pharmaceutic worth-a lilac-bush, or even case it is receiving a constant accession of cold season has been propitious to this crop a huge tuft of the singlarly striped "ribbon sap from the roots, which, for want of leaves A large amount was sown, and both straw to elaborate it, instead of being beneficial to and grain were heavy. In many cases the grass, preserved by some rustic enclosure the grain, serves but to bring on fermenta-crop was not secured till late in September. though less intelligent tenants of the farmfrom the trespass of those sober, useful, tion, as was stated by our Coxsackie correspondent, in the last Cultivator. The exyard, whose tastes are more alimentary than mental-all denote a higher order of perience of the year seems to admonish us, mind, in some tidy housewife, or younger -1. To fit our corn grounds for early plantfemale; and when I discover the highly ing, by freeing them from excess of moisture, by underdraining, or by ridging, where patronized dahlia, lifting its rich blossoms the surface is flat, or the subsoil tenacious. among the associates of its new and strange 2. To plant as early as the temperature of locality, to me it proves the gradual developement of a purity of taste and feeling, which, though not incongruous, is not alMangel Wurtzel and Ruta Baga. The culture of these roots, as field crops, has ways to be expected in such scenes. From the elevated sandy meadows of Mexico, been greatly extended, and as far as we can learn, with very encouraging success. We where, scarce half a century since, they are yet hardly well enough versed in the were probably first known, and shortly after management of these crops, and the labor were transferred from the Mexican Botanic saving machines which should be used in Garden, the species, and almost innumeratheir culture, to enable us fully to appre-ble varieties have extended with a greater ciate the advantages they are capable of affording to our husbandry.

the season will admit. And 3. To select We the earliest kind of corn for our crop.

Potatoes have, like oats, been favored by a cool summer; and where not cut down by the frost, before they were ripe, the crop has been a very large one. The scarcity of cattle forage and corn, however, will cause heavy requisitions to be made upon the oats and potatoes, to make up the deficiency, and present prices of these articles are likely

therefore to be sustained and increased.

have heretofore recommended a 12 rowed
yellow variety, which we termed Dutton
corn, and so far as we have learnt, this has
ripened well where it was planted in ordi-
nary season, and was not destroyed by the
grub. The growth is rather dwarfish, but
it will the better bear to be planted close;
the product is abundant, and the grain hard,
heavy and bright. Much of our seed has
been sent, during the two last years, to New-
Jersey, Pennsylvania and Ohio. We should
he gratified to learn the result of its culture
in those States, as well as in New-York.
On the whole, we do not think the corn crop
has been half of an ordinary yield.
Barley, which ranks next in importance The dairy has been a source of handsome
to the preceding in the husbandry of
many of our counties, has been a good,
we think better than an ordinary, crop. On
lands which will not carry wheat, and which
are neither very light nor very stiff, this is a
profitable crop. It gives nearly the same
yield as oats, while it sells for nearly double
in the market; and it is a question of some
doubt, considering its superior nutritive
properties, whether it cannot be as profita-
bly raised for horse feed. In many of the

Hops have made but a very light return
for the labor bestowed in their culture. The
crop was light in New-York, and the qual-
ity generally inferior, on account of their
not having matured well before the arrival

of the autumnal frosts.

profit, on account of the high prices which
butter and cheese have sustained in the
market. This branch of husbandry is being
considerably extended among us. It pro-
bably affords as sure a profit as any other
department of husbandry. The gains may
not be the greatest, but they are obtained at
the least risk and expense.

Butcher's Meat, though rather scarce and
high in the early part of the season, has
been abundant and cheap towards the close

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rapidity and more accompanied admiration over the civilized world, than perhaps any other vegetable. The rich alluvial soils of the south, and the hard rocky lands of the north, are adorned with their cultivation; and with a singular accommodation to circumstances, they evince scarce a preference, in the expansion of their blossoms, for one section than for another. It is presumable, however, that heat is injurious to the perfection of their flowers,-a defect which might be obviated in a great degree by application of more moisture. Naturalization or acclimation cannot speedily, if at all, be expected in our northern latitudes, unless occasionally accidental escape from the effects of frost be deemed such, which has been known in this vicinity in several instances; and a case was mentioned of a root exposed to the vinters of several years, pro

tected entirely by the early and deep snows || about the same time, indeed, that the Dutch ||general admiration which the subject of i

so common in the mountainous regions of New-Hampshire. In the Azores,they are lifted out of the soil at the approach of the winter season, and left exposed on the surface till the returning spring, undoubtedly with the view to give a temporary repose, and secure a greater amount of flowers.

obtains, as an ornament of our gardens and parterres.

florists began to procure theirs from seed. A similar curious fact was observed in the difference of seed raised at Anteuil and St. It is a curious subject for reflection on the Cloud, the richer soil producing only pure changes effected in horticulture, to be able and simple flowers, whereas the thinner to trace the opinions of learned men, founded and lighter soils of the former place was in sound reason and observation, taking, for only prone to produce the seeds of double a moment, the situation they occupied, and So much has been said and written on the varieties-accounted for on the philosophical casting a glance forward to our own experi. subject of my present remarks, that I can principle, that it was a greater effort to pro-ence and knowledge, which confirms or disscarcely be expected to offer any thing new; duce a perfect seed than an imperfect one; proves their theories. Thus De Candolle and it is only with the design of presenting that is, one capable of continuing an acci- foretold the improbability of the occurrence your Magazine with a succinct account of dental and physiologically considered mon- of a blue variety, and we have almost every the early history and rapid progress of this strous developement of petals instead of combined shade and primitive color of the superb flower, together with whatever ob- stamens. prismatic bow, excepting that Mr. Sabine servations may suggest themselves, that I After several attempts to reduce to spe- tells us of the existence of a double white, undertake the task. Mr. Joseph Sabine, incies the different varieties of this flower, which he feels inclined to doubt, and now the third volume of the "Transactions of each botanist and cultivator adopting some "Kings" and "Queens," there are of double the Hort. Soc. in London," has drawn up a trifling character, founded on the form of white, and even " Mountains of snow," and very able and exceedingly interesting ar- the leaves, or color of the flower, De Can- beauties of antiquity, and unrivaled only by ticle, embracing all that was known at that dolle discovered that the essential distinc- the elegance and purity of these fragile time, (1818;) but as it may not be easily tions consisted in the absence or presence flowers; the grandeur of an avalanche exavailable to many of your readers interested of fertile florets in the ray, and termed, inhibited in a petal, and the winning loveli. in the subject, I shall consider it a sufficient the second edition of Hortus Kewensis, su- ness of female character shining forth in an excuse to pursue my intentions. perflua and frustranea. Mr. Sabine re-abortive stamen. duces under the two following species of De Candolle the several synonyms, as quoted from the Hortus Kewensis: 1. Dahlia superflua, caule non pruinoso, flosculis radii foemineis.

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"The dahlia," says Count Lelieur," was originally from Mexico, and introduced into Europe in 1789."-" From the Botanic Garden at Mexico, it was sent to that of Madrid, where it flowered for the first time in 1791." Cavanille (an ecclesiastic and eminent botanist,) dedicated the genus to Dahl, a Swedish botanist, a disciple of Linne, and the author of a work on his Systema Vegetabilium." "In the same year (1791,) he gave the description of three varieties sent from Mexico, which he considered as three species, constituting the genus Dahlia, viz: pinnata, rosea, and coccinea," (Memoire sur le Dahlia, &c. pp. 3—4.) In the number for March, 1835, of this Magazine, (Vol. I., p. 114,) some observations were made on the restoration of the old name of the genus, given by Cavanille, and altered from erroneous impressions of its being already ap: propriated, strengthened by a similarity of sound to Dalea, belonging to an entirely different natural order and artificial class.

2. Dahlia frustranea, caule pruinoso, flo. sculis radii neutris. [Hort. Kew., ed. 2, Vol. v., pp. 87-88.]


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But with all the attractions of great and good and illustrious names, and the wondrous transmutations of floral skill-for wondrous they truly are-the simple, unadorned elegance of a fine single flower, with its eight perfectly formed petals and golden centre, expanding gradually into the florets of the disk, presents to my ideas a lovely work of nature's skill. Surely it is a mistake to exclude from our collections these primitive forms, to give place to double varieties only; and during the last season, of however only tolerable merit, more it may one such has actually insinuated itself, be suspected from its royal title or foreign origin, than from any returning taste to floral simplicity.

By this arrangement it will be perceived that two species are formed, the first with "smooth stem, and fertile florets in the ray;" and the second with a pubescent or hoary stem, and barren florets in the ray How far this arrangement has been observed, I have little means of determining. Loudon, in his Hortus Britannicus, gives a catalogue of sixty varieties of D. superflua, and only five of frustranea. But even with The dahlia, like many other cultivated the characteristic differences which Sabine plan's, seems very prone to sportiveness or lays down, as to the coarseness of foliage variation in the tints and pencilings of its and diffuseness of habit in superflua, and petals. Cultivators begin to recommend the delicacy, compactness and erect man the use of strong and nutritive manures in ner of growth in frustranea, I very much producing very fine flowers, an opinion enWilldenow, in his Species Plantarum, appli- doubt whether in this country it would be tirely counter to one formerly entertained ed that of Georgina, after Georgi, an eminent Russian botanist, and De Candolle easy to detect the species in the astonishing and practised upon,-that of planting in varieties of our gardens. It is almost cer- poor and meagre soils. Undoubtedly the adopted it, apparently on such authority.tain that color would afford no test, although former practice is the better one, and, added With a similar desire of imitation, or the the original color was referable to purple to this, the fact, that but a moderate degree universal mania after new names, the flo- in the former, and that of orange or scarlet of sun and heat is necessary to their inrists of this country were fast falling into in the latter. Still more uncertain the crease, there can be no reason why the mul the supposed improvement, regardless of the downiness or pubescence of the stems, tiplication of flowers is not almost wholly untenableness of one averred objection, and which, though more or less observable in at the disposal of the grower. The natural the gross impropriety of violating that rule all, does not seem to constitute a perma- localities have been discovered to consist of of every scientific nomenclature, that the nent character. A series of experiments sandy mountainous meadows, of 48 to 5-400 original name should be sacredly preserved, should be instituted, in order to endeavor feet above the level of the sea. A sandy to the exclusion of every other, unless found- to trace any observance of this specific dif- meadow, in such a situation, may not be a ed on good and substantial reasons of real ference of De Candolle, in the seedlings of poor or meagre soil; on the contrary, it is physiological difference. It was with unour double varieties; and also whether, in most probably a very rich one, being comfeigned pleasure that I therefore hailed the this instance, unobserved, a real hybridizing posed of the alluvial deposit of the decomrestoration of Dahlia, and trust that the dis- process has not taken place between the position, both mineral and vegetable, of the ciples of the illustrious star of northern Eu-two supposed genuine species. upper regions. It is certain that the effect rope shall confer honor, and shed some re- It may be deemed presumptuous to seem- of poor soil on the plant is to weaken the flected glory on the plant which was dedi-ingly question the authority of such cele- tendency to produce rich flowers, by the cated to his fame and memory. brated names; but it must appear an im- poverty of its entire growth, and that, when portant, and surely therefore a harmless in- liberally supplied with suitable food and quiry, especially when we consider the ten-sufficient moisture, nothing can surpass the dency to confusion in such a myriad host exuberance of its blooms. of abnormal individuals, as our catalogues of the varieties of dahlias present. I trust, therefore, to the candor of discriminating minds, that nothing but a deep interest in the cause of scientific truth could for a mo. ment prompt such an inquiry. Such a theory has been conceived before, from the failure of the Genevan botanist's characters, as also from other circumstances, which render it a still more interesting query; and at no better time could it be settled, un less it has already been done, than now, in the height of the universal popularity and

In the third volume of the "Annales du Museum," we find a memoir on the Dahlia, by M. Thouin, accompanied by a colored plate of three varieties, viz.: rosea, purpurea, and coccinea, probably answering, at least in color, to the three species of Cavanille,-rosea, pinnata, and coccinea. M. Thouin remarks that rosea was of the size of Aster chinensis L.; and from the plate, it seems to resemble a prototype of "Queen of Naples," a somewhat old variety. One these varieties is figured with semi-double flowers, a fact not a little remarkable, as this plate was issued in 1804, and Count Lelieur mentions that not until 1817 could he obtain even two or three double varieties;

The value of the dahlia seems confined to its intrinsic beauty and hardiness, as an ornamental plant. Many futile attempts have been made to introduce it among the esculent roots; but it would require a savage appetite, or a love for novelty, to bring this about. Its tubes, nevertheless, abound in farina,but the supposed presence of benzoic acid destroys their palatableness. The Composi tæ, in their general characters, though of great importance to mankind in their medical properties, offer few articles of nutritious food. The tubes of the tuberous sunflower,

improperly and commonly called " Jerusa- in the organization of leaves, which are the instruments which announce its changes lem artichoke," are indeed considered by only parts of a plant where transpiration every moment. some as delicate food, and the disk of the takes place. That surface of leaves which I do not propose that delicate and compligenuine artichoke, is used in some countries is exposed to the direct rays of the sun is cated instruments should be provided; but extensively as an accompaniment to the covered by a thick epidermis, which resists I wish to find on every farm an hygrometer, table. the calorific rays. In herbaceous plants, as to ascertain the humidity of the atmosphere, Every season brings to the dahlia some in stalks of grasses, this covering is com. a thermometer to indicate the changes of new insect foe, which attacks its valuable posed principally of silex. In other plants temperature, and a barometer to determine and tender buds, or devastates its is analagous to resin, wax, gum, or honey; the weight of the atmosphere. This last The grasshopper, (a common green species,) whilst the epidermis, which covers the op-instrument would be particularly valuable, and the Syrtis erosa, with Membracis bubalus, posite sides of the leaves, is fine and trans- as predicting the changes of the weather; better known to the unscientific as a two-parent. It is by this, that transpiration the rising of the mercury announces the rehorned triangular bug, has been peculiarly and the absorption of nourishment from the turn of dry weather, and its sinking warns busy for a few seasons past. While some atmosphere are carried on. If we should us of rain and storms. We can regard unknown pest, of a green and smooth larva, reverse the order of things, and present these variations but as signs; but they are luxuriously riots on the rich petals, or un- the under surface of a leaf to the rays of signs much more certain than those which de mines the leaves. A small dipterous (?)||the sun, we should very soon see that it country people derive from the changes of insect was observed for the first time this would make great efforts to resume its natu- the moon. year, but I was unable to detect any such ral position. Properties of Mould.-Land owes its fernew depredator. Nothing but a careful ex- When a plant is dead, or rather when antility, mostly, if not wholly, to the presence, amination and diligent use of the fingers in annual plant has fulfilled its destiny, giving in a greater or less abundance, of principles seizing and crushing the intruders, with assurance of its re-production by the forma- analagous to those constituting mould.perhaps some liquid application to the roots, tion of its fruit, the action of heat and of These principles are furnished by manures, which should promote a more speedy and the other chemical agents is no longer modi- and by the decomposition of plants; but vigorous growth, is a preventive. It is to fied by any of the causes of which I have each harvest causes a diminution of them, a be hoped attention will be paid to this view just spoken, and the plant receives their im- part being washed away by rains, and a of the subject, that some method may for-pression in an absolute and unmodified man- part absorbed by the crops which are raised; tunately be devised to save from disappoint-ner. When the temperature of the atmos- thus the soil is deprived by degrees of its ment the promised glories of our finest phere sinks below a certain point, the fluids nutritive qualities, till at length nothing reand rarest plants, or at least that these in-in plants become condensed, the movement mains but an earthy residuum, deprived of sidious mischief-workers may be known and of the juices is retarded, the activity of their its nourishing juices, and completely barren; exposed. organs languishes, and is at length suspend-it is to restore its fertility that land must be ed, until restored by the return of heat. The manured afresh, after having yielded several action of the atmosphere upon plants, when crops. deprived of its due proportion of heat, is Dews-Suggestions to render them benefihowever modified by the emission or disen-cial to Vegetation. The aqueous vapors gagement of caloric, which is always given suspended in the air begin to be condensed out when liquids are condensed, or solids and precipitated at sunset, and with them is contracted; and this occasions the tempera-deposited the greatest part of the emanature of plants, during the winter, to be al-tions which have arisen from the earth ways a little higher than that of the atmos-during the day; these exhalations, though phere. beneficial to vegetation, are almost always

I conclude this article with only one question to the experimental florist, viz: whether sufficient experiment has been made, as to the soil or exopsure, to insure the perfection and bloom in that rich and superb variety, "Levick's Incomparable?" Every one who attended the last annual exhibition of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, must remember a remarkable specimen which graced the magnificent display of its sister varieties, which was produced in the immediate vicinity. Yours,

Salem, Jan 1, 1836.


From Chaptal's Chemistry of griculture. CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO AGRICULTURE.


When the soil is hard and compact, and forms by the action of the air an impenetra

It sometimes happens that the tempera-injurious to man, and it is not without reature of the atmosphere sinks so low as to son that he fears and shuns the night damps. produce fatal effects upon plants by freezing In southern climates, where the heat of the their sap, and thus occasioning their death. sun is more intense, and rains less frequent This effect does not always depend upon the than in northern, vegetation is supported by intensity or degree of cold to which they the dews, which are very abundant. In orare exposed, but upon particular circum-der that the dews of night may produce their I have seen olive trees resist a best effects upon vegetation, it is necessary Influence of Heat and Light upon Vegeta- temperature of 220.2 Fahrenheit, and perish that the soil should unite certain qualities, tion. The changes of temperature experi- from that of 28°.6, because in the last case which it does not always possess. enced by the atmosphere in the course of a the snow, which had collected upon the year, are so great, as to cause some liquids branches of the trees during a night, was to pass alternately either to the solid or aeri-dissolved the following day by the heat ofble crust, the dew is deposited upon its surforin state, and some solid bodies to become the sun, and the wet tree was exposed duliquid. The natural effect of heat upon these bodies is, by dilating them, to weaken the force of cohesion which unites their molecules, and, by facilitating the action of chemical affinity, to enable them to enter in to combination with foreign bodies. Thus heat renders the juices of plants more fluid, and facilitates their circulation through the cells and capillary vessels; and by giving activity to the suckers of roots, enables them to draw from the earth the juices necessary for their nourishment.

ring the succeeding night to the action of
280.6. There is nothing more dangerous for
corn and grasses, than those frosts which
follow immediately after a thaw, because
the still wet plants, not being deeply rooted
in the ground pulverized by the frost, have
no means of defending themselves from the
effects of the cold.

Though the action of light upon vegetation does not appear to be so important as that of the other fluids of which I have spoken, it is not in reality less so. Plants, Above a certain temperature, heat, by pro- which are raised in the shade or in darkness, moting evaporation, causes the juices of are nearly or quite without color, perfume, plants to become thickened and dried in taste, or the firmness of texture of those their organs, and thus vegetation is arrest-that are exposed to the direct rays of the ed, and life suspended. This effect ways takes place during great heats, when neither rain, dew, nor irrigation can sufficiently repair the loss occasioned by evaporation. This effect would be more frequent, if provident nature did not employ means to mode

rate the action of heat.

The first of these means is the transpiration of the vegetables themselves, which cannot take place without carrying off a large portion of heat, and thus preserving the transpiring body at a temperature below that of the air. The second means is found

sun: and if the luminous fluid does not com-
bine with the organs of plants, we cannot
deny that it is a powerful auxiliary in their

When we reflect upon the influence which
the atmosphere exercises over vegetation,
and over the principal operations which are
carried on in rural establishments, such as
fermentations, the preparation of various
productions, and the decomposition of some
substances, in order to apply them to parti-
cular purposes; we are astonished at finding
nowhere any of the simple and unexpensive

face, and evaporated by the rays of the sun, without having moistened the roots of the plants or softened the earth around them; so that of the organs that serve to convey nourishment to the plants, the leaves are the only ones benefitted by the dew, while the roots which are the principal vehicles of nutriment when the plant is fully developed, are not in any degree benefitted by it. It is necessary in such cases, that the soil should be softened, lightened, and divided, so that the air may convey the water with which it is charged, to the roots of the plants, and to every part of the earth surrounding them, to a certain depth; then the plant can imbibe, through all its pores, the reviving moisture; and that which is received by its roots is more lasting than that which it absorbs in any other way, because the roots being sheltered from the direct rays of the sun, evaporation takes place less rapidly, and the moisture is retained, whilst the leaves are speedily dried by the heat. Besides, that earth which is most easily affected by the dews, yields most readily to the action of roots, whether it be to fix the plant firmly by their extension, or to draw from the soil its nutritive properties.

This explains in a natural manner the origin of a custom observed by all agricul

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