Lapas attēli

load, with which load on the level it can travel at a speed of 40 miles an hour, using its whole power, then assuming the friction to be 9 lbs. per ton, or, and that its whole power is consumed, the distance to and from Brighton will be travelled on each at a speed of 40 miles per hour, and the respective times will be 2. 29. 30. and 2. 44. 30. without adding for delay on the Croydon inclined plane.

or of their varying power at different speeds,
because this is equally applicable to each
line; but rest upon clear mechanical prin-
ciples, independent of all hypothesis.


to defray, as far as possible, the expense incurred by government in giving patents. Hence it is not strange, that glaring im perfections now appear in the law. It has been a matter of astonishment that so important a branch of domestic polity should have been so long neglected. The time has now arrived when the amount of revenne derived from this source, the magnitude of the claims dependant upon the patent law, the great delay and embarrassment experienced by patentees at the of fice, all conspire to demand a thorough survey of its present organization. To insure attention to this subject, it need only be mentioned that the number of patents issued annually, for a long time, did not exceed one hundred, whereas, at present, the number is about eight hundred, and will soon increase to one thousand. Such

Next, if the comparison be as regards load, then the thing is very simple; for the load is either measured by the adhesion of the wheels, or else by the pressure of steam in the cylinder; in either case, the engine being identifical in power and weight, the But this assumes that on Sir John Ren-maximum load is measured by the friction nie's descending planes the engine to travel on a level plus gravity; hence the uniform 720 miles per hour. Whereas we will or more easy gradients have a clear adsuppose them limited on each to 40 miles vantage. per hour; hence in going and coming there Thus, between Sir John Rennie's and will be 32 miles of descending planes, the Mr. Stephenson's lines, the proportions time to be added will be the difference be-are as tween travelling 32 miles, at 720 miles per 15.80 9 x 6+80=(220) hour, and at 40 miles per hour, that is, of to 17.50=9 × 8+ 50 (2240) 45 minutes, 20 seconds, making the total That is, a difference of 11 per cent. in fa- is the desire to secure patents, that individ3. 14. 50. by Sir John Rennie's line; whilst vor of Mr. Stephenson's line in gross load; uals have taken out more than fifty paon Mr. Stephenson's the time to be added but the effective load has a different pro-tents. The amount of fees for patents anis the difference between travelling 28 miles portion still more favorable to Mr. Stephen-nually ($30 being the fee) is about $25,000. at 16 miles per hour, and at 40 miles per son's line, as Mr. Rastrick admitted in his The present year it may exceed $30,000. hour, that is, of 31 minutes, 30 seconds, evidence, a difference of 14 per cent. in fa- To this amount fees for copies and recordmaking the total time 3 hours, 16 minutes. vor of the western line, but which may un-ing are to be added, making the sum larger To this must be added the time consum-dr various considerations amount to 20, or still; and notwithstanding the rapid ined in stoppages, that is, on Stephenson's even a higher per centage. crease in the business of the office within a 2+3 minutes, being once at the Southampfew years, very little additional force has ton Junction, and once for water. On Sir been allowed for its accomplishment. Pa John Rennie's, 3+39 minutes, being tentees complain of delay, and very justly, once at Greenwich Junction, once Croy. but this delay must soon be greater than at don at the station, and once for water; bepresent, without the interference of consides delay on Croydon incline, for which gress. It may be asked if such are the 5 minutes will be a very moderate allowPATENT OFFIce, 1836. profits, why not apply the funds received SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge to the discharge of accruing business?— he receipt of the inquiries made by the The answer is readily given. All the honorable chairman of the committee on money received is, by law, paid over into the patent office, in the house of represent- the treasury, and although to be credited atives, and referred by the honorable Secreto "the account of clerk hire," cannot be tary of State to this office for my report in part. As the answer must in some measure depend upon the organization of the of fice, I will respectfully reply, first, to the following inquiry, viz: "what alteration or improvement of the law, relating to the of patents, has experience shown granting of patents, has experience shown to be requisite to effect all the objects which it is desirable to obtain in this departinent?" A brief reference to the history of the patent law, and the practice under it, will be necessary to learn the "mischief," and provide the "remedy."


Thus by Rennie's line.

Extra stoppages

[ocr errors]

By Stephenson's.

Extra stoppages

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

3 14 50
14 O

[ocr errors]

3 28 50

3 16 0
6 0

3 22

The difference being 6 minutes, 50 seconds, in favor of Stephenson's line. This is abstracted from the curves; now, Dr.

Lardner admits that the total curvature

On Rennie's is measured by 840 deg.
And on Stephenson's, by 790 do.
Or, reduced to curves of a mile,
Rennie's 7 miles, of a mile radius.
Stephenson's 6 7 ditto.


[merged small][ocr errors]

appropriated to this use without a special
act of congress. The superintendent has
requested additional assistance, but the
honorable Secretary, although anxious to
afford every facility, has not felt authorised
to increase the expenditures on his own
responsibility. Patentees and suitors in
courts have suffered much during the last
year from delays in the office; cases are
sometimes continued for the want of cop
ies, which would readily be furnished at
one half the lawful fees now charged if the
superintendent was permitted to get the

It is nearly half a century since the pre-work done. A few facts need only be adsent patent law was enacted. Previously ded, to show the propriety and importance to 1793, all petititions for patents were preof a revision of the patent law. The whole sented to the Secretary of State, Secretary expenses of the patent office do not exceed of War, and Attorney General, who ex one-fourth of its income. The number of applications for patents since the 10th of July (at which time my superintendency commenced) has been upwards of six hundred.

Thus the total length of the respective amined them, and granted or refused a pajourneys

3 36 30
3 29 0

On Rennie's.. On Stephenson's But it may be well here to remark, that Dr. Lardner is in error as regard the curvature on both Stephenson's and Rennie's line; as the curvature

tent at their discretion. This duty having

been found an arduous one, and also a great interruption to other business, the law of 1790 was repealed, and the present act passed, which is more in conformity with the practice in Great Britain. Few alterations have been made in the exOn Rennie's is . . . 15 m., 1 m. radius, isting law since 1793, if we except the exAnd on Stephenson's 11 tension of a privilege to a certain class of which would make the time a little more foreigners. While a laudable spirit promp favorable to Stephenson's line of railway. ted our legislators to encourage the arts, Now, it may be observed, that the fore-he poverty and distresses of the country going calculations are altogether indepen- forbade the passage of any law for the prodent of a difference of opinion as regards tection of inventors which might increase proportion of power of engines to what the burdens of the community. Such a they are ordinarily called upon to exert, 'ariff of fees was accordingly established as

The correspondence has trebled within a few years. No less than two thousand letters have been written by the superintendent since July last. More than one hundred suits are now pending in the United States courts touching rights of patentees. These suits will increase until some check is put to the fraud now openly practised, but irremediable without the aid of congress.

Questions are frequently asked at the patent office, which require several days search to answer. Each patentee (if he is honest) wishes to know whether his patent

to have the whole number ?

will infringe upon others. This is appaents issued since July have been transmit- ||found from thirty-three to fifty per cent. rently a simple inquiry, but only a refer-ted more than two hundred miles for single less. Hence there is in the patent office a ence to seven thousand patents can settle signatures. It may be asked, how is this constant desire to change situations, and the question. And here, what an embar- difficulty to be remedied? it is believed this comparatively low compensation will rassment must arise from the want of sys that two of the three signatures can be dis- prevent able and permanent assistance.— tematic arrangement of the papers. Pre- pensed with; can it be necessary or useful Will a clerk remain satisfied to labor for vious to July last, not a single letter re$1,000 in the patent office, when the same ceived was filed, and even now none are clerical services in adjoining offices bring indexed. Many volumes of records are $1,250 to $1,500. The aggregate pay of also wholly unindexed, and must remain superintendent, three clerks, machinist, and so until more help is provided. And was messenger, in the patent office, amounts to not an hourly reference to these volumes $5,400, whereas the pay of the commisand correspondence necessary, the unsys sioner of Indian affairs, four clerks, and a tematic arrangement of papers would be messenger, is $8,700. One third of the less tedious and perplexing. revenue received from patents would defray all the disbursements for salaries, and leave two thirds to be appropriated as congress might direct.

The rights of the patentee are the same with the signature of the Secretary of State, as with the addition of the President and Gttorney General. The great seal can accompany the Secretary's signature, and the patent be issued in the name of the United States. It is true the Attorney General is bound to examine the patent; The injustice and inexpediency of the but is this necessary? Among all the patpresent law, will appear in reference for ents transmitted since July, only one has the charges inade for services performed a been returned as imperfect, and in this the office, besides the fee of thirty dollars. case the defect was not fatal to the validity I have alluded to frauds under the patent By the law of 1793, each copy of one of the patent. The best examination can law. These frauds are daily practised by hundred words is charged at twenty cents, certainly be made at the patent office, persons who take out patents without macertainly twice as much as it costs to make where the drawings and models are depos-king any new discovery or improvement.— the copy, if labor is computed at one thou-ited. If the signature of the president and The law gives neither the superintendent sand dollars or twelve hundred dollars per Attorney General could be dispensed with, nor others any judicial powers. Every apyear for a clerk. It may be mentioned, as cnsiderable labor and much interruption plicant has a right to demand a patent i. a singular fact, that copies of the papers in would be avoided. If additional help was his papers are in order; and several patents the State department, are charged only ten given to examine the patent and the signa- are often issued for the same thing. Concents per one hundred words Each drawtures of the Secretary of State, and the head gress seemed to have noticed the improing, whatever its size or complexity, is of the bureau, only required, it is believed priety of granting two patents for the same charged at two dollars. A few drawings that a patent might be issued in a few days, thing by giving the Secretary power, in case are worth less than this sum, but most of whereas now the average time is two or of two pending interfering applications, to them twice as much, and some are worth three months. order them both to arbitration to decide forty or fifty dollars. A fair remuneration The present arrangements are not eco- upon the right of patent, but under the rules ought to be charged to each applicant.-nomical. Congress appropriated, a few established to direct the office no applicaThere are now applications pending for years since, $14,000 to bring up the rec- tions are deemed interfering unless the padrawings, where the draughtsmen will bords of the office by employing clerks at pers of both are complete in all respects.compelled o labor several days, at a sala compensation not exceeding twelve and Should two applications be precisely alike, ary of bree dollars and thirty-three cents a half cents for every hundred words. Aand one of the need only a trifling requiper day, and earn for the government but small part of this appropriation remains un-site, such as an additional witness, it then expended, and a temporary clerk is em- would be no interference; and as there is ployed under the act. The employment seldom a case when the papers of both are of temporary clerks is objectionable: un- in the same state of forwardness, an arbiskilled, the are liable to commit errors; tration under the law is a rare occurrence. besides, the compensation of twelve and a The oath of inventors has been too often half cents per hundred words is much high-justly compared to the "custom-house er than the salary of a clerk at $1,000 or baths." There are, however, inventions $1,200. It is due to those who labor in made by persons living in different parts of the patent office to state, that services re- our country, when both can claim originalquired and performed there are not ex-ty; for no sooner are the wants of the pubceeded in any of the bureaux of govern- lic known than nen of ingenuity attempt to ment. Great caution, much skill, and sup ly them. The late burning of baggage some legal science, are requisite in issuing

two dollars for the whole time.

So sensible are the patentees that the price is much less than the usual charge for the same thing out of the office, that they frequently apply to the superintendent to get the original drawings executed in the offic at two dollars. This request is always refused, for patentees are bound to furnish original drawings, and the patent office is only required to give copies of drawings of patents granted.


The delay of pa.ents has been alluded This is one of the greatest evils. Applicants are always impatient; some travel to this place from a long distance, and are anxious to carry their patents home with them; other patentees are urgent for papers to be used in courts; especially where old patents are adjudged invalid, and the right of action is suspended until a new patent is obtained; nor will an additional number of Clerks produce the desired relief, without some alteration of the present requisites. According to the existing law, the patent must be signed by the President, the Secretary of State, and the Attorney General.

every patent.

Notwithstanding the superintendency is in form a separate bureau, (yet in law a clerkship,) and the superintendent charged with the whole responsibility of issuing the patents, disbursing the special appropriation of $14,000, and the contingent fund of $2,000, accountable for all the fees received in the office, and personally required to conduct the correspondence, still his compensation is lower than that of chief clerk in either bureaux of auditor or commissioner. If the patent office was placed The Attorney General has the right to re-upen the same footing with the land office tain the patent fifteen days for examination. or Indian bureau, the compensation allowed It must be apparent to all conversant with would secure competent assistance. And public business, that there will be delay in it is desirable that those who are in the the signatures of such high functionaries, ffice should receive a fair remuantation as since their time is demanded for more im- in inducement to remain after they have perious duties. How much greater must become acquainted with its minute details. this delay be, when the person whose sig- The salaries in the patent office, as comnature is wanted, is absent from the seat pared with those of the land office, Indian of government; nearly one half of the pat-bureau, or either auditor's office, will be

on railroad cars produced immediately
many inventions to remedy the evil, and
several interfering applications were made.
'he issuing of paten's to those who have
no claim to originality is truly a great evil.
Every facility is now extended to pirates.
Even copies of models are taken by visiters
at the model rooms, and patents demanded
of a similar kind. During the last week a
patentee was explicitly told that his patent,
if granted, would be a direct infringement
upon previous patents:" but a patent must
be had;" it was demanded, and accordingly
ordered to issue. It is believed that seve
ral hundred thousand dollars are paid annu-
ally in the United States for patents impro-
perly obtained.

The success of past villany has emboldened many to continue their deception upon the credulous. The public attach high reverence to the great seal which the patentee is careful to exhibit. Fraudulent patentees are shielded in some measure by the expense of litigation, and many, very


land a caveat protects the inventor from in- || ever limited the improvement, is a common terference for a certain period, during which error. time, if any interfering application is made, tent of his own discovery, or improvement, the person who entered the caveat is noti-ought certainly to specify the same with The patentee knowing fully the exfied. Attorney or Solicitor General, who decides where (in a large machine for instance) An exparte hearing is had before the perspicuity. Cases will arise, however, upon the case; if there is an interference, some small part described might not be one of the applications is rejected. in England is the danger of giving publicity fraudulent patentees, who attempt to deI ought, however, to remark, that such patent. While there is no sympathy for Here a trifling error destroys the to inventiona before signing the patent, that ceive the public by patented discoveries, caveats are kept secret. is the anxiety to conceal from the public chanic, who, having published his patent, Indeed, so great there is some feeling for an honest metion is sometimes only lodged for a caveat, deprived of recovering any damages the discovery, that the letter of the inven- and believing it to be correct, is not only as for instance: " New improvements on infring r, but obliged to pay cost to a desteam engines," "spinning cotton," "navi- fendant, who has enriched himself by the gating vessels," &c. attached to the novelty of the invention; effort is making to prevent a total failure of Great importance is discovery of the plaintiff. In England an hence, when artists in the employment of action for partial defects, by authorising ceran inventor have mentioned to a stranger tain disclaimers to be put in a subsequent the discovery, and that stranger has by dex-procedure to judgment. The principle terity set up a model of the same, even upon which surrendry of invalid patents is after application for a patent, and before permitted in this country, is an expeditious signing it, the patent has beer lost for want mode of correcting errors arising from of novelty. Our courts have adopted a "mistake," or "inadvertence." And if a more liberal policy, and very justly decided discretion was allowed to the court, to tax that public experiments to test the value o. or withhold costs in favor of the defendant, the invention, do not destroy the right on the ground of publicity. our practice would be more simple than the introduce. Such is the temptation to pacomplex pleading which disclaimers must tent in this country, that it might be well to compel each patentee to publish his specification, or at least his specific claim.

many, pay commutation, and submit to imposition, rather than be dragged into courts of justice. How easily, for instance, can an individual take out a patent resembling one granted to a citizen of Maine, and sell the same in the south-west part of the republic! An arrest of the infringer might be uncertain, and indemnification still more doubtful. The pirate, after selling out his rights to States, counties and towns, might easily pass over the borders of our territories and be safe. There are a great number of cases arising out of the patent law before the United States courts. much will the number be increased when How the eight hundred patents granted this year shall appear with their many interfering specifications? There will be a rich harvest for the lawyers; but how many honest mechanics and inventors will be ruined by the expense of litigation. Is there no remedy? The remark of Mr. Jefferson, who, while Secretary of State, was one of the board of examiners of patents, is worthy of observation. In his letter to Mr. Cooper, on this subject, he writes, “instead of refusing a patent in the first instance, as the board was authorised to do, the patent now issues, of course, subject to be declared void on such principles as should be established by courts of law. The business, however, is but little analogous to their course of reading, since we might in vain turn over all the lubberly volumes of the law, to find a single ray which would light the path of the mechanic, or mathematician. It is more within the information of a board of academical professors, and a previous refusal of a patent would better guard our citizens against harassments by lawsuits. But England had given it to her judges, and the usual predominancy of her examples carried it to ours." I would respectfully suggest the following remedy: To vest in the head of the patent bureau, or some other tribunal, a discretion to arrest a pending appli- ||forded. cation for a patent, if it interferes with any prior patent, or caveat on file, and also i the application is destitute of novelty.

If scientific men could be induced to take an office in the patent bur au, as examiners of patents, their examinations, aided by a suitable library, would detect almost every interference or want of novelty. Nor is it to be believed there will be any objection to appropriate the sum necessary to obtain a good library.

In conformity with the established decisions of this country, a caveat, if recognised by law, could be safely lodged on file, describing (as fully as possible) the whole invention, to protect the inventor against interfering applications. We can scarcely eat, drink, sleep or makes novelty a requisite for a good pateut. for instance the farmer; he dares not use Our law also work, without using some patent. Take Many have supposed the example of Eng-a plough without paying for the patent right, land and other foreign governments worthy when, perhaps, the only new thing claimed of imitation by us. are not confined to new discoveries there, fers this fine plough, is a simple bolt.— Patents in England in the specification of the patentee who of but granted upon importation, or introduc- While cupidity induces patentees to contion of discoveries from abroad, and this is nect their improvements with inventions of done upon the principle, that the arts will others, ostensibly claiming all as their own, be benefitted by the encouragement af- it is certainly proper that the government said. When this system was adopted in sition. A judgment against the validity of On this point much might be should annex some penalty to such impoEngland, communication with other coun- the patent, is a suitable penalty. Should it tries was comparatively limited, and the im-appear objectionable to confer the power of provements in the arts correspondingly low. arresting interfering applications on the But at the present time, such are the facili-head of the patent bureau, &c.,the objection ties of intercouse, and such the reading spirit of the people of the United States, that it is evidently better to confine patents here to new discoveries.

may perhaps be lessened, by referring the interference to three indifferent arbitrators, skilled in the art in question, and as the arScientific journals bring speedily to our an appeal could be allowed to the Secrebitrators might make an improper award, shores every invention from abroad, and tary of State, or other tribunal. The preTo show the importance of possessing these inventions are introduced into imme-sent mode of appointing arbitrators in interthe foreign works of art, on the subjoct of diate use, with barely the cost of manufac-fering applications, is to allow each party patents, I would remark, that in looking ac- ture. Who except the patentee would be cidentally at a German work, a discovery benefitted by the issue of a patent for a the third. o choose one, and the Secretary of State was there found, delineated in a drawing, foreign invention? thereby increasing the bias, as each applicant generally selects a This makes a court of strong which has been patented in this country, price at least thirty-three or fifty per cent. particular friend. I ought to add that, at and which is now selling as a new inven- There would seem no occasion for offering present, there is no compensation allowed tion. A complete collection of prints and further bounty to patentees. During the or paid to arbitrators. books, in reference to the patent law, would last sixty days, more than two hundred ap- might be required to pay a reasonable fee, be highly useful to patentees, and citizens plications have been made for patents, a to be fixed by law. Interferences will genEach appelant in general, as well as the courts of justice. number greater than the average number erally be found to arise from ignorance or Caveats in the United States, though fre-issued annually in England for the last ten fraudulent intent. Information will correct quently entered, give no protection to the years. inventor. The existence of the caveat can be attested as evidence of certain know- viz: in the failure of the patentee to sus- sions. It should be recollected that the I cannot omit noticing one thing more, duce impostors to withdraw their pretenthe former, while a rigid scrutiny will inledge at the date of the same, but proof furtain his patent, if he claims more than is first applicant is not always the original innished from the patent office gives no addi- original, or presents a defective description. ventor; those who pirate upon inventions tional weight to the testimony. In Eng-The description of the whole object, how-are generally dexterous in securing their

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nies Scotland





$542 21 84 16




168. 299 97


607 77

46 10

206 66

43 06

196 68

patents as soon as possible. In such case, ||reau could not, (by giving bonds, if requir- || England, and the subjects of those coun where the honest inventor has not been ed,) receive and pay over this money di- tries are greatly disappointed in being re guilty of gross neglect, equivalent to a legal rectly into the treasury, and save the haz-fused a similar privilege here. Congress abandonment of his right, the superintend-ard and delay of remitting it to the patentee; has sanctioned the principle of granting ent might allow the patent to issue, and and it is also suggested, whether there patents to foreigners who apply to that the rights of parties would be settled in a would be any danger in authorizing the body. Should foreigners be permitted to court of justice; these cases will, however, treasury to repay such patent fees as should take out patents, and pay fees correspond. be of rare occurrence. Should the above have been received into the treasury through ing to those demanded of our citizens in remedy not be thought expedient, an entry mistake or ignorance, upon a petition ap- their countries, it would not be inequitable. on the patent issued that it was deemed an proved by the superintendent of the patent The following table will show the compa In answer to the inquiry, what ad-rative charges in several countries for pa Infringement, or was destitute of novelty, office. would, it is believed, go far to check im- ditional room is needed for the patent of tents: proper issues, and caution the public fice, I would observe, that the building in In Great Britain, or England, and coloagainst imposition. It has been supposed which the patent office is now kept, was if a small part of the money received from finished for the joint use of the post office patents was appropriated for the publication and patent office. It is evidently too small of all specifications of patents, or at least for both. The post office department needs the claims under the specification, and the the whole building, while the rooms allowed distribution of the same in different States, to the patent office are entirely too small; Austria 6 10 30 00 would be well spent. The pub- the model rooms are full; several hundred United States of Amerthe money lic would then know what patents were is- models are stored away in the garret.It would be desirable that all foreigners sued, and be able to guard against spurious Those now received are piled up, waiting ones. Copies could also be easily procured for better accommodations, and what shall without sending to the patent office, and be done with the thousand models to be re-should be allowed to take out patents for the publication might be made with so much ceived annually? While it becomes neces-a fixed sum, (perhaps one hundred dollars,) care as to justify the introduction of the sary to procure more room for the patent since it would be difficult in some cases to published copies as prima facia evidence in office, it is desirable that some should be ascertain what the particnlar country to rendered as secure as possible from fire. which the patentee might belong charged By the present law, foreigncourts of justice. There is a common error in the assign- The destruction of the present models and for the same. zens. It is a ment of patents; partial assignments for rcords would produce very great embar-ers residing here two years are allowed to States, counties or towns, are not recog-rassment, especially as so many original take out patents on the same terms as citinised by law; and still such a large amount patents and assignments are lost. satisfaction to state that the patent office of property is now held, in this manner, has not been, and need not be, onerous to that it deserves consideration whether some the government. There now remains in provision should not be introduced to remthe treasury about $150,000 to the credit edy the evil in future, and to protect past of the patent office, after paying all expenassignments. Few patentees seem to unses since its first organization. A part of derstand the law of assignment; the present law authorizes an assignment of the this sum would furnish a commodious and whole patent, or any individual part of the permanent building and should all the patsame, as one-half, one-third, one-fourth, &c. But the assignee must stand in the place of the original inventor, both as to In the United right and responsibility. States courts, where a plaintiff averred himself the assignee of the original inventor. with the exception of three counties in one State, a non-suit was ordered, because the plaintiff, by his own showing, proved himself not to hold any legal right under the assignment. It is respectfully suggested, whether the time allowed for recording pat

The same

ents be so arranged, in systematic order,
to show the progress of the arts in the
country, it would be an exhibition highly
gratifying, as well as instructive.
present limited room prevents such an ar-
rangement. In answer to inquiry, what ad-
ditional expense would be incurred by an
exhibition of the models of machinery, and
specimens of fabrics and other manufactures
and works of art not patented? I reply, lows:
The superintendent to conduct the cor-
that the keeper of the models in the patent
office could superintend this exhibition
without any extra charge, and when rooms respondence; issue the papers for patents
were constructing for patented models, ad- and exercise a general supervision Chief
ditional rooms could be made for the recp-clerk to keep the accounts; compare re-
tion of fabrics and models unpatented, with cords and transfers; index caveats; file

There is an evident propriety in granting patents to those who declare their intention of becoming citizens. Why visit ers for two years should enjoy any privileges over other foreigners does not readily appear. I now proceed to answer more definitely the remaining inquiry. How many persons are necessary for the prompt and efficient performance of all the duties connected with the office, and what should be the respective and particular duties.The tional clerks are absolutely necessary.Under the present organization two addi one draughtsman, one machinist, one mesThis would give the following force: one superintendent, three clerks, one examiner, senger.



ants should not be limited.
reasons for a limitation applies to trans-
fers of patents as to transfers of real
estate. It has been before remarked that
the fee of thirty dollars is paid into the
It is believed that there are many inven-
treasury. It often happens that this is the
A far-tors who would delight to exhibit their
first step taken by the patentees.
ther examination satisfies the applicant that improvements in machinery and manufac-
his patent could not be sustained, and he, tures, if room was allowed them, while
they do not desire to take out a patent;
of course, seeks to recover his money.-
This, however, having passed into the such a collection and exhibition would be
treasury, cannot be paid without an appli-a repository of national ingenuity, and
cation to congress; the sum is a small one;
too much to lose, and yet hardly worth the
trouble and expense of recovery.

The duties might be distributed as fol

the applications for patents, and transmit the same; and aid, if required, in the correspondence. Sccond clerk to transcribe on parchment the specifications. Third clerk to aid in transcribing specifications; and filling up patents, and recording the same; and recording letters. An examiner, who should compare, critically, every specification, drawing and model; might be made highly honorable to the ascertain its interference with pending ap plications. The duty will be very arduous, country. Who could fail to be instructed by such an exhibition? And who that some specifications containing ten or twelve of closely written matter, with many pages Applicants often forward the thirty dol- was about to invest in machinery, would lars directly to the superintendent, suppos-not be amply compensated by visiting the references to drawings. In this duty the ing that he is authorized to receive the patent office. The exclusion of foreigners examiner might be assisted by a scientific As he is not permitted to do this, from the benefits of the patent law cannot draughtsman, whose labor in drawing it becomes necessary for him to return the fail to be noticed as an exception to that could only occupy part of his time. A cherished. Citizens of the United States and keep them in order; to classify and -money, however distant, for the applicant reciprocity which this government has ever machinist is necessary to repair the models are daily taking out patents in France and arrange them; to exhibit them to strangers;

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shimself to pay into the treasury. It is suggested whether the head of the patent bu


and to answer the many inquiries made re-quantity as to convert two-thirds of the || manufacture of iron, that heaps of so small
specting them by patentees and visiters.-hydrogen into water.
The models are of much value, and the
large rooms should have at least one per- to convert the whole of the hydrogen into changed in such cases from a cone to a long
3. Coals which contain oxygen enough|ience. The shape of the heap is therefore
a size would be attended with inconven-
son in attendance to protect the property. water.
A few models have already been injured
eng th may be unlimited.
ceed 15 feet, nor its height 3 feet, but its
prism. The breadth of this must not ex
must be set on fire in the mode we have
mentioned at several points on its upper
This prism
edge. In this way not only may a greater
quantity of coke be prepared at a single
operation, but the time is shortened, the
conical heaps requiring three or four days for
are finished in 24 hours.
their conversion into coke, while the prisms

by visiters. What effect the new organiza-heated, and the excess of hydrogen uniting
The first of these varieties fuses when
tion might have in reducing the number of with a part of the carbon, escapes in the
patents cannot be determined. Some pre-gaseous form; by the formation and es-
sent duties would doubtless be lessened by cape of gas, the coke is rendered light and
the proposed alterations; others would porous. The second variety fuses also,
arise; applications would require a very but the quantity of gas formed is not suffi-
strict scrutiny to detect interferences with cient to render the coke porous, it is there-
prior patents, or a want of novelty. Toavoid fore compact and massive.
the embarrassment from the delay in fur-
nishing copies where the pay is specific, it
is most respectfully submitted, whether it
would not be advisable to authorize the

escape of the vapor of water reduces the
The third variety does not fuse, and the
mass to the form of powder.

The product is usually about 40 per head of the patent bureau to emply (if ne- ume when it is coked; the other two vari-instance, yield 50 per cent. Coal of the first class increases in vol- cent., but some coals, that of Virginia for cessary) occasional assistance in transcrib-eties yield coke in less volume than the consequence of its containing but little hyIf a coal, in ing said copies, reimbursing the whole ex- coal employed. pense from the fees received. This dis- the first furnishes the most valuable coke; coal was found in Yorkshire, (England,) in In their uses in the arts, converted into coke in this way. drogen, does not burn freely, it cannot be cretionary power would dispense with the the last that of lenst value. Such a appointment of another permanent clerk, and meet the sudden exigencies as they In order to apply it to this purpose, an inassociation with minerals which would arise, without suspending the ordinary bu telligent manufacturer (Wilkinson) imarender the manufacture of iron profitable.

siness of the office. I have omitted to men-method will therefore be described when we tion that a few hundred dollars will be re

quired to procure suitable tools for the ma-
chinist to repair the models.

I am, inost respectfully, yours,


or retorts, but this is only done when the Coke may be prepared in iron cylinders volatile products are to be collected; this tion. Treated in this way, cannel coal purpose of obtaining a more powerful treat of the preparation of gas for illumina-gined the application of a chimney, for the yields about 50 per cent. of coke, and that draught. This chimney is conical in form, of Newcastle as much as 80 per cent. about a yard in height, and as much diWhen the distillation is performed at a two feet; it is built of brick, the lower ameter at bottom; the diameter at top is low temperature, the weight of coke is in-courses of which are laid in such manner creased, but its volume and porosity are APPLICATIONS OF CHEMISTRY TO THE USE- when the volatile matters are not the prin- dius is about 6 feet greater than the outer diminished. It is therefore advantageous, ney the coal is piled in a heap, whose raas to leave openings. Around this chimradius of the chimney. This heap is comcoal, the lowermost layer being of pieces of posed of alternate layers of large and small URAL EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND drogen, it may be readily coked in heaps the largest size. The surface of the heap is resembling the pits used in preparing char- covered with ashes or refuse coke, and fire coal. The coal must be in pieces having is applied by throwing burning fuel into not less than three or four inches in each the chimney. Wet ashes are kept on hand




cipal object, to effect the decomposition of
the coal by a sudden and high heat.
Preparation.-When coal is rich in hy-

CARBON, HYDROGEN AND THEIR dimension. The heaps are conical, having to close any cracks which may occur in


the cover of the heap. Dense smoke flows from the chimney, and is followed by a blue flame; as soon as this appears, the top of the chimney must be closed by a plate of cast iron and the combustion will speedily cease.

a base 15 feet in diameter, and a height of 4. MANUFACTURE OF COKE. about 30 inches. The heap may be best AUTHORITIES.-KARSTEN. Metallurgie de Fer. covered with straw, on which is laid a DUMAS. Chimic appliquee aux Arts. layer of moist earth, the straw being so apBEAUMONT and DUFRENOY. Voy-plied that the earth cannot enter into the age Metallurgique. Rationale.-Coke bears the same rela- the use of straw is expensive, it is more spaces between the pieces of coal. But as tion to bituminous coal, which charcoal sual to cover the large coal for about the does to wood, and is, like it, obtained by height of a foot from the ground with smal- we can learn, must reseinble in quality the The coal of Pittsburgh, Pa., as far as distillation at a red heat. Bituminous coal ter pieces, and the outside with coal-dust; coal employed by Wilkinson, for although is a compound of carbon, hydrogen, and the top of the heap is covered with the re oxygen, in very various proportions. In fuse coke which is left in the form of pow has not hitherto been converted into coke far removed in character from anthracite, it the variety called cannel coal, the propor-der, in handling that obtained in previous by the use of the mode first described. We tion of hydrogen amounts to 5 per cent. operations. The heap being finished, a cannot but express our belief that the methin the Liverpool coal it is about 31 per few lighted coals are dropped into an open-od of Wilkinson would be found sufficient cent., and in the slaty varieties does not ing of six or eight inches in depth left in exceed one per cent. The quantity of car-the top; the space is then filled up with bon varies from 75 per cent. in cannel coal, fragments of coal, and when the combusto 90 per cent. in that of Newcastle. The tion has fairly commenced, the whole is proportion of oxygen in cannel coal is covered with earth or refuse coke. The about twice as great as would suffice to rest of the process is much the same as convert the hydrogen into water; in the that of preparing charcoal, but is easier, as Newcastle coal about four times as great; coal when in mass will not continue to and in the slaty varieties, it but little ex-burn after the gascous matter has escaped, ceeds the proper relation. unless new surfaces be exposed to air.

Coals may be divided into three varieties:line

for the purpose and that by its aid the manufacture of iron from the ores might be introduced into that city, which at present receives almost all the pig iron used in its extensive foundries and forges, from the opposite side of the Alleghany range of mountains.

with some modifications in Staffordshire, This method has also been introduced, In heaps of greater diameter and height the coarser coal is placed in contact with where the coal is of better quality. Here 1. Those which contain at least three would be too slow at first to form a porous of the heap, the whole being covered with than we have described, the combustion the chimney, and the finer at the outside per cent. of hydrogen, and, at most, as coke, and so rapid at the end as to render ashes or refuse coke, leaving a few oper much oxygen as will convert half the hy-it difficult to extinguish. drogen into water. the quantity of coke which is required in the coke is finished, water is poured on the Yet so large is ing for the admission of air. As soon as 2. Coals which contain oxygen in such some instances, and particularly in the heap to extinguish the combustion. In

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