Lapas attēli

This kind of soil appears to be peculiar ||rock on which it is based; its composition to this part of the basin of the Seine; the is almost identical with that of the sub-soil neighboring calcareous soils which apper- No. 4, of which we shall give the analyses tain to the basin of the Yonne, present en- below. tirely different characteristics; they are No. 3. Sandy earth of the calcareous dry, it is true, but with a vegetable stratum, plain belonging to those portions of the they become covered with wild legumin-plain, which, in the revolution that carried ous plants, easily produce clovers, sainfoin, off the silicio-argilaceous stratum,preserved lucerne, and in wet springs, spring crops a part of it now mixed with the soil of the succeed upon them. plain.

These soils have then something peculjar in their nature which makes them a troublesome exception in the class to which by their composition they naturally belong: they present an agricultural question of great importance to study, and almost new, and they are applicable to sufficiently great extents of soil, since they occupy more than ten leagues in length.

The analyses made of them by M. Henry, at the request of M. Vilmorin, are very interesting, and are as follows:

No. 1. A coarse gray land, the earth of the surface composing at least three-fourths of the ploughed soil of the plain.

0.35 3.85

10 grammes of this earth gave: Silex,



Carbonate of lime,

Sub-carbonate of magnesia,


Per oxide of iron,


Soluble, 0.12



Insoluble, 1.70





[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

This soil is a species of marl which contains 74 per cent. of carbonate of lime, 4 of magnesia and 12 per cent.. of alumine : its composition is quite similar to that of the analysed soils of the plain.

III. These analyses may afford us im portant inferences.

These soils evidently make, as we have seen, a distinct class of the silicious soils. Their properties seem to differ at least as much from those of calcareous soils, properly so called, which produced spontaneously the small species of clover, on which leguminous plants of different species succeed easily, and manures almost always secure good crops. It is not then to the carbonate of lime that they owe their inferiority: its action, on the contrary, seems to be nullified, since the characteristic properties of calcareous soils appear no longer to exist in these. Nor is it more to the silex, the alumine, nor the oxide of iron, which are found in abundance in all good soils, that this difference can be attri

This earth presents a great difference in composition from the preceding, since it contains 80 per cent. of silex and scarcely 16 thousandths of carbonate of lime, and 2 thousandths of carbonate of magnesia.Yet its properties, its productions and its defects, are nearly the same as those of the preceding numbers. On the other hand.buted. Then, of all their constituents, it would seem by its composition to be al- there remains only the magnesia to which most confounded with the sandy sub-soils can be owing the characters which dist nof the plateau lying on the other side of guish them from their analogous soils. the valley; but it produces neither heath, It has been already fully admitted in prin. The 18 per cent. of humus, soluble and broom, nor sheep sorrel, &c.; plants char-ciple that magnesia is unfavorable to vegeinsoluble, which this analyses gave, may acterizing these sands-and it agrees, as tation. The English chemist, Tennant, cause a suspicion that the sample furnished to cultivation; with Nos. 1, and 2, and like formed this conclusion from the analysis of contained more of it than an average of the them, spontaneously produces euphorbla, a lime which struck with sterility all the soil. The proportion of humus would be thistles and other plants useless to cattle.- soils to which it was applied. In America quite extraordinary, since lands the most It possesses then those common properties the use of a magnesian lime quickly wore fertile contain scarcely 10 per cent: and of an active agent which must be common out (fatigue') the soil; and Davy has adthere are hardly any except marsh or allu- to both, which makes them a distinct class; mitted it as a truth. Some trials on a small vial lands which contain it in that propor-and this agent can be nothing else than the scale have shown me that while in a calcation: it is nevertheless established by this mixture, or perhaps combination of the car-reous soil, beans, when sown, sprouted analyses that this soil contains a great pro-bonates of lime and magnesia. portion of humus, especially of insoluble


These two principles, therefore, have a very great effect upon vegetation, since 16 No. 2. Represents nearly a fourth part thousandths of carbonate of lime joined to of the extent the portions where the veg-2 thousandths of carbanate of magnesia are etable stratum is very thin, where it is not ploughed on account of its deficiency in fertility, and is used as a sheep pasture. 10 grammes gave:


0.20 6.90 0.47



Carbonate of lime

Sub-carbonate of magnesia

Oxide of iron


[blocks in formation]

sufficient to change entirely the nature and
products of the soil. But let us pursue our
analyses before making a deduction of all
their consequences.

soon, and came up vigorously, in the same soil modified by an addition of mag nesia, germination was retarded, and the stalks especially had only a feeble and tardy growth: yet Thaer calls into question the soil being made sterile by magnesia ; and opposes to the conclusions of Tennant, that Einhoff has analyzed a very fertilizing marl which contained 20 per cent of magNo. 4. Sub-soil of the plain. Its color nesia: and farther, it results from a careis reddish, as is that of many calcareous ful analyses, that the mud of the Nile, which soils of good quality; but having been nei we know to be so fertile, contains a large From these last ther affected nor modified by the waters of proportion of magnesia. the last revolution, in consequence of the acts it may be concluded that the magneshelter given it by the upper stratum; and ian mixture in the soil may indeed, under not having been exposed to the atmospher- certain conditions yet unknown, not be inic influences, it may be regarded as the type jurious to fertility: but there still remain of the deposite which forms the soil of the multiplied facts, and the results of observa plain, the deposite anterior to the silicio-ar-tions, of which our whole plain presents us glaceous formation.

[blocks in formation]


some data which perhaps may indicate the Loire. This soil has received the name || waters have not diluted. Works judiciousof terre de Sologne; the only differences ly made in the marsh have commenced its And first we will remark that the mag- which characterize the parts sloping to-draining, the results obtained and a suffinesian mixture takes from the soil all its wards the Seine and those which slope to ciently great slope, promise, as we shall characterestics of calcareous soil, deprives the Loire, are the chalk flints in the basin see hereafter, success to the undertaking. it of all the advantages which always ac- of the Seine and the fragments of different Vegetation in this valley is active, the trees company the unadulterated mixture of the varieties of silicious rocks in the portion of are fine, and if the magnesian principle, as calcareous principle, and gives it a charac- the plateau which slopes to the Loire. is probable, occurs there, it does not seem ter peculiar to itself, which distinguishes it The soil of the plateau of Barres offers ev- to injure vegetation; in this inundated soil, whether by its mode of acting on vegeta-ery where a pure clayey sand, which contains some principles probably exist which neuin great quantity the chalk flints of the ba-tralize the destructive effect of the magne sin of the Seine, and varies little. is dry or wet, according to the sub-soil on which it rests; when it is based immediately on the calcareous rock of the plain, it is dry; and it becomes wet when the sub-soil is the reddish silicio-argillaceous stratum which does not allow the water to pass through, and consequently preserves the moisture of the surface.

tion, or by the vegetables which it spontaneonsly produces, to the exclusion of those produced by the calcareous soil.

Yet it sia. *






Still farther, it would seem, that magneIt seems a singular and illegitimate consia takes from the carbonate of lime the clusion of the author, that the sterility of the property which eminently distinguishes lime soil of "the plain" is caused by the small and all its compounds; that of rendering quantity of carbonate of magnesia contained. humus soluble, and that it tends on the conIt would have been much more plausible, if trary to render humus insoluble, in proporthe very large proportion of carbonate of tion as it is accumulated in the soil by cullime contained had been considered as the tivation. In fact, the great proportion of This soil, compared to that of the plain, true evil. The soils giving analyses 1 and insoluble humus, which the analyses have is not of difficult cultivation. Rye, pota-2, are stated to be specimens of the whole found in the soil which composes three toes and buckwheat, grow well enough calcareous and magnesian plain-and No. fourths of the cultivated plain, although a pon it; with manures, artificial meadows 4 shows the sub-soil common to both, and part might have been owing to an accident, succeed; and trees of every kind, leafy to the whole plain. In these two varieties could not proceed from spontaneous vege- (feuillus) and resinous, shoot up vigorously. of the same general kind of soil, the protation in this soil which is almost always On the whole, this portion of soil which portion of carbonate of lime is 38 per cent. under the plough, and which produces few touches the calcareous plateau, on which in the first, and in the second, 69 per cent. plants. It proceeds then from cultivation besides it rests, is superior in quality to the bat cultivation does not furnish insoluble parts of the plateau which are more distant humus; the humus of the manures then from it. It is even of more easy cultiva have passed into this state in the soil. tion, and offers especially more resources Now, it is not the lime, the action of which than the magnesian soil; nevertheless, consists in rendering humus soluble, that it contains no calcareous parts, heath, can have produced a contrary effect; nei-broom, and wild sorrel, which every calcather is it the silex nor allumine to which it reous mixture puts to flight, are met with is attributable; it must therefore be charg- on this soil in all parts of the 200 arpents ed to the magnesia alone, and to this cir- of it which are left untilled. cumstance we may ascribe the unproductiveness of magnesian soils, in which manures, instead of benefitting the plants cultivated on the soil, pass into the state of insoluble humus.

V. The rest of the soil, under the plough, of which the property is composed, presents a gentle slope, on which the owner's house is situated. This slope forms the passage from the plateau to the plain, going along the valley; it offers 150 arpents of pretty good soil, suitable for all productions, for wheat, artificial grasses, trees, and especially for oaks; this soil is due to a mixture of the soil of the plateau and of the plain, but the mixture is not uniform.

and the sub-soil of both, (No. 4,) has 74 per cent. Surely these large proportio s of carbonate of lime, are sufficient to account for sterility, after the continuance of exhausting and bad tillage for time immemorial, without looking for that cause in the presence of carbonate of magnesia, which these same three specimens contain respectively in the very small proportions of 23, 47, and 41 thousandths or less than the half of 1 per cent. We do not believe that his earth (in much larger proportions,) is injurious to scils-but infer the reverse, from the great similarity of its chemical qualities to those of carbonate of lime-and from some of the richest soils in the world containing carbonate of magnesia. Thus M. Puvis himself states that it is in the soil of the rich valley of the Nile-and we have found it in the celebrated alluvial soil of the Red River. The authorities brought to sustain the position that the magnesian ingredient is injurious to fertility, if examined, are worth as little as the reasoning. This narrow valley receives the waters Tennant, it is true, attributes injurious ef of the plain and the plateau; it contains a fects to the magnesia contained in certain great number of springs, which are doubt-limestones; but it is to magnesia brought less the filtered waters of the two plateaur to its caustic state, by the burning of the which have no visible springs. It is very limestone, and so applied to the soil. This remarkable that the springs come almost may well be the case, and all the injurious In this state of affairs, and in a question all of them from the side of the calcareous effects of such manure, referred to by our so important, on which doubts are accumu-plain, the silicio-argilaceous plateau with its author, may be true, and yet the mild car lated, and facts and opinions are arrayed in impermeable sub-soil, has scarcely admit-bonate of magnesia, as it exists naturally in opposition, it is a great and noble agricul- ted any filtration, so its side furnishes few soil, may be either harmless or beneficial. tural problem, that the proprietor has pro- or no springs in the valley. Still less does Davy's view sustain this posed for himself to subdue this rebellious A great part of the bottom of the basin is opinion of M. Puvis. That great agricul soil and force it to yield good crops; we marshy, requires draining and seems to ustural chemist quotes Tennant's discovery shall see hereafter that this object has been, very susceptible of being drained; one part and statement, but without seeming to conin a great measure, obtained. is in pretty good pasture, anotherin tolera- cur entirely in the asserted ill effects of ble meadows, and the rest in marsh, which is mown for litter.

The carbonate of magnesia has, besides, the property of retaining more water than all the other earthy combinations. Accor ding to the experiments of Schubler of Hoffwyl, it receives and retains four and a half times its weight. It may be possible that it communicates to the soil in which it is found, the property of retaining a quantity of water, which at first would be injurious to vegetation. This would explain) the cause of the rot among sheep on this soil; but this water, after having injured vegetation, would not continue in the soil, for it suffers much from drought in the spring.

VI. Lastly, it remains for us to speak of the little valley which separates the two parts of the property.

IV. After this long discussion on the magnesian soil of the plain, we come to the soil of the plateau: this kind of soil com- The calcareous rock shows itself from poses a great part of the arrondissement of time to time at the bottom of the valley.~ Montargis, especially in the south and The upper stratum of the soil, belongs rasouth-east portion; it covers besides al- ther to the magnesian soil of the plain most the whole extent of the arrondisse-than to the silicious soil of the plateau.ment of Gien on this side and beyond the It is firm in all the parts which the interior

even caustic magnesia-and he certainly contradicts the notion that a natural and small proportion of the carbonate is injuri ous, by referring to the valuable qualities of the Lizard Downs, which have that are ingredient.

But putting aside M. Puvis' ded .ctions, the facts as to the presence of magnesia,

Rosewood comes from to fly over the Stam, and ebony from several of the Malayan Islands, but the best as well as the largest quantity of late years has been sent

backs of the others, to escape the chastise-
ment inflicted upon the ultimate duck.'
Edinburgh Cabinet Library, Historical
and Descriptive account of China, Vol. 3.]

and the prodigious amount of calcareous || by sad experience the fate that awaits them) | Spanish dollars.
earth in this poor plain, are sufficiently making efforts en masse
worth attention. We cannot, however, pre-
sume to reason with regerd to facts which
are so concisely and imperfectly presented,
or to explain away difficulties which oppose
any general and uniform deduction. But
we will venture to hint our opinion, that
these highly calcarcous plains of France,
were at some far remote period immensely
rich prairies like those of Alabama and Ar-
kansas: and that the latter, if exposed to a
similar long course of exhausting tillage,
will hereafter be as poor, and as difficult to
be improved, as these calcareous plains of
France, or the chalk downs of England.

[ocr errors]

from the Mauritius, while the in erior kind is brought from Ceylon. The woods of barks for dyeing, co sists chiefly of sapan the Malaya Islands. Under this head may species of Rhizophora, or mangrove, from wood from Siam, and the barks of several be mentioned rattans and cans, of which the importations, both by native and Euroand the Malayan Peninsula, are very large for such a commodity. We perceive tha, pean vessels, chiefly from Borneo, Sumatra, of the former, the weights imported by Brit. ish ships, in 1830, was equal to 35,000 cwt. valued at about £18,000.-[Edinburgh Cabinet Library, Historical and Descriptive Account of China, Vol. 3.]


PARIS.-The granite for the pedestal of the obelisk of Luxor has arrived, and only Seine to be landed. It consists of seven awaits the decrease of the waters of the blocks, one of which weighs 120,000 lbs.— The Hotel Dieu, it is said, will shortly be taken down, to carry on the beautiful line of quays which extend along each bank of Inval ds, which establishment will be broken the Seine. The sick will be removed to the up, and formed into several branches, in various parts of the conntry, where articles of provision, &c. are cheap.-[Paris Advertiser]


East and Collis streets, New Haven,) for grading the Northern Division of the Railroad from Meriden to the Hartford and New Haven Railroad, (corner of Hartford-being a distance of 18 miles. After the 22nd maps and profiles of the different sections will

be exhibited at the Engineers Office.

ALEX'R. C. TWINING, Engineer. New-Haven, Sept. 9. 37-31

Chinese, in their arithmetic, employ the CHINESE ART OF COMPUTATION.-The decimal notation and they perform is op: Swan-pen. It consists of a frame, divided eration by means of an instrument called into two compartments by a bar in the direction of its length. It is next crossed by ten wires or slender rods, which pass through the middle bar, and terminate in its longitudinal opposite sides. Each corss-rod has on it seven moveable beads, which adTHE CHINESE DUCK.-On the lakes and five of these are on the part of the rod bemit of sliding backwards and forwards; rivers there are of course many kinds of tween the sides of the wider compartment, wild ducks and other waterfowl, in their and two on the part which crosses the narnatural and unreclaimed conditions; and the rower. Beginning from one extremity of manner in which these are often captured the frame, each of the five beads on the is ingenious, though well known. sportsmen incase their heads in large unit, and each of the two on the shorter The longest part of the first rod represents a gourds or calabashes, with holes for sight stands for five. In like manner, cach bead and respiration: they then walk or swim on the longest part of the next rod, todeeply in the water, so that nothing but the wards the left hand, stands for ten, and fruit is seen above the surface; and the un- each on the shorter part for five tens or fifty, conscious ducks, accustomed to floating and and so on. innocuous calabashes, approach them with- by detaching a proper number of beads, It is easy to understand, that out fear, and are respectively pulled under which represents units, and tens, and hun water, for the purpose of having their n cks dreds, &c., by sliding them from the position wrung, and being fastened to a poulterer's in which they are represented in the figure, gridle. On the banks of the Yang-tse- towards the bar which crosses the rods, kiang, and along the shores of the Po-yang- any number whatever may be indicated; hou, during the progres of Lord Amherst's a single bar on the shorter part of the rod embassy, wild ducks and geese occurred in answering to all the five on the longer. In HPROPOSALS will be received from the 22d to the large flocks on both the lake and river, and this way the Chinese perform their arith-28th of the present month, at the Engineer Office of were so tame that they might be approach-merical, operations, just as men re koued ed within a few yards. It is known that by counters in this country in the manner prodigious numbers of tame ducks are kept explained by the old writers on arithmetic, in the various provinces. The peasants particularly by Robert Recorde, who lived hatch the eggs in ovens or in dung, and about the time of Queen Elizabeth. The putting the young ones into boats carry swan-pen seems the more convenient mode them down to the sea shore at low water; of the two; and by its assistance the traand as these boats keep company, there are ders in Canton transacts their business with consequently several flocks of ducks, not a dexterity and expedition quite remarkaonly near each other, but frequently inter- ble. It must, however, be admitted, that mingled, while searching for shell fish or although this machine be well adapted for other marine productions. Yet no sooner explaining the principles of arithmetic, it does the guardian strike upon a basin, than would be a very inadequate subtitute for each flock flaps away to its own boat. In- our Arabic numerals, more especially in deed, among the more singular sights to be those laborious calculations which the pro- the Engineers Office in Norwich; or the Office of the seen in the neighborhood of Canton, par-gress of European science has rendered in-Resident Engineer at Eaton's Hotel, in the town of Plans and Profiles of the work may be examined at ticularly about Whampoa, are the duck dispensable. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library, boats, which not only contain the aquatic Historical and Descriptive Account of Chibibeds, but are used as the dwelling of their na, Vol. 3.] owners. The ducks inhabit the hold, while the keepers are accommodated in the upper portion of the vessel. These boats are very abundant about the rice fields near the like every other country which is densely CHINA DEFICIENT IN TIMBER.--China, river, just after the harvest has been gath inhabited, is deficient in the supply of tim. ered in, the birds at that period being able ber and dyewood. The neighboring counto glen a plentiful supply of food. Each tries, therefore, which are in a rude state, owner moves about from place to place ac-furnish it, in the same manner that Amercording to the favourable opportunities that ica and the north of Europe supply Eng. may offer for the feeding of his broad-billed land, France, and Holland; and if capital flock. "On the arrival of the boat," says were abuudant, and freights low, they Mr. Bennet, "at the appointed spot, or one would export a much larger amount. considered proper for feeding the quacking supply of wood and other rude produce from tribe, a signal of a whistle causes the whole the surrounding countries, is a branch of to woddle in regular order from their domi-trade into which we think it not improbable cile across the board placed for their accom that the British merchant will sooner or modation, and then rambling about under- later enter. The timber furnished at presgo the process of feeding. When it is con ent consists chiefly of fancy-woods; as sidered by their keeper that they have sandal-wood, from Malabar, the Sandwich gorged sufficiently, another signal is made and Feejee Islands; that of the first is for the return of the birds; immediately nearly three times as valuable as those of thay congregate and re-enter the boat. The the two last, being of greater size, and con first duck is rewarded with some paddy, the taining more essential oil. The English last is whipped for being dilatory; so that and Americans, in 1834, imported of this it is ludicrous to see the last birds (knowing commodity about 300 tons, worth 50,000


SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the

Office of the Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company, in the city of Norwich, from the 25th Sept. sonry on 17 miles of the Road, from Jewett City to the Village of Danielsonville, in Kill ngly.

to the 10th of Octot er next, for the Grading and Ma

Plainfield, after the 25th of September next.

Proposals will also be received for 600 feet of Bridging on Col. Long's Patent; on the First Division of said Road The Masonry of the Bridges will be completed in the month of November.

their proposals the usual certificates of character and
No Ardent Spirits to be used on the work.
Contractors are requested to present along with


Engineer's Office, Norwich City, Conn., 36-3t

September 3d, 1836.

moved by contract on Staten Island. Persons desi-
TWO hundred thousand yards of earth will be re-
tions, and let in part or main.
rons of making contracts will make immediate appli-
cation. The work will be divided in 1000 feet sec-

Island, where the profiles can be seen and the ground
Apply at the office at Fort Tompkins, Staten
Chief Engineer.


Builder of a superior style of Passenger
Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street,
RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to exa

mine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen
now in operation.
on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad



THE subscribers offer the following articles for sale.

Railway Iron, flat bars, with countersunk holes and mitred joints,


100 350 100


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


350 tons 24 by #, 15 ft in length, weighing 4, 280


[ocr errors]

70 66 14

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

WETUMPKA, ALA, 29th July, 1826.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the pub.
THE Directors of the above Company are desirousic, and particularly Railroad and Bridge Corpora
of securing the services of a competent resident En-taions that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the
gineer, to survey and locate the route of the We- right to others to build, on Col. Long's Patent, through-
Lumpka and Coosa Railroad, commencing at thts out the United States, with few exceptions. The fol
lowing sub-Agents have been engaged by the under-
per ft. place. The route of the road will pass through a
country at is considered as healthy as any in this signed who will also attend to this business, viz.
la itude. Persons desirons of embarking in such an
Horace Childs,
undertaking will please address the undersigned at
this place.
Sec W and C. R. R. Co.
The Evening Star and Courier and Enquirer, New-
more Gazette; National Intelligencer, Washington,
Kichmond Enquirer and Whig. Richmond, Va., and
Carleston Mercury, will please give the above eight,
Weekly insertions, and send a copy containing the
advertisement, together with their bills, to the under-

with Spikes and Splicing Plates adapted thereto. To
be sold free of duty to State governments or incor-York; the Commercial Herald, Philadelphia, Balti
porated companies.

Orders for Pennsylvania Boiler Iron executed. Rail Road Car and Locomotive Engine Tires, wrought and turned or unturned, ready to be fitted on the wheels, viz 30, 33, 36, 42, 44, 51, and 60 inches diameter.

E. V. Patent Chain Cable Bolts for Railway Car axles, in lengths of 12 feet 6 inches, to 13 feet 24, 21 3, 3, 34, 34, and 34 inches diameter.

Chains for Inclined Planes, short and stay links, manufactured from the E. V. Cable Bolts, and proved at the greatest strain.

India Rubber Rope for Inclined Planes, made from New Zealand flax.

Also Patent Hemp Cordage for Inclined Planes, and Canal Towing Lines.

Parent Felt for placing between the iron chair and ston block of Edge Railways

Every description of Railway Iron, as well as Locomotive Engines, imported at the shortest notice, by the agency of one of our partners, who resides in England for this purpose.


WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order
IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories o
every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings o every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is no equalled in the United States. 9-1y


do Dover, N. H. Wakefield, N. H.

Fsq., Liancock, N. H.

homas H. Cushing,
Ira Blake,
Amos Whitemore,
Samuel Herrick,
Simeon Herrick,
Capt. Isaac Damon,
Lyman Kingsly,
Elijah Halbert,
Joseph Hebard,
Col. Sherman Peck,
Andrew E. Turnbull,
William J. Turnbull,
Sabried Dodge, Esq.,
Booz M. Atherton, Esq.
Stephen Daniels,
John Rodgers,
John Tililson,
Capt. John Bottom,
Nehemiah Osborn,


Springfield, Vermont.

[blocks in formation]

Hudson, Ohio.
Lower Sandusky, Ohio.

(Civil Engineer,) Ohio.
New-Philadelphia, Ohio.
Marietta, Ohio
Louisville, Kentucky.
St. Francisville, Lous'a.
Tonawanda, Penn
Rochester, N. Y.

Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the fullowing localities, víz. On the main road leading from Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former Across the Metawankeag river on the Mili

(100 North Moor street, N. Y.) place. NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprietary road, in Maine. On the National road in Illinois, tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish ali at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and Mr Solomon W. Roberts, a highly respectable kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines Patterson Rail oad, in two places. On the Boston and American Engineer, resides in England for the pur-of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in success Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Buspose of inspecting all Locomotives, Machinery, Rail-fol operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, the Contocook river at Hancock, NH. Across the on and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across way fron &c. ordered through us Whols, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice. Connecticut river at Havert.ill, N. H. Across the H. R. DUNHAM & CO. Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. H. Across the 4-ylf Souhegan river, at Milford, N. H Across the Kennebec river, at Waterville, in the state of MaineAcross the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, NewYork, and several other bridges are now in progress.


Philadelphia, No. 4, South Front st.

New Orleans, 19th May, 1836.

THE Board of Directors of this Company, will pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the inventor of

projector, of a machine or plan to prevent the escape
of sparks from the Chimney of Locomotive Engines,
burning wood, and which shall be finally adopted for
No further charge to be made
use of the Company.
for the right of the Company to use the same.
By order of the Board,
JNO. B. LEEFE, Secretary.


SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at
the Office of the Hudson and Delaware Railroad

company, in the village of Newburgh, until the
10th day of October next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the
the west side of Chamber's Creek to Washingtonville,
Groding, Masonry. Bridging, &c., of their road from
a distance of ten miles.

Plans, Profiles, Specifications, &c., will be in pre-
paration, and exhibited ten days previous to the let
JAS. B SARGENT, Engineer.
Newburgh, Aug 24, 1836.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

THE NEWCASTLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. with a capital of 200,000 dollars, ar prepared to ex ecute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their PROPOSALS for excavating and embanking the extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and Georgia Railroad from the upper end of the work, 150 do Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all now under contract, to Greensboro', a distance of 34 orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines,miles, will be received at the Engineer's Office, at and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or Crawfordville, on the 21st and 22d days of October RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Orders to be addressed to



feb 20-ytf

Superintendent, Newcastle, Del

Office of the Sandy and Beaver Canal Co.,
July 25th, 1836.

Proposals will be received at the office of the Sandy and Beaver canal company, in New Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, until Monday the 10th day of Oc tober next, for the construction of about 50 cutstone locks, 17 dams, (varying from 5 to 20 feet in height) one aqueduct across the Tuscarawas River, several bridges, and about 10 or 15 miles of canal.

Plans and specifications of the work may be examined at the Engineers office, New Lisbon. Persons unkown to the Engineer must accompany their proposals with good recommendations. B. HANNA, President 30-to 10

E H. GILL, Chief Engineer.


[blocks in formation]




do cast steel Shovels & Spades Gold-mining Shovels do plated Spades

do socket Shovels and Spades. Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow Bars (steel pointed,) manufactured from Salisbury refined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents, WITHERELL, AMES & CO.

No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.
No. 8 State street, Albany
N. B-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every de
scription, made from Salsbury refined Iron. 4-ytf



The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought BEING a plain and familiar treatise on the Culture Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactur by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after of the Soil, the Orchard and the Garden; the rearing, five years successful operation, and now almost uni-breeding, and management of every description of versal use in the United States, (as well as England, wh re the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered in market.

Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes
having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron
rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all
the Railroads now in progress in the United States are
fastened with Spikes made at the above named fac
tory-for which purpose they are found invaluable,
as their adhesion is more than double any common.
spikes made by the hammer.

All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y.,
will be punctually attended to.

Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.

WE the subscribers having formed a co-partnership
under the style and firm of Durpre, Coleman & Co.,
for the manufacturing and selling of Ropes for inclin
planes of railroads, and for other uses, offer to supply
ropes for inclined planes, of any length required with
out splice, at short notice, the manufacturing of cord- Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I
age, heretofore carried on by S. S Durfee & Cc., will & J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer-
be done by the new firm. All orders will be promp:-chants in Albany and Troy; J.I. Brower, 222 Wate
ly attended to, and ropes will be shipped to any port street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T
in the United States.
lanviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

8th month, 8.h, 1836. State of New-York.


Hudson, Columbia County.


P. S.- Railroad Companies would do well to for
ward their orders as early as practicable, as the sub
scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing se
as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for
his Spikes. (1J23am)

Live Stock, the diseases to which they are subject,
and the remedies; directions for the management of
the Dairy; a description of the most useful imple
ments of Husbandry; and every information neces
sary to the practical agricultu ist. Also, an index, by
which any subject can be instantly referred to. In
three parts; Part 3, on Live Stock, under the im-
mediate supervision of R. H. Budd, Veterinary Sur
geon, New-York.
Published by

230 Pearl-street.

Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels com. lete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac ory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders adIressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete

[graphic][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


D. K MINOR, and




VOLUME V-No. 39.



To the President of the Tioga Nav Co.
Charlotte Railroad Convention

609 612


Valley Railroad-Power of Locomotive Engines 514
Re ort on th Patent Law...

615 Applications of Chemistry to the Useful Arts... 619






for the uncommon severity of the winter.-trees sawed 6 x 6 inches and 8 feet long.The 28th of March was the earliest day on The cross-ties will be placed 3 feet 9 inches which the final location could be com-apart from centre to centre. menced, since which time the entire length All the timber under contract is required of the road has been prepared to let, and to be delivered on the line of the road, piled from the 28th of April to the present time, at stations half a mile apart, each station and at different periods 19,7 miles of the having a sufficient quantity at it, to construct most expensive part of the road has been half a mile of the road, viz:-One fourth put unde contract and the work commenced of a mile, each way from the station. The with considerable energy, considering the contractor who lays the rails has in this HARTFORD AND NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD. difficulty of procuring laborers in this sec-way, only to transport his timber of a For the purpose, alone, of a more widely extended tion of country. The time given for the mile, the greatest distance. notice, the letting of the Northern Division of the graduation to be completed, expires on the will be deferred until the 15th of October next. Up 1st of December next, with the exception to that day, inclusive, proposals will be received at the of two or three heavy sections, on which Engineer's Office (corner of East and Collis sts. New-this time was extended. Haven,) for the excavation, embankment, masonry and carpentry, necessary to prepare the road for the reception of the superstructure.


Maps, profiles, plans, and specifications, may be examined at the Engineer's office; and printed forms may be obtained by application at the same plac, giving a general view of the nature and amount of

the work of different kinds which is to be done. ALEXANDER . TWINING, Engineer. 39-31

New-Haven, Sept. 20, 1836.

TWO hundred thousand yards of earth will be 1e-

moved by contract on Staten Island. Persons desi-
rous of making contracts will make immediate appli-
cation. The work will be divided in 000 feet sec-11
tions, and let in part or main.

Apply at the office at Fort Tompkins, Staten

The method which was recommended, and
now pursued in letting the graduation and
masonry is strictly that which has been
adopted by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad!
There is so much uncertainty in procur- Company, for some years past, and as it is
ing laborers, at present, that it is impossible that plan which has resulted from years ex-
to say with any degree of assurance that the perience, I hope you will receive the full
contracts will be complied with, by the benefit of it. Before the day of letting, di
time specitied; but as the work is let to re-scriptions were given of each section, and
sponsib e men, we have good reason to b - the probable quantity of excavation and em-
hieve that they will use every exertion to bankment each section contained, as ascer-
comply with their en agements.
tained from the centre cutting, and the form
of the contracts were exhibited and all such
other information as would assist bidders
ia forming a correct idea of the work to be
done, and the manner of its execution.

In December last, proposals were received and contracts made for the delivery of all the timbers necessary, for the entire length of the road. These contracts have been partially fulfilled, and the contractors are still

Island, where the profiles can be seen and the ground proceeding to comply with their engage.



Chief Engineer.


For the Railroad Jonrnal.
August 15th, 2836.


ments which the severity of the winter pre-
vented them from having in as forward a
condition as they expected.


From the preliminary survey, which was made on both sides of the Tioga river below Berry's bridge, an approximate estimate was made out by me, comparing the probable expense on either side. This estimate was submitted to Benjamin Wright, Esq., the consulting Engineer, on which he reported to you his views of the subject,-a GENTLEMEN-The Engineer Department copy of this report is herewith annexed.— of the Tioga Railroad was organized and As the subject has undergone your considsurveys commenced about the 1st of Noeration, aud resulted in directing me to convomber, 1835. The examinations preparafine the location of the road to the east side tory to the final location were completed The cross-ties are to be furnished of white of the river to the State line. It is unneduring the past winter, and a definite loca. oak and chestnut exclusively, 8 inches in di-cessary to say more than, that your direction would have been made also, for a con-ameter at the small end, and 8 feet long.-tion has been complied with. siderable portion of the road, had it not been There will be nearly one half of the cross. I will now lay before you the esiimated

The rail timbers are to be of sawed white oak or Norway Pine, 6 x 7 inches clear of sap, except 1 inch on the corners. The ground sills are required to be 6 x 12 inches, hewed level on two opposite sides, and fur. nished of white oak, pine, or hemlock at the option of the furnishers.

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