Lapas attēli

"This report was read before our dele- || Emmerson, Gen. Johm Cocke, M. C. ive in directing the preliminary move-
gation, but the Carolinians with some little Rodgers, and F. B Fogg.
aid from Georgia, succeeded in preventing
its being read before the Convention; and
I have some doubts whether it will ever be
presented with the other documents laid be-
fore the Convention. But with such an
easy passage before them, the Columbia in-
terest could not venture to insist upon the
French Broad being the best route, and From South Carolina, Abm. Blanding,
therefore the only resolution offered and Chas. Edmonston, Judge Bayles Earle,
adopted, was that a practicable route with-Judge O'Neal, Alex. Black, James Ward-
in the chartered limits, had been found by law, J. Barkley, and Gen. Hayne.
way of the French Broad from Cincinnati
to Charleston.

ments, and offering a continuous route, and
From North Garolina, Gov. D. La willingness to be a large subscriber to
Swain, Dr. S. F. Hardy, Joseph M. D. the stock-against these, Georgia offers
Carson, J. Humphry Bissell, H. P. Willis, the best route, and greater choice of markets.
Samuel Chunn, E. M. Bryant, and Mr.

From Virginia, Peter C. Johnson, and
Samuel C. Goodson.

From Alabaina, Dr. Thomas Fearne,
and John D. Williams.

From Georgia, Judge A. S. Clayton,
Richard W. Habersham, Wm. Dearing,
H. M. McAllister, and W. W. Holt.

To-day the Convention met, and after
reading the minutes of yesterday, Mr.
Chapel, from Macon, presented a report on
the practicability and importance of the
different routes for railroads through the
State of Georgia, together with the report
the Engineer of the Athens railroad to
Committee of 44.


[ocr errors]

A route connecting Nashville, (from whence there is to be railroad to Louisville,) entering Georgia at Murray County, joining the Atheus road, also branching to Macon and Columbus, has many friends.

The distribution of the public revenue will give a new impulse to the railrord feeling, and new routes will be proposed in every direction.

July 6-Convention met at 9 o'clock; some new delegates from Ohio made their appearance; adjourned at 11 o'clock until to-morrow at 12, when the great committee will probably report. They have been in animated debate to-day, which resulted in appointing a committee of conference, (of five) to report on the subject of charters. Yours, &c.,


The above letters exhibit a flattering evidence of the favorable disposition of the delegates in Convention towards our State. We hope and trust that it will not be in vain, but that the people will, (throughout the State,) rouse up en masse, and return to the next legislature men who will, by their strenuous efforts to advance the prosperity of their State, show the people of other States that they are not only awake on the From the Courier and Enquirer. Some one moved to add Mr. Coleman, subject of Internal Improvement, but are THE ATTICA AND BUFFALO RAILRÓAÐ. unwilling to see their State out-stripped by Maysville, Kentucky, who had just arrived, to the Committee of 44 which was This road will form the last western link other States in the march of that prosperity, agreed to. Thus the committee will here- in the chain of railroads from Albany to to which an enlightened spirit on the enafter be called the Committee of 45. Some Buffalo, the first or eastern link of which grossing subject (to which we have referred) can alone elevate her. Georgia must one attempted to add another member to to Utica, is in active operation. The other act through her legislature. Delegates Carolina, but was not sustained. this committee, from Lincoln county, Northportions are all chartered. Attica is near the centre of the county of Genesee, 30 must be sent to the Legislatures of TenPerhaps we shall be able to have our miles directly east of Buffalo. The whole nessee, Kentucky, Ohio, North and South different reports printed for the benefit or in elevation from the Tonawanda to the Buf Carolina, to procure amendments to the struction of the people of the West. Our falo summit is only 80 feet; the greatest charters already granted, so that Georgia, with her imposing position-her immense report yesterday on the commercial advanascent per mile is 35 feet for two talles tages of our State seemed to astonish many only; the rest is from 30 feet per mile to a resources, may be allowed to participate in of the people of this Convention. level. The charter is very liberal: goods a work, creditable to the enterprise of those and freight are to be carried at all seasons States, who first originated it. The State without restrictions as to canal duties. The too must subscribe, and not leave to indicost will be cheap, not over from $6000 to viduals the completion of an enterprise, $7000 per mile, including every thing for a which must, more or less, pour into the lap The distribution of the surplus fund ap- single track and necessary turnouts, which of her citizens-the treasures of other pears to have in the minds of some, re- with the rich country and great thoroughfare States, by producing a commercial spirit so moved some of the difficulties which were of the commerce of the west in the tract of eminently necessary for a sound and in the way of the construction of the con- which it lies, together with the facts that healthful action in the people generally templated Railroad. There is evidently there are no charters of turnpikes to be We must not be slothful at this time. If some dispondency about the ability of sub-bought out, and that most of the owners of we are, we will live to reproach ourselves scribing for the stock. But this fund they the land residing on the route, have alfor our inaction, and posterity will grieve hope to be able to have appropriated to this ready given written releases to the land that a people lived before them who barfor the use of the road, are sure to make tered their birth-right for a mess of pottage stock in this road a profitable investment. -who cast away their abiding interests for The following is an extract from the report selfish or party gratification. of the Engineer:

From the Correspondence of the Augusta Constitutionalists.

Knoxville, (Tenn.) 6th July, 1836. Gentlemen-Having obtained a list of the committee of 44, and believing you would like to see it, I shall forward the same with such other remarks as may oc


Those taken from the Ohio Delegation are, Doctor Drake, E. S. Thomas, and Mr. Mansfield.

From Indiana, Melton Stopp, and Mr. Fields.

From Kentucky, Robert Wickliffe, Judge S. S. Nicholas, Daniel Buck, Richard Haws, John Kincaid, F. F. Fox, and Daniel Garrard.

From Tennessee, John Williams, Judge

The Convention adjourned to-day to meet to-morrow at 12 o'clock, by which time we hope the committee will probably be able to report at least in part.


I have forwarded the report, &c. of the South Carolina Commissioners to the Knoxville Convention. I have heard nothing farther from the committee, therefore will close my letter.

Respectfully, yours,


On leaving the village of Attica, for the first two miles, which brought me to the summit, the whole rise that must be surmounted is eighty feet, passing up a small stream, or rather ravine, on almost one reIt is believed, if the road is recommended gular inclined plane. This may, however, to pass through South Carolina to Colum- be reduced by extending the plane a greatbia and Charleston, that the other States er length, by cutting through near the will make such amendments to their summit so as to reduce it to a rise of about charters, as will allow Georgia to connect th rty-five feet to the mile, or it may be her road at any point on the route, with brought to a much shorter space, and surfull and equal privileges. The northwestmount the rise in a shorter or longer disis already favorably disposed to the route tance as may be thought best, and yet not through Georgia. The cost according to materially affect the expense of grading. Mr. Thompson's estimate, would not ex- From the summit westerly to Alden, I ceed $14,000 per mile from Knoxville to find almost one perfect inclined plane, fallAthens, Georgia, finished in the very besing from twenty to thirty feet to the mrie, a manner. The advantages South Carolina distance of seven to eight miles. From has, are, in having obtained the charters in Alden westerly, we pass along the valley which Georgia is not named, and been ac-of a creek, a distance of eleven miles, with

JAMES J. BBALDWIN, Engineer. The Tonawanda Railroad which runs from Rochester to Attica, will be completed early in the next summer, a distance of about 41 miles, so that the whole distance from Rochester to Buffalo over these roads, will not exceed 72 miles. Should the stock of the Attica and Buffalo road be readily taken. the whole may be finished within one year from the first of Septem. The books will close this afternoon, a 3 o'clock, at the Farmer's Loan & Trust Co.'s Office.

ber next.

From the New-York Express.


no material obstruction, gradually descend-, New-Orleans, on the west side of the river-in Miss., and thence another to Natchez; ing a part of the way, while other parts of the Plaquemine, which has been in opera- will give a continuous land route by steam the route we run on a level to the village of tion for several years; and the Barrataria from New-Orleans to Natchez. Various Lancaster, where we have to cross a stream, and Lafourche canal. This latter has lateral railways will intersect the main which will require bridging or embanking been so far completed, as to open an inland route in this direction, through the eastern a distance of two hundred feet. From communication between New-Orleans and part of Louisiana; and bring a constant Lancaster to Buffalo, a di-tance of about the Barrataria bay; but it is designed to and early supply of produce, ect., to the ten miles, the present surface of the ground extend westward through the lake Verret, market of New-Orleans. is almost sufficiently graded for laying and the Atchafalaya and Teche rivers.- A company (we are informed) is now timbers for the road, and it is nearly a level. The second section of this line will be organized, and will be chartered at the enThe route, on the whole, is an advanta- finished during the ensuing winter.-suing session of the Lousiana Legislature, geous one, and indeed more advantageous Steamboats of light draught ply on this to construct a railway through the lower than can be found in most sections of this canal. parts of the city to the English Turn, first, vicinity. The whole amount of grading But more attention is properly paid to and afterwards to the Balize-on the same will not exceed from eight hundred to one railroads than to canals in that neighbor-||plan, and for the like objects as the Carrolthousand dollars per mile; and even one- hood, as the numerous water courses su- ton railroad. half the distance may be graded for less percede the necessity of the former, except But the grand route, independent of the than half that sum. All of which is re- in the south-western parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, is the contemplated railroad to spectfully submitted. where the alluvial lands are scarcely yet Nashville. This will be about 560 miles formed or reclaimed from the Gulf. There long. It has been surveyed throughont; are now three railroads in full operation in and the route for several miles has been loNew-Orleans-the Pontchartrain, the Car-cated and prepared for the grading. Ow. rolton, and the Orleans. ing to the opposition experienced in the The Pontchartrain railroad was the Mississippi Legislature, as to the particu second completed in the Union; and is pro-lar location of the route in that State, the bably the best disciplined in every respect. energies of the company have been par It runs through a street in the lower part of tially paralized; but the Mississippians the city-now situated in the third munici- being now restored to their better senses, pality-to Lake Pontchartrain, where a will not again act so suicidally. The harbor is constructed, with a respectable States of Tennessee, Alabama, and Louisi hotel for boarders and visitors, to enjoy ana, have largely subscribed to the stock the lake breezes. This drive would be of this company; and Congress has grantexcellent, were it not through swamps; but ed permission to pass through the public these will shortly be reclaimed. Locomo- lands on the route. tives on this route run every hour during The railroad to Nashville will have one week days, and every half hour on Sun grand entrance into New-Orleans, by Cadays. The company incorporated to nal street, through which it will pass to Having noticed the improvements in construct this railroad, was lately con the river; and will have lateral arms into progress to meliorate the health and port of ceded banking privileges, with a capital the upper and lower parts of the cityNew-Orleans, and to benefit the naviga- of one and a half million, in order to con- Throughout its course, lateral branches tion of the Mississippi, by removing the obstruct a similar road in the lower part of will be constructed on both sides to every structions at its mouth, we shall now glance the city, to Lake Borgne, where a good principal town or city-so as to afford the at the internal improvements in and near harbor will be formed that can facilitate necessary facilities to planters, in places that city, for increasing and extending the greatly the communication by that part of where there are no roads better than bridle facilities of intercommunication for trade the Gulf of Mexico with New-Orleans-paths. and travel, with the remote parts of Louisi-The navigation of Lake Borgne, has hith- Were it not beside our purpose, we might ana and the adjacent States. The merch-erto been neglected, although the great notice the other railroads and canals in ants and other citizens of New-Orleans depth of water was evidenced by the expe- Louisiana; but we have designedly con have wisely resolved not to depend exclu-dition of the British in 1814, when inva- fined ourselves to those in and about Newsively on the manifest natural avdantages ding Louisiana; but the spirit of competi- Orleans. We may however, remark, that which that city enjoys by its position on tion now happily excited in New-Orleans, attention is simultaneously paid to the forthe "father of waters," but have concen by the struggles for the trade of various mation of companies to extend and secure trated the late improvements in steam, in ports among the sections and classes of that the facilities of intercommunication between several canals and rail roads immediately city, will bring all facilities of communica- that city and her dependencies. A comor mediately leading into the city. tion into action. pany has been chartered to establish regu The Canal Carondelet connecting the The Orleans railroad is a petty one, os-lar lines of steamboats on Lake PontcharMississippi river with Lake Ponchatrain, tensibly designed to effect an easy and ex- train to Mobile, touching at all the interby the river St. John, has been in opera peditious route to a new country in the mediate places; and a second company tion since 1805. The company incorpo- rearward swamps; but really designed by another line to Mobile and Pensacola. A rated for that purpose has a perpetual its projector, to improve his own land in that banking company is required by its act of charter with extraordinary privileges; and neighborhood. It has accomplished both. incorporation, to establish one such line of are now using every exertion to promote A horse car runs on it every hour, for the steamboats to Madisonville, another to the advantages they enjoy. This unwont-convenience of those travelling in that di- Bayou Sarah, and a third to Natchitoches, ed energy has been caused by the competi-rection. on the Red river. We perceive also, by tion experienced from the canal construct- The railroad to Carrolton enters the city advertisements in the New-Orleans paper, ed in the upper part of the city, in the to Canal-street; and is nearly six miles that companies of merchants are now besame direction and for similar objects, un- long. The company chartered to constructing formed to establish lines of steam-ships der the care of a banking company, hav-it, met with considerable opposition, and to Tampico, to Vera Cruz, and to Havana. ing a capital of four million of dollars.-acted with so much energy in conquering But the inhabitants of New-Orleans are This canal is upwards of six miles in it, that the Legislature of the State per singularly-we had almost written shamelength, and has by its side a turnpike road ceived the utility of conceding them fully apathetic in the establishment of recovered with shells. When completed it banking privileges-exacting at the same gular packets to distant and foreign ports. will be 120 feet wide, and adapted for the time from them the duty of continu- Some of the merchants of this city offered steamboats which ply on the lakes to Mo-ing the railroad to Bayou Sarah. those of New-Orleans to furnish one or qile, and other ports in the Gulf of Mexico. When this shall have been completed, the two regular lines between both cities, proThere are two other canals very near railroad from the latter place to Woodville, vided the merchants of the latter took a

certain share, so as to secure an interest in embracing literary instruction, combined || present legal domestic relations in life, it them; but the project was frustrated. And with the pursuits of real life of every practi-is therefore my wish that no illegitimate we learn that the New-Orleans merchants the Polytechny, upon the plan as near as whose parents shall not have legally intercal description. The institution to be called child shall be admitted into the institutions have absolutely refused to establish regu-may be, laid down in the memorial present- married, either before or after the birth of lar lines of packets either to Liverpool ored by me to the legislature of the State of the child, and that such prohibition be made Havre, as they prefer to depend on the New-York, and the report of a committee a fundamental law of each institution transit trading ships. They will however, and draft of a law founded thereon, during which may be established under this will. soon perceive the advantage if not the ne- the session of the year 1830. If after wind-If my life shall not be spared to settle my cessity of having regularity and punctuality ing up my affairs, it shall be ascertained estate myself, and ascertain its value, so in their trade, in order to secure despathc that there are funds sufficient left to com- as to know accurately what may be left for and afford certainty. mence and found such institution, I then this purpose, and also enable me to form a wish my trustees aforesaid to petition the more full and detailed plan for the governlegislature of this State to accept this de- ment and management of the institutions, vise for the object named, to confirm its and the specific approriations for each (bpermanency by a legislative act, and make ject, which, from the uncertainty of the the necessary arrangement for its uniform amount, I cannot now do, I leave the manand steady government by the appoint-ner and extent of the arrangements to the ment of a Governor or Director, who shall sound discretion of my said trustees, in not be liable to removal by the fluctuations conjunction with my friends John Savage, party or the miserable charlatanry of po-chief justice of the State, John Van Ness litical jugglers.

THE LATE HON. JOHN B. YATES.-We take from the Albany Argus the following extract from the will of the late Hon. John zB. Yates. It is quite unnecessary to eulogise the character of a man who dispenses the fruits of a life of industry in the man-of ner which Mr. Yates proposes in his will to do. We should think more favorably of mankind if similar instances of liberality were more frequent:

Yates, of Albany, and John C. Spencer of Canandaigua, whom I solicit to aid my trustees by their counsel and advice in organizing and establishing the said institu tions.'

'If such a law to the satisfaction of my said trustees, cannot be obtained in this State, I then direct that as soon as may be, without incurring unnecessary loss, my whole estate left after the legacies and deTHE WILL OF THE LATE JOHN B. YATES, ESQ. Vics be disposed of, on the terms and in the GREAT INVENTION.-The Boston Atlas We have been favored with an extract of manner that shall be thought most advania. this will, drawn by the testator himself, and geous, and as it shall from time to time be notices at some length the very important lay it before our readers. It furnishes evi-disposed of or sold in such portions as may invention, by a young man named Cochdence of that e larged and philanthropic in- be offered at the various times, and the ran, a native of New Hampshire, of what tellect for which Mr. Yates was distin- money received therefor, that the same be are denominated the "Many chambered, tinguished throughout his whole life. A invested until the sum of one hundred thou- | Non-recoil," fire arms. Through the inlarge estate, between three and four hun- sand dollars be funded, and they are redred thousand dollars, over and above a quested in that event to form such an estrumentality of Mr. G. Gay of Providence, very ample support for his widow, and stitution in any State which a majority of now in this place, we were some time since other legacies, he has set apart for the pur them please to select, which is willing to made acquainted with the properties of this poses of literature and science. He has give the proper irrevocable legal guaranty wonderful improvement in the construction shown, in his dying moments, his regard for its permanency, and appropriate not of cannon, rifles, muskets and pistols--for for the morality, happiness and character less than one thousand acres of land for the to all these the invention has been adaptedof his country. Indeed, this was his 'mas-purpose. The income only of the one hun- and should have sooner noticed the subject, ter passion, strong in death,' and posterity dred thousand dollars to be applied in this but that we were waiting for an actual inwill enrol his name among its noblest ben-last case to the support of the institution, spection of some specimen. This opporefactors. During his life, he evinced the and the principal to be transferred to the sime unceasing solicitude for the general State, and kept by it invested for a school of tunity has been promised; and it is exgood. Aware that the perpetuity of our this description. If afterwards, a greater pected that one of the rifles, already sent republican institutions could be best se-residuary sum than this shall be realized, for by Mr. Gay, will soon be ready for exhicired by a general diffusion of intelligence, I then direct that the balance, not exceed- bition to those of our citizens who feel an n man was more active in the cause of ed-ing one hundred thousand dollars, be offered interest in the protection of their property ucation than he. The emphatic and no on the same terms to another State, and so upon the ocean, against pirates or hostile less interesting injunction contained in his on until the whole residuary estate be thus savages address delivered in February last to the applied and absorbed in amounts not exThese weapons are so contrived, that by State Agricultural Society, exemplifies the ceeding as above one hundred thousand doldeep interest he felt in its cause. These lars to each. means of a metallic cylinder, or wheel, reare his words: Do you wish, quietly, Having ascertained with certainty to my volving on an axis immediately in the rear without injustice and without violence, to own mind, that almost all political men of of the barrel, some twelve discharges may equalize property as conducive to the greater all parties are more particularly anxious for be made in rapid succession; insomuch safety of the republic? and in fine do you personal aggrandizement than any perma. that by a little practice, the loading and wish to foster any hope to preserve your nent arrangements by which the general firing of the whole twelve may be perrepublic?-educate thoroughly your whole standard of popular information may be formed in little more time than is now recommunity. At his own expense he es raised, and thus greater stability be given quired for a single charge and discharge of tablished the Polytechny School at Chitte to the political institutions of our country, a common rifle. This wheel is perforated nango, which was ably conducted, and con- I am apprehensive of the same secret optinued in successful ope ation ten years.-position which I have experienced and at the periphery, with cavities or chambers, His financial operations and unremitting which I know exists to every project of the to contain the charges, of a calibre corresexertions, in connexion with his partners, sort. It is therefore my wish that a print- ponding with that of the barrel; and the raised Union College from a state of coming press, and weekly paper at least, de- charges are ignited by means of percussion parative insolvency to that of opulence and voted to the purpose of advocating literary caps inserted in a smaller hole at right andistinction. We have no doubt that the information among all classes of people, gles with the above cavity, and striking the legislature of this State will give every aid be established, connected with the institut centre of the charge. In large ordnance, in i's power to promote the great and benev-tion, and that printing and book-binding in the wheel or cylinder revolves vertically; olent objects of the testator, and thus fur- all its branches, form a branch of mechaninish a monument more durable than mar cal occupation of a portion of the students but in small arms it has a horizontal motion, ble to the memory of its truly patriotic and in the institution. It is also my will that with the lock or igniting apparatus underbenevolent founder, a professorship of law be established, and neath. The wheel passes round by means that every student be made familiar with of proper guides, and as fast as each charge the constitution of the United States and arrives opposite the breech of the barrel, it each State in the Union, at as early an age as possible, and to be connected may be exploded. As our description is throughout with the moral and religious derived only from verbal testimony, it may instructions of the institution. Being also not be entirely accurate, or even inteiligifirmly persuaded that the safety of society ble; but we are satisfied that the extraordiand its proper moral government cannot be nary effects ascribed to the invention are by sustained without a high regard for the no means overrated or misrepresented.

He conveys all his property to Mrs. Yates, his widow, Charles Yates, William K. Fuller, and George K. Fuller, in trust; and after providing for certain bequests, he directs as follows:

I direct further that my said trustees ap. ply the remainder of my property, my real and personal estate, if any there shall be, to the endowment and support of a school

rate of 5 grains in 100. But the unre-
fined copper, on being weighed, seemed to
have gained half a grain; so that either a
mistake must have been made in the
weighing, or else a portion of unexpelled
moisture had remained in the porous flakes
of the copper.

No. 1, That weighed 53 grains, now weighed

Loss 13 grains, cqual

to 25.4 per cent.

39 grains.

No. 2, That weighen 30 grains, now

Loss 18 grains. Equal

to 61.2 per cent.

No. 3, Unrefined copper flat

tened, 39 grains. now

Loss 20 gains. Equal

to 50 per cent.
No. 4, Unrefined copper bár,

19 grains

Mr. G. informs us that he has discharged ||ments, made thirteen years ago, will, it is several hundred shots from one of the rifles; hoped, be found not uninteresting. and after the closest attention he could dis- Small quantities, presenting nearly equal cern no recoil whatever. The cannon may surfaces of each of the kinds of copper be discharged easily, twelve times per min described in my last communication, nameute-and a succession of loading and fir-ly, pure shotted copper of the quality from ing may be kept up for almost any length of which brass is made, and shots obtained time. The shot are also driven to a greater from unrefined copper, were separately imdistance than by the common method; and mersed in equal weights of muriatic acid. á less quantity of powder is used in the The immersion having been continued for process. 48 hours, the acid was poured off, and the Respecting the inventor, who is short of copper washed repeatedly, and thoroughly 25 years of age, we have the following par-dried. The pure copper had lost at the ticulars, which we abridge from the Atlas: Having obtained a patent in this country, 42 grains now weighed, 384 he proceeded to England and France, Loss 3 grains. Equal to 8.33 per cent. where his invention was readily patented, It would appear from this experimen! after a series of experiments made in prethat the unrefined copper resists waste in sence of distinguished naval and military the mauriatic acid, in the same way, and officers, at London and Paris. The Turkto nearly the same extent, as in the cemenish ambassador, who witnessed the tremen- Six ounces of unrefined copper were tation with lime mentioned in my last preHous results, induced Mr. Cochran to go to mixed with three times their bulk of char-vious paper. Constantinople-where he was most kindly coal, and exposed for six hours to a high In corroboration of this fact, we may received by the Sultan, who loaded the in- heat of cementation much beyond what intake the following abstract of another series genious artist with presents, after ordering the absence of the cementation would have of experiments, where in the specimens a twelve pounder to be constructed on this sufficed to melt the copper. The flakes of were weighed three times, at intervals of principle, under the inspection of Mr. C. copper were found surrounded by the char-48 hours between each weighing. at the public laboratories, and attending in coal, welded together without fusion, and Unrefined copper, 1st immersion, person, with his whole court, at the trial. soft and extremely flexible. Six ounces of Mr. Cochran resided six onths at the the pure copper shots were treated in a simTurkish capital, receiving the most marked ilar manner, but the result was so far difdistinction from the government. He then ferent that no adhesion of the masses had returned to this country, and established a taken place, and the only perceptible manufactory at Springfield in this Com-change was a slight cracking or bursting monwealth, at which small arms and canЯon are now being made, chiefly to order, for sportsmen, &c., or for experiment, by the ordnance officers of the U. States. piece of brass ordnance is now in course or construction at Troy, and another at West Point, under the direction of the inventor.

Besides the facility and rapidity with which these weapons may be discharged, the rifles, &c. possess many other advantages over all others. There is nothing upon the barrel to obstruct or confuse the sight-the surface being perfectly smooth; they never miss fire, and are little liable to accident. Our whale ships generally carry a number of muskets: but we are persua ded that nothing yet contrived by human ingenuity for security against capture or plunder at sea, can in any shape compete with the implement under notice. We are there fore anxious that ship owners, and others interested at this place, may examine this new and most effectual engine of destruction, and from its peculiar principle of action, judge of its terrific powers. With these deadly instruments, and plenty of ammunition, a single man may disperse a score of pirates, and a small crew contend triumphantly against myriads of barbarians.[Nantucket Inquirer.]

lost, Ditto, Ditto,

15 per cent.


ditto 8
ditto 6


Pure copper, 1st immersion,
25.4 per cent.
Ditto, 2nd ditto 9.7
Ditto. 3rd ditto 11.1

upon the surface of the spheriods, which
may be considered as a prelude to fusion.
Both results were melted down with char-
coal and run into iron moulds. The unre-
fined copper, when cold, was the strongest
and softest; a bar of it, about 3ths of an
inch thick, cut easily across with a knife, In favor of the unrefined copper princi
and in color and general appearance it very pally containing tin,-16.9 per cent. Two
nearly resembled Swedish copper. Another pieces of copper, the one pure, the other
piece was flattened out thin when cold for unrefined, were immersed, ütider similar
the purpose of immersion in the muriatic circumstances, for seven days. The un-
acid. The pure copper was melted in rather relned copper lost 17 per cent., and the
a higher degree of heat, and although not pure copper 45 per cent. To ascertain
teemed until it had assumed a creamy sur-whether the greater indestructibility was
face, and the crucible had fallen to a low owing to the tin which remained in the un
red temperature, it was crystalized through- refined copper, I formed a bar of alloy as
out the whole fracture. The surface and follows:
the fracture of this copper were of a red
color; the body weak, and tearing with
facility into pieces. Fragments for immer-
sion were cut off and flattend.

The following specimens were then
placed separately in muriatic acid.
No. 1, Pure copper, cut off
with a chisel,
2, Ditto, flattened,
3, Unrefined copper, cut off
with a knife,

4, Ditto, flattened, in which
stuck a minute portion of
the knife,

53 grains

[ocr errors]


On the morning of the third day the fol

Pure copper

Block tin

2880 grains 84

a proportion of tin about equal to 3 per cent. A piece from this bar weighing about 183 grains was exposed for seven days in muriatic acid, at the end of which time it was found to have lost 30 grains, or 16 per cent. The unrefined copper, above mentioned, lost in the same time and under similar circumstances, 17 per cent., which is a striking correspondence. The same piece of tin alloy, at the end of five weeks, was found to have lost in all 76 grains, or 38 per cent. Pure copper by the foregoing results lost in seven days

ON THE IMMERSION OF COPPER FOR BOLTS lowing remarks were made upon their re-immersion 46.2 and 45 per cent.


spective solutions:

No. 1, Light green color, very transparent when dashed against the sides of the glass. No. 2, equally transparent, but the green was brownish and not so decidedly cupreous. After continuing the iminersion for 48 hours longer, the acid was poured off and the specimens were well washed

The durability of copper for bolts and ship sheathing being an object of great national importance, and as there is no better test of its resistance to waste, than immersion in muriatic acid, the following e peri-land dried.

In the first instance I was inclined to at

tribute the indestructibility of the unrefined copper in the acid, partly to the effects of the charcoal in the cementation, seeing that the effect produced by that operation was much greater upon unrefined than upon pure copper. Whatever advantages may belong to the proper use of charcoal in the reduction and cementation of copper (and

I consider them not unimportant,) the ad-
dition of a small portion of tin will be suf-
ficient to account for the superior resis-
tance to waste which this alloy presents in
the muriatic acid, over that of the common
refined copper of this country. This inca-
pacity to rapid oxidation which is present-market with any of the articles from abroad.
ed by the alloy of tin with copper, sug-
gests many useful hints to the artists and
the manufacturers, of which advantage has
already been taken in forming ship-sheath-
ing and other articles.-[Lon. and Edin.
Phil. Mag.]

the undue preference for those imported
Equally white, equally pure with that of
Jamaica, heretofore deemed the best, and
by many thought to be the most nutritous
of the two, there can be no reason for its
not superseding the necessity of supplying



About five years since, a man named Smith, purchased a number of trees of heavy Locust, in this county, for which he paid as high as seventy and eighty dollars each. The buts were squared and sent to Philadelphia, where they were used in ship building. The price apppears extraordinary; but had many of those choice trees been cut up into posts, they would have produced to their owners, nearly, if not quite as much as were paid for them by Mr. Sinith. In proof of the correctness of this opinion, we give the following fact:

more than repay him. The Earl immediately gave him the money. As the harvest, however, approached, the wheat grew, and in these parts of the field that were most trampled, the corn was the strongest and most luxuriant. The farmer went again to his lordship, and being introduced We have no price current at hand giving said, "I am come, my lord, respecting the the value of the imported article in first field of wheat adjoining such a wood."hands, but we are well assured that it can-His lordship instantly recollected the cirnot be imported at less than from two or cumstance-"Well, my friend, did I not three times the price of that manufactured allow you sufficient to remunerate you for in this vicinity, which is from 6 to 8 cts. your loss?" "Yes, my lord, I have found per lb. With an increase of demand, the that I have sustained no loss at all, for aid of machinery would be required, and where the horses had most cut up the land diminution in price might be anticipated; at the crop is most promising, and I have present a similar mode of manufacture to therefere brought the 501. back again."that followed abroad is pursued in Florida, though it is probable the Florida manufacturers possess not all the facilities of their competitors.

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Ah!" exclaimed the venerable Earl, "that

is what I like; this is what it ought to be between man and man." He then entered into conversation with the farmer, asking We are not sufficiently versed in botany him some questions about his family-how Florida root to that of Jamaica or Bermuda, then went into another room, and returning, o pronounce upon the similarity of the many children he had, &c. His lordship but there can be no doubt of there belong-presented the farmer a check for 100%.— ing to the same family of plants. The Take care of this, and when your eldest quantity manufactured is sufficient for the son is of age, present it to him and tell him, the occasion that produced it." We know present demand, and doubtless will in crease, as the root is indigenious, and but not which most to admire, the benevolence On the farin of Mrs. Evans, near Mari- two or three planters being at present en- or wisdom displayed by this illustrious man; On the farin of Mrs. Evans, near Mari-gaged in the manufacture, and that too, in for while doing a noble act of generosity, etta, in this county, a yellow locust was connection with their other agricultural he was handing down a lesson of integrity felled last season, from which 140 posts to another generation.-[English paper.] were made, one hundred and ten of which Remarks by the Editor of the Farmer and were first rate, hewed and morticed, and Gardener. sold for 50 cents each, and the remaining 30, cullings, fit for board fence, and worth 25 cents each, yielding to Mrs. Evans, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents.

The yellow locust is of quick growth, sprouts from the stump, and is natural to to the soil of our river bottoms. A grove of this valuable timber, covering three or four acres, will keep a farm of 200 acres in fences forever: and when the trees are at maturity, say 25 years old, will produce more clear cash than 2 years produce of the whole farm.-Lancaster Farmer.

[It has always been a matter of surprise to us that farmers who own bottom lands, do do not cultivate the yellow locust as a crop, in 12 or 15 years they would produce sev eral hundred dollars to the acre.]-Ed. Farmer & Gardener.


manufacturers of our own.


The low price at which the Florida arrow root is sold, allows of its being applied to other purposes than those to which, from The moral taught by the above simple its dearness, foreign arrow root was usually narration of an anecdote, is worth millions restricted. For instance, it is used here to the world, if those who inhabit it would almost universally, in the place of starch, only profit by it. It demonstrates with a and no one can visit Key West without clearness, beauty, and force, which chalbeing positively satisfied of the fitness of lenges admiration and wins respect in every the substitute. It is so extremely valuable quarter where integrity of the higest order in the composition of many nicities of the is appreciated, and where benevolence table (a fact which have made known for springing from an unadulterated heart can the particular edification of our fair readers, find a response. How commendable the and particularly in an imitation Best Mung. example of the young farmer! how glorious It is used by the pianters in some places that of the venerable Earl! Such acts are, as a bread stuff, and was so used by the indeed, praiseworthy beyond all comparison aboregines, but do not ask it for so general-they are as the salts of the earth, and either wheat or rye. a use as to have it supercede the use of

We shall rest satified if our notices secures for the manufactures as great a demand as the goodness of their arrow root deserves.-Key West Enquirer,


should teach poor grovelling humanity, even against its own consent, to pursue an upright and honorable course; for it places the expediency of such actions upon the allsubduing ground of interest. By an adage, as venerable as venerated. we are taught, The day, we trust, is not far distant, that "honesty is the best policy"—and how when prejudices in favor of the productions happily does the present anecdote illusof foreign countries will cease to operate A farmer called on Earl Fitzwilliam to re-trate its truth, and exemplify the justness to the detriment of the agriculturists and present that his crop of wheat had been se- of its philosophy. "Take care of this, We are suffiriously injured in a field adjoining a certain and when your eldest son is of age present ciently friendly to the policy and principle wood, where his hounds had, during the it to him, an! tell him the occasion that of free trade, to allow every man to exer-winter, frequently met to hunt. He stated produced it”—said the Earl, as he handed cise the most perfect freedom in the pur- that the young wheat had been so cut up the young farmer a check for a hundred chase of whatever he may require, whether and destroyed in some parts he could not pounds. Could advice be more approthe necessaries or luxuries of life, at what-hope for any produce. Well, my friend," priate? "Tell him the occasion that proever price he may think proper, yet we can- said his lordship, "I am aware that we have duced it!"-how solemn and how pleasing not but lament the blindness or perverse- frequently met in that field, and that we was the duty imposed upon the father of that ness that will lead any one to overlook an have done considerable injury, and if you son!-our life on it, his eyes glistened with article of home manufacture supplied at can procure an estimate of the loss you the tear of gratitude and joy-gratitude comparatively a low price, for one of for have sustained, I will repay you." The to the thrice noble and generous donor, and eign production in no way superior and farmer replied, that anticipating his lord-joy that he had been made the herald of truly considered "a dear article." The ship's consideration of kindness, he had re- news so fulfil of the emanations of the most arrow root, which is the growth of South quested a friend to assist him in estimating Florida, may be considered one of the the damage, and they thought that, as the home productions which are sacrificed to crop was quite destroyed, 50, would not


exalted and estimable attributes of human nature, clad in its best and holiest vestments! We would rather be able to pre

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