Lapas attēli

process is long and tedious, and the butterf for the most part, of a soft consistence, and tough and gluey to the touch. If this process is attempted during the cold weather in the winter, butter can scarcely be in any way obtained, unless by the application of some great degree of heat, which sometimes assists in producing a very inferior kind or butter." The judicious farmer should not attempt to imitate such practice, but allow his cream to remain in the vessel for keeping it, until it has acquired that proper degree of acidity that fits it for being made into butter with great ease, and by a very moderate degree of agitation; by which process only very fine butter can be prepared.

CHURNING. The process of churning is necessary to force out the serous fluid from the cream in order to produce butter. This is done by agitation and in a churn. There are various kinds of churns, but the best churn is the one that will preserve the proper temperature, or the same temperature that is in the churn and cream when put into it. In warm weather cold water for some time is to be put into the churn, and in cold weather scalding water, and also putting hot or cold water in the cream according to the season. As it is important to preserve the same temperature while churning the best churns are those which are used in an horizontal position-such as stationary barrel with dashes to move in the inside. A small churn is in use on this principle, and answers a good purpose, as a hole of sufficient size from one half an inch to an inch, may be made on the top, let out the warm air produced by the agitation of the cream, and to admit the cool air. A barrel churn of this kind has been used, when 36 to 38 lb. butter was made twice a week. An extract from Dr. Anderson is given to show great care is needed in churning.


It is agreed by all good butter makers || injure his neighbor, let him pay for what he unless the milk is entirely taken away, the considers such a privilege; and when they butter will infallibly spoil in a short time, are caught trespassing, let the penalty of and if it be much worked the butter will the law in its length and breadth speedly become tough and glucy, and it should be overtake the depredator. salted as soon as the milk is removed." C. V.

From the Genesee Farmer.

The other instance of omission on the part of your correspondent to which I have alluded, is in case of an animal that perhaps cannot be better described than in the words of the celebrated Lawrence, who is in his Theory of Life, gives the generic and specific characters thus, viz: "Order, biMR. TUCKER-I perceive that a corres- manum (two handed); genus, homo; the pondent of your valuable journal has been species, single, with several varieties: furnishing you some papers on those beasts, characters, erect stature; two hands, teeth birds, and insects, that detract so largely approximated and of equal length; the infrom the profits of the husbandman; but ferior incisors perpendicular; chin prominhe seems to have overlooked, and the ob- med, defenceless." Had the learned prothere are two of the most prominent ones ent; rational, endowed with speech, unar. ject of this paper is to bring them before fessor adc'ed, " wonderfully addicted to the readers of the Farmer, that their just theft," the description would have been deserts may be awarded. The first of complete. The very frequency of this aniis the Dog. Altogether they are most to the impunity it enjoys, Straddling and these nuisances and pests of the farmer, mal's depredations have contributed mainly worthless and useless. Take them from shock-headed-idle and vicous in the ex the highest to the lowest, from the mastiff treme-it lazily passes the hours of labor, to the lap-dog-puppy, whelp, hound, and coiled up in the sunshine, or otherwise incur-dog-all should by the farmer be viting repose; but no sooner does darkness placed under the ban of proscription, and come on than it rouses its energies, and banished from the premises. To use a commences all manner of depredations,common phrase, they all cost more than Omniverous in its tastes and habits, nothing they come to; and if they are sometimes comes amiss; and in its tastes and habits, found useful, such instances are the excep- nothing comes amiss; and in its predatory tion, not the rule. That the dog has ex-excursions the most incongruous articles hibited at times noble qualities, I do not de-are gathered into its receptacle of plunder. ny; but the question with the farmer is one Pork from the barrel, butter from the lar of profit and loss, and if he keeps a dog der, grain from the granary, corn from the he should keep him for the same reason field, hams from the smoke-house, fowls that he keeps a horse or an ox, because he from the roost, clothes from the drying-line, is profitable. But, says one, "I cannot melons from the bed, and all kinds of fruit do without a dog; I must have one to drive from the tree, are appropriated to their use hogs from my door, my yard, or my sheds; as inclination may dictate, or opportunity must have one to keep my own creatures offer. They have been observed to be and those of my neighbors' out of mischief; particularly fond of new things, and in some to watch my house and barn and keep off sections of the country the propagators of dog, but let me tell you that if you rely on fruits, find it difficult to preserve enough thieves and vagrants." Well, then, keep a rare and valuable kinds of vegetables and will find the business of keeping creatures the kind and quality. A few years since I a dog fence, neither your dog or yourself from their ravages to furnish a specimen of out of mischief a sinecure. No, kill your called on a friend very nice in such matters, dog, and instead of relying on him, put up and where a number of gentlemen happened your fence as a farmer should-do not to be present. He was showing us his MAKING UP THE BUTTER. It is not leave rails off, or your fences down, to in- fruit orchard, and among other rare specinecessary to describe the common mode of vite cattle to be unruly; kill your dog, and mens, exhibited to us a new plum, which preparing the butter for market, when my word for it, unless your experience he valued very highly, and which then had taken from the churn. The object is to take should be very different from mine, the two several nearly ripe and beautiful lookfrom the butter all the serous liquor-which barrels of soap you may annually make ing on the tree, the first it had borne, is done by letting it off, and washing the from what your dog would eat-that is, if Whi e describing the reported qualities of butter by the change of water until it is he is properly fed at home, and not left to the fruit to us, a bare-footed and wild lookpure, and not discolored. The advantage prowl over the neighborhood and steal his ing animal of this depredating kind apof the churn above recommended is going living-will more than pay for all you will proached; and listening to what was said, throuh this process without the use of the have stolen from you. It is a fact which no sooner had we left the tree to taste a dehand-and working the butter after it is se- will not admit of dispute, that the dogs in licious peach, than with a most mortifying parated from the serous liquor. Even the this State will kill more sheep, and in this dexterity he seized on the valued plums, salt may be worked in, in the churn. If way injure the farmer more than all the which speedly disappeared in his capacious butter worked in a barrel churn where was wolves to be found in our limits, and to gullet, leaving the owner to wait another put an ounce of sugar, salt petre and salt reward the killing of which, much money year for the uncertain privilege of fully to a pound of butter into the churn and is and has been annually paid; and more testing the qualities of his own fruit, All when well worked it was put in thin layers human lives yearly fall before that incura- good citizens should unite to check at once in firkins with another onuce of the above ble and frightful malady the hydrophobia, the operations of the light fingered pilferspread on each layer. This butter was than have been lost by wild beasts since the ers; and as the law is fortunately in this sent to the West Indies, and a firkin was settlement of the country. I say then, let case on the side of the honest man, nothkept until the vessel returned with lumber the dog law of the state be strictly and ri-ing seems to be wanting but active co-opfrom a Southern port, and was in prime or-gorously enforced, and if a man will keep eration, and a vigorous enforcement of its a dog, or half a dozen of them, to vex and salutary provisions.

"In the process of churning greater niceity is required, than most persons are aware of, a few hasty irregular strokes may render the whole of the butter of scarcely any value, and, but for this circumstance would have been of the first quality."



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It will undoubtedly be remembered that innumerable experiments have proved that clover leys, turned under, make an admirable dressing for a crop of wheat the next year. Clover, if we mistake not, is a biennial—that is, lasting but two years, after flowering and going to seed the second summer, the roots begin to decay, and ultimately die out and leave the soil for the Herd's grass, or other plants which may be Sowed with the clover. Hence it will be well, in order to make the most of the roots as a dressing for wheat, to plough them under as early in the season after haying as can conveniently be done. By the following spring the sod has become decayed, and in a good state to promote the growth of the future crop.

Anderson recommends that Cows be milked three times a day in summer when full fed. If a Cow is not milked dry each time, the quantity diminishes; and if milked cloudy rain all day, clear at night dry, the best milk is obtained. The first

23 57 69 59 calm clear

24 57 72 66

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cloudy in the evening

cloudy evening, rain at night

drizzling rain all day and all night 28 40 48 45 clear 29 55 69 71 calm cloudy drizzling rain in the evening

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Red River fell this month 4 feet 5 inches-below high water mark 9 feet 3 inches.

[blocks in formation]

cloudy at noon cloudy high wind from south-east all night and heavy rain rain all day 84161 52 calm clear Red River rising cloudy heavy thunder and rain at noon and all night

946 6247 .8

10 33 49 47


[blocks in formation]

clear heavy white frost-high wind all day

clear heavy white frost

high wind from the northwest in the afternoon

13597168 sw cloudy high wind all day

14617265 S


1566 7875

166780 78

1769 79 72


1858 68 62 calm

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rain all night, Red river on

a stand

drizzling rain all day and all night

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Proposals will be received at the office of the Sandy and Beaver canal company, in New Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, until Monday the 10th day of Oc tober next, for the construction of about 50 cut stone,

locks, 17 dams, (varying from 5 to 20 feet in height) one aqueduct across the Tuscarawas River, several bridges, and about 10 or 15 miles of canal.

Plans and specifications of the work may be examined at the Engineers office, New Lishon. their proposals with good recommendations. Persons unkown to the Engineer must accompany B. HANNA, President. 30-to 10

E H. GILL, Chief Engineer.

TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at Jackson, until the 15th day of September next, for the graduation, masonry and bridging of the 3d division (50 miles) of the Mississippi Railroad.

This road is located on a pine sandy ridge, the country is healthy, and provisions can be readily obtained at all seasons of the year.

The whole line (150 miles) will be placed under contract, as the location advances next fall; and it is believed that no institution can offer greater induce ments to good Contractors than this.

F. H. PETRIE, Chief Eng. ENGINEERS OFFICE, Natches, June 10, 1836.

28-till Sep. 5.

TO CONTRACTORS ENGINEER DEPARTMENT, Lawrenceburgh and Indianapolis Railroad Company, June 20, 1936. PROPOSALS will be received at this office until the 8th of August for the graduation and masonry on the first division of the Road,

This division commences near the Ohio River at Lawrenceburgh, Indiana, and follows the Valley of Tanners Creek a distance of ten miles.

Plans and Profiles of the Route and proposed works can be examined at the Engineers Office, Lawrenceburgh, Dearbor County, Indiana.

28-tan15 JULIUS W. ADAMS, Engineer.

TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the. Eastern Railroad Company, Boston, between the 28th and 30th inst., for the grading and masonry of said Road from East Boston to Newburyport, a distance of 334 miles

The line of this road is along a favorable country. passing threugh Lynn, Salem, Beverly, and Ipswich. which places will afford contractors every facility for obtaining provisions, &c. Plans and Profiles will be ready, and may be seen at the Office, after the 22d

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E. V. Patent Chain Cable Bolts for Railway Car axles, in lengths of 12 feet 6 inches, to 13 feet 24, 24 3, 3, 34, 34, and 34 inches diameter.

Chains for Inclined Planes, short and stay links, manufactured from the E. V. Cable Bolts, and proved at the greatest strain.

India Rubber Rope for Inclined Planes, made from New Zealand flax.

Also Patent Hemp Cordage for Inclined Planes, and Canal Towing Lines.

stone block of Edge Railways. Patent Felt for placing between the iron chair and

Every description of Railway Iron, as well as Lo comotive Engines, imported at the shortest notice, by the agency of one of our partners, who resides in England for this purpose.

Mr. Solomon W. Roberts, a highly respectable American Engineer, resides in England for the purpose of inspecting all Locomotives, Machinery, Rail. way Iron &c. ordered through us


A. & G. RALSTON. Philadelphia, No. 4, South Front st.


Engineer Department York and Ma-
ryland Line Railroad Co.

YORK, JULY 10, 1836. PROPOSALS will be received until Saturday, the the whole line of this road, extending from the State 30th inst. in York, for the graduation and Masonry of road is a continuation of the Baltimore and Susque line to York, a distance of nearly 20 miles. This hannah Railroad, and is the final letting on the line of Railroad from York to Baltimore. On this letting is a Tunnel of about 300 feet in length. Persons unknown to the undersigned must aecom pany their proposals with recommendations.

[blocks in formation]

OFFICE PONTCHARTRAIN, RAILROAD CO. New Orleans, 19th May, 1836. THE Board of Directors of this Company, will pay the sum of five hundred dollars to the inventor or projector, of a machine or plan to prevent the escape of sparks from the Chimney of Locomotive Er gines, burning wood, and which shall be finally adopted for use of the Company. No further charge to be made for the right of the Company to use the same. By order of the Board, JNO. B. LEEFE, Secretary,


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received by the Morris Ca nal and Banking Company, at the Engineers Office, Meades Basin, from the 1st to the 4th of August next, for the excavation, embankment, and mechanical work on the Long Pond Feeder, a distance of five and a half miles. Also, for the erection of a stone dam, and other work, near the outlet of Long Pond. Plans and Specifications of the work may be seen a the Engineers office, after the 1st of August. R. B. MASON, Engineer.


HARTFORD AND NEW HAVEN RAILROAD. The H. and N. H. Railroad Company, are prepared to make immediate contracts for 200,000 running fe 1 of Southern yellow pine, to measure six inches squa, e and from cighteen to thirty feet in length; of the quality best suited to receive a flat iron rail,- e above to be delivered at New Haven by the first day of May next. Also for 200,000 running feet 'n addition, to be delivered by the first day of Septembr 1837, at Hartford or Middletown. PROPOSALS may be addressed to ALEX. C. TWINING, Engineer. New Haven, July 19th, 1836. 29---3t.


FRAME BRIDGES. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the pubTO BE SOLD OR LEASED the above lic, and particularly Railroad and Bridge Corporatations that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the well known establishment, situated one mile right to others to build, on Col. Long's Pat nt, through-from Boston. The improvements consist of, out the United States, with few exceptions. The fol No. 1. Boiler House, 50 feet by 50 feet, lowing sub-Agents have been engaged by the under-containing all the necessary machin ry for signed who will also attend to this business, viz. making boilers for Locomotive and other steam Engines.

Horace Childs,

Alexander McArthur,
John Mahan,

Thomas H. Cushing,
Ira Blake,

Amos Whitemore, Fsq.,
Samuel Herrick,
Simeon Herrick,
Capt. Isaac Damon,
Lyman Kingsly,
Elijah Halbert,
Joseph Hebard,
Col. Sherman Peck,
Andrew E. Turnbull,
William J. Turnbull,
Sabried Dodge, Esq.,
Booz M. Atherton, Esq.
Stephen Daniels,
John Rodgers,
John Tillson,
Capt. John Bottom,
Nehemiah Osborn,

Henniker, N. II.
Mount Morris, N. Y.


Dover, N. II.
Wakefield, N. H.
Hancock, N. H.
Springfield, Vermont.

Northampton, Mass.

Waterloo, N. Y.
Dunkirk, N. Y.
Hudson, Ohio.
Lower Sandusky, Ohio.



(Civil Engineer,) Ohio.
New-Philadelphia, Ohio.

No. 2. Blacksmith's Shop, 50 feet by 20, fitted with cranes for heavy work.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA CANAL. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of Richmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, for the construction of all the Excavation, Embank ment and Walling not now under contract, together with nearly all the Culverts and the greater portion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidens' Adventure.

The work now advertised embraces the twenty No. 3. Locomtive House, 54 feet by 25, Adventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Ismiles between Columbia and the head of Maidens' used for putting together Locomotive En-land Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated gines. Several of the best Engines in use sections, reserved at the former letting, between in the United States have been put in this Scottsville and Lynchburg. establishment.

No. 4. A three story brick building, cov ered with slate, 120 feet by 46, containing two water-wheels, equal to 40 horse power; Machine Shop, filled with lathes, &c.; Pat tern Shop; Rolling Mill and Furnaces, capable of rolling 4 tons of iron per diem, exclusive of other work; three Trip Ham. mers, one of which is very large; engine for blowing Cupola Furnaces, moved by waterwheel; one very superior 12 horse Steam Engine, which could be dispensed with; and a variety of other machinery.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the line of the Canal

The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th July; but mechanics, well recommended, des rous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, will be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual certificates of character and ability.

CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Chief Engineer of the James River and Kanawha Company. NOTE. The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the

Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are

with a superior air Furnace, and two Cupo.
No. 5. An Iron Foundry, 80 feet by 45
las, Core oven, Cranes, &c. fitted for the
largest work. Attached to the Foundry is
a large, containing Patterns for
the Castings of Hydraulic Presses, Loco-
r served for a future letting. Persons visiting the line
motive and other Steam Engines, Lead Mill for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to
Rolls, Geering, Shafts, Stoves, Grates, &c. call at the office of the Company in the city of Rich
These were made of the most durable miamond, where any information which they may desire
will be cheerfully communicated.
The valley of James River, between Lynchburg
and Richmond, is healthy.
(20-ta 18) C. E. Jr.

Marietta, Ohio Louisville, Kentucky. St. Francisville, Lous'a. Tonawanda, Penn Rochester, N. Y. Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the following localities, viz. On the main road leading from Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former place. Across the Metawankeag river on the Military road, in Maine. On the National road in Illinois, at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehan na Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and Patterson Railroad, in two places. On the Boston and Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Boston and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across the Contocook river at Hancock, NH. Across the Connecticut river at Haverhill, N. H. Across the Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. H. Across the Souhegan river, at Milford, N. H. Across the Kennebec river, at Waterville, in the state of Maine. Across the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, New-terials, under the direction of a very scienYork, and several other bridges are now in progress. tific and practical Engineer, and are supThe undersigned has removed to Rochester, Mon- posed to be of great value. roe county, New-York, where he will promptly attend to orders in this line of business to any practicableextent in the United States, Maryland excepted. MOSES LONG. General Agent of Col. S. I Long. Rochester, May 22d, 1826. 19y-tf. PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND BOAT SPIKES.

The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after five years successful operation, and now almost universal use in the United States, (as well as England, where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered in market.

No. 6. A building, 65 feet by 36, containing a large stack of chimneys, and furnaces, for making Cast Steel. This building has been used as a boarding-house, and can accommodate a large number of men.

No, 7. A range of buildings, 200 feet long by 30, containing counting room, several store rooms, a Brass Foundry, room for cleaning castings, a large loft for storing patterns, stable for two horses, &c. &c.

The above establishment being on tide Water, presents greater advantages for some kinds of business than any other in the United States. Coal and Iron can be carried Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes from vessels in the harbors of Boston, to the having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron wharf in front of the Factory, at 25 to 30 rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all cents per ton. Some of the largest jobs of the Railroads now in progress in the United States are fastened with Spikes made at the above named fac-iron work have been completed at this estory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, tablishment; among others, the great chain as their adhesion is more than double any common. and lift pumps for freeing the Dry Dock at spikes made by the hammer. the Navy Yard, Charleston.

All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be punctually attended to.


Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.

Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I. & J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Merchants in Albany and Troy; J.I. Brower, 222 Water street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T. Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

P. S.- Railroad Companies would do well to forward their orders as early as practicable, as the subscriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so

as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for (1J23am)

his Spikes.

H. BURDEN. AMES' CELEBRATED SHOVELS, SPADES, &c. 300 dozens Ames' superior back-strap Shovels 150 do do do plain do 150 do do do cast steel Shovels & Spades] 150 do do Gold-mining Shovels 100 do do plated Spades 50 do do socket Shovels and Spades. Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury refined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,


No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.

No. 8 State street, Albany N. B. Also furnished to order, Shapes of every descrption, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf

The situation for Railroad work is excellent, being in the angle formed by the crossing of the Providence and Worcester Railroads. The Locomotive "Yankee," now running on the latter road, and the "Bos ton," purchased by the State of Pennsylvania, were built at these works. With the Patterns and Machinery now n the premises, 20 Locomotives, and as many tenders. besides a great quantity of cars and wagons. could be made per annum.

For terms, apply to

THOS. J. ECKLEY, Boston,
or to ROBERT RALSTON, Jr. Phila.
Boston, April 21, 1835.

COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware.
with a capital of 200,000 dollars, are prepared to ex-
ecute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their
extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and
Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all
orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines.
and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or
Iron RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in

the best manner, and at the shortest notice.
Orders to be addressed to

feb 20-ytf Superintendent, Newcastle, Del

[blocks in formation]

Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels com-
plete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac
tory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders ad-
dressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall
street, New-York, will be promptly attended to.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.

Builder of a superior style of Passenger
Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street,
mine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen
RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to exa
on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad
now in operation

WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order.
IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories of
every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings o every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is not equalled in the United States. 9-ly NOTICE OF THE NEW-YORK AND

ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. THE Company hereby withdraw their Advertisement of 26th April, in consequence of their inability to prepare in time, the portions of the line proposed to be let on the 30th June, at Binghampton, and on the 11th of July at Monticello. Future notice shall be given, when proposals will be received at the above places, for the same portions of the road. JAMES G. KING, President. 21-tf

ARCHIMEDES WORKS. (100 North Moor street, N. Y.) NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprie tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice. H. R. DUNHAM & CO.. 4-yth








[blocks in formation]


NEW-YORK, AUGUST 20, 1836.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS for excavating and embanking the Georgia Railroad from the upper end of the work, now under contract, to Greensboro', a distance of 34 miles, will be received at the Engineer's Office, at Crawfordville, on the 21st and 22d days of October



At the same time, for the Branch to Warrenton, 4 miles. And if prepared in season, the Branch to Athens, length 37 miles.


J. EDGAR THOMSON, Civil Engineer.


[blocks in formation]

This publication, I beg leave to observe, gives us rather an unfavorable view of those valuable experiments, and from observing this and some other little misrepresentations, in the Civil Engineer Department, WE the subscribers having formed a co-partnership between theory and practice, I have been under the style and firm of Durpee, Coleman & Co., induced to make the following feeble effort for the manufacturing and selling of Ropes for inclined to represent facts in a clear light. planes of railroads, and for other uses, offer to supply The formula given by W. L. for the comropes for inclined planes, of any length required without splice, at short notice, the manufacturing of cord-putation is correct, but the friction of the age, heretofore carried on by S. S. Durfee & Cc., will wagons he has taken at a part of their be done by the new firm. All orders will be prompt. ly attended to, and ropes will be shipped to any port

in the United States.

8th month, 8th, 1836. Hudson, Columbia County.

weight, this must be entirely too small a value for the friction. By the late valuable experiments of Pambour on Locomotive Engines and Railroad Wagons, we get the value of the friction of Railroad Wagons at ROBT. C. FOLGER, SYDNEY S. DURFEE. 8 lbs per ton, assuming this as the friction in my calculation.

State of New-York.




[VOLUME V.-No. 33.

The following is a comparative view of the result by the two values of the resistance.

Weight of Engine 8 tons, load exclusive of the Engine, drawn up an Inclined Plane, ascending 1 ft. in 20 ft., was 12 tons.

[blocks in formation]

The letters R W ba and x represent the values written after them beneath. Let R= the load on a level road excluding Engine.



Let W the load on an inclined road, excluding engine. Let x = the gross load on an in- up. clined plane.

Let a = denominator of a fraction expressive of the inclination. Let b denominator of a fraction expressive of the friction.

Then by substituting these respective values for these letters, and reducing the equation, I find the load on a level road to be 3023 tons. This load the Engine will be able to draw at the same velocity she drew at 12 tons up the Inclined Plane at 1 in 20. Mr. W. L. has his load for a level 427 tons, the difference rests in the differ. ent values taken for friction. If the whole weight of the Engine rests on her working wheels the power of adhesion, in favorable weather, would enable her to draw 3784 tons on level, and that, at the velocity she drew the former load on the Plane.

By having 6 tons weight on her working wheels, she would be able in the like weather to draw 3023 tons the load. I have computed to equalize the given performance, consequently she must have had 6 tons on her working wheels, else she could not do the above stated work.

But there is nothing impossible in the statement. Certainly Mr. W. L. must have known that was too small a value for

the resistance of the rail,and it has been prob- || traction, I should be pleased to hear him ers. This great undertaking is to be comably used to distort a comparative view of the do so. This mere outward smoothing assermenced immediately. The Convention, it loads for a level and ascending roads. The tion appears, by a comparison with these is said, was in some danger of breaking up ether parts of this publication I have partially tables, (say the least of them) to be vague without doing any thing, had it not been for examined, but on not finding data to base and full of discrepancy with truth. the compromise with the delegates from any calculation on, either in it, or the origiGeorgia, which appeared to satisfy all parnal, signed C. R. W., I have been induced to make a short table of the different loads to suit sundry grades. Thus taking the Engine 8 tons, and friction 8 lbs per

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The load taken for a level is 200 tons; and there is as much power required from an Engine in ascending a Plane of 18,857 3 feet per mile, with a load of 95,75 t, as with the above load of 200 tons on a level. The comparison for the other lines in the table may be done in like manner, or they may be compared with each other, as each of the horizontal lines requires power with

In Mr. S.'s communication of the 23d of Jan. last, to the President of the New-York and Erie Railroad Company, he also asserts that a Railroad curving, with a radius of 700 feet, when travelled over at a velocity ot 12 miles per hour, merely occasions an equal resistance with those of an Inclined Planes ascending 18 ft. per mile. Above we see that 18 ft. per mile occasions more than double traction, consequently, by hs assertion, a curve of 700 ft. radius in a Railroad, when travelled over at the velocity of 12 miles per hour, occasions an additional resistance of more than an equiv.


Other extracts of letters from the correspondents of the Augusta Constitutionalist of earlier date, will be found in our columns.

Since writing the above, we have been favored with the following extract of a let ter received in this city, from one of the delegates from Georgia, dated,

"Clarksville, July 13th, 1836. "The Knoxville Convention was perhaps the most respectable ever held in the Southern and Western States. Col. Williams, Hayne, of South Carolina, unanimously of Tennessee, was called to the chair, Gen.

aleut to draw this load at the same velocity
on a straight level road. Certainly the in-elected President, by about four hundred
convenience of causing double traction is delegates from ten States. Pryor Lea, of
considerable, but when we see it smoothed Tennessee, was appointed Secretary. A
over, by the remarks that its grade only select committee of forty were appointed,
wants to be flattened 18 ft. per mile, to to which all the different subjects brought
make it as easy as a straight level road. before the Convention were referred. The
Let us view for a moment a Railroad in its Georgia delegation consisted of about six-
natural way; when curves are necessary ty; to the surprise of most of us, when

The defect in the load, as seen by the fourth columu, is owing to the power ex-leys, and one reason for submitting to pended by the Engine to support her gravity curves is to avoid the great expense of exascending the Inclined Planes.

This result in the above table differs much from Mr. Seymour's assertion that 25 feet ascent per mile only required double fraction. Now we see 18357 feet requ.res more than double traction by once the weight of the Engine. The following table will give us a more clear view for com. parison. Thus taking the same values of the foregoing table to express engine, &c.



per mile

in feet.


Ratio of



x by

ratio of

Ratio of




17.38 100. 2

200. 200.

[blocks in formation]

Product of
ratio of
loads by as-

cent in

miles per ft.

0.00 8.69 10.586 12.090 12.315

[blocks in formation]

each other, and with the top line also. in Railroads it is most generally at the we got to Knoxville, we found that charpoints of, rocks and round low dells and val-ters for a company had been already grantNorth and South Carolina, limiting the road ed by the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, and company to those four States, Georgia being excluded. A very able and clear report of the trade and resources of Georgia, was immediately, however, prepared by committee; Messrs. S. B. Parkman, of Savannah, R. Campbell, of Augusta, and Poe, of Macon, and read to the Convenmembers, convinced them that it was detion, which, while it astonished the western cidedly for their interest to bring Georgia We have also received the Report of the into the compact; and on the motion of South Carolina Commissioners to the Con- Mr. Wickliffe, of Kentucky, it was unanivention, and shall publish it in our next mously resolved to recommend to the sev KNOXVILLE CONVENTION. This im-eral States, so to amend the charters as to portant Convention, we learn, has adjourn-permit Georgia to participate upon perfect ed-not, as sonte letter writers have pre. terms of equality with the other States, and dicted, without yielding to the claims of to connect a branch of the road at- KnoxGeorgia, but, as we are led to believe, with ville. Col. Blanding, of Columbia, S. C., a full conviction, that it will be for the in- with others in that interest, had fixed long terest of the people of the west to have before the meeting of the Convention, that more than one outlet for their productions. the main track must go through the French We have been favored with the following Broad in North Carolina, by Columbia to extract of a letter from one of our fellow- Charleston, and of course came prepared citizens, at present at Flat Rock, to a gen- with a printed report of the Engineers, tleman of this city, dated 12th inst. (Tues- showing the facilities of that route; by day last.) these the estimates were, that 60 or 90, I This table shows us that 17,38, feet aecent The Convention at Knoxville adjourned forget which, but I believe the latter num'per mile require double traction of a Loco-sine die about 12 o'clock on Friday last, ber of miles would cost an average of motive Engine, compared with a level road, and two of the South Carolina delagates $30,000, and 10 miles an average of or in other words she cannot draw but half arrived here, (Flat Rock) last evening.- $40,000. By Mr. Thompson, the Geor One of them informs me that the railroad gia Engineer's report, confirmed by Col. the load up this Plane that she will take on a level at the same velocity; and at 48,35 is to come up the valley of the French Brisbane, the Engineer of South Carolina, feet ascent per mile she can only draw of Broad, and will pass not far from Flat it is estimated that the cost of a single track the load she will on a level road, also, at bers compromised, and the Convention would only average $8,500, and that there The Georgia and Carolina mem-from Athens to Knoxville, 205 miles, 98,5% feet ascent per mile, she can only unanimously agreed that a road should pass was no single mile which would exceed draw i of the load she will on a level road. through Georgia and strike the main line at $15,000; this route is by Clarksville, In all the foregoing the road is understood some point near, or at Knoxville, and the through Miller's Gap in Rabun, then down to be straight. Now if Mr. W. L. can sup- stockholders thereof then to be considered the Little Tennessee, to about 12 miles beport Mr. Seymour in his assertion of not as the same company, and to be in all re-low the Smoky Mountains, then across the less than 25 ft. per mile to require double spects the same as the original stockhold country to Knoxville.

25.23 75.
48.35 50. 4 200.
98.57 25. 8 200. 8

The explanation of the former table will suit for this, as they differ but little in the progressive grades, and agree exactly in the comparative necessary powers to draw loads up those Planes.




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