Lapas attēli



MILL-DAM FOUNDRY. TO BE SOLD OR LEASED the above well known establishment, situated one mile

from Boston. The improvements consist of, No. 1. Boiler House, 50 feet by 30 feet,

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of Richmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, for the construction of all the Excavation, Embank-lowing sub-Agents have been engaged by the under-containing all the necessary machinery for ment and Walling not now under contract, together with nearly all the Culverts and the greater portion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidens' Adven


The work now advertised embraces the twenty miles between Columbia and the head of Maidens' Adventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Island Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated sections, reserved at the former letting, between Scottsville and Lynchburg.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the lime of the Canal

The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th July; but mechanics, well recommended, desirous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to

certificates of character and ability.

THE subscriber would respectfully inform the pub-
lic, and particularly Railroad and Bridge Corpora-
ta.ions that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the
right to others to build, on Col. Long's Pat nt, through
out the United States, with few exceptions. The fol-
signed who will also attend to this business, viz.
Horace Childs,
Henniker, N. H.
Mount Morris, N. Y.

Alexander McArthur,
John Mahan,

Thomas H. Cushing,
Ira Blake,

Amos Whitemore, Fsq.,
Samuel Herrick,
Simeon Herrick,
Capt. Isaac Damon,
Lyman Kingsly,
Elijah Halbert,
Joseph Hebard,
Col. Sherman Peck,
Andrew E. Turnbull,
William J. Turnbull,
Sabried Dodge, Esq.,
Booz M. Atherton, Esq.
Stephen Daniels,
John Rodgers,
John Tililson,
Capt. John Bottom,
Nehemiah Osborn,


Dover, N. H.
Wakefield, N. H.
Hancock, N. H.
Springfield, Vermont,

Northampton, Mass.


making boilers for Locomotive and other steam Engines.

No. 2. Blacksmith's Shop, 50 feet by 20, fitted with cranes for heavy work.

No. 3. Locomtive House, 54 feet by 25, used for putting together Locomotive Engines. Several of the best Engines in use in the United States have been put in this establishment.

No. 4. A three story brick building, covered with slate, 120 feet by 46, containing two water-wheels, equal to 40 horse power; Machine Shop, filled with lathes, &c.; Pat tern Shop; Rolling Mill and Furnaces, capable of rolling 4 tons of iron per diem, exclusive of other work; three Trip Hammers, one of which is very large; engine for blowing Cupola Furnaces, moved by waterwheel; one very superior 12 horse Steam Engine, which could be dispensed with; and a variety of other machinery.

do do Waterloo, N. Y. Dunkirk, N. Y. Hudson, Ohio. Lower Sandusky, Ohio. do do (Civil Engineer,) Ohio. New-'hiladelphia, Ohio. Marietta, Ohio Louisville, Kentucky. St. Francisville, Lous'a. Tonawanda, Penn Rochester, N. Y. Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the fol. the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, willlowing localities, viz. On the main road leading from be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former place. Across the Metawamkeag river on the Military road, in Maine. On the National road in Illinois, with a superior air Furnace, and two CupoNo. 5. An Iron Foundry, 80 feet by 45, at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehanna Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and as, Core oven, Cranes, &c. fitted for the Paterson Railroad, in two places. On the Boston and largest work. Attached to the Foundry is Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Bos- a large ware-house, containing Patterns for ton and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across the Castings of Hydraulic Presses, Locothe Contocook river at Hancock, N H. Across the Connecticut river at Haverhill, N. H. motive and other Steam Engines, Lead Mill Across the Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. II. Across the Rolls, Geering, Shafts, Stoves, Grates, &c. Souhegan river, at Milford, N. II. Across the Ken- These were made of the most durable maAcross the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, New-tific and practical Engineer, and are supnebec river, at Waterville, in the state of Maine.-terials, under the direction of a very scienYork, and several other bridges are now in The undersigned has removed to Rochester, Mon- Posed to be of great value. roe county, New-York, where he will promptly attend to orders in this line of business to any practicableextent in the United States, Maryland excepted. MOSES LONG.

Chief Engineer of the James River
and Kanawha Company.

NOTE-The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the r served for a future letting. Persons visiting the line

Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are

for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to call at the office of the Company in the city of Rich mond, where any information which they may desire will be cheerfully communicated.

The valley of James River, between Lynchburg and Richmond, is healthy. (20-tals) C. E. Jr. RAILROAD CAR WHEELS AND BOXES, AND OTHER RAILROAD CASTINGS.

Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels com-
plete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac-
tory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders ad-
dressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall
street, New-York, will be promptly attended to.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.
Builder of a superior style of Passenger
Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street,
RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to exa-

mine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen
on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad
now in operation


WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order,
IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories o
every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings o every description.

The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is no equalled in the United States. 9-1y


ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY. THE Company hereby withdraw their Advertisement of 26th April, in consequence of their inability to prepare in time, the portions of the line proposed to be let on the 30th June, at Binghampton, and on the 11th of July at Monticello. Future notice shall be given, when proposals will be received at the above places, for the same portions of the road. JAMES G. KING, President. 21-tf

ARCHIMEDES WORKS. (100 North Moor street, N. Y.) NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprie. tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice. H. R. DUNHAM & CO. 4-ylf


General Agent of Col. S. H Long.
Rochester, May 22d, 1836.

The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps con-
stantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought
Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured
five years successful operation, and now almost uni-
by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after
versal use in the United States, (as well as England,
where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found
superior to any ever offered in market.

Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all the Railroads now in progress in the United States are fastened with Spikes made at the above named factory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, as their adhesion is more than double any common spikes made by the hammer.

All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be punctually attended to.


Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.
Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I.
& J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer-
chants in Albany and Troy; J.I. Brower, 222 Water
street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T.

Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston.

ward their orders as early as practicable, as the sub-
P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to for-
scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so
his Spikes.
as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for

300 dozens Ames' superior back-strap Shovels
150 do do do plain
do cast steel Shovels & Spades
do Gold-mining Shovels
do plated Spades

150 do

150 do

100 do
50 do

Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow
do socket Shovels and Spades.
Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury re-
fined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,


No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.

No. 8 State street, Albany.
N. B.-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every de-
|scrption, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf

a large stack of chimneys, and furnaces, for No. 6. A building, 65 feet by 36, containing making Cast Steel. This building has been used as a boarding-house, and can accommodate a large number of men.

No, 7. A range of buildings, 200 feet long by 30, containing counting room, several store rooms, a Brass Foundry, room for cleaning Castings, a large loft for storing patterns, stable for two horses, &c. &c.

water, presents greater advantages for some
The above establishment being on tide
kinds of business than any other in the
United States. Coal and Iron can be carried
from vessels in the harbors of Boston, to the
wharf in front of the Factory, at 25 to 30
cents per ton.
iron work have been completed at this es-
Some of the largest jobs of
tablishment; among others, the great chain
and lift pumps for freeing the Dry Dock at
the Navy Yard, Charleston.

The situation for Railroad work is excel. lent, being in the angle formed by the crossing of the Providence and Worcester Railroads. The Locomotive "Yankee," now running on the latter road, and the "Boston," purchased by the State of Pennsylvania, were built at these works. With the ses, 20 Locomotives, and as many tenders, Patterns and Machinery now n the premibesides a great quantity of cars and wagons, could be made per annum.

For terms, apply to

THOS. J. ECKLEY, Boston, or to ROBERT RALSTON, Jr. Phila. Boston, April 21, 1835. j25-4t

THE NEWCASTLE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware, extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and with a capital of 200,000 dollars, are prepared to execute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines, Iron. RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or the best manner, and at the shortest notice. Orders to be addressed to

MR. EDWARD A. G. YOUNG, feb 20-ytf Superintendent, Newcastle, Del





[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


From the Savannah Georgian.


496 Report of J. EDGAR THOMPSON, Engineer,
as to the practicability of running a rail-
road through the Rabun Gap, and also
by Mr. McNair's, in Murray county or




To ENGINEERS.-We have once or twice spoken of the importance to Engineers of giving early and specific orders for Instrnments. The demand is so great that very few can be had for months after the orders are given.

We desire now to say to those who wish to order Instruments through us, that they will save time in all case by giving specific directions what they wish us to order for them-as every thing must be ordered and take its turn-and the order will be given in their name, and information given as to the time when the order will be completed.


Knoxville, July 5th, 1836.

[VOLUME V.-No. 31.

chie Ridge; along its summit we continue 15 miles, and thence descend a small stream called Camp Creek, three miles to Hazel Creek, thence up the Hazel one mile, and following a smail branch, cross the Ridge parting it from the Looquer river, and fall into the valley of the latter, on or near the mouth of Deep Creek. From Athens to the Poplar Spring, the ground is unusually favorable for the construction of a railroad, TO WILLIAM DEARING, ESQ. and will not require, at any point, an inPresident of the Geo. R. R. & B. Co.:-clination of more than 30 feet per mile beSir-In pursuance of a resolution of tween the Poplar Spring and the Looquer, the stockholders of the Georgia railroad the ground is uneven, rendering necessary, and Banking company, I have the honor unless a heavy expense should be incurred to communicate to you the result of my ex-in the graduations, inclinations of from 50 aminations of the country between Athens, to 60 feet per mile; the curvature, however to ascertain the practicability of constructGeorgia, and Knoxville, Tennessee, made will be easy. ing the proposed railroad from Charleston to Cincinnati and Louisville through Georgia.

[blocks in formation]

Entering the valley of Looquer, a tributary of the Chattahoochie, we ascend along its margin by an easy and uniform inclination not exceeding 20 feet per mile, without encountering any material difficulty, until we reach Hamilton's Mill, where the river becomes and continues very sinuous for a distance of three miles-in this the space stream must be crossed at several points, and deep excavations made through some of the spurs of the hill projecting into the valley. Passing these the river banks, though still circuitous, are favorable to Raper's Creek. Thence we ascend Raper to its source encountering little obstruction, except at its passage through the Oaky Mountain, when it falls perpendicularly 15 feet, at which point some expensive work will be required. Leaving Raper we cross the Ridge parting it from Talalah, and descend a small stream to the right bank of the latter; up this, we ascend one mile, and cross the river just below the entrance of Wild Cat Creek; upon this portion of the line no gradation will be required exceeding 40 feet per mile. After crossing the Talalah, we follow Simpson Creek be tween 5 and 6 miles, then a small branch one mile-at the head of which we pass the Saddle, a low depression between the Grassy Mountain and the Blue Ridge, di

The limited period consumed in these examinations will prevent me from making at this time, more than a general statement of the facts developed in the course of the reconnoisance. These, however, are sufficient to enable me to state with perfect certainty, that no stationary engine will be required on the whole route from Augusta to Knoxville; and a rise at two points only extending 40 feet per mile. In this opinion I am fully sustained by Col. Brisbane, an Engineer of South Carolina, who accompanied me in my examinations from Athens to the summit of the Blue Ridge. Commencing at Athens (a distance by railroad 248 miles from Charleston,) we ascend the left bank of the Oconee river, to Big Sandy creek, thence we pursue the Western slope of the latter stream, gradually rising to the summit of the Ridge, separating it from the Oconee, continuing on this Ridge a short distance we have the waters of the Savannah river on the right, and at the Poplar Spring, 37 miles from Athens, those of the Chattahoochie flowing into the Gulf of Mexico on the left. This Ridge is here denominated the Chattahoo

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.-The Governor of the State has completed the arrangement of the detail of this survey, and most of the nominations have been made. We look forward to the results of this movement of our State with intense interest.

viding the waters of the Talalah and the Stecoa. To overcome this elevation, we contemplate a rise not exceeding 70|| feet per mile, and a short tunnel to pass under the Ridge 75 feet below its apex, and 800 yards in length. Passing the Saddle we descend Cobbs Creek, a branch of the Stecoa, over an even ground 34 miles, thence turning North, we enter the valley of the Stecoa, leaving Clayton on the right, and ascend to the summit of the Blue Ridge at the Rabun Gap, our inclination not exceeding 30 feet to the mile.

To comprehend the ease with which the ascent to the Blue Ridge is effected at this point it is only necessary to recur to the circumstance that that portion of Georgia lying at the foot of the Blue Ridge, (which here forms the backbone of the U. States) is on elevated table land. This feature of the country will be manifest to any one who will inspect the maps of Georgia and observe the singular direction of the Chattahoocie river. Its course, it will be perceived, runs parallel with the Ridge, from which issues the watters of nearly all the

rivers which rise in the State and fall into the Atlantic-the elevation of its* bed being scarcely less than their source. The Talalah river at that point we cross it, flows through this table land-descending rapidly to its verge where it is precipitated by a succession of rapids and perpendicu lar falls in the space of two miles, a heighth of 800 to 1000 feet, and thence flows with a rapid current to meet the Chataga a distance of five or six miles.

At this intersection it is understood that Capt. Bache made the descent from the Blue Ridge at the Rabun Gap, to be between 15 or 1600 feet; consequently the Talalah, at the point we cross it, cannot be more than three or four hundred feet below the Gap.

It is also believed, that after a more careful examination of this country shall have been made that other approaches to the Gap may be found which will afford even greater facilities to ascend it than the route we have pointed out.

The Rabun Gap is the head of a wide and fertile valley expanding as we descend the little Tennessee (which here takes its rise) to a width of two miles passing the N. Carolina line, it gradually contracts until the mountains that close in upon the river, some 7 or 8 miles below the town of Franklin, and 27 from the Ridge, thence 8 miles the narrow flats on the margin of the stream, afford space for the easy construction of the road. The descent from the Gap will average from 10 14 feet per


The line will occasionally cross the river to straighten its course, the river being here narrow, this will not be expensive.

The river now becomes more rapid and very circuitous, which character it retains to the mouth of the Tuckaseige a distance of 15 miles. Upon this portion of the route, much expensive work will be required. The river must be crossed frequently and through some of the parts of the mountain, short tunnels will be necessary.

* Chattahoochie.

Passing the mouth of the Tuckaseige, which is much shorter than that described; the course of the river becomes more uni-and in his opinion would entirely obviate form, the curves of its banks, though of the necessity of using an inclination exten abrupt, can with few exceptions be fol- ceeding 40 to 55 feet per mile, to reach lowed without difficulty. It will probably the Blue Ridge. Thus exhibiting the unbe necessary to cross the stream twice, be- prcedented spectacle of a continuous line fore we have entirely passed Smokey of railroad of 323 miles in length traverMountain, thence to the point of the Chill- sing for upwards of 100 miles a mountainhonee Mountain, the ground is favorable. ous region on which locommotive engine Turning the Chillhonee Mountain nearly power can be advantageously used, witha direct course can be obtained by Mary-out interruption throughout its whole exville through a rich limestone valley to tent. Knoxville a distance of 27 miles.

The gradations after passing the Blue Ridge will not exceed at any point 35 feet per mile.


Of the cost of forming the road bed for a single track railroad over the route examined.


For a double track it will be a safe cal-
culation to add two thirds of the amount
estimated for a single road.
From Athens to the Poplar
Springs, 37 miles
From Poplar Springs to the
Talalah, 45 miles
From Talalah to the Blue
Ridge, 14 miles
From the Blue Ridge to
Whitakers, 35 miles
From Whitakers to the
From Tuckaseige to Chill-
Tuckasiege 15 miles

honee Mountain 38

From Chillhonee Moun-
tain to the Holetoo at
Knoxville, 27 miles

211 miles

Add 12 per cent for contingencies and superintendance,


Having now concluded my observations on the route by the valley of the Little Tennessee, I will call your attention to another line which has been suggested passing through a fertile region of country entirely around the Blue Ridge. This route would have been examined had my time permitted, the information desired, however, is partly supplied by the reports of Col. Long on the Mississippi and Atlantic railroad, and Mr. Nichols on the Coosa river, now before me.

From an examination of these reports I should consider the route, entirely practica392,000 ble. Mr. Nichols states the important fact that the ridge separating the waters of 164,000 the Tennessee and Coosa is only 131 feet above the head of boat navigation on the waters of Hiwassee.



The route leaving Athens would cross the West prong of the Oconee, and thence follow the ridge, separating it from the Apalachee to the Chattahoochee, thence 304,000 crossing this river it would pass through counties Forsyth, Cherokee, Cass, and Murray, to the State lire near McNairs thence, there is a beautiful limestone valley to Knoxville, passing Calhoun, Athens, (Tenn.) Madison and Maryville.

202,000 $1,656,000


$1,854,000 From the above estimate it appears that the length of the road from Athens to Knoxville is 211 miles, and that the average cost of graduating the road bed will be $8,786 73 per mile, the bridges to be built with stone piers and wooden superstructure; this estimate is considered as amply sufficient to complete the road in a permanent manner.

To the above amount if we add $5,200 per mile for a single track of superstructure laid complete, we have the aggregate cost of the whole road two millions nine hundred and fifty one thousand two hundred dollars.

The valley of the Little Tennessee unquestionably presents the most direct, and least expensive channel, through which a railroad from Charleston to Cincinnati can be made.

In addition to this important advantage, which it possesses over all other routes, it is not to be forgotten that the line passing through Georgia will be uninterrupted by stationary engine power.

At one point only it is necessary on the line examined, to use an assistant engine, and I am informed by Col. Brisbane, that since we parted he examined another route

The length of the road in this direction would be about 250 miles.

The most important advantages which this line of improvement presents, is the facility with which a connection may be formed with the Tennessee river at or below Dallas. This river is navigable for eight months in the year for steamboats drawing three and an half feet water up to Knoxville, and for flat bottom boats drawing two feet at all seasons.

Also the favorable direction which it offers to form a continuous line of railroad communication between North Alabama

on the one hand and Nashville, West-Ten-
nessee on the other.
Respectfully submitted,

Civil Engineer.

B. Details of a Route for a Railroad, submitted to the Georgia Delegation by General Newnan.

It is believed that the best route for a Railroad from the Ohio river to the Southern Atlantic coast, would be to pass through the State of Kentucky, so as to strike the Cumberland Mountain at the Elk Fork at Wheeler's Gap, about fifty miles to the North of Blair's Ferry on the Tennessee near the mouth of Holston, and 30 miles below Knoxville.

From Blair's Ferry, the road would pass

40 miles through the level, fertile and beautiful valleys of Sweet Water and Dry Valley, to Calhoun on the Hiwassee.

From the Hiwassee, the Georgia road should pass up the Chetatee valley, down the Red Hill valley near the Big Spring, and then down the Connesauga, and cross the Ostenola to Newtown, a distance of 50 miles.

From Newtown the road should run on, and pass the Etowa at some point between Sally Hughes and Brewster's ferry, and strike the Chatahoochee at some point in the vicinity of Shallow Ford, a distance of 70 miles-crossing the Chatahoochee, the road, it is presumed, would branch out in a direction to Macon, Athens and West Foint, or Columbus.


KNOXVILLE CONVENTION.-The following gentlemen from Georgia attended the Convention :

A. S. Clayton,-Athens,
Will. Dearing
Wm. M. Morton,
James M. Wayne,—Savannah,
S. B. Parkman,
M. H. McAllister,
Jos. W. Jackson,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

J. R. Matthews,-Habersham co.
Turner H. Trippe,

S. A. Wales,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Rich'd W. Habersham, "
George D. Phillips,

Thos. G. Janes,-Greene co.

J. Edgar Thompson,—Augusta,
Win. W. Holt,

Charles J. Jenkins,
Robert Campbell,
A. Cunningham,
T. G. Casey,

[ocr errors]

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

15 miles-from Armstrong's ferry to Mc-road, which is a smooth level ridge or high Nair's, 22 milles. gro u', not cosing the smallest stream a By this route from Knoxville to Mc-distance of fineen miles-thence crossing At this point, a route should diverge to Nair's, you pursue the grassey valley to one prong of the Oconee river, a continued the right through a very level valley in Campbell's station, thence to Blair's ferry, level of high ground eighteen miles to Georgia and Alabama, for a distance of 200 or near there; thence up the Sweet Water Athens. Respectfully submitted, miles, to Wetumpkee, a few miles above Valley to the dividing ground between the JACOB M. SCUDDER. the junction of the Coosa and Talapoosa waters of the Sweet water creek and Mouse rivers, to which point it is believed steam-creek; thence down the Mouse creek valboats arrive at all seasons of the year. ley till you come within 5 miles of Athens; thence through a level gap in the ridge of Estenala valley; thence down said valley. to about 2 miles below Athens; thence through a gap of the ridge to Chestua valley; thence down the valley to near Armstrong's ferry; thence up the valley of South Chestua to the dividing ground between South Chestua and Connesauga river, and thence down a valley to near McNair's where it crosses into Georgia.From McNair's on the Connesauga river to Spring Place in Murray, Georgia, 16 miles, entirely through a valley north west of the mountains; thence to Coosawatee river at an Indian town of that name, 14 The Alabama route would pass through miles, and in the same valley, which will the centre, and richest part of the State, and bring the road to the verge of the mounthrough a cotton region of 400 miles in ex- tains and opposite to where the Talking Rock creek enters into the Coosawattee The Georgia reute would through cotton regions of 800 miles in ex-river. Talking Rock creck rises 16 miles tent. We have from this point and runs in a north westreason to believe every that it is impossible for Kentucky, Tennes- wardly direction, and parallel with the Fesee, Ohio and Indiana to find better mar-deral road to the point above stated; and kets for their produce, or safer or cheaper to avoid what are known as the Coosawatchannels by which to receive their supplies. Nashville might be connected with this route, by a lateral Railroad to the mouth of Holston, 170 miles, or at Chatadga in Walker county, by crossing the Tennessee at Ross' ferry. This would give to the West four markets instead of one. From the direction of these routes, the country through which they pass, and from surrounding circumstances, the warmest expectations may be formed, that from their completion, the most vigorous and munificent Legislation would accrue on the part of Georgia and Alabama. These condensed views, it is presumed, will be sufficient for the occasion, though the subject is fraught with a great many other important considerations in relation to one moral, social, commercial and political condition, and will readily present themselves to all intelligent inquiring minds.




tee mountains, the road will pass up the
said Talking Rock creek, the first 4 miles
being perfectly level; the next 6 miles have
not been so strictly examined, but I cannot
believe but that in so short a distance a road
can be casily made, as there are no mate-
rial falls on the creek, and the road will
pass on its margin. The next 6 miles will
pass in the valley of the creek, and without
a rise perceptible to the eye. The next
three and a half miles is a gradual ascent,
and agreeable to the means I had to judge.
rises only 75 or 80 feet in that distance,

and at the end of which we reach the sum

it of a long, beautiful and very level ridge, dividing the waters of Shary's Mountain and Long Swamp Creeks, for the distance vf 21 miles-and terminates at Heightown or Etowah river, near the junction of Long Swamp Creek and said river. From this point on the Etowa, routes may be selected in any direction, as the mountains and spurs of the mountains, have been entirely passed. But to proceed with this route, it would be best, but not absolutely necessary, to pass up the Etowah, as it bears in The undersigned would respectfully sug- the proper direction-four miles thence to gest to the Georgia Delegation the follow-the Chattahoochie river, at or near Gothing as the shortest and most practicable route for the connection of the proposed railroad with Georgia. He has been politely furnished by the Hiwassee Railroad Co. It will be borne in mind that this report with the description of the route from Knox-is not predicated on mathematical calculaville to the Valley near McNair's, at which tion, but the line was viewed by the eye place it will connect with the route into expressly for the railroad route. Georgia, as follows:

Route of Road suggested by Jacob M.

ard's Ford, about two miles above Winn's
Ferry. This is about twenty miles, and
passes over a smooth and even country.

To continue the route to Athens, GeorFrom Knoxville to Blair's ferry on Ten-gia, after crossing the Cl attahoochie river, nessee river, 30 miles-from Blair's ferry pass along a level ridge around one of the to Philadelphia, 5 miles from Philadel-prongs of the Oconee river, and intersect phia to Athens, 20 miles-from Athens to he Federal road at Rile's, a distance of Armstrong's ferry on the Hiwassee river, eight miles-thence or near the Federal

John M. Rose, Dahlonega.

H. B. Shaw,

A. B. Holt,

[ocr errors]

Charles Evans,-Clarke co.
Ew'd Paine,

M. J. Walker,—Rabun co.
H. T. Mosely,
J. H. Sloan,
E. Coffee,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

J. V. Harris,-Elbert co.
Thos. J. Heard,
Beverly Allen,
Joseph Rucker,
A. Hammond,
Simeon Oliver,
William White,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Jacob M. Scudder,-Forsyth co.
W. B. Harban,-Lumpkin co.
W. H. Gathright,

[merged small][ocr errors]

Jas. Edmondson,-Murray co.
L. R. McCamy,
James Donahoo,
J. B. Morton,

Josiah H. Gill, of Hall co.
Rich'd Winer,

C. W. Parks,

[ocr errors]

John M. Paiford,-Ruckersville.
Joel E. Mercer,-Talliaferro co.
James R. Butts,—Macon.
Washington Poe,

M. H. Chappell,

[ocr errors]

[ocr errors]

Steward Floyd,-Morgan co.
William Johnson,
Joseph W. Walton, "
H. Hemphill,

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R. H. L. Buchanan,-New Echota.

It will be seen from the following account from the Boston Gazette and Centinel, that the great Eastern Railroad has actually been commenced, and under auspecies that leave no doubt as to its competion. This has been a favorite project with our eastern friends, and one that cannot fail to have an important bearing upon




their interests,—especially upon those ofly cool, and decorated with green branches. and eulogised the general conduct of the East-Boston.-Courier & Enquirer. The repast, with its accompaniments of laborers connected with the railroad. The detroit Journal of June 20th sparkling champaigne and madeira, was not It being time now to depart, the compa. "What would be the disposition of the mitted to be in itself, suitable and excellent. pleased with the entertainmen they had remore enjoyed, than it was universally ad-ny proceeded to the cars, extremely well people of Green Bay, in reference to formAfter partaking of the bounty of the ceived. The return to MONTREAL we shall ing a part of the State of Michigan?— stockholders and the good catering of give in the words of the Courier:Their business-the sources of their pros-SWORDS, with the judicious assistance of The locomtive in returning took four perity, lie this way. Their commerce must DAVID LUCK, that attendant on all joyous cars with it, and the other twelve were pass through the strait of Detroit. They occasions, the company were requested by dragged back, as before, to Laprairie by There would have been almost a will have little commercial connection with the Hon. PETER M'GILL, the Chairman of horses. the western part of Wisconsin. The Mis- the Association, to lose no time in drinking surfeit of enjoyment, had nothing occurred the few toasts he had that day to propose. to break in upon the pleasures of the day. sissippi is the natural channel for the trade The first was "the King" and the Hon. It was pretty far advanced in the afternoon of that region. It will be a trip of but a Chairman took the opportunity of mention-before the company got re-embarked on few hours from Green Bay to the mouth of ing all the circumstances connected with board the Princess Victoria for Montreal, Grand River. When the Grand and Saga- the commencement and termination of the and it unfortunately happened that,in conse na rivers are joined by a Steamboat channel route, the advantages it would confer on quence of a strong easterly wind, and the of fifty miles, the trip from Green Bay to the Province, and the spirit of enterprize it depth of the boat in the water, she groundDetroit will be made in 48 hours, more or which this railroad would be the happy fore- she was got clear and had proceeded a litwas destined to create for similar works, of ed on leaving the wharf. When at length less. From the head of Green Bay to the All the honors were paid to the the way on her voyage, she was again derapids of Grand River, will be only about tained by being compelled to lie-to, till a 24 hours running. A Railroad car will The second toast he gave, was "The man who had fallen overboard was picked run from Grand River rapids to Detroit in President of the United States," as the offi. up. By this time it was so dark that it eight hours. cial representative of a people with whom was considered dangerous to pass the rapwe were now connected in a happy, and he ids, and she returned to Laprairie. Upon hoped lasting peace; whose support had landing, there was an immediate scramble been most extensively given to the comple- among the passengers for beds, of which tion of the present work, and with whom. few, in proportion to the demand, were to through its operations, they were to be be found. To diminish the disagremens of brought into still greater and closer bonds this mishap, and to extract even amuseof union. After the cheers had subsided, ment from the misfortunes of so pleasant a TIMOTHY FOLLETT, Esq. of this city, re- day, a dance was got up at the Laprairie turned thanks in a very neat and appro-Hotel, which was continued to a late hour. priate address, for the honor conferred upon Those who were unable to procure beds his country and fellow-citizens, and strong that could be slept in, had a fund of amusely urged upon all present to be influenced by ment for the rest of the night, in recountthe same enterprise and energy which char-ing to each other their adventures in search acterised the AMERICAN people, and which of such luxuries. About six o'clock yeswould result in the same prosperity. terday morning, the Princess Victoria landThe third toast was "the Earl of Gos-ed her valuable cargo in perfect safety, with ford and the Ladies and Gentlemen who every cause to make them have agreeable had honored the company with their pres- recollections of the opening of the ChamHis Excellency returned thanks, in plain and St. Lawrence Railroad. a speech delivered with firmness, and marked with much neatness. His Lordship alluded in strong terms to the great resources of this country, if properly developed urged upon all a spirit of unanimity and concord, which he would do his best ultinately to obtain, and after remarking the glorious termination of a work which united the St. Lawrence and the Richelieu within so small a distance, proposed the health of the Directors of the Company.

By cutting a ship canal of a few miles from the head of Green Bay to Lake Michigan, the voyage from thence to the mouth of Grand river will be reduced to

about 10 hours."

CHAMPLAIN AND ST. LAWRENCE RAILROAD. The public opening of this important route took place on Thursday last, under circumstances of peculiar interest, and to the general satisfaction of a numerous and respectable company, who had been invited to partake of the hospitality and good cheer of the Stockholders of the Company.Among the guests, who assembled on board the Princess Victoria, at about 10, were the Earl of GOSFORD, Sir CHARLES GREY, Sir GEORGE and Lady GIPPS,Mr. ELLIOT, Secretary of the Commissioners, several of the Members of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, and of the mercantile body and garrison, and many respectable strangers, to the number of about three hundred. The fine band of 32d Regiment enlivened the company with their superior excellence in the performance of many admired overtures. The trip to LAPRAIRIE was performed in about fifty minutes. The subsequent journey to ST. JOHN's is thus faithfully described by the Courier of this morning.


The Chairman proposed the health of WILLIAM D. LINDSAY, Esq., the active Commissioner under whose direction the work had so steadily advanced.

Mr. LINSDAY, in replying, asked for leave

The return trip of the locomotive on Thursday was completed in fifty-nine minutes, but yesterday, we learn, that, with four passenger and two loaded freight cars. it effected the journey in forty-five minutesand returned in thirty, over a road of four, teen and a half miles in length. A few repairs have to be made to the engine, and her regular trips commence on Monday next, on the return of the Princess Victoria from Quebec, for which she proceeded yes-. terday at ten. In noticing this fine boat, i may be mentioned that she was met by the Eagle near LANORAYE, six miles on this side of SOREL, and would be able to effect the forty-five miles in three hours, making route to QUEBEC.



"After landing at the railroad wharf, which runs out into the river a considerable way, the company proceeded to the cars which were in waiting at the termination of the to introduce here the ceremony of present-on an average twelve hours for the whole railway to convey them to St. John's. Being to Mr. CASEY, the Engineer, a gold fore starting the locomotive engine made medal, which had been subscribed for by two short trial trips with its tender, and as the overseers along the work. Mr. M'MAthe accident which occurred lately to it had HON, on behalf of his brother overseers, adnot been thoroughly repaired, it was deem. dressed Mr. CASEY in terms of eulogiun, TO THE GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL OF MARYed advisable to attach to it only two of the for his gentlemanly conduct towards them; passenger cars, all of which are very com- Mr. M'MAHON's remarks which were somefortably fitted up and elegantly painted out-what extended, delivered with ease and fluside; while the other cars with the rest of ency, and indicative of much sound sense the company, were drawn each by two horses. The locomotive with its complement soon shot far ahead of the other cars, which passed along the road, just as fast as the nags, which were none of the fleetest, could drag them. The motion was easy, and elicited from many, comparisons far from favorable to the usual comforts of

Annapolis, July 26th, 1836. The undersigned have been appointed to and judgment, were repeatedly and deservedly cheered. Mr. CASEY, in accepting of ascertain "whether and at what expense this token of gratitude from those who had with due supply of water a Canal be pracbeen under his superintendance, spoke a ticable from the Cheasapeake and Ohio Cafew words in reply, expressive of his satis-nal to Baltimore, by the valley of the Mofaction at the steady and active conduct of all connected with the work.

The Earl of GOSFORD now claimed a toast travelling by the stage road. In less than for Mr. CASEY, whose abilities had been two hours from starting, all the company extolled by his employers, and whose conhad arrived at St. John's in good time, and duct had been approved of by those under in excellent mood for the collation in the his control. His Lordship also complirailway station house, which was pleasant-mented Mr. M'MAHON upon his speech,

nocacy and Patapsco, or by a route diverging from the said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, from the mouth of Seneca, exclusively within the limits of this State;" have the honor to report that under their direction two parties of Engineers have been engaged during much of the present

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