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D. K MINOR, and


SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1836...

[VOLUME V.-No. 30.

Editorial Notices; Excursion to Philadelphia... 465 ers of the Columbia Railroad, for the use of

his locomotive.
Tuesday, July the 19th, was the day ap-
472 pointed for the trial.


Communication, from Win. J. Lewis, etc...
Short sketch of the History of Locomotion.....
To the readers of the Journal, &c..



Railroad Axle Journals....

470 471

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made arrangements with the Commission-||tained, -the doubts that had been enter-
rained by some, and the fears of others,
that settled upon every ones face, gave way
were dispelled in an instant, the eager look
ent expressed their gratification in loud and
to that of confident success, while all pres-
and repeated cheers.

We left here on Monday afternoon, at 4
o'clock, accompanied by Mr. George N.
Miner of this city, Mr. Theo. Schwartz of
Paris, and Messrs. Elliot and Beats, of Ala-

The length of the plain is 2800 feet.
The grade 369 feet to the mile, or 1 foot

AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. bama. Mr. S., who was to sail for Eu-rise in 14.3, which is a much steeper grade

NEW-YORK, JULY 30, 1836.

Desirous of extending useful information and of awakening attention to obects of such great importance as those treated of in this No., we have issued a far larger number of copies than usual, for the purpose of gratuitous distribution. It will be found that we have devoted this No. entirely to the subject of LocOMOTIVE ENGINES.

We are gratified to perceive that the citi zens of Owego are moving for the purpose of opening a communication between the Canals and Railroads of New-York and Pennsylvania. No State pride or selfishness should prevent a free intercourse-but trade be unrestricted.

"PUBLIC MEETING.-The citizens of Owego and its vicinity, are respectfully invited to attend a meeting, to be held this evening, (Wednesday) at Mr. Goodman's Long room, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of connecting the public improvements of the States of New-York and Pennsylvania, by a Canal or other

water communication."

Wednesday, June 29, 1836.


In pursuance of our request, Mr. Norris

rope the next day, gladly made the trip,
with a view to carry home his own testimo
ny as an eye witness.

boy, and Trenton and Philadelphia Rail-
Our journey over the Camden, and Am-
roads, was highly interesting, and the con-
versation of that evening will long be re-
meinbered with pleasure. We arrived at
Philadelphia about midnight and fter sun-
dry mistakes and mischances, succeeded in
obtaining some repose.

horses, set out with a party of upwards of
On Tuesday morning, two cars drawn by
forty. We arrived at the foot of the in-
clined plane before 6 o'clock, while the rails
were yet quite wet with dew.

On our arrival, it was found that owing
to accident or design, while the fire was
boiler so as to endanger the tubes. The
burning, the water had been blown out of the
result was a leakage of some consequence
during the day.

The engine started at the foot of the plane feet, the wheels were found to slip, and the and on the plane. After proceeding a few engine returned. It was said that the rails were found to have been oiled at this place, a small quantity of sand was strown over the spot, and the engine again proceeded. she advanced to the very top, passing over She regularly and steadily gained speed as the plane in 2 min. 24 sec. The enthusiasm of feeling manifested cannot be described, so complete a triumph had never been ob

than the planes on the Mohawk and Hud-
son Railroad, those being 1 in 18.

Making an ascent of 196 feet in 2800 feet.
Weight of engine with water 14.930 lbs.

weight of tender with water and coal, two
Load drawn up the plane, including
passenger cars and 53 passengers, 31.270.
the square inch.
Pressure in the boiler, less than 80 lbs. to

Time of running 2 min. and 24 sec.

It is to be remembered that the rail were
wet with dew.

that bets were made with the workmen to
As to the oil, it was afterwards mentioned
a considerable amount and those having
been lost by the successful performance of
the engine on a former day, were now
unlikely that this means was provided to
quadrupled, and to save themselves it is not
accelerate the descent rather than the ascent
of the engine.

At the conclusion we shall give the dimen-
sions of this engine.

The party again embarked after examin-
ing the workshops, and proceeded to Paoli
to breakfast, and thence to Lancaster, the
engine conveying in at the same time a num-
ber of freight cars.

very evident, frequent and short curves are
The unfortunate location of this road is
introduced so uniformly, that it would be
supposed that such a location was to be pre-
fered to a direct one. Having a desire to

Philadelphia, on the 19th July, 1836.
Theodore Schwartz,
Alex. McClure,
T. R. Peale,

Mark M. Reeve, M. D.

F. Blackburne,
E. Durand,

witness during the passage the surrounding || The solidity of this engine is very great-firemen, &c., up the Columbia Railroad, at country, which is most beautiful-we seat- there is no doubt as to its wearing well. ed ourselves on the outside-but alas, we We also visited the U. S. Mint, where we were obliged to recall our practice at duck-were politely shown the different pieces of ing the head, acquired on the Erie Canal. machinery, by Mr. Adam Eckfeldt, who has In transverse bridges this may be excused, filled the situation of director, for 42 years. but in viaducts for the Railroad itself-if Most of the machinery has been arranged, this must be covered, we see no reason for perfected and executed, under his eye. leaving not more than a foot clearance from The machinery is in most beautiful order the top of the cars. The locomotive bows-it is mostly moved by a very fine steam en. its chimney head most respectfully to every gine, by Rush and Muhlenburg. one of the bridges-meanwhile the smoke unstrained of its sparks, fills the small space left, and most effectually dredges the passenger. The practice of using but three rails for two tracks is most villanous, especially as the bridges are covered.

We arrived safely at Lancaster and partook of an excellent dinner. A number of toasts were given, and conversation turned generally to the subject of internal improvement. Mr. Roberts, engineer of the Harrisburgh road, and Mr. A. R. Campbell, engineer of the Morristown, and of the West-Philadelphia Railroad, were present; a number of the company were citizens of Philadelphia, and we much regretted on looking over the names to find that Mr. Franklin Peale, and Isaiah Lukers, had been among those who had started with us, and whose personal acquaintance we had not the pleasure of making. We have long known these gentlemen as laborers in the scientific world, and would have had much pleasure in seeing them face to face.

After dinner, the company were presented to Governor Ritner, who was then in town. He afterwards accompanied the party some few miles from Lancaster and back again, when he left us, much gratified, with his rapid journey.

We returned in a large 8 wheel car, a form that we much admired.

Since our last visit a new milling ma-
chine has been introduced from France, we
believe. The action is extremely beautiful,
and contrasts well with the old process.
On Wednesday evening, we returned to
this city-having, during our absence of
two days and one evening, travelled over
300 miles, besides attending to much busi.
ness, and having as much pleasure as is
possible to erowd into so small a space of

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Israel Morris,
Israel Roberts,
George Robbins,
Rufus Tyler,
William Morrison,
J. C. Cresson,
S. Griffits Fisher,
A. W. Thompson,
Robt. B. Davidson,
John E. Garrett,
A. M. Eastwick,
Joseph Harrison, Jr.
Frederick Gaul,
Alex. Krumbhaar,
Geo. N. Miner,
Franklin Peale,
R. M. Patterson,
William S. Otis,
D. K. Minor,
George C. Schaeffer,

T. E. Gubert,

P. B. Goddard, M. D.
Octavius A. Norris,
H. R. Campbell,
George R. Oat,
Townsend Smith,
J. Sidney Jones,
Joseph Oat,
Smith Jenkins,
Isaac P. Morris,
Frederick Vogel,
Mahlon Ortlip,
James Poultney.
Daniel Smith,
Thos. Moore,
Walter Sims,
Nashville, Tenn.

We are gratified to perceive, as we do by the following circular, that the people in the

The following are the dimensions of the George Washington" engine, of Mr. Wil-town of Pawlings, Dutchess county, are liam Norris:

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moving in relation to the rrilroad from this city to Albany. We hope their example will be followed by every town on the line of the road, when it will in truth, become the road of the people.

Sir: At a meeting of the inhabitants of Pawlings, convened at the house of Gideon Slocum & Sons, on the 9th of July, 1836, 10 take into consideration the propriety of aid

The engine is six wheeled, having two ing and assisting in the construction of the driving wheels.

14,930 lbs.

New-York and Albany railroad; the underWhole weight of engine signed were appointed a committee to call Actual weight on driving on the farmers and others, inhabitants of the town, to ascertain what amount of wheels 8,700 66 stock would be subscribed, in said town.It must be remembered, that there is no In pursuance of such appointment, the comcontrivance as in some engines, for increas-mittee have seen about fifty inhabitants and ing the adhesion, by throwing the weight of the tender upon the engines-the axle being in front of fhe fire box, preventing any such arrangement.

This engine, we are now informed, is making the regular trips, though a full load has not yet been obtained, on account of the scarcity of cars.

The whole weight attached to the engine, (tender &c. included,), must have been over 14 tons, if not 15. The time of running, (exclusive of stoppage,) from Lancaster to the head of the Schuylkill inclined plane, was 3 h. 11 min., being a distance of nearly The greatest load. as yet, drawn by it over 67 miles. This, it is to be remembered, the road, was 119 tons, gross weight, in was over a road having curvutures of less 22 cars. The Engineer confidently exthan 600 feet, radius up ascents, of some-pects, to draw 150 tons, at 12 or 15 miles times, 45 feet per mile. On level and straight portions of the road, a velocity of 47 miles, was attained.

As the trip had already been protracted, this engine was obliged to leave at the head of the plane, on her return to Lancaster the same evening and we descended by the rope. The bridge at this point, over the Schuyl. kill, is a very fine one, the masonry being or a very substantial character.

per hour. She now usually works with 70
lbs. pressure of steam. Mr. Norris con-

siders that these fine effects are owing to
an improvement in the adjustment of the
valves-which he has attained, after a long
series of experiments.

We wish him, and all others, engaged in
the same cause-all possible success in ac-
complishing their object, and obtaining the
proper reward for it.

The following is a list of the names of the gentlemen who were of the party:

lars will be taken in this town when the have the assurance that fifty thousand dol books are opened, which will be sufficient to defray the expense of the road through the town, a distance of about six miles.

If you should see the propriety of pursu ing similar or such other measures as you may suggest for the promotion of this important work, it is believed our united efforts will be crowned with success.


Pawlings, July 16, 1836.

The following letter, addressed to Mr. H. R. Campbell. of Philadelphia, is from Mr. Lewis, C. E., of the Brooklyn and Jamaica railroad. These calculations were made be fore the appearance of the work of the Chev. de Pambour-and we understand that the results given, very nearly agree with those obtained in that work.

The engine referred to in this letter, is to We returned to our quarters, in good have 8 wheels-weight, 12 tons. It is the season, and highly delighted with our trip one referred to also, in our excursion to On the next morning we had the satisfac- We the subscribers were present and wit- Philadelphia as having been seen by us. tion of examining an engine now building nessed the experiment and complete success The weight of the one of which the cut is for H. R. Campbell, under his own direc- of the "George Washington," in ascending given, is of the first class-weight, about tion, and of which, a more extended descrip- the inclined plane, with a train of cars con-14 tons, having 8 wheels. tion, with calculations, is given in this No.aining fifty-four persons, besides engineers, This cut represents a Locomotive engine,

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of the first class, weighing 14 tons, having of the area of the piston, in addition to the || Tender included) of 114 tons up grades of 8 wheels (4 driving wheels). This engine usual allowance for the friction of the axles ||30 feet per mile at a velocity of 10 miles per will be able to draw as heavy loads as any in railroad carriages, viz. 10 lbs. per ton.- hour, maintaining a constant pressure on engine calculated for rails of the present Putting r then to express simply the resis- the safety valve of ninety pounds to the width and arrangement. tance of the train to motion, from the joint square inch, and that with this load in dry Both of these engines are to use either effects of gravity and the friction of the ax-weather, no slipping of the wheels on the anthracite coal or coke. les we shall have r

It is intended to give further particulars respecting it, in another number.

dal (P-5)

Let us now ascertain the weight an en-
Scale of drawing, 1 foot to of an inch.gine will carry up a plane of a given in-
New-York, Jan. 20, 1836.

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rails takes place. The effective pressure of steam, is as we bave shown, 5 lbs. less than the pressure indicated by the safety valve or 20 lbs. less than its total elastic force, estimating the atmospheric pressure at 15 = gross weight in tons, engine in-lbs. to the square inch. Hence using the 98 P above formula R = for ascertaining 3 the effect of a given pressure on the cylin

A ascent in feet per mile.
2240 W A 14 W A

of lead in lbs. and 10 W
in lbs.



friction of load


14 W A

+10 W =

del (P-5)


Hence whole resistance


From which we have W

Also W =

33 R
14 A + 330
33d 1 (P-5)
D(14 A+ 330)

Dear Sir-I have received your state-clusive. ment of the dimensions of your proposed engine, and in return will furnish you with my estimate of its power on a level railroad; and of its ability to ascend inclined planes of greater elevation than have heretofore been deemed practicable for Locomotive engines. It does not require the spirit of prophecy to predict that the effect of the improvements now making in the construction of Locomotives, will be the entire abolition of stationary power on rail. roads, and, by allowing the adoption of higher grades than have yet been resorted Having found expressions for the maxito, hold out inducements to the formation mum load an engine is capable of carrying, of roads in situations where the nature of prior to entering on the subject of the velothe country has hitherto precluded their in-city of the proposed engine with given troduction. loads or the adhesion of the engine to the I shall commence with an examination rails, I shall state the dimensions of some of the mechanical action of Locomotive of the parts of Mr. Baldwin's and your enengines, and of the resistance to be over-gines. The capabilities and actual percome on a level railroad and on an inclined formances of the former being well plane. known, it will not be difficult to deduce Let d = diameter of cylinders in inches. what may be expected of the latter. 1= length of stroke in inches.

ders at the circumference of the driving wheels, we have:

Elastic force of steam

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In Engines similarly constructed, the quantity of steam generated under the same application of heat, is in exact proportion to the surface of the boilers exposed to the action of the fire. But where there is a must suppose a greater proportional congreater proportional content of fire box, we sumptional of fuel, and consequently a more intense application of heat. The propor tion of exposed surface in the two engines is 1 to 2.43, but the proportion of the contents of the fire boxes is 1 to 2.80. Adding 8624(P--5) to the first ratio of the difference for the 63A+1485 more intense application of heat. I shall It is known that M. W. Baldwin's engines estimate the evaporating power of your en can convey a gross weight (Engine and gine at 2.55 times that of those built by M.

Surface of boiler exposed to fire 723 square feet.

Ꭱ ;

Content of fire box 53 cubic feet.





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W. Baldwin. As the elastic face of the steam varies in the direct ratio of its density, the momentum of the steam generated by the boiler, or its elastic force multiplied by its velocity of generation will be its momentum in the cylinders, and consequently, also its momentum at the circum

ference of the driving wheels. No error will therefore arise in refering the forces and resistances immediately to the circumference to the driving wheels or find their effects as applied to the traction of the engine.

This method will avoid much unnecessary calculation, and enable us at a glance, to see how every item of the account affects the general computation. The steam generated by Mr. Baldwin's engines, has been shown to be capable of overcoming a resis tance of 3,430 lbs. moved 10 miles an hour or 34,300 lbs. moved one mile per hour.

Now the evaporating powers of the two engines being as 1 to 2.55, your engine will generate steam of an electic force of 34.300+ 2.55 = 87 465 lbs. moved one mile per hour. The resistance from the pressure of the atmosphere and friction of machinery amounting to 20 lbs. per square inch on the cylinders, is estimated at the circumference of the driving wheels, since x =1161 lbs. 27

(R = 1569 P) 1568 × 20


Hence we have the following rules appli

cable to your engine.

To find the traction, the velocity being given, divide 87.465 by the velocity and subtract 1161 from the quotient.

To find the velocity, the traction being given, add 1161 to the traction, and divide 87.465 by the sum.

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Load in tons.


tons on a



31.61 31.19 30.78 30.39

tain resistance is opposed to the motion of machinery, which does not depend upon the pressure of steam. Not a word is said on the subject of the resistance of the atmosphere, although a large amount of steam is always consumed in overcoming this resistance. Page 368, the proper load for an engine upon a level, is 9 or 11 times its weight as the case may be, " that is, the engine will carry this weight and no more without the wheels sliding. The wheels of Baldwin's engine than should slide when the load exceeded 82 ↓ tons on a level road, or 36 tons on a grade of 30 feet mile! I have adopted his statement of the friction of cars which he estimates at 10lbs. per I think it will be found too great, but I have no accounts of any experiments to enable me to make the proper correction. Yours respectfully,



WM. J. LEWis.







82.50 56 133







30. 29.62 29.26 28.90 28.55 28.21 27.87 27.55

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The following table shows the gross load (engine inclusive) your Locomotive will carry up grades from 1 to 100 feet per mile Now in Mr. Baldwin's engines twenty at a velocity of 15,45 miles per hour. A pounds at the safety valves gives a traction column is added which shows what weight of 2.940 lbs. 30 per cent is 882 lbs.,, so that on different ascents is equal to a 100 tons on vithout taking into account the friction of a level road, and furnishes a very conve-he engine, we should have a force suffinient table of multiples for finding what cient to move but 98 tons on a level road, load on a graded road is equivalent to a given load on a level. or 38 tons up a grade at 30 feet per mile! No percentage can be assigned, for a cer

We had proposed to ourselves, on this occasion, to give a connected history of this subject, short, but still showing facts of prominent importance-with a view draw attention to the rapid improvements, that have been made within a comparatively short time.

From various reasons we have not been able to give the attention due to so important a subject. We have, however, prepared a summary of the different steps in the history of locomotion, which we lay before our readers without further comment.

It is a fact as instructing as curious, that for a long time, ingenuity was taxed and severely taxed, to overcome a difficulty that after all proved to be imaginary. It was thought that a locomotive carriage, (or one in which the power originated,) when placed upon iron rails or a common road, would not advance if the power was applied directly to the wheels. Or in other words, the ad. hesion of the wheels, was thought to be insufficient to advance the carriage even on a dead level.

In consequence of this supposed obstacle various attempts were made to furnish a hold to the wheels.

The first engines constructed with this object in view, were made by Messrs. Trevithick & Vivian. They proposed having bosses or nail heads of sufficient size and of proper form to furnish a hold to inequality purposely made, in the surface of the wheels.

In 1811, Mr. Blinkensop obtained a patent for a rack rail-the wheels of the locomotive being furnished with corresponding cogs.

In 1812, Mr. Chapman obtained a patent for advancing a locomotive by means of a chain extended over the whole line and fastened at the ends. This chain was passed once around a grooved wheel which was



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20.22 20.05 19.88

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