Lapas attēli

SOMERVILLE, (N. J.,) RAILROAD.- The most difficult part of the grading of this road between the town and the Point, has been completed. The contractors experienced a little difficulty a short time since from a strike among their hands; this difficulty was only for a day, the laborers returned to their work without any augmen. tation of their wages. There are but few difficulties to be encountered in grading the road between the town and the Point. The part about midway between the two Points is low and marshy, and as there are no abrupt inequalities to be encountered, the filling up can be accomplished without much cost. From the town to Somerville, the road has not yet been located, although several routes have been run. In addition to these favorable circumstances, it is said that 220 miles of the New-York and Erie Railroad will be put under contract this summer. The Point begins to present an appearance which will warrant us in the conclusion that its improvement is not the fanciful dream of a few speculators. Those grounds at the Point, which swell so nobly from the Sound, present to the eye of a close observer one of the finest locations which can be imagined for the erection of a commercial and manufacturing city. Laborers are now at work driving the posts for the building of a dock for the accommodation of the company.-[Elizabethtown Journal.]

The number of passengers on the Bir- On the 2d inst., a disastrous occurrence
mingham and Gloucester Railway calcula. took place at the British Iron Company's
ted upon, amounts to uparwds of 400,000, Works at Aberyschen. The fly-wheel, pro-
and the quantity of goods to about 70,000 pelling the machinery at the forge, is up-
tons annually. The amount of income ex-wards of 20 feet diameter, and revolves up-
pected to arrive from the conveyance of wards of 70 times a minute. During this
goods and passengers, is £145,855 5s. 1d. velocity and with but a momentary notice,
The estimated charge of the annual expen- it is supposed that one of the cogs of the
ses of the railroad when completed is wheel gave way, the whole of the attached
£52,000; and the cost of making the road, wheels, etc., were hurled in an alarming
which is expected to be completed in four momentum through the roof into the air,
years, is £889,703. The engineering diffi- upwards of 300 feet, and one piece, weigh-
culties are considerable, in consequence of ing nearly two tons, descended within ten
the country through which it has to pass. feet of the forge, and was buried a consid-
There are two inclined planes of upwards erable depth in the ground; fortunately,
of a mile and a quarter each, to be passed although some persons were within two or
by passengers, and another one at the ter- three yards of the place where this huge
mination of the line at Gloucester of 500 mass of iron fell, and nearly 100 altogether
yards, to be used for goods only. The car-in and about the works, not a single person
riages are to be drawn up these inclined was injured. The damage done to the
planes by means of stationary engines. works is estimated at 5,000l.-[Chronicle.]
There will also be one tunnel 440 yards in

The carriages running on that part of the A journeyman engraver has just made a
Greenwich Railroad which is finished have discovery of much importance, for the
been filled every day during the last week. economy caused by it in the manufacturing
The Company's receipts have been about ef fire arms. The stocks of guns, that usu-
50l. a day. The form of the road appears ally require much labour, are made quite
advantageous for the carriages; and it is miraculously by the aid of a machine which
found that the two coats of cement and he has invented. Government, it is said,
concrete which are laid over the whole of has bought the invention at the price of 300,-
the brick-work of the arches is quite effect- 000fr., and the inventor is immediately to
ual in preventing any moisture from pene-set up machines of this kind in eoch of the

Our attention has been turned to this sub.
ject by an article in the Wheeling Gazette,
received to-day, which we copy below.
The opinion expressed by the experienced
engineer of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
road, as to the probable cost of that portion
of the road which will extend from Cuni.
berland to Wheeling-a distance of 132
miles-may be safely relied on as a tolera.
bly correct criterion for an approximate es.
timate of the cost of the road from Harper's
Ferry, by way of Hagerstown, to Cumber-
land, which is about half the distance. The
estimate would then be as follows-
From Wheeling to Cumberland, 4,202,000
From Cumberland to H.'s Ferry, 2,101,000 setts of common carriage or wagon hubs per day.
Branch to Pittsburgh, 50 miles,

THE SUBSCRIBER is authorised to sell PAGE'S MORTICING MACHINES, to be used in
any of the Western, Southern, or Middle States, (except New-Jersey,) and also to sell
Rights for Towns, Counties, or States, in the same region, including New-York.
MACHINES will be furnished complete, ready to work, and at a liberal discount to those
who purchase territory, or machines to sell again.

Applications may be made by letter, post paid, or personally, to

935,000 $7,238,000

D. K. MINOR, Agent for Proprietor,
132 Nassau street, New-York.

Terms of single machines, $30 to $35, for common mortieing; and $50 to $60 for HUB machines, which, in the hands of an experienced man, will mortice 14 to 16

WILL be published, in a few days, NICHOLSON's Treatise on Architecture.— And the whole cost would be seven millions, two hundred and thirty-eight thousand dol. Also, PAMBOUR on Locomotive Engines on Railroads.


To meet the above estimate, the city of Baltimore has made provision to furnish NOTICE OF THE NEW-YORK AND three millions-the cities of Pittsburgh and Wheeling will each furnish one million, and if the legislature of Maryland shall subscribe three millions, it will amount in the whole to eight millions; which will furnish a surplus above the estimate, of $762,000, for moving power and contingencies.-[N. Y. Gazette.]

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

COMPANY, incorporated by the State of Delaware,
with a capital of 200,000 dollars, are prepared to ex-
THE Company hereby withdraw their Advertise-ecute in the first style and on liberal terms, at their
ment of 26th April, in consequence of their inability extensive Finishing Shops and Foundries for Brass and
to prepare in time, the portions of the line proposed to Iron, situated in the town of Newcastle, Delaware, all
be let on the 30th June, at Binghampton, and on the orders for LOCOMOTIVE and other Steam Engines,
11th of July at Monticello. Future notice shall be and for CASTINGS of every description in Brass or
given, when proposals will be received at the above
Iron RAILROAD WORK of all kinds finished in
places, for the same portions of the road.
the best manner, and at the shortest notice.
Orders to be addressed to

JAMES G. KING, President.

300 dozens Ames' superior back-strap Shovels
150 do do
4 feet. 150 do
do plain
do cast steel Shovels & Spades.
150 do do Gold-mining Shovels
do plated Spades


Of a reindeer in a sledge on the ice 26

Of an English race horse

Of a hare

Of a good sailing ship

Of the wind

Of sound






Of a 24 pounder, cannon ball
Of the air, which, so divided, re-
turns into space

[ocr errors]

100 do
50 do do socket Shovels and Spades.
Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow
Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury re-
fined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,

MR. EDWARD A. G. YOUNG, Superintendent, Newcastle, Delaware. feb 20-ytf


PROPOSALS will be received until the tenth day
of June next, at the Engineer Office of the Hartford
and New-Haven Railroad, corner of Collis and East
Railroad, from New-Haven to Meriden. On and af-
streets, New-Haven, for grading eighteen miles of this
ter the 25th day of the present month, maps and pro-
files of the different sections may be seen at the of-
fice, together with specifications and plans ef the pro-
No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.posed constructions Contractors not personally
known to the Engineer, must accompany their pro-
No. 8 State street, Albany.posals with suitable certificates or recommendations.
N. B. Also furnished to order, Shapes of every de-
scription, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf
ALEX'R C. TWINING, Engineer.

May 16, 1836.

[ocr errors]



[blocks in formation]

NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 20th day of June next, at the Town of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, the following described Property will be sold at Public Auction, to wit:

All the unsold Town Lots in the original Town of

THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public, and particularly Railroad and Bridge CorporaPROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the tations that he will build Frame Bridges, or vend the James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of right to others to build, on Col. Long's Patent, throughRichmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, out the United States, with few exceptions. The folfor the construction of all the Excavation, Embank-lowing sub-Agents have been engaged by the funder-Chicago; and also the Town Lots on fractional Secment and Walling not now under contract, together signed who will also attend to this business, viz. with nearly all the Culverts and the greater portion of Horace Childs, Henniker, N. H. the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidens' Adven


The work now advertised embraces the twenty miles between Columbia and the head of Maidens' Adventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Island Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated sections, reserved at the former letting, between Scottsville and Lynchburg.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the line of the Canal.

The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th Julyf; but mechanics, well recommended, desirous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, will be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual certificates of character and ability.

CHARLES ELLET, Jr., Chief Engineer of the James River and Kanawha Company. NOTE-The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are reserved for a future letting. Persons visiting the line for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to call at the office of the Company in the city of Richmond, where any information which they may desire will be cheerfully communicated.

C. E. Jr.

The valley of James River, between Lynchburg and Richmond, is healthy. 20-ta 18


Alexander McArthur,
John Mahan,
Thomas H. Cushing,
Ira Blake,

Mount Morris, N. Y.


Dover, N. H.
Wakefield, N. H.
Hancock, N. H.
Springfield, Vermont.
Northampton, Mass.


[blocks in formation]


Amos Whitemore, Fsq.,
Samuel Herrick,
Simeon Herrick,
Capt. Isaac Damon,
Lyman Kingsly,
Elijah Halbert,
Joseph Hebard,
Col. Sherman Peck,
Andrew E. Turnbull,
William J. Turnbull,
Sabried Dodge, Esq.,
Booz M. Atherton, Esq.
Stephen Daniels,
John Rodgers,
John Tililson,
Capt. John Bottom,
Nehemiah Osborn,
Bridges on the above plan are to be seen at the fol-
lowing localities, viz. On the main road leading from
Baltimore to Washington, two miles from the former
place. Across the Metawamkeag river on the Mili-
tary road, in Maine. On the National road in Illinois,
at sundry points. On the Baltimore and Susquehan-
na Rrailroad at three points. On the Hudson and
Patterson Railroad, in two places. On the Boston and
Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Bos-
ton and Providence Railroad, at sundry points. Across
the Contocook river at Hancock, N. II. Across the
Connecticut river at Haverhill, N. H. Across the
Contoocook river, at Henniker, N. H. Across the
Souhegan river, at Milford, N. H. Across the Ken-
nebec river, at Waterville, in the state of Maine.-
Across the Genesse river, at Mount Morris, New-
York, and several other bridges are now in progress.
The undersigned is about to fix his residence in
Rochester, Monroe country, New-York, where he
will promptly attend to orders in this line of business
land excepted.

Lower Sandusky, Ohio.

(Civil Engineer,) Ohio.
New-Philadelphia, Ohio.
Marietta, Ohio
Louisville, Kentucky.
St. Francisville, Lous'a.
Tonawanda, Penn.
Rochester, N. Y.

BOXES, AND OTHER RAILROAD to any practicable extent in the United States. May


Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac tory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders addressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.


WILLIAM V. MANY manufactures to order, IRON CASTINGS for Gearing Mills and Factories of every description.

ALSO-Steam Engines and Railroad Castings of every description.


The collection of Patterns for Machinery, is not equalled in the United States. RAILWAY 95 tons of 1 inch by inch. do


do 14 do

[blocks in formation]

General Agent of Col. S. H. Long.
Rochester, May 22d, 1836.

tion No. Fifteen, in the Township No. Thirty-nine, North of Range Fourteen, East of the Third principal Meridian adjoining the said Town of Chicago. The sale will commence on the said 20th day of June, and will be continued from day to day, until all the Property has been offered for sale or disposed of. This property is held by the State of Illinois for canal purposes, and is offered for sale in conformity to the provision of a Statute Law of the said State, authorizing such a sale. The terms of sale are one-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in advance at the time of sale, and the residue in three annual instalments, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, payable annually in advance."

Those who are unacquainted with the situation of the above mentioned Property, are informed that those Lots which are described as belonging to the original Town of Chicago, are situated in the best built and business part of the Town. Section Fifteen is a dry ridge, commencing near the harhor, and extending south, one mile, along the shore of Lake MichiganBy order ofthe Board of Commissioners of the Illi. nois and Michigan Canal. JOEL MANNING, Treasurer to said Board. 13-8t


Chicago, March 17th, 1836.





der the old title, but with extended dimensions, the In proposing to establish a SEMI-WEEKLY paper unsubscriber acknowledges the favors of the past, and solicits the continued patronage of a liberal public.The reasons that induced him about a year since to establish his weekly paper, operates with renewed and increasing force in favor of his present design. He shall endeavor, as it was originally intended, to make his paper American in all things; and by identifying itself with the interests and circumstances of Chicago-which from a recent wildnerness has adof the rich, extensive, and rapidly developing country vanced to a population of thirty-five hundred-and

of which it is the emporium, he hopes it may "grow with their growth, and strengthen with their strength." As a record of passing events, current literature, of the march of agriculture, commerce and manufactures, PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND and especially of the progress of internal improvements,


of which this State, by her recent passage of the act
for the construction of the "Illinois and Michigan
Canal," has commenced her great and auspicious sys-
The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps con- tem, it will aim, as ever, to be accurately and early
stantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought informed, and thus endeavor to consult alike the tastes
Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured and wants of the community with which it is identified.
by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after With party, as generally understood, it will have as
five years successful operation, and now almost uni- little to do as possible. Its politics will be the Consti-
versal use in the United States, (as well as England,tution-its party, the Country.
where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found
superior to any ever offered in market.

Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes
having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iron
rails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all
the Railroads now in progress in the United States are
fastened with Spikes made at the above named fac-
FLAT BARS in lengthstory-for which purpose they are found invaluable,
of 14 to 15 feet, counter as their adhesion is more than double any common
sunk holes, ends cut at spikes made by the hammer.
an angle of 45 degrees,
with splicing plates and

nails to suit.

250 do. of Edge Rails of 36 lbs. per yard, with the requisite chairs, keys, and pins.

Wrought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diameter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches diameter for Locomotive Wheels.

Axles of 21, 24, 27, 3, 34, 34, and 3 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars and Locomotives, of patent iron.

*All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y.,
will be punctually attended to.

Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.
Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I.

With this brief explanation of its future course, and his thanks for the more than expected encouragement he has already received, the subscriber again ventures to solicit the continued patronage and extended support of all who may feel an interest in the principles here set forth.

It will be enlarged and otherwise greatly improved, and printed on superior paper, and forwarded to dis tant subscribers by the earliest mails, enveloped in a strong wrapper.

TERMS. The AMERICAN will be published SEMIWEEKLY, at $4 per annum, if paid at the time of subscribing; $5 if paid at the expiration of six months, or $6 if payment is delayed to the end of the year.

Any person procuring five subscribers and recopy gratis, or a deduction of TEN PER CENT Persons at a distance remitting a $5 bill will receive the paper fifteen months.

Chicago, March 25, 1836.


& J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer-mitting the pay in advance, will be entitled to a sixth chants in Albany and Troy; J.I. Brower, 222 Water street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T. Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston. P. S.-Railroad Companies would do well to for- **All sums to the amount of $10 and upwards may ward their orders as early as practicable, as the sub-be sent through the Post Office, at my expense. The above will be sold free of duty, to State Gov-scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so ernments and Incorporated Governments, and the as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for drawback taken in part payment. his Spikes. A. & G. RALSTON, 1J23am II. BURDEN. 9 South Front street, Philadelphia. Models and samples of all the different kinds of Rails, Chairs, Pins, Wedges, Spikes, and Splicing Plates, in use both in this country and Great Britain, will be exhibited to those disposed to examine them. 4-d7 Imeowr

SMITH & VALENTINE, STEREOTYPE FOUNDERS, Are prepared to execute orders in their line, at 213 Grand street, New-York.


(100 North Moor street, N. Y.)
NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836.
THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprie-
tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all
kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines
of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in success-
ful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad,
none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds,
Wheels, Axles, and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice.

Subscriptions and Advertisements for the CHICAGO AMERICAN will be received at the Office of the Railroad Journal, 132 Nassau street by



Builder of a superior style of Passenger
Cars for Railroads.

No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleecker street,

RAILROAD COMPANIES would do well to examine these Cars; a specimen of which may be seen on that part of the New-York and Harlaem Railroad now in operation. J25th

[graphic][merged small][ocr errors]






[VOLUME V.-No. 22


now, they determined to try our metal, || therefore a matter of some importance to Notice to Railroad Contractors; To Contractors..337 have lent a helping hand to their favorite those who intend to procure them to give

Editorial Notices.....

Pambour on Locomotion, continued..

Hosking's Portable Punching Press.
Agriculture, &c



337 works. We hope this profitable rivalry
may long be continued in as good feeling as
.352 it has commenced.


[blocks in formation]

TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the Eastern Railroad Company, Boston, between the 23th and 30th inst., for the grading and masonry of said Road from East Boston to Newburyport, a distance of 334 miles.

The line of this road is along a favorable country, passing threugh Lynn, Salem, Beverly, and Ipswich, which places will afford contractors every facility for obtaining provisions, &c. Plans and Profiles will be

ready, and may be seen at the Office, after the 22d instant.

Satisfactory recommendations must accompany the proposals of those who are unknown to the Engineer. 22-130j JOHN M. FESSENDEN, Engineer.

their orders in time to have them manufactured, or imported.

Should it be desired, we will answer inquiries in relation to, or give orders for instruments either of American, or European manufacture.

We have received from our Paris correspondent a description, with views and plans, of the St. Germain Railroad.

We perceive that the "BROOME COUNTY COURIER," published at Binghampton, is for sale. The editor, J. R. Orton, Esq. "in consequence of impaired health, which it seems probable nothing short of a temporary change of climate will restore, offers for sale THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE As this is a work intended to excel in apBROOME COUNTY COURIER, and his Book-pearance (passing, as it does, the vicinity of STORE. His press, materials and business many splendid structures), and also in soare decidedly good-and to those acquainted with the location and prospects of Binghampton, and with the fact, that the Courier is the only democratic journal in the county of Broome, in which there is but one other newspaper of any description, nothing far. ther will be needed to illustrate the value of the location. He will also include in the sale, his new building, fitted up expressly for a general Printing and Book publishing Of. fice, Bookstore and Book-Bindery; or he will rent the building for a term of years.

If a sale is not effected within a short MARYLAND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT BILL. period, the subscriber would form a part-No legislative act, connected with Inter-nership in business." nal Improvement, out of our State, has given us so much pleasure as the passage of this bill. Our neighbors of the Monumental City have celebrated the event by various festivities. They have good reason to rejoice, inasmuch as the rapid completion of several of their most valuable public works is now ensured to them.

We consider Binghampton an important] point on the line of the New-York and Erie Railroad. It lies at the junction of two branches of the Susquehannah River; and it is also the termination of the Chenango Canal. Binghampton is certainly destined to become a place of considerable import


We cannot but think, however, that to the passage of the Erie Railroad Bill, the Ma- SCARCITY OF INSTRUMENTS.-It is now rylanders are indebted for their own success pretty generally understood by Engineers, They boasted of their great advantages over that there is a very great scarcity of InstruNew-York, and her public works-we, not ments for their use in market at this time. to lose what we have so long enjoyed, grant There is scarcely a first rate Leveling inincreased facilities to our companies, and strument to be had in New-York; it is

lidity of construction, we shall endeavor to give our readers a translation of such of them as may be interesting or useful.

We have received Williams' Annual Re

gister for 1836. This work, always valuable for the statistics collected by its enterprising publisher, appears this year much increased in size, and equally so in usefulness.

When it is recollected that the same

amount of information is not to be procured in any other form, due credit will be given to the perseverance of the proprietor, who has given it to us in such a convenient (and portable form.

We notice numerous articles of interest and value in addition to the usual contents.

Continued from page 328.


§ 5. Table of the Results obtained in those
Experiments on the Friction of Wag-


Bringing together the different experit ments described hereabove, we make outhe following table :

During all those experiments the weather those five waggons move separately, their was fair and calm. As we have said be-average resistance per ton is 11.65 lbs. The fore, no particular precautions had been other experiments present similar results. taken, nor had anything been altered in the By comparing large trains with those which usual state of the wagons or rails. The are composed only of a small number of circumstance of the trains passing over carriages, we constantly see the resistance nine switches at the foot of the inclined diminish, when the mass which is drawn, plane, must make the results appear a little although continuing to cut the air on the more than 8 lbs. per ton, if we take into ac The average resistance is therefore no greater than they would generally be on any same surface, comprises, however, a more count only the intermediate wagons of a other part of the road taken at random. considerable weight. train. Now, in all the cases we have to place only on the first carriage of the train. always preceded by the engine. The direct resistance of the air takes calculate, in respect to railways, the train is Now, the first six experiments made with therefore, upon that alone that the direct We have already marked in the first six a single wagon give us the resistance of a resistance of the air exerts its influence, experiments the influence of the resistance carriage when it advances the first. De- and that resistance being already taken into When five wag-ducting it therefore, in the other experi- account in what is called the friction or reons move together, their resistance to the ments, we shall discover the resistance of sistance of the engine, it is clear that all the motion is 9.17 lbs. per ton; and if each of the intermediate wagons of the trains; that wagons must be considered as intermediate

§ 6. Friction of the intermediate Wagons

of the Trains.

of the air in the results.

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is to say, the friction, independently of the direct resistance of the air.

The experiments III., IV., V., VIII., and IX., put together, give us the average friction of a loaded wagon at the head of the train equal to 11.77 lbs. per ton. Taking, therefore, experiment VII., for instance, the weight of the train was 25.58 t. Each ton had a resistance of 9.17 lbs. ; thus the total resistance was 234.5 lbs. Deducting the resistance of the first wagon at the rate of 5.12 t. x 11.77 lbs. 60.25 lbs., there remain for the four following wagons 174.25 lbs., which, divided by the weight of those four wagons, make 8.50 lbs. friction per


§7. Table of the Results of the foregoing Experiments on the Friction of the intermediate Wagons of the Trains.

If we make the same calculations for each of the other experiments, and if we add to them the similar results, already presented for the three experiments where the engines had remained attached to the trains, the following table will be made out :

[ocr errors]

7.78 Including the friction of the engine.

10911 12.10 88.75 22


Number of
the experi-



Description of

the trains.

[blocks in formation]

5 wagons





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