Lapas attēli
[blocks in formation]

Total expenpiture on the
B. & O. R. R.
To the graduation of the
Lateral Railroad to

Washington City.

To the masonry on do.
To the contingent expenses,
incurred on account of
the graduation and ma-
sonry, viz superintend-
ence, instruments, adver-
tising, &c. &c. &c.





such assistants as have aided me in the su

For the New-York Farmer.

QUESTION-Where you bound, stranger?
ANSWER-I am going to the Far West, sir.

14,531.10 adhered to, and has had, I am confident, a forget us amidst the numerous objects of 10,413.03 very beneficial influence upon the work. terest within which he will meet on his way, 1,365.80 The contractors so generally acquiesced in our readers will hear from him again. this regulation, and complied with this stipulation of their contract so faithfully, tha! I had, only in a single instance, to perform the unpleasant duty of dismissing one of them from the service for an infraction of it. I cannot, however, refrain from again $11,647.66 calling your attention to the fact, that liLancaster, Penn., Nov. 10, 1835. censes are so cheaply and so easily ob- Dear Sir, I feel inclined to scribble a littained in this State, where the sale of tle this evening, and if in your judgment, them appears to be only for the purposes any of your readers wil! take the trouble to of revenue, that grog shops became very read this letter, publish it; if not, burn it. numerous in the inmediate vicinity of the After leaving Philadelphia and arriving at the line, and were highly prejudicial to the laborers, to the contractors, and to the proSchuylkill, a distance of 4 miles, the railroad gress of the work; and my opinion re- is carried over a neat bridge, and the cars mains unchanged, that a legislative enact-drawn up an inclined plane by a stationary inent, preventing the vending of arden: engine, one hundred and eighty-four feet; spirits within a specified distance of pub-although few accidents have happened, trav. lic works, could not fail of producing good ellers seldom ride up, as, should the rope 19,475.93 effects, or rather of preventing much evil." break, certain death, and that of the most In conclusion, it is proper for me to pre-awful kind, would be the result. It is consent to your favorable notice the names of templated to carry the entrance into the city avoid the necessity of a plane, and which by some other direction, which will, 'tis said, will add exceedingly to the transportation; after ascending the plane locomotives are attached to the cars, and passengers and merchandise are hurled along with the usual rapidity that these "terrible criters" (as my Kentucky friend calls them,) travel. The road belongs to the State, and also the engines, for which a regular charge is made to proprietors of cars and merchandise. They have not as yet given much attention they are brought down in great numbers, to transporting animals, except hogs, and and with profit to the drovers, as they ac. complish but a few miles per day when driven, and loose considerable in weight— this road already reaches to Columbia on the Susquehannah, passing directly through the flourishing town of Lancaster. It has how ever reduced the price of lands in the vicinity of Philadelphia, and increased the price in the interior; a farm which 3 years since cost $130 per acre, 6 miles from Philadelphia, and which has been much improved, sold a few

perintendency of the heavy and arduous op109,183.43erations of the last two years. Mr. Robert 37,108.99 Wilson not only superintended the construction of the masonry during that period, but also from the commencement of the road. As before remarked, he drew he designs of many of the numerous structures which have been erected, and their permanency affords ample testimony of the attention he bestowed on their construction. They will remain lasting monuments of his ability and fidelity. Mr.

[blocks in formation]

10,335.44 $156,627.86

To repairs whilst under my superintendency,


Total expenditure on the Lateral R. R. to Washington,


Total expended on the grad-
uation, masonry, con-
struction, and repairs of
both roads,
Expended in the purchase
of sundry tools, lumber,
&c. &c. which was after-
wards delivered to other
officers of the Company,

Total expenditure in the


John D. Steele en ered the service about two years ago, as principal assistant superintendent of Graduation and Construction and to his talents, exertions, and unceasing industry, the work is mainly indebted, both for the fidelity of its execution and rapid completion. I have learned, with great pleasure, that the President and Directors have testified their approbation of his services, by appointing him to a trust of great responsibility. Messrs. John Miller, Paul 10,881.693 H. Borland, Thomas C. Atkinson, William Matthews, John Patterson, Hopewell Dorsey, George McLeod, J. C. Price, Oliver C. Morris, George Holzbecher, D. A. Watterston, Caleb B. Moore, Win. K. Coulter, Win. P. Elliott, and C. H. Matthews, rendered, at various times, and for periods of different durations, very valuable services, on the graduation and construction, as did also Mr. Christian Slemmer, in his office of Inspector of Lumber, and Wm. S. Wood

service of the Company, $2,491,638.13 An examination of the preceding state ment, will show that the contingent expenditures on the whole work, which has been executed under my direction, have not amounted to three per cent. on my oth

er disbursements.

side, as clerk.

days since at $94. Many anecdotes are related of some of the Dutch farmers that opposed the road. One was asked for his rea son, when he was at the same time told it would pass through his farm, and enhance the value very much. "Vy when dey brake one of dere rails dey will go and tak one from my fense." Another said chestnut timher was then scarce, but to build a road to Pittsburgh of rails it would take all that was in the country. But with all that is

It is very gratifying to me to be able to state that, although the operations of my department have been very extensive for It is with great regret, that I have to the last two years, no loss, to my know state, that Jonathan C. Price, a young man ledge, has occurred to any of the mechan. of most amiable deportment and of high ics or laborers employed on the different promise in his profession, died whilst in the works, except in a single instance, where a service of the Company, and not long af few laborers in the employment of a sub-ter he entered it, much lamented by those contractor, lost a small portion of their who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaint-tem of farming. Nature has done much for

[blocks in formation]

For the New-York Farmer.

By W. P.

The whole of this article is evidently the product of a person who knows nothing of the subject on which he has treated. It is an extraordinary portion of human imbecility, that man should be more confident in giving his opinion on subjects with which he is totally unacquainted, than on those he thoroughly understands.

earth, and the free use of whitewash on the one to do it: at or near the centre of the outbuildings and fences have a beautiful elapper of the lower box I bore a hole with contrast with the luxuriant clover fields.-a gimblet, about the size of a 12 penny nail, I regretted being hurled along so rapidly (this hole is to suffer the pump to lose the when there was so much to see, but after water in 5 or 6 minutes after each using,) I observe, Sir, in your last number, staying a day at this place, I shall pro- this done, I place the boxes in the pump as it is said, "A farmer in Williamsburgh, ceed more at my leisure. I will close this before; and by turning into it about two gal-Massachusetts, sold his crop of teazles for letter by giving you a description of one of lons of water* (all at once) the pump may one thousand dollars." The writer of the these Dutch farms, by a quotation from be fetched, as it is called, by a common well article goes on to say, "the farm is an or Washington Irving's description of one on known operation of working the handle hali dinary one; but this is a very extraordinathe North River, for when you see one a minute, with very short and quick strokes. ry case. It may be done in a century. One Dutch farm you see them all. "A great When a supply of water is obtained for swallow does not make a summer. The elm tree spread its branches over his resi-present purposes, an additional two or three demand is very limited, and they had bedence, and near which bubbled a spring of gallons must be saved and kept from freez-come scarce. A few acres of ground would, the softest and sweetest water passinging to fetch the pump with, whenever a fresh || under good cultivation, produce enough for through the milkhouse, and then stealing supply of water is again wanted. The hole all the manufactories in the country; and away through the grass to a neighboring through the clapper of the lower box, as the market would soon be glutted." brook, that bubbled away through the alders before observed, allowing the pump to lose and dwarf willows. Hard by the house the water in 5 or 6 minutes after each using, was a vast barn, that might have served leaves all that part of the pump above the for a church, every window and crevice of surface of the water in the well empty; which seemed bursting forth with the trea- consequently there will be no water left sure of the farm; the flail was busily re-above the box to freeze. sounding within from morning till night, The foregoing has been the practice with swallows and martins skimmed twittering my pump, and I derive great benefit from about the eaves, and rows of pigeons, some it. I last winter neglected the precaution The cardacus fullonus, or teazle plant, is with one eye turned up, as if watching the till too late, and had to buy water about an important bur to the woollen manufac weather, some with their heads under their five months in consequence. The little turer, nor is it an article of small consumpwings or buried in their bosoms, and others trouble here pointed out, has no propor. tion, to be raised on a few acres well cultiswelling and cooing and bowing about their tion to the inconvenience arising out of vated. The crop of last year was about dames, were enjoying the sunshine upon the pump's freezing up; incurring the ex-forty-two millions, thirty in the States east the roof. Sleek and unwieldly porkers were pense of having to buy wa er, or to send grunting in the repose and abundance of for it a great distance. The pump best their pens, from whence sallied forth now suited for winter use, and indeed for all do. and then troops of sucking pigs, as if tomestic purposes, is the common ship pump, snuff the air—a stately squadron of snowy geese were riding in an adjacent pond, convoying whole fleets of ducks—regiments of turkeys were gobbling through the farm yard, and Guinea fowls fretting about it like illtempered housewives with their peevish discontented cry. Before the barn door strutted the gallant cock, that pattern of a husband, warrior, and a fine gentleman, clapped his burnished wings, and crowing in the pride and gladness of his heart, sometimes tearing up the earth with his feet, and then generously calling his ever hungry family of wives and children to enjoy the rich morsel he has discovered." Yours, &c. B. P.

For the New-York Farmer.
Br W. R.

which admits of easily putting the water
in at the top, at each operation.

In the spring of the year, when there is
nothing further to fear from the frost, draw
the boxes again, and screw a short iron
screw into the hole of the lower box clap
per, which will cause the pump to keep
water, until the precaution against freezing
again becomes necessary on the approach
of winter. If the upper box should work
rather tight, the clapper of that may be per-
forated also.

Street pumps, however exposed, may also be made equally useful, without housing in, or stuffing around with straw, (which is more frequently inefficient than otherwise) by adopting the plan of having the nozzle or exit spout to consist of a stop-cock; and to have a stuffing box or air-tight valve fitted on the pump rod, above the stop-cock, which being put in motion to exhaust the air, will cause the water to rise up into the vacuum, and become subservient to the water boxes. The lower, and if necessary the upper box clappers, to be perforated as in the common out house or yard pump, as before recommended.

Mr. Minor: As many of your readers,
like myself, may have experienced much in-
convenience from the freezing up of their
pumps in winter, and incurred an addi-
tional expense in the purchase of water for
domestic purposes, I shall state for your
and their information the simple plan I have
hitherto adopted with my pump to prevent
its freezing: which, with a very little extra
trouble of twice drawing the hoxes yearly,
insurest he use of the pump, and conse- St. John's, New-Brunswick, Dec 14, 1835.
quently of the water, in the severest weather.

If you think these hints worth
your notice,
please insert them in the Mechanic's Maga-
zine, and you may perhaps hear again from

of New-York, and twelve in the middle and western States; and the land under cultiva. tion for this plant exceeded one thousand acres. The price this year is by no means extraordinary, for it has been as high four cropping seasons out of twelve. Once du ring that time, they have been three times as high, and last spring they sold at more than double the price of the late crop. The crop was short this year, but the market. has been fully supplied by importation. Twenty-two millions have been imported this year, and eight more are expected. The importations are principally from France and England, and the demand for this country has advanced the price in both those markets.

I will quote a few facts to prove that the teazle crop is not so very uncertain with regard to a remunerating price, as represent

ed by your correspondent.

A farmer at Rahway, New-Jersey, has sold his crop in New-York for many years. He plants less than two acres of ground. The last crop he sold for four hundred and six dollars; and, I believe, has never more than once obtained a less sum for the crop of a season than three hundred dollars.

A farmer in Dutchess county, off little more than five acres, sold his last crop for one thousand dollars; and being contracted for before any advance took place, he only obtained the average price. Another farmer, in Orange county, sold his crop this year for rising three thousand dollars, product of thirteen acres.

The teazle is a very uncertain crop, sub.

First, I take out the spear with the upper * Or as much as may be necessary to cover theject to be injured by spring frosts and thaws. box, then draw out the lower box, or get some spear box.

The average crops do not probably exceed

forty thousand, and a full crop will reach to
one hundred and twenty thousand. If it
requires seventeen hundred acres of land to
raise a supply for consumption by average
crops, it will be easy to account for the great
depression resulting from two or three suc-
cessive years of full crops.
W. P.

[We are obliged to W. P. for the above communication, and will thank him to furnish us with an account of the mode of cultivation.]


er purposes, which we saw at the shop of but one acre of ground, and is unable to
a friend last summer, and to which we al-purchase but one book on any earthly sub-
luded in the August number of the Mechan-ject, we would advise him to let this be
ics' Magazine, p. 57, but of which we the one, as he will find it of more value
then knew not the inventor. We consider than any other, or even than all others put
ed that a useful invention, and it has, as we together. It has been remarked by a writer
are informed, proved so,-and the one now on chemistry, and we believe by the au-
under consideration will, we trust, prove thor of the above book, The chemist has
equally so, both to the public and the in- the same advantage over the man who is
ignorant of that science, as the man who
can see has over a blind man. The blind
man may walk with a degree of safety in
a beaten and familiar track, and even with
a handsomer gate than the man who can
But if he gets ever so little out of
tion in it, he stumbles over every thing in
that track, or meets with any new interrup-
of the track, or how to get in again, or
his way, without knowing how he got out
how to remove the obstacle; while the
man who can see, is equally safe in a new
path, as in an old one.'

AND ARABLE LAND.- Fig. 2 represents the
end of one of the cylinders, showing in par-
ticular the manner in which the teeth, which

are attached to the frame behind, operates
in cleaning the teeth of the rollers.

This machine consists of two cylinders,
each 20 inches in diameter and 3 feet long,
formed of cast-iron staves, which are bolt-
ed to end pieces or heads, in the centre of
which are boxes similar to those of a cart
wheel, and revolves on an axle in the
same manner. The two cylinders are
placed on one axle, which is made of wood,
in a straight line, the two inner ends com-
ing nearly in contact with each other. A
wooden frame is then made, which encir.
cles the whole, and is framed to the axle at
each end.
To the centre of the frame in
front the tongue is placed, and made suffi-
ciently strong by means of braces.

In the surface of the cylinders a sufficient
number of holes are made, which receive the
teeth made of wrought or cast-iron, of
convenient length or size, so that by the




As we remarked above, if a man has but one acre of land, and can obtain one dollar and fifty cents to purchase one of those books, and can read and understand it, it will enable him to double the product of

that acre.

To those who are opposed to book farming, and who boast that they know how to plant and hoe their corn without consulting a book, we would only remark, that facts are stubborn things; and there is not a man REVOLVING PRESS HARROW.-We have of that description, who cannot, if he had an opportunity to examine the model of searches, find a man whose acre of corn, a new agricultural implement, invented by perhaps with the same as his labor of Mr. John C. Concklin, of Peekskill, West-revolving of the cylinders or rollers upon planting and hoeing, yields twice as many chester county, which he calls the "Reciently scarified or loosened to answer the re- pable of reflection, he will discover that sward or other land, it will become suffi- bushels as his; and seeing this, if he is cavolving Press Harrow." One great object quired purpose. The teeth are fastened into success in agriculture does not depend alof this implement appears to be to prepare the cylinders by means of keys or nuts up-together on skill in planting, hoeing, or for planting, or other cultivation, by loos. ening the soil of green sward recently turnon the inside, and may be removed by ta. sowing, but even in a much greater degree ed over, without the liability of disarrangking off one or more of the staves, when a upon the knowledge and practice of fertiling the turf, and of exposing the grass again roller only is wanting. izing his ground. He will consider that if to view, which attends the common harrow he planted an acre of barren sand, and his or drag. Its operation is, first, to press more neighbor planted an adjoining acre of a closely the furrow or sod, by acting as a deep rich soil, his neighbor would receive roller, while the teeth, in leaving the earth, an ample crop, while he would lose his laact as levers, lightening up the soil behind the roller without disturbing the sod-thus leaving the surface, and to some depth, light and ready for the seed. Another important use to which the in-are removed. ventor considers it applicable, is, to scarify and lighten up meadow, or grass land, which has become sward-bound, where it is desirable to continue to use the scythe instead of the plough.

It may also be used as, and answer every purpose of, a roller alone, by first removing the teeth, which may be readily done.

passes rollers,

On the under side of the frame that
directly behind the cylinders or
teeth are also placed, extending down-
wards, with the points coming nearly in
contact with the cylinders, and passing be-
tween the rows of teeth thereon, by means
of which all turf, stones, or other substance,
which might have a tendency to clog them,

bor. If he reflects a little farther on the subject, he will find out, that by proper management, his acre of sand may be brought to any degree of fertility, and that his neighbor's rich acre may, by a contrary

This harrow is constructed like the cast-course, be reduced to barrenness. If he is iron roller, except that it has teeth, and the cylinder is in two parts, which enables it to turn on its centre.

IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.-Just published, by Willard, Gray & Co., Boston, a work, entitled CHEMISTRY APPLIED TO THE ARTS. From the explanations of Mr. Concklin, By John Anthony Chaptal, Count of Chanand the appearance of the model, we are in-telaup, Peer of France, Member of the In. clined to think very favorably of the imple-stitute, &c. First American edition, transment, and would therefore call the attention lated from the second French edition. of our readers to the following drawing and description of it.

at a loss to know how this change is to be
effected, let him purchase Chaptal's Agri-
cultural Chemistry, and it will unfold the
whole mystery in plain and easy language,
which if he can read it, he cannot fail to
S. B.

The new steamboat Almendares, at Newport, of 380 tons, and 156 feet long, is a first rate vessel, and will start for Cuba in a few days. She is to ply between Havana and Matanzas.--[Gazette.]

The Spanish ship Veloz, formerly a steamboat between Havan and Matanzas, Capt. De Soto, is edy for sea at Newport. De Soto was one of the Gazette.]

To every person who is, or ever intends to be, an agriculturist, we would not only Mr. Concklin was the pantentee of a beau- recommend, but earnestly entreat, to pur-convicted pirates, but pardoned by the President,-tiful portable forge for silversmiths, and oth-chase a copy of the above work. If he has







[VOLUME V.-No. 3.


Editorial Notiers. &c....

Best width of Railroad Track..

On the most expeditions plin of transporting Coal
to this City; Internal Improveinents in I finois;
Letter from Mr. Haskins in relation to his com-
munication on a new plan of constructing Rail-

John E. Schermerhorn's Letter to the Alabama
Legislature, in relation to Railroads...
Enlargment of the Erie Canal, and comparative
view of a separate work...
Enlarging the Erie Canal....

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad-Document S. ac-
com anying Six.h Annual Report.....
Leiter f cm James Seymour, Division Engineer of
the N w-York and Eri Ra 1 oad, in respect to
the Curvature and Graduation on that and sun-
dry other Roads

Illinois Canal; Upion's Rotatory Lover Engine
Land Boiler..

Description of a successful Experiment, made
with the Heated Air Blast, at the Oxford fron
Furnace, New-Jersey..
Agriculture, &c.










of the Canal from its present vexatious em-hereafter plead in excuse for their act, their
brrassments, by an honorable settlement ignorance of my rights.
with Mr. Randel.
New-Castle, Del., January 30, 1836.
Editors in places interested in the
trade of this Canal, are respe trully request-
ed to insert the above notice in their respec.
tive papers.

From the New-Castle Gazette.
John Randel, jr.


The Chesapeake and
Delaware Canal Com-


TRUE SYMPATHY.-Should a corresponding feeling pervade every friend to our different periodicals, to the same extent, it will go very far towards replacing what they

have lost.

TO THE PEOPLE.-The Attachment Cau39 ses decided in the State of Delaware, in which I was plaintiff, and the Garnishees of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company were defendants, have been decided in my favor by the Supreme Court of the United States, by dismissing those cases for want of jurisdiction, with costs-thus J, Dec. 25, -85. leaving the decision in Delaware, that I DEAR SIR,-I cannot manifest any sympa have the right to attach the tolls of this Cor-thy with the citizens of New-York generalporation in the hands of the persoas having ly, and you particularly, for the immense the direction of vessels passing through the loss of property by the late conflagration Canal, final and conclusive. more convincingly, and perhaps not more satisfactorily to you, than by rewarding the industrious for their toils. At present, however, this appears to me one of the proper steps to be taken, and I accordingly forward you $5 for the fifth volume of the Railroad Journal.



Should any of our subscribers have a

After a law suit of more than ten years, in which every decision on the merits of my cause, whether in Delaware or Maryland, or in the Supreme Court of the United surplus copy of No. 6. vol. 4, 1835, of this States, has been in my favor,-after expendJournal, they will confer a favor by sending a large amount of money in legal controversy to vindicate my rights, and protect ing it to this office; six copies only of that my reputation againt this Company, I have number having been saved from the flames. at last reached the Court in the last resort; and having obtained the last decis on, of the last Court which can be applied to, I now give public notice of the fact; and I invoke The judgment of the public, against the fur. ther continuance of the means which have been adopted to ruin me.

We desire to express our thanks to the patrons and friends of the JOURNAL, and our other publications, for their very general expression of sympathy on account of the destruction of our property by the late conflagration; and also for the patience with which they have awaited their re-appearance after several weeks' delay.

It is our intention to issue them hereafter regularly, and as soon as we possibly can,

This Company now stands, by the judg. ment of the Courts, convicted of the charge of compelling captains of vessels to pay double toll,-the very charge which they endeavored to make against me, when they themselves were the extortioners!

I have, according to the decision of the

I hope the late disaster will not dishearten the citizens in the attempt to renew the charter of the New-York and Albany Railroad. If the charter should be obtained by the friends of the Road at the approaching session of the Legislature, by the time the stock could be put in market the loss would be measureably retrieved. The inhabitants along the route in this vicinity are ready to co-operate with the citizens in such measures as may be thought necessary to secure success to the enterprize. Yours sincerely, JA

We also hope, with the writer of the fore

on their proper day of publication. It will, Courts, a right to the tolls to pay my judg-going letter, that renewed efforts will be

[merged small][ocr errors]

ment, which, as it now amounts, with inter. est and costs unpaid, to more than two hun. made to accomplish this important work.dred and fifty thousand dollars, it will take It is unquestionably of immense importance me some years to collect; and I hereby fore-to this city-of which we should suppose no It is much to be regretted that the Canal warn all persons having the direction of ves. Company should try to throw obstacles insels passing through this Canal, that I will more conclusive evidence would be required than is now realized in the very high price enforce my claim, to the end, that such as the way of the liquidation of this claim pay tolls to the Company or their toll gath-of provisions and fuel, and the difficulty of They should, by all means, release the tradellerers, in violation of the charter, may never travelling between here and Albany.


To the Editor of the Railroad Journal:

upon each wheel, and upon the rails-the with the very great and important advancarriages are rendered more commodious tages to be derived from an increased wicth Sir-la a late number of the Railroad for passengers, and better adapted for the of track. We are, therefore, fully of the opinJournal, I observe a communication from are in all respects more safe, the capacity commending the greater width on the Newconveyance of various kinds of freight, and ion that Mr. Ranney has done well in rethe President of the New-Orleans and Nash-of the road for business is at the same time Orleans and Nashville Railroad, and as ville Railroad Company, in which it is increased, more space is allowed for form- that road must ultimately be continued stated that engineer H. J. Ranney, Esq., ofing the horse track, and the dust and broken north, and unite with the New-York and that road, proposes an increase in the width materials from the track, are less liable to Erie Road continued west, forming a great of the Railway track, viz. 5 feet, instead be thrown upon the rails. of 4 feet 8 inches, the width generally inland communication between the two leadadopted, and requesting the opinion of pro- now for the disadvantages. The above are the principal advantages;ing emporiums of the Uned fessional men on the propriety of the States, and traversing nearly the full exchange. It has long appeared to me thai in curvature between the inner and outer recommend to those interested in the latter 1st. By widening the track, the difference tent of the Mississippi Valley; we would our engineers were laboring under a mis-rails on the curved portion of the track is road, to adopt the same width, which in the take, in restricting the width of track upon increased, and as it is customary to make present incipient state of affairs, they can our Railroads to 4 ft. My reasons for this the wheels fast to the axles, the resistance do without a sacrifice. As it regards the belief, I will briefly state as follows: 1st. By increasing the width of track, passing the curves, will be increased. This too late to make the improvement, but we from the sliding of the wheels, &c., in route from Albany to Buffalo, it is perhaps the miximan speed for safe traveling is, undoubtedly, the most serious objection understand the subject has been presented may be increased. This is owing to the that can be urged. By increasing the width in its proper light to the Directors of the fact, that with wheels of a given size, the from 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet, the sliding breadth of base compared with the height will only be increased the one-sixth part.Auburn and Syracuse Railroad Company, or elevation of the centre of gravity of the The extent of the minimum radius of curby their engineer, E. F. Johnson, Esq., and load is increased—the carriage, when under vature in most roads, is about 400 feet.-tained in relation to it. The Auburn and that but one sentiment of approvai is enteran equal motion, possesses therefore greater The res stance on a curve of this radius Syracuse Road, being a link in the same stability, and will bear a greater speed for a level road of the usual width, has chain with the Mohawk and Hudson and without increasing the danger of "flying been found to be about 4 or 5 pounds for the Utica and Schenectady Roads, and as the 21. The diameter of the wheels may be upon a straight and level road. Assuming each ton weight, over and above what it is less width has beea unfortunately adopted enlarged, and the carriage possess equal that the increased resistance is in propor-cretion, we understand, the subject has been on those roads, Mr. Johnson, to whose disstability, and under the same rate of speed tion to the sliding of the wheels, which is eft, may feel it incumbent on him to conthe engine would make fe ver strokes. The probably as great an allowance, as the cir advantage of this is evident. In high mo- cumstances of the case will warrant; and tions, it would resuit in a saving of power. The movement of the piston being slower.quence of widening the track to 5 feet we find the resistance augmented in consethe expansive force of the steam would upon the same curve only 12 or 14 ounces, have greater effect. There would be less for each ton weight, and if estimated for friction, less wear and tear of the parts of the average curvature of the curved porthe engine, more steadiness of motion, and tons of different Railroads, will be found less frequent occasions for packing the pis-not to exceed one or two ounces for each ton plate, and repairing and tightening the ton weight, an amount too small to be put joints.

the track."

shed on the roads nentioned. We hope, form to the standard which has been estabhe decides. For on our part, we are of opinhowever, that he will deliberate fully before from Albany to Utica, should have but ion that the 95 miles of temporary railway an improvement being made on the 250 little influence in preventing so essential miles which remains to be constructed from the latter place to Buffalo, besides an equal in competition with the important advan-extent of lateral branches, which at no distant period will be constructed west of Utica.

3d. The narrowness of the tracks upon tages to be derived from the greater width. our Railroads, has been the cause of great 2d. Another objection is the increased inconvenience in the construction of en-length which must be given to the turnsgines, the space being, insufficient for the out. requisite size, and proper arrangement of portance, the addition to the length not exThis again is an item of minor imits parts. This is a consideration of great ceeding in each case more than 8 or 10 importance in a practical point of view, and is entitled to great weight.


this expense need not be increased for the
wider track of 54 feet more than the fortieth
or fiftieth part on the average; and as it
regards the superstructure, the additional
expense is simply the cost of adding 9
inches to the cross-ties, if there are any.
which, if they are of wood or iron, will not
much exceed $100 per mile, for a single

4th. By increasing the width of the forming the road-bed and the superstruc3d. By widening the track, the cost of track, the motion of the carriages will not ture will be somewhat increased. On a be as much affected by any slight depres-road-bed 26 feet wide, an ordinary width, sion or irregularity in the rails. This is likewise a consideration of importance, particularly in a country where, from the powerful action of the frost, it is so difficult to preserve a level and even surface to the road. The irregularities which may exist in the surface, will be less liable to be increased by the working and pitching motion of the engine and cars, and as the motion will be less unsteady, more uniform and 4th. The remaining objections are scarceregular, a favorable effect will be expe-ly deserving of notice-they are the extra cost rienced, in contributing somewhat to the of carriages, and the cost of 19 inches addiefficiency of the motive power.

5th. Adding to the width of the track, secures a more equal bearing of the load

tional width of ground. These, like the pre
ceding which I have noticed, can have bui
little weight, when placed in competition

Utica, Jan. 2, 1856.


for the preceding communication. It relates to a subject of vastly greater imporWe are truly obliged to "SMEATON" to have conversed with Mr. Ranney upon has been generally allowed. We recollect tance, as we are induced to believe, than it this subject, when he passed through the city last fall on his way to Europe; and were much pleased with the bold views which he expressed upon the subject.

opinion expressed by "Smeaton," that the Mr. Ranuey was, and we are, fully of the New-Orleans and Nashville and the NewYork and Erie Railroads are destined to form fore, a corresponding width of track should parts of one and the same road--and therebe adopted. It is a subject well worthy of the serious attention of this community; and especially of those who are interested as stockholders—we therefore respectfully ask and offer the columns of the Journal for its the attention of engineers to the subject, discussion.

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