Lapas attēli




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JAMES RIVER AND KANAWHA CANAL.-Wel ask the attention of our readers to the following advertisement of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company. There is a fine opportunity for some of our enterprising


SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1836.

Persons offering to contract, who are unknown to
the subscriber, or any of the Assistant Engineers, will
be expected to accompany their proposals by the usual
certificates of character and ability.

Chief Engineer of the James River
and Kanawha Company.
NOTE. The Dams, Guard-Locks, most of the
Bridges, and a number of Locks and Culverts, are
reserved for a future letting. Persons visiting the line
for the purpose of obtaining work, would do well to
call at the office of the Company in the city of Rich-
mond, where any information which they may desire
will be cheerfully communicated.

and Richmond, is healthy.
20-ta 18

C. E. Jr.

[VOLUME V.-No. 20

will accomplish it, and thereby secure beyond the reach of competition, the control of the trade of the vast west." That this work is feasible, and at a moderate expense in proportion to its importance, to the whole Union, as well as the Ship Canal around the Niagara Falls-no one can doubt, who has read the able report of engineer E. F. Johnson, (Assembly December, No. of 1835,) or has had the opportunity to inspect the maps, and scientific report of Capt. Wm. G. Williams of the U. S. Top. Corps in re

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The valley of James River, between Lynchburg |lation to the work around the Falls. Capt. W. very justly considers it a national work of the first importance, for the defence of our frontiers connecting two inland seas and the whole west, with the sea board. This work is now as much called for at the hands of the present Congress, by memorials and petitions, as the Erie Canal was when first projected, to open the trade with the interior of this State-then more of a wilderness, than are now the new States of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan.

We contiuue in this number, PAMBOUR ON LOCOMOTIVES ON RAILROADS. To Engineers it needs no recommendation-nor will our mechanical readers require much persuaCANAL.sion to induce them to read it.


PROPOSALS will be received at the Office of the James River and Kanawha Company, in the City of Richmond, from the 15th to the 23rd day of August, for the construction of all the Excavation, Embank ment and Walling not now under contract, together with nearly all the Culverts and the greater portion of the Locks between Lynchburg and Maidens' Adven


NEW-YORK AND ALBANY RAILROAD.-We publish at length in this number of the Journal, the original and the amendment to the original, charter of this important Railroad. We also give the Attica and Buffalo, called The work now advertised embraces the twenty the Pattern Bill, for the numerous charters miles between Columbia and the head of Maidens granted for Railroads by the late legislaAdventure Pond, the eight miles between Seven Island Falls and Scottsville, and about twenty isolated ture. We shall take an early opportuity sections, reserved at the former letting, between of referring particularly to this charter. Scottsville and Lynchburg.

The quantity of masonry offered is very greatconsisting of about two hundred Culverts of from three to thirty feet span; nine Aqueducts, thirty-five Locks a number of Wastes, with several farm and road Bridges.

General "plans and specifications of all the work, and special plans of the most important Culverts and Aqueducts, will be found at the offices of the several Principal Assistant Engineers on the line of the Canal The work will be prepared for examination by the 25th July; but mechanics, well recommended, desirous of immediate employment, can obtain contracts for the construction of a number of Culverts at private letting:


A glance at the map of the United States will dispell the idea that the enlargement of of the Erie Canal, to 7 feet by 70, with locks 18 feet by 110, even were it practicable, without interruption to the trade upon it,can secure and retain to our great commercial centre of the Union, the rapidly increasing trade beyond our own State, even with the assistance of the Southern and Northern line of Railroads.

The present barrier of the Niagara, can nications from the Hudson to the upper Williams, by 73 miles of canal, lockage 320 The importance of more ample commu- be overcome according to the report of Capt. Lakes, is daily claiming the attention of our feet, and at the cost of only $2,568,899. own citizens and adjacent States. The Bal-This estimate is predicated on the calculatimore American noticing the projected Ship tion, for a canal on the magnificent scale of Canal from Oswego, by Utica and the Mo- 110 feet surface-locks of stone 200 feet hawk to the Hudson says:

"If this splendid project is feasible, and it is said by eminent engineers to be so, the vigorous and enterprizing state of New-York

long by 50 feet wide. This size, will carry through a frigate in ballast, and the largest class of steamboats, that floats. In the unfortunate event of a war with England,

steam frigates would be the only means of offence and defence. France has 15 afloat, and 11 of 160 horse power building!! A consideration of the ntmost importance, when we view the increase of steamboats on these inland seas, and their successful use as packets on our sea board from Main to

New Orleans. The entire tonnage of the Lakes, may be transferred, at the close of navigation to the sea board, to cheapen the transportation of our sugar, cotton, &c. from the south, whilst 5 months loss of capital in the schooner and ship capital on the lakes will be saved, and a still more important considertion gained, our fresh water sailors will become able bodied seamen, not laid up in ordinary during the winter, and fearful as they now are to breast the storms of the lakes at the risk of life and loss of cargo to enter any port.

with the noble Ontario laying parallel || the engine, vary accordingly. But at pre-
to it.
sent they have nearly ceased to be used
on the railway; they scarcely ever under-
go any repairs, and none of them will fig-
ure in our experiments. We need there-
fore not enter into any particulars concern-

The State of New-York has a high duty to perform to this city, the West and the New-England States, who are our custom. ers, for ths of their breadstuff,—and give us in return their manufactures in cotton,

been constructed for the company, and of Among the thirty-two engines that have which thirty are still in their possession, there are

2 of 14 inches, (diameter of the cylinder.) 4 of 12 do. 16 of 11 2 of 11

do. with a sixteen inch stroke. do. with an eighteen inch stroke.

The eight others are of inferior proportions, and rank in the fifth class which we mentioned above.

produced from the slave labor of the South, it is by the immediate construction of the Ship Canal around the Falls of Niagara, and from Oswego by Utica to the Hudson, thereby to cheapen transporation so as to draw upon the fertile West for additional supplies of breadstuff and provisions. The experience of this and past years has taught us the lesson, that the progress of Agriculture in the United States is behind Manufactures and Commerce, that is, there are more engaged in the latter branches than They are all at the effective pressure of are supplied by the former, with all the ex- 50 pounds per square inch on the boiler. In proportion as we shall make use of The apathy with which many of our citi ertions of our own State, at high prices, zens have viewed this subject, has surprized and great profits to the farmer, yet so inad- the engines, we shall state more particume. The extract from the Baltimore paper equate have been our supplies the last win-larly their names, weight and power. at the head of this article shows the import-ter that we have actually had to resort to § 2. Of the expression of the power of Locoance of the Ship Canal, to the enterprizing Europe, for wheat, butter, rye, oats, potamotive Engines. citizens of that State, who are so nobly con- toes, &c.!! tending with us for a part of the rich dowery of the west. So far our State Legislature have done nothing to investigate this subject and we are indebted to the persevering labors of a few individuals for procuring the survey by the general government around the Falls, as also the map profile. Estimates for the Ship Canal, from Oswego to Utica, distance 92 miles, 57 natural waters-at a cost of $

The map, profiles and estimates of this work, with the able report of E. F. Johnson, Esq., Civil Engineer, now employed by the Erie Railroad Company, are placed in the Exchange for the inspection of the public. There is little doubt, but that a canal

8 feet by 90 in continuation, from Utica along the Mohawk to the Hudson,-say 100 miles, can be executed within the cost of four millions of dollars, and from Lake Erie to the city of New-York, within the sum of

The Erie Canal has now been open for

tionable duties.


It is by these dimensions that it is cusmore than a month, yet wheat and flour tomary to express the power of locomotive maintains prices that would pay a handsome steam-engines. We shall see in the course profit on their importation from Europe and of this work, that to render that expression Canada!! even with the present objection-complete, and really sufficient to show the effect of the engine, under all circumstanstances, two other elements ought still to be added to them, viz. the friction of the engine, and the evaporating power or extent of heating surface of the boiler. However, such as they are, they give a tolerably exact idea of the power of locomotive engines.





§ 1. Of the Dimensions of the parts from
which the power of the Engine is derived.

As to the mode used for stationary steamengines, which consists in expressing their power by the effect produced, and comparing it to the work a horse would perform, it is easy to conceive such a mode which is very deficient in all cases, as we shall see, is at all events not applicable to locomoSuch is the construction of the locomotive engines, for the following reasons:tive engines employed on the Railway be1. Because the power of a locomotive tween Liverpool and Manchester. We engine does not depend alone on the force eight millions of dollars. If these positions other engines but those. To give a com- the weight of the engine, which produces have made use for our experiments of no residing in the steam; it depends also on are correct, and their consideration and ex-plete idea of them, we have now only to a greater or less adhesion of the wheels to amination, under respectable scientific au- state the dimensions of some of the parts, the rails, and consequently the locomotion thority has often been courted, it appears to on which the power of the engine more es- of a more or less considerable load. the writer of this article the extreme of folly pecially depends, as will be seen further to attempt to enlarge the Erie Canal to a down. Ship Canal, 363 miles, at the certain expense of some 15 to 20 millions of dollars, if damages are added to the estimate of the State Engineer's, of cost 12 millions, when for half of either of these sums, we can have

The engines on the Liverpool Railway may be ranked in five different classes, as


2. Because the engine must move at different rates of speed. Now, besides the weight of the load, the engine must also move itself along by overcoming its own friction. That friction, entering therefore as an invariable quantity in the resistance, from which it must always be first of all Classes. of the of the Wheels. Weight. per sq. in. deducted, it limits, according to each vecylinder. piston.

Diameter Stroke

Effective pressure

inches. inches. ft. in.



16 4 6


12 12


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in the
8 to 9 50

another, and a better work, with only 150
miles of new canal, and this too without
interrupting the trade on the Erie Canal,
and its increasing tolls, which, at the pre-
sent very low rates, now give us one and a
half million of dollars per annum, gross in-
It is idle to talk of the rights of the
cities and villages, or the rent of the Erie used by the company at the opening of
In the fifth class come the first engines
Canal, to monopolize the entire carrying the railway; their cylinders are ten inch-
trade to and from the far west to this city, es in diameter, and under; the stroke of
and to confine it to the present channel; the piston, the wheels, and the weight of


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Railway. According to the remark we have made here above, and which will be confirmed in the course of this work, any expression of the power of a locomotive engine becomes imaginary, unless its evaporating power, or the extent of the heating surface of its boiler, be given at the same time.

§ 3. Dimensions of the Fire-box and Boiling the power; but what could be their la pound of water per second, at the effecer in twelve of the best Locomotive En-effect, if that power itself did not exist ? tive pressure in the boiler of 50 lbs. on gines of the Liverpool and Manchester To complete, therefore, the proportions the square inch. already given above, we shall add here a table of the dimensions of the fire-box and of surface exposed in each engine to the Comparing with each other the extent boiler in the different engines to which we action of the heat, a great distinction must shall have occasion to refer. At a future be made between the surfaces exposed to period, our experiments will enable us to the immediate and radiating action of the replace this complex expression by the fire, and those which only receive the heat simple expression of the evaporating pow-by communication, during the passage of er of those same engines. the hot air from the fire-place to the chimney. An experiment made by Mr. Robert Stephenson is mentioned in Wood's work, p. 403, from which it appears that the two effects stand to each other in a ratio of three to one. Circumstances did not allow us to repeat the experiment.


is, in fact, in the fire-box and boiler that re- The two most important columns of this sides the real source of the power of the table, are those which show the extent of engine. From thence results all the effect surface exposed to the radiant heat of the produced. The cylinder and other parts fire, and to the communicative heat of the are the means of transmitting and modify-l flame.

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S This engine is now being reconstructed.

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13.50 The tubes of this engine

are very thin.

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gine is at present being



or Area of of fuel con- Diameter
Area of Area of the
Number of ter of the or surface surface ex- the fire tained in
Diame- the fire-box tubes,

exposed to posed to the
radiating the

to the hgt.

of the low

est row of



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It will be seen hereafter, that with a form, the engines are able to evaporate

boiler of those dimensions and of such a about a cubic foot of water per minute, or

It was made with a boiler similar to those described above, but the upper part of which had been taken off, and the water exposed to the direct action of the fire, separated from that which receives only the communicative heat; the water was put into ebullition, and, after it had boiled for some time, the water that had been evaporated in each compartment was measured. It was then ascertained that each square foot of surface exposed to the heat of the radiating caloric, had evaporated three times as much water as the same extent of surface exposed to the hot air. This proportion may be considered as sufficiently established by the experiment, in so far at least as regards a boiling apparatus, similar to those described above.

§ 4. Of Locomotive Engines of a different


The description given above is applicable to the most powerful engines constructed until the present time. That form is exclusively adopted on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

On other lines, engines of different constructions are to be found. The Railroad from Stockton to Darlington being used for a different service, that is to say, for a more moderate speed, it may be proper to give here an idea of the engines used on that line.

The company possess twenty-three locomotive engines of different models, from the oldest to the most recent ones.

In some of them the fire passes through the boiler in a single tube, which serves as a fire-box, and communicates directly with the chimney. In some others the tube bends round in the boiler before it reaches the other end, and comes back to the chimney, which, in that case, is placed next to the door of the fire-box. In others, the tube or flue, when it reaches the end of the boiler, divides and returns towards the chimney, as two smaller tubes. In some, the fire being still placed in an internal flue, the flame returns to the chimney by means of about 100 small brass tubes, on a principle similar to that of the Liverpool engines. Lastly, three of them are constructed on the same model as those of Liverpool.

The company carries both passengers and goods. The first travel with a speed of twelve miles, and the second of eight miles an hour. Of the different forms of boilers, those only with a set of small tubes suit for carrying passengers; the others


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