Lapas attēli


From the London Mechanics' Magazine. SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE COMMONS ON ARTS AND



(Continued from page 185.). MINUTES OF EVIDENCE.

George Foggo, Esq., Historical Painter,


are cast in bronze.

as gold and silver, having what I should teen years in that capital, and studied in OF term a positive color, are less applicable to one of their best schools, and at the Royal the works of art than bronze, and still more Academy, for eight or nine years, I am departicularly marble. In bronze it is more cidedly of opinion that private schools, una work of casting. In fire works it is af der the most eminent masters, are greatly terwards wrought up with great nicesty by superior to any public establishments. The the chisseller; in the above case Mr. Pitts, private schools are the original system of the a very celebrated artist, was employed for instruction in France, as they were in Italy that purpose. With respect to the mode of during its greatness. These schools are I have been repeatedly employed to de- protecting inventions and designs in brorze, generally intended for the higher branches sign for the application of my art to bronze I think it, if it were worth the while of a man of art; but persons who do not evince talent and silver. That manufacture now in Eng- of talent to claim his protection, it would be of a high order, naturally fall into the emland is exceeding depressed; principally, I fast carried out, according to our habits, by ployment of manufacturers. There is one should suppose, in consequence of the special juries, but under the present system school in Paris for the instruction of artiwant of copyrigh, on which account the this is much too expensive. By special sans employed by manufacturers. Each French have very greatly surpassed us.-- jury, I mean a board of persons conversant department has also something like a school In England at the present moment the un with art, but subject, like our juries, to a of that kind; I am afraid it will be found certainty of recovering in cases of piracy, challenge. Something like a cour de prud' they produce very little of that which may and the great expense attending a lawsuit, hommes, or a board of competent arbitration, really be called talent. The national course make it almost impossible for any but men but doubt whether it would be right for them of instruction for artists in France is very of great capital to undertake such works at all to be artists. I also think that the pe- superior to the usual means in England; it all. When they are undertaken, as the riod of the duration of copyright should consists of private schools, which system sale is exceedingly limited, those articles are be in proportion to the talent displayed, and bears the most national character of any.almost universally converted into silver. In the importance of the object. Some cases Every man of talent, as an artist in France, France, in consequence of the cheaper law might not deserve three months protection, is supposed to owe much of his reputation and the greater facility of recovery, a much others would require 50 years. Some things to the pupils he produces; his object is to greater proportion of works of that nature deserve also to be better protected than produce men of superior abilities, but the So doubtful is the re- others, in consequence of the great facility school gets popular, and the system is so covery, and so great the expense attending of copying them. All works that can be well understood, that the number of students it, that where otherwise 50 guineas would cast in plaster particularly require protec- becomes very great, and from their superibe expended on a design, not more than 51. tion; for that which has cost the labor of ority they are, when interest does not interwould now be ventured by the silversmith. months or years, and vast expense, may be fere, appointed teachers in the Government As, for instance, in one case where the re-produced by the plagiarist in a few hours. schools, and give a general tone to the amount to be expended on a piece of plate Such circumstances prevent the application talent of the country as far as circumstances was 800%. I received 8 guineas for the de- of first-rate talent to any such productions. admit. The Government schools are very sign. In other cases, where the finished In a great measure the protection should inferior to the others in utility. The priwork would amount to 200 or 300 guineas, depend on the talent of the artist. I consi-vate establishments have the spirit of the the utmost the silversmith could spend upon der that it would be for the interest of the country in them much more than the Gothe design has been less than 57. If the copyright could enable the undertaker of public, for instance in a very beautiful work, vernment schools, for the Government that such a board or special jury should schools are founded on one system, and, such works to spread them to the amount of 20 or 30, he could then afford tbn times have the power of proposing, on the part of with one or two exceptions, all follow the more on the design, employing none but the public, to the artist, that his design same course; they do not fall into the wants the best artists, and rewarding them liberal- should be bought up; but I have a very of the times and the people so much as the ly. The main advantage of the copyright strong objection to the consideration of the private establishments. in France depends on the circumstance of interest of the public being paramount. they are in name national schools, but they the cheap law. I was lately in court in The circumstance of the Americans giving are the schools that give a national characcase where the sale of spurious works was to their citizens an exclusive privilege of ter to the French artists; which character most clearly proved. The expenses, I was copyright, takes away all energy and exer- is materially checked by the control of Goinformed amounted to 100/., and the award tion of those citizens. It has become scarce-vernment administration. In France, Gofor the sale of five different and distinctly worth while for an American to produce vernment interference in positive instruction prints was 151. From what I recollect of a work of talent, when the bookseller can is injurious. The encouragement given to such cases in Paris, I should say that the get them from abroad for the price of a art in France is principally from the liberalexpense would have been under 157., and single copy. The French are superior to ity of exhibitions, and most particularly of the award might have been 1007. It is, us in the accuracy of the execution of their the libraries and the museums. therefore, in France worth while (particu- work, but not equal in fancy and imagina-portunities of study in the libraries and mularly when we consider the certainty of re- tion; I have myself been employed to de-seums are far superior to any thing in this covery) for a man of talent to claim his sign for a work that has been sent over to country. I may mention, in proof thereof, protection; it would not be so in London. France to be executed, and the execution Bronze and silver are the same kind of was exceedingly correct. I should speak manufacture, I should say: in most in- rather in favor of their execution and knowstances, bronze is first cast for the sake of ledge than their taste; for works in metal the silver plate; that was the case with we still prefer that of the early period of the celebrated Achilles' shield, by Flax- Louis XIV. as more free and effective. I man. The original shield in bronze, most attribute the superiority of the French in elaborately and beautifully finished, could correctness of drawing to the various schools not have been sold for much less, if any of design established in every principal thing less, than the silver-gilt. But the town, but more particularly in Paris; there taste is so much in favor of the more costly schools are so various, that I do not think metal, that no one would give 3,000 guineas that any but a resident in Paris can fully for the bronze, when they could get the sil- understand the relative difference; they ver-gilt for 4,000 guineas, although the value consist of the Royal Academy and the of the silver be not above 2501.; and I Government school of drawing; of private should say decidedly the bronze was most schools under an eminent artist, and of subvaluable; and I apprehend the taste of the scription academies, with no other than public in that respect is deficient, inasmuch mutual instruction, Having resided seven


The op

that the works of Flaxman, of Mr. Hope, and the publications on Etruscan vases of Sir William Hamilton, were shut up in private collections in England, and produced little effect on the public taste; but being placed in the libraries in Paris and other towns, where not only artists, but the public, had free access, the knowledge and taste of Flaxman and Hope became there generally appreciated, instead of being, as in England, confined to a few. A fine example of their museums was that of the French monu ments, where, in appropriate halls, samples of French statuary of seven successive centuries, afforded an excellent opportunity of studying the taste and the history of the nation. That of mechanical machines is also of great utility, Museums, I apprehend,

must be the permanent and all-important ||and positive rules of art, such, for instance, pediment to the plagiarist, and consequentsources of taste. Public lectures on the as perspective, anatomy, proportion, and ly a protection to the original designer. In great principles of design and taste may be perhaps botany, and those things which con- the case of the japan manufacture, in conadvantageously added thereto; and from nect arts with manufactures, in which the sequence of the difficulty of the manual opethe necessity of the case, another country principles are undeniable, should, of course, ration itself, the thing is better protected, being so greatly in advance of us in those be taught. I think it almost as necessary and I ascribe it partly to the system of enbranches, schools for the instruction of mere for a people to possess a knowledge of couragement and competition established in outline, and still more of the rules of per- those points, as to know how to write; I the manufactures themselves; the works in spective, would produce very great and consider it a second way of reading all the japan are, however, conspicuously defective beneficial effect. I certainly do think that beauties and merits of nature. The defi- in perspective. I mention this to show, much advantage would be derived from in- ciencies, both in England and France, that of all the branches that ought to be struction in the proper simple rules, without which still exist, are, first, the deficiency of taught, that of perspective is one of the first, shackling the taste; but it appears to me correctness of perspective, even where cor- inasmuch as it is not readily to be obtained. that good taste is so essential to the inter-rectness of outline is otherwise generally Each manufacturer in the japan trade has ests of the community, that museums attained; perspective is often little under- his own designers and painters. Designing be provided at the national expense; but stood in other countries, but is particularly is not a trade by itself, by which persons practical skill being an advantage of a more neglected in England. Secondly, a very get their livelihood, that is, to furnish patindividual nature, ought rather to be paid for imperfect knowledge of the history of the terns to the manufacturers of designs in (moderately) by the individual. The gene- arts and of commerce, their effects on each paint, not at least in Birmingham; what ral taste is decidedly higher in France than other, and on the state of nations, and thence there may be in London I am not acquainted in England; but superior taste and imagina- false theories. The relative influence of with. In that particular line the designs tion more frequent in England. I account the taste of Paris and London is this: the are very superior, but there are inaccuracies for the distinction from this circumstance: taste of Paris spreads all over France al- from want of instruction. At some interI think the arrangements of Louis XIV. most like lightning, while that of London is val of time and distance I examined the and Colbert have placed such fetters on very much counteracted by the different French and English japan works repeatedimagination, that the utmost that instruction habits and influences of our commercially, but not lately; there are no French ones can do in France is to inculcate fixed prin- towns: for this very reason, museums ex- that can at all compare with ours. The ciples and precision of execution.


In the

fourth year of the republic, under the Con-actly similar might be established in France French shun the competition, though many

without any material injury; but museums individuals in France are anxious to introvention, schools of various kinds were insti- in England would be best under the direc- duce our japan articles in France at pretuted. Exhibitions and prizes were also tion of a general board, but modified by the sent. We have the advantage in both madecreed on a liberal scale, but they were management of men capable of applying terial and design; we are not equal in exeultimately counteracted by the re-establishthem to local purposes. If the town of cution to the Asiatics, but superior in dement of the Academy, similar to Louis Liverpool had a museum, it certainly would sign. Mechanics' Institutions would be so XIV., and the occasional injudicious inter- not, if left to the management of a local far more beneficial than any school of deference of the Emperor. There has been board, be similar to a museum in Birming- sign, that they would convey to pupils no alteration in the Academy of Arts from ham or Sheffield, and it would be right that knowledge in chemistry or mechanics or 1800 till the present moment, except the they should not be similar. A knowledge design, according to their natural genius. exclusion of foreigners from the prizes, and of mineralogy might be exceedingly useful They would do exceedingly well if you a few minor bye-laws. I conceive that the in one town, and perfectly useless in ano- could manage the election of the professors; fixed principles and correctness of execu- ther. Objects of general utility, of general but in that case a member of an Instituiton tion are all that can be properly conveyed taste, such as fine representations of the is more likely to be elected than one not a of instruction to an artist. They are all most beautiful pieces of sculpture, objects member; it is therefore local talent which that can be wished for when competition is of taste, such as vases and ornamental de- gets the influence, which is not so good as encouraged; and without free competition signs in general, might be exceedingly use- a person confirmed by the approbation of a art is stifled, therefore it is absolutely essen-ful in them all, but each would superadd general board. If the Institutions would tial. With regard to the departmental what was of local interest in proportion to agree to be subjected to the decision of a schools, if the appointments of professors its connexion with different countries, and board in London, that much good might be were popular they might do a deal of good; the manufactures on which it depended. effected. The advantage Mechanics' Inbut when I have seen an old man of 62 or A local administration should be under a stitutions would derive from the parent In63 appointed to one of those schools, not general control, or the control of a general stitution is, they would collect a variety of for the good of his pupils, but to save him board, in order to prevent local interests models, which they cannot now obtain.from starving, I cannot expect much good from holding too great an influence in the Therefore, in this country, where you have therefrom; when I have known, in the prin- elections, and contracted views in the ma- three or four branches of trade carried on, in cipal school for the mechanics of Paris, a nagement; for I am greatly mistaken if, Manchester, and in some places almost every man of the highest talent, M. Peyron, after under a well controlled representative sys- branch of trade, you would not confine it to 25 or 30 years' exertions in the under pro- tem, the arts are not capable of disseminat- a school of design only, but make it one fessorship, superseded in his claim to the higher professorship by a friend of the Mi-ing knowledge in fifty ways that have never branch of what would be a drawing class; yet been attempted, and I am also strongly those who have a taste for chemistry would nister, I find a total want of that principle impressed with the notion that they should be good preparers for the materials of printwhich free competition and proper elections tend to a general improvement of the morals ing, and so you would make it useful.would have carried out. The reason I of the people as well as of their intellect. Another way might also be easily accomthink superior taste and imagination more I have no doubt that, under a proper gene- plished, by placing museums under the diin England, is on account of the restriction ral board with local management, they rection of men capable of communicating in France, where, being under the Minister would be highly capable of both. Some of instruction. of the Interior, all follow one system and our manufactures far excel others in the routine. In England, competition is cre- merit of the designs, and this is usually in ated by commerce, which frequently brings proportion to the difficulty of copying them, as the injury of a deficient copyright is The wear of Rails of the Manchester and therein less felt. I should instance, parti- Liverpool line was stated to be 1-20th of an The flanges cularly, the japan manufacture, where the inch in depth per annum. designs are more exquisite than any thing rarely come in contact with the rails; one produced abroad, The excellence of a de-of the oldest wheels being taken off a carsign is partly to be attributed to the diffiriage, the marks of the turning tool was culty of copying, inasmuch as it is an im- found on the flunge,

a man from the humbler branches of manufacture to the highest stage of art, such as Martin, Muss, Bone, Bacon, and Banks. In fact, the French attempt to teach that which is probably not within the strict limits of teaching, and interfere a great deal too much. The positive, the undeniable, fixed,

(To be Continued.)




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I would suggest a system for agricultural banking, which may appear crude, but will probably lead some master mind, having more talent and leisure than myself, to im prove upon, and carry out to a more perfect system.

Before the introduction of paper currency, ||assistance, when as a class they have We have from time to time published it was a very rare occurrence for any man struck out no means by which they can par accounts of experiments in fattening pork to rise from a state of poverty to wealth take of similar privileges. Capital, and with apples, which has been done with suc- and influence; those who were poor had facilities for raising loans, are as essential cess and profit. The use of apples as food ever to remain in that condition, and were to them as to merchants, yet no system has during winter for stock, has been abun- considered by the wealthy as, their slavish been adopted for their benefit. dantly successful during the past winter. Several of our acquaintance have used Banks, when legitimately established, them for this purpose, and consider them a valuable acquisition to their stores of fod- may be considered as store-houses, wherein der. Mr. J. Bacon, of this town, informs those who have more money than they can us that he has fed them out daily to his use to advantage, deposit the surplus, to be sheep, and has seldom had a flock of sheep loaned to enterprising individuals, who can do better during a winter. Several other use it profitably. If banks were restricted I would previously warn our farmers, if farmers, who have had two or three hun- to specie issues, there would be no banks they value the existence of our democratidred bushels, have used them with their hay established; for the rent of buildings suffi-cal form of government, to put an end to with good effect. Here then is another ciently secure to keep safely the immense our present mode of banking by specific reason why farmers should not only pre- amount of specie to bank to any extent, in-charters; for so sure as this system is conserve their orchards, which they now have, cluding clerk-hire, transit of specie, &c. &c., tinued, so sure will our legislative bodies with care, but also set out more, and such would absorb all their profits. It is, there become so corrupt, as to be the disgrace of kinds as will keep well during the winter. An orchard may be considered as a fixture. fore, on their paper the profits are obtained, the age in which we live, and to the total When the trees once arrive to the bearing and the government ought never to inter-prostration of our admirable form of govage, they require but very little care to keep fere, excepting so far as to secure the pub-ernment. The less a government interthem in a thrifty condition. They may be lic against loss. feres with the circulating medium of a considered as a permanent crop, always It is an extraordinary fact, that no civil-country the better, as their interference planted out, and always ready for the sum-ized nation has ever attained its liberty per-ever produces much embarrassment in momanently, unless subject to a system of pa-netary matters. Banks should be permitper credit; and so closely does the paper system appear to be interwoven with this sacred cause, that it may safely be asserted no nation can long retain its liberty when paper credit is destroyed. Its operation, too, is so simple, that it appears to have been overlooked by our long-sighted party Self-interest is so general, and so powerpoliticians. A great number of individuals, ful a motive of action in man, that to exwhenever paper credit is established, are pect to have a pure legislative body, with constantly breaking through the line be- the means of corruption ever before them, tween poverty and wealth, who are gradu-is truly absurd. Let us then remove, as ally ascending the scale of society, and car- far as possible, all means of temptation; rying through nearly all stages their demo- and as granting monied charters is one of cratic feelings, at least until they arrive at the most fruitful sources of corruption, we the summit, when most of them become should begin by abolishing it. aristocratic. It is this class, who are constantly contending with the over-grown wealth and influence of old families, that have neutralized the aristocratical power in England, sustaining the principle of liberty, and enforcing a liberal construction of the laws. Let their paper credit be destroyed, and the nation deprived of the influence of that portion of the democracy who are rising from poverty to wealth, and those who are now wealthy would soon combine and tyrannize as much as before paper issues were established. A similar effect would ensue in any other country.


AGRICULTURAL BANKS.-The following communication of W. P., is worthy of attention-especially from the agricultural community. We are fully of the opinion, that the Banking System should be regulated by a general law which will allow every citizen to participate in its benefits.

Any individual, or number of individuals, who desire, should be permitted to receive money on deposit, and discount notes at such rates of interest as may be agreed on by the parties.

There should be an established rate of interest for all cases where the rate is not specially agreed upon, and also, for all institutions and companies having the privilege of issuing bills, or paper, to an amount exceeding their capital; and further, the private property of stockholders should be holden for the redemption of all issues.

The plan here recommended by W. P., is to us a novel one, and we should be pleased to have the opinion of others in relation

to it.

From the New-York Farmer.


It is unfortunately too evident, in every debate on this subject, that "preconceived opinions usurp the place of facts, and speculations as unsubstantial as the baseless fabric of a vision,' are substituted for correct observation."


ted to go into operation under general laws, not by specific charters. This no doubt would have been effected long since, if very many of those who have the power to grant charters were not corruptively interested in the grants made.

Let a general law be passed permitting property owners to establish banks predicated on real estate. The main provisions of such a law should be, that every property owner, who wishes to do so, should be per. mitted to deposit his deeds in the bank, and the bank have power to issue paper to the amonnt of the value of all the estates so deposited. Every property owner, after depositing his deeds, should have the privilege of discounting his own notes to an amount not exceeding a given portion of the value of his estate. The profits of the bank to be equally divided among the depositers of deeds. Provisions against fraudulent valuations, and many other regulations to keep in check the overweening selfishness of indviduals, will have to be made.

Our agriculturists are deeply interested in the monetary system, as much beyond any other class of citizens, as their annual surplus is larger. As banks are now established, they confer very little benefit the farmer; and so far as their interest is It must be obvious to our agricultural. The opinion of the mass of our citizens, concerned, they could do quite as well with-ists, that a great portion of those who buy that to grant monied charters is anti-demo-out them. It is truly surprising that the estates, have not sufficient funds remaincratical, has no doubt been given very hon-agricultural interest of America has been ing to cultivate them effectively, and many estly; but they appear not to be sufficiently so generally neglected by our State legisla. thousands are kept poor for want of pecuinformed on the subject to know, that when rures, and the United States government. niary assistance to put their lands in good a given number of charters have been grant- But it is still more singular, that our farm-condition. With such a system of banking ed, restriction becomes aristocratical, anders should coolly look on, and see every oth. they could improve their farms to any rea extension democratical, Her branch of industry seeking for monetary sonable extent, and repay the loans as the

account of the

produce in after years should remunerate||that which is planted late. Our own, and Annexed we give an the experience of many of the best farmers, Lemon tree, to which we alluded in our them for extra outlays. whom we have known, have satisfied us of last. the expediency of early planting.

Those who know any thing of farming, must be aware, that few farms will allow of taking up money at seven per cent., with the additional expense of mortgaging. This difficulty would be removed by such a system of banking, and as the profits would be divided among the depositers of deeds, the interest to be paid would be only the ex. pense of the management, which need never Their paper, too, exceed two per cent. would have good credit, it being known to be based on a value ever equal to the issues. W. P.

From the New-York Farmer.

To the Editor of the New York Farmer. OYESTER BAY, March 31st, 1836. The present season has been so backward, In compliance with your request, I give and so much time has been lost, that in many things the farmer must do as he can, you the particulars of my Lemon tree, as not as he will. The cold winter and back-accurately as my recollection will permit. ward spring of 1780, were followed by an abundant summer; and with this experience, there is as yet nothing at present, to forbid the hope that the coming season may H. C. be as fruitful.

This communication was received in time and should have appeared in the March number of the Farmer, but was by accident omitted. Although late, we give it now, by way of apology for delay.

Ploughing is the first great operation. Our worthy friend, "A PRACTICAL FAROn this subject, so familiar to farmers, no We have recently doubt they will disdain to be instructed. MER," will please accept our thanks for this letter and its contents. work We have to say first, then, let your received many such tokens of good will.A TEN DOLLAR note, accompanied by a valbe done as neatly and as evenly as possible. The appearance of this work well done, uable communication for the Farmer, from instead of the slovenly manner in which it each Its patrons, who appreciate its worth, is generally executed, besides the satisfac. would soon restore that department of our tion which it gives the farmer himself, ren-business to its condition before the confladers the after cultivation much more easy. As to the depth of ploughing, this must be From the New-York Farmer. in a great measure regulated by the depth ROME, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1836. of the soil. We believe no advantage is MR. MINOR-SIR-I enclose ten dollars gained, but much injury oftentimes occasioned, by turning up a cold gravelly sub-to pay arrearages, and in advance for the New-York Farmer. stratum and turning down a rich loam, out of the reach of sun and air. Our experi


As the season of the year will soon ar

The tree was planted by Daniel Youngs Jr., deceased, in or about the year 1812. The orange from which the seed was taken was sent from South America, by Thomas Flecet: the stock was inoculated with orange lemon in the year 1830. Since then about 30 of the lemons have came to perfection.→→ There are four ripe ones upon it at present, and about 20 green ones of various sizes, besides blossoms. The tree itself is about eight feet high, and the body about two inches in diameter. During the summer months standing in the open air, and in winter in a Yours, &c.

warm room.


From the New-York Farmer.

We have just closed a winter of most extraordinary severity. The mercury, in some very rate instances, may, in other winters, have sunk to a lower degree-indeed, the preceding winter, on the 4th January, 1835, where we had an opportunity of maheit stood, for an hour, at S2° below 0, while king observations, the mercury in Fahren. the last winter, 1836, the same thermometer, in the same situation, never descended

ence has satisfied us, likewise, that land rive for farmers to commence their opera- below 18° below zero; but when the con

fresh ploughed is much more favorable to vegetation than that which has been long turned up; and though the situation of the work may be such as not to allow of any postponement, it is desirable to sow and plant as soon after the ploughing as possi


The second great operation is manuring. Too much manure may be given, but the usual error, is that of giving too little. We are satisfied in this matter, that the nearer

manure is kept to the surface of the earth, so that it is covered or mixed with the earth, but barely to secure it from evaporation, so much the better for the crop.

tions on their farms, I should like to communicate to the public,some experiments which tinuance, as well as the severity of the cold, I have made on harrowing winter-wheat in is taken into view, no winter on record can the spring. And as I have never seen pub- be compared with the one through which we have just passed. The winter of the lished, any thing of the kind I will state my manner of operation. As soon as the year 1779-80, approaches nearest to it; then ground gets settled and dry on the surface, the snow continued, it is believed, even later so that a team will not tread it up, I com.than the present winter. The year 1673 was commence dragging my wheat with the drag likewise very remarkable for the intensity I usually use in draging in grain, (the of the cold. The winter just finished has square drag,) and let it lop half, and follow been remarkable for the abundance and unimmediately with a roller, to press the roots down if any are torn up. I always like to do it just before a storm, and if I want to seed my land with clover, I sow my seed previous to dragging, and have had it catch Planting, especially of Indian corn, ex- as well as when sown with spring grain. cepting in wet places, can hardly be done And I think dragging has the same effect too early; the earlier the better; and if the as hoeing does on corn, and have never ground were prepared for it, we would al-seen any injury. I have tried it several ways put it in the last week in April, or at farthest, the first of May. Though some some of it may perish in the earth, such a contingency should be as far as possible guarded against, by using an extra quantity of seed-in this matter we are not in general half liberal enough; and also, where early planting takes place, there is in general, in case of failure, the better opportunity of repairing the deficiency. The corn early planted, may, after coming up, be cut down by an early frost; but usually it will start again, and have greatly the advantage of

years and find it increases the growth both
of straw and head, and have seen one fourth
difference by good judges at harvesting.


P. S. I should like to receive some information on the culture of turnips-the best kinds and the way of cultivating them.

Yours Respectfully.

Will some one of our readers, who can give the desired information in relation to the culture of turnips, do us the favor to furnish us a statement for cultivation? PROP, N, Y, FAR.

interrupted continuance of the snow; in many parts of the country, on Connecticut River, for example, at Greenfield and Brattleboro', the sleighing was uninterrupted for four months and a half; and the amount of snow which fell, exceeded, by actual measurement, any remembered, during an exact record of abovet wenty years. The spell,however, is now (25th of April,) fairly broken; and if we have suffered from a Russian winter, there is every promise of a Russian spring. The ground has no where been deeply frozen, and the grass has been ready for some time to start, as soon as the covering should be taken off, and it could see daylight.

The grain, where we have seen it uncovered, looks healthy and well set. It has been generally supposed that, where the ground continued covered with snow, it has proved favorable for wheat, but not for rye. We do not profess to understand the philos

ophy of this; and experience, the only in-nary and perilous extreme, it has called out (to me unaccountable,) the Potatoe does not fallible teacher, seems this year in a fair human labor to such an extent, and that flourish in this country. The most favora way to correct this impression; neither the labor has itself so much increased and im-ble seasons, and our best soil will not prorye nor the wheat appearing to have suffered proved the value of the products of the duce more than two thirds of what is conat all from the season. earth, has brought so much more land into sidered a good crop at the East. cultivation, and rendered that, which has been long since subdued, so much more productive, that the actual wealth of the country, and, consequently, the means of sustaining public credit, have greatly extended, and are daily extending themselves in a most extraordinary manner. H. C. 25th April, 1836.


We are happy to lay before our readers the following letter from an intelligent correspondent on Western Agriculture.

From the New-York Farmer. CHILLICOTHE, Ohio, Jan. 27th, 1836. REV. H. COLMAN-DEAR SIR-Yours of 5th came in good season, but as there was no particular haste required, I have delayed answering until the present time.

The root crops, such as Mangel, Wurtzel Rutta Baga, or common Turnip is not raised for stock, although I think our soil and climate both favorable to them. The common turnip, for table use, sells from 25 cents to one dollar per bushel, in our market. The sweet-potatoe grows very well in this part of the country, yet I think they are inferior to those that I was accustomed to eat at the East. We have a very great assortment of apples, which are sold in town, in the fall of the year, at 50 cents per barrel, of the first quality. Fifteen years ago there was a great many good peaches in these parts, but they are now scarce; pears do not do well. The fire-l light seems to destroy all the trees as soon as they are of a size to bear. We have a great abundance of plums of different kinds.

The winter has been dreadfully severe with the cattle; many, in different places, having actually perished by starvation; and others coming out in a miserable condition. The prices which hay and grain have commanded, induced many farmers, early in the season, to sell, to their own serious injury; having,through the desire of accumulation, been led to stint their own flocks. The winter has been so much longer continued, and so much more severe, than any calculations or expectations made it, that this has proved a fatal error to many. High prices occasioned by severity, are no evidence of prosperity. It is only a specula. tion upon the necessities and sufferings of the community; and where farmers are obliged to buy of other farmers, who, perhaps, have been a little more provident or The high prices of produce this season, You ask if the water is good? Our wafortunate, it is only evidence of general dis- will have upon the Agricultural community, ter is pure, though hard. It is all more or tress, and not of prosperity; the community a good effect to stimulate them to greater less affected with the lime-stone gravel, certainly become no richer by this process; exertions, to realize more from their land through which it has to pass, in coming to and for all the animals that perish or suffer than they have hitherto dared to hope for. to the surface. Our springs are equally afthrough want, they are rendered the poorer. It has raised the price of land throughout fected with the wells. We have but little A strictly domestic trade, and a mere inter- the country, and with it the ambition of land of the fever and ague, although we are by change among each other, however high holders. Some of our farmers are so much no means clear of it; as our country grows the prices may be, adds nothing to the gen-elated with the prospect, that they confident- older, we have less. Our streams are eral stock of wealth. The basis of wealth ly expect to average one hundred and fifty more open-waste fields are opened for culrests entirely upon production, and the im- bushels of corn per acre; and one of our tivation, and stock to consume the vegetaproved value for sustenance, convenience or greatest feeders of stock told me a few days tion, which has made a great alteration withutility given to those products by skill and since, that he has a field of 20 acres that in a few years. We have more or less of labor. We do not mean to say, however, he should cultivate in corn; that he was the billious fever every season, but we conthat it is other than a time of general pros- confident that he would, if a good season,sider it a healthy country. For my own perity in the agricultural community. In average two hundred bushels per acre. He part, I never enjoyed better health in the all the great markets all the products of the intends to drill in the corn after the plan reearth command extravagant price. Beef, commended in the 'Cultivator' some months in New-York Cattle Market, from 10 to 12 since, (I have forgotten the page.) I was dollars per hundred. Pork, cheese, butter, yesterday informed that a feeder a few miles flour, Indian corn, rye, wheat, &c., bear below town, has sold his corn (in the shock) most extraordinary prices. Brooin-corn on the field, for thirty-six dollars per acre, brush, which for years was sold as low as to a Drover. The land on which it was 24 cents per lb., now commands 14 to 15 grown could, last spring, have been purand the wool market affords every promise chased for twenty dollars per acre. of remaining firm. The advantages, howThe average crop of wheat in this viciniever, in this case, are not all on one side. ty, take one season with another, is about If it is a good time to sell, it is rather a twenty bushels, yet there has been as high hard time to buy. All the articles of liv-as forty-five bushels to the acre in this vi I think some of taking a tour the coming ing, beyond what the farmer produces, and cinity. With the prices heretofore paid for spring through Indiana and the northern many of them have become the actual ne-work-hands, it has been considered that the part of Illinois. From what I can learn of cessaries of life, are dear in proportion; cost of cultivating an acre of whent, and put-that country, I have no doubt but that there

per acre.

ting in stack, was about five dollars per acre,
which at the present price of wheat, ($1,)
would yield the farmer about $15 nett profit
There is but little rye cultivated,
except for hogs, which are turned into the
field before it becomes hard, and they are
suffered to run upon it untill corn is hard
enough to feed to them. It is generally
sown early in the season, and is considered
the best pasture during the fall and winter
for cows and calves.

and labor never received a more ample re-
compense. Various causes of a fictitious
nature, have no doubt contributed to these
effects, the results of which ho human foie-
sight can calculate. We refer particularly,
as every one sees, to the immense extension
of bank capital, and the flooding of the
community with paper money, which, as
long as public confidence is secure, works
admirably; but which would work very
perversely, if that confidence should be
shaken. There is, however, one great con. Buck-wheat and Barley there is but little
solation; if a currency based wholly upon attention paid to raising, as they are not con
sredit, has extended itself to an extraordi-¦sidered profitable crops. Fromsome gause

Eastern States, than I have here for the last six years. As it respects stock cattle, there is very little difference between the common native stock here, and with you. We have to pay a higher price for improved cattle here than with you, but there is not suffi cient difference to justify the expense of a trip to the East, unless a person wanted a large number. Good sheep are very scarce, and consequently high, although our common sheep are to be purchased for from 75 cents, to $1 per head.

is great openings for Agriculturalists, for those too whose means are limited.

Any inquiries you may wish to make respecting this part of the country, I shall feel a pleasure in attending to, and any ser. vice that I can render you, I shall be happy in doing. Respectfully.

From the New-York Farmer,

Mr, Samuel Whitmarsh, of Northampton, who went out the last autumn with a view

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