Lapas attēli

disposition to resist or disobey; but on the eighty-seven days, or forty-one weeks, with contrary, to become even attached to their a bull calf; a cow calf comes one week

master. We need not ask how much more humane to the animal, or pleasant to the keeper this is, than where a different course is pursued

It will assist materially in the breaking of young cows, to accustom them to be frequently handled from the first year; and to enable them to acquire a familiarity with the voice and presence of man.


The best cow may be spoiled by not milking clean; too much attention, therefore, cannot be paid to this subject. The udder should be perfectly drained to the very last dripping; for besides the extreme injury ultimately caused to cows by leavnig a part of the milk, the last milk is always far the richest, according to the remark of an exA heifer should never be allowed to have a perienced Cheshire dairyman, "each succalf till the early part of summer, or if defer-ceeding drop the cow gives at a milking exred even until nearly the middle, it will be no celling the preceding one in richness." detriment. It will then be most vigorous, and there will then be a better supply of nutritious grass for food, which will cause a more perfect enlargement or swelling of the udder. The period of gestation in the cow, is, on an average, two hundred and

Sore or chapped teats, so common an evil, may be very effectually prevented by washing them perfectly clean with cold water always before milking. Very bad cases have been thus perfectly cured in a few days.

pushed by a man or boy, like a wheel-barrow, but it is much smaller and lighter.

From the Cultivator. ROBBINS' CORn planter. MR. BUEL-SIR-Having been applied to 4th. "Will it answer for planting corn in by letter, from various sources, for a des- hills of equal distances, in squares, over a cription of "Robbins' Corn Planter and large field?" Yes, it will plant corn in hills, Drill Barrow," and answers to the follow-dropping from three to four kernels at a ing questions solicited, I have concluded, time, two and an half feet apart; and, by a with your permission, to reply through the little experience and attention, being parmedium of the Cultivator, should you deem ticuluar on starting the rows, the hills may them of sufficient importance to occupy a be placed at right angles and at equal dissmall space in one of your columns.

Question 1st. " Is Robbins' machine complicated, and liable to get out of repair?" Answer. At first view, it would appear rather complicated; but on further inspection and a trial, the complication ceases, and it becomes very simple. 'There is, however, but one way of placing the band on the pulley, for that must be turned with the sun, i. e., the band should pass from the top of the nave or hub of the large wheel, to the left side of the pully or whir. Particular attention should be paid to this, as, by placing it the opposite way, the wire spring in the small circular box might be injured. The band is shortened or lengthened by twisting or untwisting. The speed may be accelerated or retarded by placing the band on the larger or smaller groove on the nave and whir. By increasing the motion of the droppers, the seed will drop faster, and, of course, nearer together.

2d. "What and how many kinds of seeds will it sow?" Ans. It has six droppers, with different sized holes, and will plant corn, beans, peas, broom-corn, beets, mangle wurtzel, turnips, teazles, onions, carrots, mulberry, and all kinds of round or oval seed not larger than corn or beans, with more system and correctness than can be done in the usual manner of planting with the hand and hoe. One man may easily put in five acres in a day, placing the seeds any given distance apart, from two or more inches, and in rows two and an half feet

apart one way, and the rows at such distances as may be deemed best. In drills, one or more seeds may be dropped, at eight inches asunder.

3d. "Is it drawn by a horse?" No-it is


5th. "Will it regulate and drop any required number of seeds?" Yes, by using larger or smaller sized droppers.

6th. "What is the price?" Fifteen dollars.

To plant one acre of ruta baga, the rows twenty seven inches apart, and the seeds in the drill one inch apart, only from four to six ounces of seed is required. 4

We have extracted the following notice of the manufacture of Beet Sugar, desiring to bring all the information on the subject before our readers.

We are under the impression that the white beet, or scarcity, contains more sugar and less coloring matter than the red beet, the betterave of France.

MANUFACTURE OF BEET-ROOT Sugar. -We are indebted to Mr. Isnard for the following interesting commuuication, accompanied with a number of documents, which we regret that we have not room to notice at the present time, any farther than to say that they fully confirm the statements

contained in the letter.

BOSTON, March 28, 1836.

To the Editor of the Daily Advertiser. SIR,-If you should judge the present communication worthy of attention, it is at your disposal. In order to satisfy yourself concerning the authenticity of my statements I sub join documents for your perusal, when at leisure.

The manufacture of Sugar of Beet has ceased to be an object of ridicule; the advantages that France draws from it are palpable and great, and the benefits which the manufacturers derive from it are now such

that the French Minister of the Treasury has proposed to lay a tax upon it. France owes this new branch of industry to that great man whom she will honor through all time; for, had it not been for his sagacity and powerful assistance, it would have shared the fate of many other improvements lying for ages, or dying in their infancy, cnce pronounced by ordinary men visionary projects.

The discovery that beet contains a perfect sugar remained for over sixty years without any useful application; many attempts, however, had been made to derive the benefit of it; but those having made these attempts, being rather men of science than men of business, having operated only In a letter from a gentleman who has had upon a small scale, with purely scientific one of these machines in use for several views, and having made no calculations, eiyears, I find the following observation, ther of expenditures or results, they had no which I have taken the liberty of transcrib-ground to proceed upon. I undertook to ing. solve that problem, and to that effect made, "The corn I planted with Robbins' ma- the first in France, an experiment on a chine, last season, on my farm, exceeded large scale, and by a sufficient reward inthat planted with the hoc, by the acre, at duced a chemist to assist me. least fifteen bushels, under circumstances equally favorable, as to soil and cultivation. The result of this experiment was transAnd I have conversed recently with a num-mitted to Napoleon on the 19th March, ber of gentlemen who have used the ma- 1811, and by his order rendered public; chine, and tried some experiments, and find and though the birth of his son took place that the result has been in favor of the ma- on the 21st of this same month, on the 25th chine in all cases, they think, not less than following appeared the decree, a copy ten bushels." which is among the subjoined documents. By this decree, as you will perceive, he created six experimental factories for the


Such is the description and character of "Robbins' Corn Planter and Drill Barrow," and I know of nothing wanting to make it perfect, except a roller, which I consider of manufacturing of sugar; he appointed me very essential service to cover and press the director of one of them, which factothe earth on to the seed, which causes a ry he gave to me in property, as a remore rapid vegetation. The roller may be ward for my labor, and for having (perattached by an additional expense of $2. fectionne) improved the process for obtaining the sugar of beet. Such was my zeal, that my factory in the fall of 1813 was prepared, and all the beet raised by me, or contracted for, so as to produce 1500 lbs. a day of brown sugar, and the

The above machines may be obtained at the seed store of WM. THORBURN, No. 347 North Market-street, and of the subscriber, No. 80 State-street, Albany.

Albany, March, 1836.|


same refined.

quently a more nourishing food for his cat-
tle, perfectly fitted for fattening them, pro-
ducing wonders in that respect, which could
not be expected from beets in their natural

The first entry of the allies into France caused the total ruin of my establishment. Up to 1816 political events were unfavorable for sugar making, but from that year this manufacture was resumed, and has since never ceased to The following is a statement of the reincrease and improve; it is now compu- ceipt and expenditure of a sugar establish ted that over 300 such manufactories ex-ment, as reported to the Society for the En ist, producing together yearly about from couragement of Manufactures in France 18 to 20 millions of pounds of brown su- The whole work was performed in 91 days. Purchase of 500 tons of beet, delivered at $3 20, $1600 00


Now, sir, since the making of sugar of beet begins to attract the attention of some agriculturists of the country, I deem it of interest for them, and to gratify the curiosity of others, here to state what were the calculations made in Franee in 1832, (the latest date of my information,) and add a few observations respecting the benefits one may derive by the nere culture of beets in this country. It is generally admitted, viz :

That one ton, (2000 lbs.) of beet delivered
at the factory, costs
That the expenses to work one ton of
beet for obtaining its sugar, amount




That 2000 lbs. beets will yield 100 lbs.
brown sugar, costing
Thus one pound of brown sugar, good|
quality, costs 7 cents.

By a comparison of the expenses of culture in various parts of France, and on various soils and situations, the average exexpenses of cultivating there the extent of an American acre of land, are as follows:Rent and taxes, $5 00; ploughing and harrowing, $2 88: manure, $1 93; sowing, 50 cents; weeding and hoeing, $2 40; gathering, $1 60; carting, $2 56; farmer's profit, $4. Making a total of $21 47.I The produce varies according to the quality of the soil, the quantity of manure used, and the care bestowed on the culture —as we have taken the average of the expenses, so we must take the average of the produce, which is of 7 tons. Some lands yield as much as 15 tons.

The four dollars profit the French farmer derives from this culture, on every acre, is far from being the only one; the others


1st. The good state in which the field is left after gathering the beets-no further manure being wanted for the succeeding crop, which crop experience has proved to be always more abundant and of a better quality when succeeding the culture of beets, owing to the destruction of the noxicus weeds removed by weeding the beets when young, and prevented from growing, by the thick foliage of the beet when strong.

1638 days work of men, at 20s.,
455 do. of women, at 12s., 364
do. of children, at 5s.,
Forextra working during the night,
40 cubic feet wood for fuel daily,
(28 cords 3-100 at $16 7-100
per cord,)
Sundry materials for manufactur-
ing purposes,
Food for 18 oxen used in the mill,
Interest on $3000 at 15 per cent.
for wear and tear,
Rent for buildings,


400 40
109 20

473 20
813 60
163 60

450 00
120 00

4130 00

Deduct for molasses sold for $320
125 tons pumice at $3 20, 400
Value of some materials left, &
.30 750

Produce of 50,000 lbs. brown

Sale of 36,000 lbs. 1st quali-
sugar at 6 7-10 cents,
ty, at 15 cents,
Sale of 14,000 2nd quality,
at 10 cents,




If the editor of the Genesee Farmer will permit me to occupy a small space in his valuable journal, I will take the liberty to communicate one or two modes to make corn bread. They may be interesting to some of its fair readers, and peradventure assist them to give more variety to the cheer of the domestic board.


This is made by taking a quart of corn flour, and mixing intimately with it a table spoonful of lard. Then take two full quarts of snow and stir it well in the flonr with a spoon; pack it close in the pan or oven in which it is to be baked, and submit it to a quick fire. If managed successfully, it will be found to be a far better article of its kind, than the famous snow soap, which attracted so much of the attention of our good housewives some years ago. It is exceedingly light and spongy, and will require nearly three quarters of an hour to bake.


Take a quart of meal, a spoonful of lard, and two spoonfuls of yeast; mix with warm water until the dough is quite soft. Set it in a warm place at night to $3380 00 rise, and bake it in a pan or in cakes in an oven for breakfast. Both this and the snow bread bake very well in a stove.

1400 6800

$3420 00

Should this notice be favorably received,
have at your disposal a few particulars
respecting the cultivation of beets.
I am respectfully, sir,

your most obd't. serv't.,
French Vice Consul for Boston.


ing hints on grafting of any practical utility,
J. BUEL, Esq.-If you deem the follow-
they are at your service, the whole, or any
part of them.

[blocks in formation]

NO CANAL CONTRACTORS.--Sealed proposals

To will be received at the Office of the Commissioners
of the Illinois & Michigan Canal, from the 25th of May to
of commencement on Chicago River, tothe Des Plaine Raid
the 6th of June next, for the construction of eight miles of

the summit division of said Canal, extending from the point
er; and also of six or eight miles of the lower end of
Swamp down the valley of the Des Plaines.
division, extending from the mouth of the Saganaskee

The method which I have practised, with excellent success, for eight years past, is as follows. I cut my cions as late in April as they can be, before the buds begin to swell earth, in a damp cellar. When the season and keep them with the but ends in the commences for setting, which is as soon as the leaves begin to start, I set my grafts. I use a composition of two parts rosin, one of beeswax, and one of tallow, melted in a small kettle, and applied hot, with a small brush, which any one can make in fivery information to those wishing to obtain contracts on this branch cut off, so as to cover the split, and minutes, nicely painting over the end of the

The work consists principally of deep excavation, a considerable portion of which is rock, and is well worthy the attention of contractors.

Plans, profiles and specifications, giving all the necessa line, may be examined at the Office of the Canal Commis

respectfully solicited to make a minute personal examina
sioners, after the 25th of May next; and contractors are
tion of the work previous to sending in proposals.
By order of the Board of Commissioners of the Illinois
Secretary to said Board.
N. B.-Any person wishing to procure copies of the above
Office.-Chicago, April 19, 1836.

Canal. Attest:

2d. The facility afforded the cultivator to apply to the culture of beet lands, which he formerly let lie fallow, and consequently; without any additional expenses of rent and prevent the air or wet from getting in. By taxes, deriving as good a revenue from this this method, one can set much faster than land as from any other producing the most. in the usual way of applying the compo3d. The advantages the cultivator de-sition cold-it requires less of it, and ofon letter sheets, can obtain them by applying at the Canal rives by the purchase from the manufacturer apples or pears, not more than from five to of the pumice of beet at a price not higher I have not had much experience, but from ten per cent. need be lost. On other fruits than beets, when experience has proved what I have, believe it will succeed equally this pumice is worth for him fifty per cent. well. Respectfully, more; for in fact it is after all but beet deLEVI HOPKINS. prived of two thirds of water, and conse

[blocks in formation]



From New-Haven to Meriden, eighteen miles of this Railroad is now located, and is expected to be ready for contract about the 25th of May. The attention of contractors is invited to this work. A more definite advertisement of the time when proposals are to be received, will hereafter appear.

JAMES BREWSTER, Agent. New-Haven, April 27, 1836. m16-31 [Editors to whom this is MARKED, are repuested to give it three insertions, and send their bills to James Brewster, President Railroad Company, PATENT RAILROAD, SHIP AND BOAT SPIKES.

The Troy Iron and Nail Factory keeps constantly for sale a very extensive assortment of Wrought Spikes and Nails, from 3 to 10 inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after five years successful operation, and now almost universal use in the United States, (as well as England, where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found superior to any ever offered in market.


NOTICE is hereby given, that on the 20th day of

June next, at the Town of Chicago, in the State of
Illinois, the following described Property will be sold
at Public Auction, to wit:

All the unsold Town Lots in the original Town of
Chicago; and also the Town Lots on fractional Sec-
tion No. Fifteen, in the Township No. Thirty-nine,
North of Range Fourteen, East of the Third principal
Meridian adjoining the said Town of Chicago. The
sale will commence on the said 20th day of June, and
will be continued from day to day, until all the Prop-
erty has been offered for sale or disposed of. This
property is held by the State of Illinois for canal pur-
poses, and is offered for sale in conformity to the pro-
vision of a Statute Law of the said State, authorizing
such a sale. The terms of sale are one-fourth of the
purchase money to be paid in advance at the time of
sale, and the residue in three annual instalments,
bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, pay-
able annually in advance.

Those who are unacquainted with the situation of the above mentioned Property, are informed that those Lots which are described as belonging to the original Town of Chicago, are situated in the best built and business part of the Town. Section Fifteen is a Railroad Companies may be supplied with Spikes dry ridge, commencing near the harhor, and extendhaving countersink heads suitable to the holes in ironing south, one mile, along the shore of Lake Michiganrails, to any amount and on short notice. Almost all the Railroads now in progress in the United States are fastened with Spikes made at the above named factory-for which purpose they are found invaluable, as their adhesion is more than double any common spikes made by the hammer.

*All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be punctually attended to.

HENRY BURDEN, Agent. Troy, N. Y., July, 1831.

Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I. & J. Townsend, Albany, and the principal Iron Merchants in Albany and Troy; J. I. Brower, 222 Water street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Philadelphia; T. Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand & Smith, Boston. P. S.-Railroad Companies would de well to forward their orders as early as practicable, as the subscriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for his Spikes. 1J23am



Also, AXLES furnished and fitted to wheels complete at the Jefferson Cotton and Wool Machine Fac. tory and Foundry, Paterson, N. J. All orders addressed to the subscribers at Paterson, or 60 Wall street, New-York, will be promptly attended to. Also, CAR SPRINGS.

Also, Flange Tires, turned complete.

J8 ROGERS, KETCHUM & GROSVENOR. NEW-YORK AND ERIE RAILROAD. TO CONTRACTORS.-Proposals will be received at the Engineer's Office of the New-York and

By order of the Board of Commissioners of the Illi.
nois and Michigan Canal.
Treasurer to said Board.


Chicago, March 17th, 1836.





[blocks in formation]

do cast steel Shovels & Spades Gold-mining Shovels

do plated Spades

do socket Shovels and Spades.

Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Crow
Bars (steel pointed,) mannfactured from Salisbury re-
fined iron-for sale by the manufacturing agents,

No. 2 Liberty street, New-York.
No. 8 State street, Albany,
N. B.-Also furnished to order, Shapes of every de-

(100 North Moor street, N. Y.)

der the old title, but with extended dimensions, the
In proposing to establish a SEMI-WEEKLY paper un-
subscriber acknowledges the favors of the past, and
solicits the continued patronage of a liberal public.
The reasons that induced him about a year since to
establish his weekly paper, operates with renewed
and increasing force in favor of his present design.scription, made from Salisbury refined Iron. 4-ytf
He shall endeavor, as it was originally intended, to
make his paper American in all things; and by iden-
tifying itself with the interests and circumstances of
Chicago-which from a recent wildnerness has ad-
vanced to a population of thirty-five hundred-and
of the rich, extensive, and rapidly developing country
of which it is the emporium, he hopes it may "grow
with their growth, and strengthen with their strength."
As a record of passing events, current literature, of
the march of agriculture, commerce and manufactures,
and especially of the progress of internal improvements,
of which this State, by her recent passage of the act
for the construction of the "Illinois and Michigan
Canal," has commenced her great and auspicious sys-
tem, it will aim, as ever, to be accurately and early
informed, and thus endeavor to consult alike the tastes
and wants of the community with which it is identified.
With party, as generally understood, it will have as
little to do as possible. Its politics will be the Consti-
tution-its party, the Country.

NEW-YORK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprie. tors of Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds of Machinery for Railroads, Locomotive Engines of any size, Car Wheels, such as are now in successful operation on the Camden and Amboy Railroad, none of which have failed-Castings of all kinds, Wheels, Axles; and Boxes, furnished at shortest notice, 4-ytf

H. R. DUNHAM & CO. RAILWAY IRON. 95 tons of 1 inch by inch. do 14 do 4 do do 1 do # do i do do 24 do # do soon expected.




do 2


FLAT BARS in lengths of 14 to 15 feet, counter sunk holes, ends cut at an angle of 45 degrees, with splicing plates and nails to suit. 250 do. of Edge Rails of 36 lbs. per yard, with the

With this brief explanation of its future course, and 800 Erie Railroad Company, in the village of Binghamp-his thanks for the more than expected encouragement ton, on and until the 30th day of June next, for grading 69 miles of the Railroad, from the village of Owe- he has already received, the subscriber again ventures go, in Tioga County, to the village of Deposit in Delato solicit the continued patronage and extended sup-requisite chairs, keys, and pins. port of all who may feel an interest in the principles ware County. here set forth.

Proposals will also be received at the Engineer's Office, in Monticello, on and until the 11th day of July next, for grading 48 miles of the Railroad through the county of Sullivan, extending from the Delaware and Hudson Canal up the valley of the Neversink, and thence to the mouth of the Callikoon Creek, on the Delaware River.

Plans and profiles of the line above mentioned, staked out in convenient sections, wi.h printed forms of the contracts, will be ready for exhibition at the said offices twenty days before the days of letting above specified.

The Company reserve the privilege of accepting only such proposals as they may deem for their advantage. New-York, 26th April, 1836. 15-tf

JAMES KING, President.

[blocks in formation]

It will be enlarged and otherwise greatly improved, and printed on superior paper, and forwarded to dis fant subscribers by the earliest mails, enveloped in a strong wrapper.

Wrought Iron Rims of 30, 33, and 36 inches diam. eter for Wheels of Railway Cars, and of 60 inches diameter for Locomotive Wheels.

Axles of 24, 24, 27, 3, 34, 34, and 34 inches in diameter, for Railway Cars and Locomotives, of patent


TERMS. The AMERICAN will be published SEMI- The above will be sold free of duty, to State Gov-
WEEKLY, at $4 per annum, if paid at the time of sub-ernments and Incorporated Governments, and the
drawback taken in part payment.
scribing; $5 if paid at the expiration of six months, or
$6 if payment is delayed to the end of the year.

Any person procuring five subscribers and re-
mitting the pay in advance, will be entitled to a sixth
copy gratis, or a deduction of TEN PER CENT.
Persons at a distance remitting a $5 bill will receive
paper fifteen months.
**All sums to the amount of $10 and upwards may
be sent through the Post Office, at my expense.

[blocks in formation]
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SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1836.

[VOLUME V.-No. 18.


..... 273


Editoral Notices; Pambour on Locomotive En-
gines, on Railways......
To the President, Directors and Company of the
Auburn and Syracuse Railroad........
Opening of Buffalo Harbor and Erie Canal..... 275
Railway Tunnels; Scrivner's Wrought-Iron
Railway Chairs; Adhesion on Railways; New
Railway Locomotive........


Centrifugal Force of Revolving Bodies; Lowell,
Massachusetts, No. II........


Fundamental Principles of the Prussian School
System; Depth of Mines.......


Select Committee of the House of Commous on
Arts aud Manufactures....


Apples for Stock; Agriculture, etc..


and utility of Locomotive Engines on Rail-engine, which may exercise more or less. roads.

The work contains about 360 pages, small octavo, with four plates, exhibiting a Locomotive Engine complete, and also in detail, or each part separate.

influence on the expected effect; and we shall then also treat of some external circumstances, the result of which may be of the same nature.

"Lastly, we shall speak of the fulcrum. The cost of the English edition is $4, of the motion, or of the force of adhesion of which will prevent its coming into general the wheel to the rails; and our last chapuse in this country, and we are therefore in-ter will contain a calculation of the quanduced to re-publish the book, in a formtity of fuel required for the traction of given which will bring it before the Railroad com-loads. munity at a much less cost.

The following extract gives a good ilea 282 of the work:



NEW-YORK, MAY 7, 1836.


We have in press, and will shortly republish from the London edition, a valuable work on Locomotive Engines, by the CHEV. F. M. G. DE PAMBOUR, formerly a student of the Ecole Polytechnique, late of the Royal Artillery, on the staff in the French Service, Knight of the Royal Order of the Legion d'Honneur, etc., during a residence in England for scientific purposes.

"The plan we intend to follow in the course of this work will, we hope, render it both clear and methodical.

"These inquiries will be sufficient to solve all the most important questions concerning the application of locomotive engines to the draft of loads.

"They will sometimes be necessarily subdivided into several branches, and require calculation and theoretical illustrations, of more or less extent, though always plain and easy, and a series of experiments more or less numerous; but we shall take care to maintain, all along our work, the classification we at present lay down."

SUGAR FROM URINE.-It has long been

"We shall begin by a description of a locomotive engine; and we shall acquaint the reader with the means by which the pressure of steam may be accurately measured, so that, before we go any farther, he will be able to see the elements from which the power of the mover we are to employ is derived. "Our attention will afterwards be direct-ascertained, that the urine of persons afed towards the resistances which that mo- flicted with Diabetes, contained pure sugar. ver must overcome in its motion, so that The following account of a loaf of sugar we shall successively endeavor to discover from such a source, shows that the manuas well the resistance of the waggons, as facture has increased. Indeed, the sugar that which belongs to the engine itself, ei- would, for cheapness of the raw material, ther when it moves alone, or when it draws rival that either from the beet, cane, or Ina load after it. dian corn; but unfortunately, Diabetes is a disease of rare occurrence, and with the exception of a few local instances, we are convinced that the supply from this source may be considered as absolutely nothing.

AUBURN AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD.-The Report of E. F. Johnson, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad, will be found in this number of the Jour-pass to the general theory of the movement


PAMBOUR ON LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES, ON RAILWAYS.-We have received a valuable work, by the Chevalier de Pambour, on Locomotive Engines. It is the result of a series of experiments, recently made by him in England, with a view of obtaining more correct information in relation to the power

"These points first established, we shall

of locomotive engines, and we shall lay
down the formulæ by which to determine,
a priori, either the speed the engine will ac-
quire with a given load, the load it will
draw at a given speed, or the proportions
which are to be adopted in its construction
10 make it answer any intended purpose.

"After that, we shall have to consider
several additional dispositions proper to the

M. Peligot, a chemist, has presented to the Societie Philomathique a loaf of sugar, which he had extracted from the urine of a patient now in the hospital of La Charite, afflicted with the Saccharine Diabetes.This man voids about 20 quarts of urine a day, of which 5 parts in every 100 is su gar.


GENTLEMEN,-In compliance with instructions, I present herewith a statement of operations in the Engineer Department of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad for the past year.

It appears from the above that nearly two thirds of the whole extent of the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad is straight line, the relative amount of straight line being but 12 per cent. less than upon the Utica and Schenectady road. The mini.

TO THE PRESIDENT, DIRECTORS, AND COM-|| A greater width was deemed desirable, but PANY OF THE AUBURN AND SYRACUSE RAIL- as the Auburn and Syracuse road is to be a link in the same chain with the roads mentioned, it was concluded to adopt the stand. ard which had been established on those roads. The timber for the railway is to be de-mum radius of curvature, on the former, is livered, the most of it, the coming fall, and The Engineer Department of the Auburn the balance early in the season following. and Syracuse Railroad was organized, and The distance from the principal depot, in surveys commenced, in April, 1835. The the village of Auburn, to the site of the measurements, examinations, &c., prepara- contemplated depot in the village of Syratory to the final location, occupied the succuse, is 25.73 miles. ceeding six months. On the 15th day of October, 1835, proposals were received for the grading, bridges, and culverts, including the labor and materials of every description necessary to complete the roadbed.

In December and January, the excavation was commenced on a few of the more expensive sections, with a view of advancing the work upon them, and to avoid thereby any delay in the opening of the road, which would result from those sections not being completed in the proper time with the others.

The advantages anticipated from this course have not, in consequence of the extraordinary deep snows, and severity of the past winter, been fully realized.

Much work has, however, been done. The first payment to contractors was made on the first of January, since which time, three successive payments have been made. The work is now rapidly progressing, on most of the sections. The remainder will be commenced as soon as the company have acquired a title to the land, which it is believed will not be long, as the legal measures for effecting that object, rendered necessary in those cases where the parties fail to effect a compromise, are in a train of execution.

It is proper to state, that the sections of the road on which the work is not now actually progressing, are, with one or two exceptions, of the lighter and less expensive character, and the delay in obtaining the land will not therefore prove as serious an inconvenience, as it might under different circumstances.

The contractors are efficient, business men, of much experience in their profession, and well recommended upon other works where they have been engaged.

The total descent in that distance is 271 feet, making an average descent, supposing the inclination of the road to be uniform, of 10.54 feet per mile.

The maximum inclination of the grade line is 30 feet per mile. This extends only 8600 feet, or 13 miles, and occurs on the west side of the valley of the nine mile creek.

There are in the whole length of the road 31 changes in the inclination of the grade line, to adapt it, in the best manner, to the shape of the ground. These changes vary from a level to the maximum above stated.

1000 feet, the curves ranging generally be. tween 1500 and 5000 feet radius. In those places where the inclination of the grade line is greatest, curves of a lesser radius have been avoided.

In passing from one straight line to another, the transition, instead of being made as usual, by a single arc of a circle, has in general been effected by three or more arcs. the radii of the extreme arcs being greater than the middle, or intermediate ones.This gives an approximation to the elliptic or parabolic curve. The engine and train, on entering a curve of this description, encounters the resistance caused by the change in direction gradually, being less liable to be thrown from the track, and on leaving the curve, the acceleration in the motion, on being relieved from the resistance, is likewise rendered more gradual. The method adopted in tracing the curves, rendered this arrangement perfectly feasible, and afforded a line in general better adapted to the shape of the ground.

There is, in general, the same average descent on all portions of the line. This appears from the fact, that the grade line of the road does not depart from a line of The principal depot in Auburn is situated uniform inclination further, on the average, near the site of the State Prison. This than 10 feet. The maximum being pre-point is favorably located for uniting with cisely 24 feet. the contemplated road running west to Rochester and Buffalo.

The several consecutive inclinations are united by vertical curves, of a large radius, to render the transition of the carriages and engines from one to the other as easy, and with as little resistance as possible.

The total amount of straight line and curves is exhibited in a tabular form as follows:

Straight line,

Curved do. radius, 10,000 ft.
and over,

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Miles. 15.976

5000 ft. to 10,000 ft., 2.670
3000 ft. to 5000 ft. 2.394
1500 ft. to 3000 ft., 3.067
1000 ft. to 1500 ft., 1.248 9.758



Comparing this with the Utica and Schenectady Railroad, which is among the most

favorable in respect to straightness, and

From this depot the road is to be extended to the termination of the Auburn and Owasco Canal, to accommodate the hy draulic power which will soon be created at that point.

In proceeding from Auburn easterly, the line of the road passes, at the distance of 5 miles, near the village of Brutus. At the distance of 8 miles it crosses the outlet of Skaneateles Lake, 4 miles north of Skaneateles village, and 1 miles south of the village of Elbridge. At the distance of 15 miles from Auburn, and 102 miles from Syracuse, it crosses, by an embankment, the valley of the nine mile creek, at a point two miles north of Marcellus village.

From thence it passes along the east side of the creek, intersecting the Seneca turnpike near the village of Camillus, and

thence occupying ground midway between the turnpike and the Erie canal, through Per centage of straight the village of Geddes, to its termination on the south side of the canal, in the village of Syracuse.

line and curve.

In January last, proposals were received, and contracts made, for the delivery of the the result is as follows:— timber for the railway, or superstructure, sufficient to construct a single track. These contracts were made on favorable terms, and it is believed with responsible men, and no apprehensions of failure are entertained. White Cedar and Red, or Norway Pine, is the timber proposed to be used. The rail timbers are to be exclusively of the lat ter material.

The width proposed for the rail track is the same as upon the Utica and Schenectady, and Mohawk and Hudson Railroads.

Straight line,
Curved do. radius,
10,000 ft. and over,
5000 to 10,000 ft.,
3000 to 5000 ft.,
1500 to 3000 ft.,
1000 to 1500 ft.,
700 to 1500 ft.,


Auburn and Utica and
Syracuse Schenectad.


[blocks in formation]

The difference, in the distance from Auburn to Syracuse, between the railroad and turnpike, is less than half of a mile, the turnpike being the shortest.

The ground on which the Railroad is lo cated, was selected with the greatest caro, and it is confidently asserted that no other Railroad can be made between the same extreme points which can compete with it

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